Read A Wolf's Pride Online

Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #paranormal romance, #werewolf, #werewolf romance

A Wolf's Pride (22 page)

BOOK: A Wolf's Pride
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I’m sorry sir,
but I had to see you immediately. I would have contacted you sooner
and in any other way that I could have if you hadn’t implemented a
strict policy of radio silence.”

We don’t want
to scare off the wolves Robert, you know they have a superior sense
of hearing. If we were sneaking up on one and the radio were to go
off then they would flee or assault us. Like I said, the rules are
there for a reason.”

I know that

Then what are
you doing here in explicit disregard of them?”

It’s about
your daughter sir,” Robert began feeling increasingly anxious about
the news he had to deliver. Harry was a harsh man, one who didn’t
believe in the concept of not shooting the messenger, instead
adhering to his own belief of shooting not only the messenger but
whoever had sent him in the first place.

Harry’s eyes
narrowed, as did those of his sons, Chloe wasn’t to be discussed by
members of their organisation, that was another rule. While Harry
and his sons ensured that all those under their command were aware
of who she was and what she looked like lest they come across her
and mistake her for a wolf, the men weren’t allowed to talk about
her in any greater depth than that. “What about Chloe?” Harry
growled menacingly.

Robert gulped
in fear but realised that now he had started there was no going
back. “I’m sorry to say this sirs but she’s been taken by the

A moment of
stunned silence passed after Robert’s declaration before Harry
bellowed, “What!” The voices of Jonathan, Christian and Daniel
echoed the sentiments of their father but were drowned out by
Harry. Robert physically shook in fear as his commander’s face
began to turn red in anger but he stood his ground, the high
commander needed to know what had happened. “Explain yourself,”
Harry demanded, grabbing the other man by the throat. Harry’s
violet eyes shone malevolently and another frisson of fear ran
through Robert as he looked into their odd depths. “I told you to
explain yourself Robert, so explain.”

A few days
ago, I was returning from a reconnaissance mission and stopped off
in a diner to get something to eat.”

Get to the
point,” Christian demanded, his voice serious now that there was a
chance his sister was in danger.

I saw Chloe
eating a meal with a man, I thought it strange. She wasn’t in the
state and you’re usually very fastidious about informing us as to
her whereabouts.” Harry nodded in agreement; he was very conscious
of his daughter’s vulnerability and ensured that when she wasn’t
near him or her brothers, members of his organisation were watching
out for her safety. “She looked nervous so I went to talk to her. I
let her know who I was, that I knew you and her brothers. After a
moment’s hesitation she told me that a man claiming to be a wolf
had abducted her, she clearly didn’t believe him. I only had to
take one look at him to know that he had told her the truth, his
eyes were wild, amber.”

What happened
next?” Jonathan demanded.

He looked at
my neck and claimed that I was a hunter, confirming his identity. I
asked him if he was aware of what he was doing in taking Chloe, he
laughed claiming that he was taking his ‘mate’ home with him.” All
those present gasped, horrified, the same thought running through
their minds. Chloe was human, she couldn’t possibly be mated to a
monster, did that mean the man going to bite Chloe, turning her
into the very creature they were sworn to hunt?

Tell me you
tried to stop him,” Daniel growled, approaching Robert menace and
the promise of violence etched into his normally calm

Of course I
did, I took out my weapon and took aim but he was too

Was Chloe
hurt?” Harry pressed, his grip tightening.

No. The man
moved away from her before things got physical almost as though
anticipating the fight and trying to shield her from

The man is a
monster, why would he try to protect Chloe? She’s human,” Jonathan

Robert chose
not to answer, he knew what he’s seen and that was how he had
interpreted the man’s actions. The man seemed convinced that Chloe
was his mate and hadn’t wanted anything to separate

Harry shook
Robert bringing him back to the present. “What happened

We fought, I
lost. Chloe had run at some point and he ran after her. I lost
consciousness soon after he left.”

You said this
happened a few days ago,” Harry began, his voice dangerous. “Why
didn’t you contact us sooner? Anything could have happened to

I tried sirs,
but like I said, the order of radio silence prevented me from
reaching you.” Harry cursed. His daughter, his baby girl was in the
hands of a monster. “There’s more sir,” Robert gulped.

More?” Harry’s
voice was flabbergasted. How could there be more? Things couldn’t
possibly get worse.

When I arrived
in town I went to her apartment, hoping that she’d have escaped him
when she ran from the diner but none of her things are there. I
spoke to the landlord; he said that she’d left him a letter saying
she was moving. A man paid for the remainder of her tenancy and a
moving van had come to collect her things. The school where she was
meant to be working received a letter of resignation as well. The
man who’s taken her seems intent on keeping her for the long

snarled, throwing Robert aside. “How is this possible? Chloe,” he
groaned sadly. “Jonathan, Christian, Daniel, I want you to check
Robert’s story. See if she’s moved out and resigned from her job. I
don’t know what that wolf was thinking, but he’s going to regret
it. No one hurts my daughter and gets away with it. We need to be
better than ever if we’re going to get her back, he’s probably
taken her to those fucking hidden clans. Everything that came
before now is going to seem like child’s play once I’m finished.
That wolf has just signed the extermination warrant for his entire
species. I don’t care what needs to be done, just get her back.”
His sons rushed to fulfil his orders leaving Harry alone with his

he decided.
kidnapping is nothing less than an invitation for all out war. And
I intend to be the victor, my daughter’s life is at stake, I can’t
do anything less.



poured through the windows, warm rays finding the exposed parts of
Chloe’s skin and heating it gently. As she shifted restlessly, she
moved her face directly into one of the bright beams. The intense
light across her eyelids began to rouse her and her eyes fluttered
open, a hand automatically rising to shield her eyes from the
intense rays. Rubbing the last remnants of sleep from her eyes, it
took her a moment to get her bearings and when she did she realised
that Ryan wasn’t sleeping beside her. Her second night at the
estate had gone much like the first; Ryan had insisted that she
sleep with him. Remembering the feel of his fingers on her skin as
his hand slid along her thigh during their date, she had felt
anxious about undressing in front of him. Her attempts to change in
privacy had encountered stiff resistance from him and she had
eventually given up, eager to fall into the comfort of the sheets
and willing to defer the argument about privacy to another night
when she wasn’t so tired. He had watched her change with hungry
eyes, his hands clenching convulsively as though it were a struggle
not to touch her and she shivered slightly at the memory. Despite
that he had kept his hands to himself and hadn’t tried to touch her
in a sexual manner choosing instead to bundle her close to the
warmth of his bare chest and encourage her to sleep.

Shrugging off
the memories of the previous night, she shed the duvet and got out
of bed. His rich smell instantly surrounded her and she turned,
expecting to find him behind her. He wasn’t there and she realised
that she was simply inhaling the scent his clothes radiated. Her
own belongings had yet to arrive and Ryan hadn’t seen fit to
provide her with female bed clothes telling her that he much
preferred to see her sleeping dressed in his clothes. The smell of
cooked food had her walking away from the bed and through the room
until she reached a small table with what she presumed was her
breakfast and a note that she guessed was from Ryan. She reached
for the letter first, a smile growing on her face as she read its

Good morning

I’m sorry I
had to leave early, but apparently I’m needed elsewhere. I tried to
get out of it but no joy. As you enjoyed my cooking so much last
night, I made breakfast for you. I expect you to eat all of it.
I’ll know if you haven’t. I’ve had words with the guards and they
know the respect that you’re to be given and the consequences for
even attempting to harm you. You’re free to explore the estate and
its grounds or stay in our room and wait for me to come back, the
choice is up to you. If you do choose to go exploring and some
idiot tries anything funny, scream long and loud and I’ll be there
before you know it. Either way, I’ll see you soon, there’s
somewhere I want to take you.


Her gaze
wandered to the food he had prepared, eyeing it with suspicion.
There wasn’t an extraordinary amount of food there and she sighed
in relief. Ryan might consider her to be physically beautiful,
perfect in his words, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t conscious of
her weight especially when she seemed to be surrounded by women who
could easily be models with their slender physiques and beautiful
faces. Sitting down she began to eat, her mind vacilitating between
staying within the safety of the chamber and exploring the limits
of her freedom. Her independent streak eventually won and when she
was finished eating and dressed in the limited selection of clothes
available to her she left the room determined to

As soon as
she left the room, she was bowled over by a man who was rushing
along the halls. She winced as her bottom connected with the hard
floor, drawing his attention.

Lady Chloe,”
he gasped, stunned at what he had done. “I’m sorry, so sorry,” he
repeated as he helped her to her feet.

She winced
slightly at his firm grip, rubbing at her wrist as soon as he
released her. “It’s just Chloe thanks and it wasn’t your fault, it
was an accident right?”

Yes, but Lord
Ryan said…” He shuddered at the memory.

Confused at
the look of terror on his face, Chloe pressed, “What did Ryan

The man
gulped. “He said that if any of us were to harm you he would rip
out our intestines and use them to strangle us.”

Ouch,” Chloe
When Ryan said he would have words
with them he meant it.
The confirmation of
his words and reaffirmation of his protection was comforting,
violent and slightly disturbing, but still comforting.
“Descriptive. Don’t worry, like I said it was an accident. I’m not
going to tell him, I don’t even know your name to drop you in it so
stop worrying.”

You don’t need
to know my name, he knows my scent. He’s going to kill me,
especially if he sees a bruise or some other sort of

I’ll talk to
him then. Please don’t worry, I wouldn’t want anyone getting hurt
because of me.”

He frowned.
“You’re very kind Lady Chloe.”

You look like
you expected me to be otherwise.”

I didn’t
really know what to expect. Yes, you’re Lord Ryan’s mate but you
were raised my hunters.”

It was her
turn to frown. “I don’t understand why everyone here has such a
grudge against my family. You’ve never even met them.”

And I wouldn’t
want to.” His body shuddered. “Thank you for being so
understanding. I have to be going.”

Of course,”
she smiled waving him off. “Go on, I’m just taking a walk about.”
The man shot off and when he did Chloe saw that he wasn’t the only
one that was in a hurry. The hall that had been almost empty
yesterday was suddenly filled with people, all of whom were rushing
about frantically.

She was
careful to stay close to the wall as she made her way along the
corridor with no particular destination in mind. She tried to trace
the path to the balcony where she had had dinner with Ryan the
previous night. Helen and Alice had guided her the first time but
she was sure that she could find it unaided. She was wrong. Twenty
minutes later she was no closer to finding the destination, which
had been a maximum of five minutes from her room. She cursed, “This
place is too big. How does anyone find anything around

With years of
practice,” Ryan cooed in her ear.

She jumped
startled, her hand clutching her chest as her heart beat
frantically within. “This sneaking up on people that you and your
brother are into has got to stop. One of these days you’re going to
kill me.”

He laughed,
but the cheerful sound ended quickly. His eyes narrowed, focusing
on her wrist. “Chloe,” he ground out between clenched teeth. “Is
there something you want to tell me?”

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