A Wolf of Wall Street (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: A Wolf of Wall Street (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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“So you can harass more business men?” His eyebrow rose and my face flushed in embarrassment.


“That’s none of your business.”


“It is when it’s me who you are harassing.” He had a lopsided grin on his face, one of those sardonic smiles that was patronizing yet left you wondering what was so damn funny to him.


“It’s my constitutional right.”


He sighed “Of
it is.”


I bristled at his tone “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Why is that always the backup reply when people don’t have a real reason for why they do what they do?”


“And what’s your reason for what
did during this economic crisis?”


Justin shrugged. “Because it made me more money.”


"You're an asshole." I snorted “But at least you’re an honest ass.”


"People say it's my third best feature." Justin shifted both my wrists into one hand and rested his free hand on my hip. “You’re a feisty little thing aren’t you?”


Fighting to hide my arousal, I shifted away from his hand only to run into his thigh. His hand clamped onto my lower back to prevent me from tipping over his leg and falling to the ground again. With the movement, the shine of my necklace caught his attention.


“What's that?” He frowned as he gently pulled the chain out from under my coat. His thumb caressed the gold pendant and a shockwave tingled through my body. I felt a familiar gush of warmth and licked my lips without realizing it. “Where did you get this?” His eyes narrowed.


Defensively, I pulled back. “I found it.”




“Why do you care?”


“Where, Marie?”


I gasped “How do you know my name?”


He ignored my question. “Where did you get this Marie?” He growled, giving me a little shake.


“In the park.” What did it matter to him? It was just some stupid necklace he could buy on a whim.


“Which one?” His tone was even but his eyes demanded the truth.


I couldn't keep hiding the truth from him. “Zuccotti.” I finally admitted.


But somehow, the answer didn't satisfy him. He pulled me closer. “When?”




“Dammit Marie!” His hand squeezed my wrists together. I could feel the bones rubbing against each other.


“You’re scaring me!”


And suddenly I was free. He took a deep breath and put his hands on his hips. I couldn’t stop myself from staring in the direction his fingers were pointing to. As soon as I did, I pulled my gaze to his face and ignored his look of amusement. “When did you find that necklace Marie?” He asked calmly.


“A couple of weeks ago.”


He stared at me and the silenced stretched between us. I looked away first, glancing down the street.


“I need to go.”


“There’s something I need to tell you.”


I turned back towards him and crossed my arms. “There’s nothing you need to tell me. I don’t even know how all this happened.”


He stepped into my personal space. I put my hands up to ward off his approach but it didn’t seem to work. “It’s important.”


I snorted and brought my hands to my hips as I looked up into his towering face. “I don't think so.”


“That's where you're wrong.” He insisted, his arms looping through mine and pulling me closer by my lower back.


My finger stabbed into his chest. “Look. We have nothing to talk about. So back off!”


His lips twitched. “Ok then let’s not talk at all.” He said before his lips descended on mine.


Heat flared and conflicting emotions flooded me. My mind screamed
“This is wrong, wrong, wrong.”
Yet my arms found their way around his hard torso and my body purred
“Oh yes baby, give me more.”
My nipples and pussy flared to life and shrieked
“Pick me! Pick me!”


When he pulled back to end the kiss, I followed his lips, aching for more. His chuckle brought me crashing back to reality and my cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment. I've never felt more like a slut my entire life.


Justin casually rubbed my lip gloss off his bottom lip and took a step back. “Ok gorgeous, have it your way. We’ll talk later.”


I watched dumfounded as he casually walked away before his words registered. My fists clenched as I yelled after him “It’ll be a cold day in hell!”


“I’ll bring my parka.” He replied as he nodded to his driver and got into the back seat of his town car.


All night I was haunted by erotic dreams of Justin. The way dream Justin took me again and again told me that my subconscious had no issues with a dominant lover. Every time I woke up I fought the urge to masturbate. With three hundred of your closest friends sleeping mere feet away, let me tell you there is no way in hell you can get away with masturbating in public.


Needless to say, when I finally dragged my sleep-deprived carcass out of my sleeping bag Saturday morning, I needed coffee. And a vibrator.


Unable to completely open my eyes, my nose followed the scent of coffee to the cup held in front of me. Have I mentioned that I love Carly?


“Thank you sweetie.” I mumbled and took the cup.


“No problem beautiful.” Justin’s warm caramel tones this early in the morning jolted me awake, my eyes flared open and I nearly dropped my coffee cup. That would have been a heinous crime.


I looked him up and down, taking in the jeans and long sleeve coat under the leather jacket.
Hmm, he might be able to pass himself as one of us, if his face weren't plastered on every protest poster
. I gave him my best ice cold bitch glare but the ice in my eyes were cracking from the bubbling heat underneath. “What are you doing here?”


For the first time, I saw Justin smile, actually showing teeth smile and it dazzled me. “You’re not a morning person are you?”


I sniffed, pointing my nose daintily in the air. “Actually I am. I just didn’t sleep very well last night.”




I blushed “No.”


“Oh?” His expression was interested,


“You try sleeping outside and see if you can get a good night’s sleep.” I snapped.


Justin shrugged. “It’s not too bad actually.”


My jaw practically dragged on the ground. “You’ve slept outside?


He looked affronted. “You say that like it's impossible.”


“It is.” I stuttered “You’re Justin Blankenship. Executive Banker and Wall Street Gazillionaire.”


“Billionaire.” He corrected. "Gazillionaires don't exist."


“You know what I meant.”


The sardonic smile hung on his lips. I resisted the urge to fan myself. “Drink your coffee.”


I looked down at the coffee dubiously.


“I didn’t poison it, if that’s what you’re wondering about.” He said.


“Is it black, like your heart?” I could've said something cleverer, but given the circumstances...


His growl was unmistakable, and prolonged. “It’s a hazelnut latte. Same thing you get every morning.”


I glanced up at his black expression “How do you know what I get every morning?”


“I’m observant.” He turned and started to walk away from the rest of the protesters “Come, I want to talk to you.”


I stopped dead “I’m not a dog, you can’t just order me around.”


He rubbed his hand over his face. “
He put on his Wall Street tone. The tone that said he wasn't about to take "No" for an answer.


“Ok fine let’s go for a walk.”


We walked in silence, Justin still brooding and I felt the overwhelming urge to comfort him. I reached over and squeezed his hand. “Thank you for the coffee.” His palm turned and he laced our fingers together, tying us together and squeezed my hand back. Surprisingly, that one gesture made him look a hundred times better.


“So what are the protestors' plans today?” He asked me. I was shocked by the change in subject.


“What? I thought you had something to tell me. Why are you making small talk?”


“Lost my nerve.” He muttered “Can we just pretend we’re a normal couple for a bit?”


“We’re not a couple.”


Justin fell silent and pulled his hand away. I felt strangely bereft without it and immediately grabbed his hands, tangling our fingers together again. “I need a shower so I plan on going to the gym and having a shower. Other than that, we have a rally at two today.”


Justin opened his mouth to say something but clamped it shut again, getting a hard look in his eyes.


“What is it?” I asked.


“Nothing. You’re gonna think I’m a jerk.”


I squeezed his hand “I already think you’re an asshole. A jerk is a vast improvement.” I teased. There was that lopsided grin again.


“You can shower at my place.”


I pulled him to a stop and turned to face him. “Why would I need to shower at your place when my gym membership is already paid for?”


He shook his head and pointed at the necklace. “That's why.”


After a pause, I laughed “What? What are you talking about?”


“No I’m not. Look, keep an open mind and just come to my place where you can have a shower and I'll explain it all.”


I shook my head “If you have something to explain, you can explain here. I’m not going anywhere alone with you.”


"Is that your decision?"




"Your final one?"


"Y--" Before I could finish, his hand grabbed mine and pulled me into his hulking frame. The necklace grew warm and the pendant felt like it was burning into my skin. Before I realized what was happening, his lips were pressed against mine again, as he pulled me in and kissed me senselessly, swaying me without words. How could I deny what my drumming heart wanted?


As the elevator rose to the penthouse suite in a fifth avenue apartment complex, because anything else would be gauche, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. Even in his jeans and leather jacket, he looked no less powerful then when he wore his high priced suits. My libido was ready to eat him up and from the heated looks he was giving me, I was pretty sure he wasn’t far behind.


When we entered the penthouse, he surprised me by simply leading me to the bathroom and pointing out where the towels were, instead of jumping my bones in the front entrance. I hesitated. Had I read him wrong? Did he not want me?


My hesitation lasted all of two minutes when he came back into the bathroom with an extra set of towels over his arm. “Why aren’t you showering?”


“I… I don’t know.” I responded.


“Here let me help you out of your clothes.”


Before I could move, I was topless and my pants had been pulled down to my ankles “Hey!” I exclaimed as I tried to cover the important bits.

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