A Witch and Her Man (Jeff and Gail) (11 page)

BOOK: A Witch and Her Man (Jeff and Gail)
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"How bad?" Stella asked as she approached and stood over them.


"Bad," one of the women answered.


Stella fell to her knees before the two and began to chant. The two kneeling women waved their hands over the bleeding wounds, both of them in the chest area, and joined Stella in her chant.


Jeff watched the chanting women as he placed his arm around Gail.


"I won't even ask, at least not right now, why you just happened to be here, Jeffery. I'm glad you were in any case, even if you were spying on me. How much of the ritual did you see?"


"All of it."


"So what do you think? Did it change your mind about becoming a Wiccan?"


"As I told you before, Gail, I kill people and break things. That's part of my job. I don't think that agrees with your rules now, does it? How does it go? Something about harm none? You have a lot of questions to answer, young lady. We'll talk later."


He watched, amazed. The bleeding of the two fallen comrades stopped and the wounds began to close. Shivers ran up and down his spine. He sensed something touch him but looking around, there was nothing.


"What the hell..." he started.


"Shhh," Gail cautioned, placing a finger to her lips. "You might disturb the process."


His jaw dropped open when he saw the wounds began to scab over and heal. The eyes of first the woman and then the man began to flutter. At last, the woman smiled and sat up. The man followed suit. They were still weak so their friends helped them to their feet.


"I don't understand. Both of them looked to be dying or at best gravely wounded," he said, shaking his head.


"You probably never will understand, Jeff, unless you become a true believer." Gail smiled and tilted her head up so she could look into Jeff's eyes.


Changing the subject, he said, "I guess that we can all go back to our cars now. I'll go with you and watch out along the way to make sure you don't have any more visitors. And put some clothes on, Gail. You're driving me nuts," he added.


"I thought you liked my body, especially naked. Besides, it's not like you haven't seen it before," she teased.


Spluttering, he answered, "This is not the time or place, now go get dressed." He gave her a gentle shove to send her on her way.


Gail, along with the others, started putting on their street clothes. For a moment he watched her slip on her clothes, starting with her scanty thongs, and then looked away. A full bottle of wine remained along with a partial bottle and some cakes that would be left as an offering. She picked up the full bottle and as she walked past Omar, raised one eyebrow in question.


"May I have this?" she asked Omar. Looking at Jeff, she continued, "You may have had sex tonight but I haven't. I've only been teased. I intend to change that by first seducing and then fucking this man until he can't walk. The wine is simply to help set the mood," Gail finished with a deep lust filled chuckle and a wink.


Omar laughed, "Sure Gail, take it. That is the least we can offer to our white knight."


They scattered the flour, causing it to blend in, erasing the pentacle completely. The altar was disassembled and the fires were snuffed out. One of the women dug a hole by the altar and poured the contents of the partial bottle of wine in it. She topped this with the cakes and stood. The offering having been left, she brushed the dirt from her hands against her bare thighs and went to don her street clothes with the others.


"Once I get you safely to your cars, I'll return and dispose of these bodies," he addressed Omar and pointed at the two dead men.


"Leave them, the Goddess and God will take care of them," Omar stated with confidence.


Jeff looked at him skeptically but Omar seemed very sure. "Whatever you say, Omar." He planned on returning after everyone was safely away.


With one last inspection, Omar nodded and the group set out toward their cars. He, Omar and Stella were the last to leave the clearing. Looking back, they smiled as they saw a pack of ten wolves enter the clearing. Wolves in these parts were almost unheard of, yet here they were.


He was still a little concerned about the bodies until Omar put his mind at ease. "Trust me. We have great rapport with animals. One of our many abilities. When the wolves are done, there will be nothing left. They will even scatter the bones."


Everyone had left except him and Gail. He tapped on her driver's window and she lowered it. "Go back to your house. I'll follow. We have a lot to discuss, young lady."


"I'll see you at home." She raised her window ending further conversation.




Chapter 6


He followed Gail back to her house. Once they were inside, she took his hand and led him into the kitchen. When she had seated him at the table, she took the wine bottle from the ritual and poured out two glasses. Gail handed him one glass and downed the other in a single gulp. She poured herself another and slid onto his lap.


"So, my knight in shining armor, why were you spying on me?"


"It's not like that, Gail. I was coming over to see you and saw you pulling away. It's just my natural instinct to be curious, especially when you started taking deserted country roads in the middle of the night alone. I'm glad I did though. I think those two gunmen found you by following one of the other members of your coven. Now it's my turn to ask questions. Starting with, where is Greta?"


Gail averted her eyes. "Probably home. She left before it got dark."


He swallowed the curse he wanted to say. "You were alone all evening? And why would she leave you here alone?"


"Uh… um."


"That's not an answer, Gail."


"Okay. I told her you called while she was in the shower. I told her you were on your way and she could go ahead and leave because you'd join me in ten minutes. She wanted to wait but I was pretty insistent."


"Uh huh. But you had no idea I was coming, did you?"


"No," she mumbled.


"So, why did you lie to her and send her away?"


"Since she's been here, I haven't been able to do ritual. She wouldn't understand. The Grand Rite ceremony, the one you saw tonight, is very important to me. I couldn't take her there. Jeff, I'm feeling smothered here. I can't stand it." She broke into tears.


He pulled her into his arms. "Just a little longer, dear. I think things are coming to a head on your case. I think I'll get to the source of the threats soon."


"I'm sorry. I know I was wrong to do this, but…"


"Just don't do it again. Please."


"Okay, please stop. I've been duly chastised… dad. I'm not some little girl who needs to be punished for being bad. I promise I won't do it again. Still mad at me?


He shook his head and a glimmer of a smile touched his lips.


Satisfied, Gail asked sarcastically, "So, are you going to spend the night or are you just passing through?"


"That depends." His hint of a smile changed to a grin. "Is that soft, sweet-smelling pillow available? I think I'm going to have the shakes pretty soon, but if you can get me through it, I'd really like to sleep here."


"Sleep?" Gail asked laughing. "Or something else?"


"Maybe a little of both," he answered and his grin widened.


Gail bounced out of his lap, grabbed the wine bottle and settled back into his lap.


"Then drink up, my knight, because you're not driving anywhere tonight." She laughed as she refilled his glass. "I have an idea and I hope you're going to like it. I'm off work for the next couple of days and I want you to stay here with me. Now don't argue with me or I'll put a spell on you," she teased. "You need to take a couple days and rest, Jeff, because to be honest, you look like shit. So, witches orders, you're going to stay here and rest."


He thought about what he was planning and decided it could wait.
"Okay, I'll stay for a couple of days, but then I need to get back to work."


"I don't know what you've been doing that has worn you out so much and I probably don't want to know, but I'm glad you've decided to stay."


"Let's just say I'm in the process of cleaning up the neighborhood and leave it at that."


He started to shake but Gail's kisses, embrace, warm body and the wine helped them pass quickly. When they had finished the wine, they retired to the bath to take a shower together. He lovingly scrubbed her body, removing the ritual paint and she scrubbed him in return. After they toweled dried, they crawled into bed. The eventful night, the wine and the soothing shower precluded any amorous activities. He nestled his head in his favorite place, she began to brush her hand through his hair and they both drifted to sleep.




Jeff woke Gail with soft kisses on her face, neck and lips. Looking at his watch, he saw it was mid-morning. When her eyes opened, he rolled to his back and pulled her on top of him. He gazed up and fixed his eyes on those fantastic green ones of hers. When he first woke her they had been sleepy, dream filled. Not anymore. To be sure, they were still dreamy looking but a whole different kind of dreamy. The depths and desire glowing in them were part of what made her irresistible.
If I'm a cat, she's catnip. I'm addicted to her so bad it hurts.
He smiled.


God, she is beautiful and so completely fantastic in every way. An angel. God help, I've fallen completely and hopelessly in love with this little witch.


Her words conveyed she had noticed his introspection. "Penny for your thoughts," she said in a low, sexy voice.


He jerked into the present. "Oh, they're worth far more than a penny and you're the main subject."


"Okay, Mister, since you woke me maybe you should give this little witch a dose of wonderful morning sex."


Little witch. She used little witch to describe herself. God, she can't read my mind, can she? Now that is a very scary thought.
"Maybe I should and will."


She leaned down, locking her lips to his. Morning breath? No way. She tasted sweet and marvelous any and every time to him.


The lovemaking that followed the initial kiss was exquisite as always. Although they had known each other for a short time, it was as if they knew every inch of each other's bodies. Just where to touch and stroke, what to do to drive the other mad with desire.


Sunlight filtered through the space between the curtains, illuminating the room in subdued light. Gail looked into his eyes and said, "I guess this little witch better get up and fix her handsome white knight something to eat and drink. Got to build up your strength so we can have a repeat of what we just did this morning." she giggled. With a sigh, Gail slid from the bed.


"Damn, you're an insatiable nymph, Gail. Not that I am complaining, just stating a fact."


She grinned. "All the more reason for me to feed you. So you can take care of the needs of this nymph."


He watched her backside as she padded out of the room, skyclad as usual. Her flaming, red hair hung softly on her shoulders. Her muscular back and legs rippled with each stride. The two tight but soft and wonderfully curvy globes of her ass moved gracefully with each step. They were both heavenly to look at and delightful to touch. "You're beautiful, witchy," he called out.


She stopped at the bedroom door as if frozen there. Over her shoulder she said, "So you've said before. I doubt that it's true but I never tire of hearing you say it, so keep it up, please. It does wonderful things to me."



She knew she had fallen for this sexy hunk of a man. She stubbornly refused to admit it even to herself because there had been so much heartache and hurt in her life, but nonetheless, it was there. Even though she had not said the words to him, she loved this man completely and utterly. His flattery, his deep concern for her safety, the way he was always so nice to her, his take-charge attitude, his acceptance of her beliefs and then of course, his fantastic looks.


She made her hips sway seductively and stepped from the door toward the kitchen.
Eat and drink well, my love, because I have big plans for you later
. A laugh filled with wickedness and lust rolled from her lips when she was safely in the kitchen out of earshot.


The two days passed far too quickly. They exercised on her fitness equipment, listened to music, ate and had passionate sex in every room of her house. One evening they went out in Gail's back yard and pleasured each other in the moonlight under the glittering stars. They slept peacefully in each other's arms. On the morning of the third day, Jeff reluctantly announced he had to go.


"I'd like to remain here forever in your arms, Gail, but unfortunately, I have unfinished business to take care of." He added with a smile, "Besides, I need to leave while I can still walk, you nymph."


"I haven't heard any refusals or complaints from you, Jeffery," she said with a burst of laughter.


He shook his finger at her and reminded, "What did I tell you about the Jeffery shit?"


"I'm not your mom, but you
in trouble. I've got my claws into you and I don't intend to let go."


"I called Greta. She'll be here soon. I haven't told her about your deception the other night."


"Please don't. She'll be very mad at me if you do. Probably hurt, too."


"If you promise me you won't do it again, we can keep it between us."


"I promise."


Greta drove up shortly thereafter. They both greeted her.


"Go ahead and have a seat in the kitchen. I'll be out there soon. I just need to finish saying goodbye to Jeff," Gail told her.


He kissed her briefly but evaded her reaching arms, afraid if they embraced, his departure would be delayed further.


"I'll be back as soon as possible," he promised as he made his way to his car.


"I'll hold you to that promise, Jeff. Be careful and come back to me safely." Tears started to form in her eyes. As she watched his car recede down the street, she whispered into the air. "Blessed Be, Jeff. Goddess, watch over him, please."




Jeff returned to his apartment and began preparing to put his plan in motion. Looking at his watch, he flipped on the television just in time to catch Fred's sermon. His eyes narrowed as he watched the man pound on the pulpit. He turned down the television's volume slightly as the preacher's words of hell and damnation blared out at him. "What a fucked up piece of work and he doesn't even believe his own words. It's all for show to make him richer," he snarled into the air.


His research had revealed many things about Fredrick Collins that were not public knowledge. Fred had a wife and son who were currently in
. From what he had been able to piece together, there was no love lost between them. Mrs. Collins, in fact, would more than likely be happier to get the inheritance than to get Fred.
He had also learned Fred had several girlfriends who kept him entertained with sordid sex.


Try as he might though, he could not discover a reason for Fred to be interested in Gail and her coven. Everything concerning Gail had become vastly important to him. He realized that. He wondered why a small coven of witches many miles away was significant to Fred. They had to be minute and irrelevant in the scheme of things from Fred's standpoint. There were much larger and more publicly known covens close to him. "Why, why, why?" he asked himself repeatedly.


Opening a disposable cell, he made a call.


"Hello," a man answered.


"Hello, H., it's me J.," Jeff told him.


"Hello, J. I trust since you called me on this phone, you don't want a record of this conversation?"


"You got it," Jeff chuckled.


"You know, a lot of us at the company miss you."


"Yeah, I miss a lot of them too. Not the company, but…"


"Yeah, I know. So what can I do for you?"


"I need to borrow your boat. Gotta haul some garbage out to sea."


"You got it, buddy. Do you need some help?"


"No, not this time, friend, but I would appreciate a lift when I get back if that's possible," Jeff said to the man on the other end of the line.

BOOK: A Witch and Her Man (Jeff and Gail)
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