A Wedding For The Greek Tycoon (Greek Billionaires Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: A Wedding For The Greek Tycoon (Greek Billionaires Book 2)
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A breeze came up this time of day, filling the air with the scent of vanilla from the yellow broom growing on the hillsides. He pulled off the road and got out. The cemetery was around the back. Sixteen years ago he and Akis had buried their father next to their mother. They’d been young and their grief had been exquisite. In their need they’d clung to each other.

Vasso walked around and placed the tub of roses in front of the headstone. Then he put a knee down and read what was inscribed on the stone until it became a blur. As if it had been yesterday, he still remembered a conversation they’d had with their father before he’d died.

“You’re only in your teens and you’ll meet a lot of women before you’re grown up. When you find
one, you must treat her like a queen. Your mother was my queen. I cherished and respected her from the beginning. She deserved that because not only was she going to be my wife, she was going to be the mother of our children.”

Tears dripped off Vasso’s chin.

“I’ve found my queen,
but her fear of dying early of the same disease as you has made it impossible for us to be together. I don’t know how you handled it when our mother died, but somehow you lived through the grief. If you could do it, so can I. I’m the big brother. I

“Wouldn’t you know Akis is doing much better than I am because he’s found the love of his life? They’re going to have a baby.” His shoulders heaved. “I’m so happy for them. I want to be happy, too. But the real truth of it is... I
to find a way for that to happen,
otherwise this life no longer makes sense.”

Vasso stayed there until he heard the voices of children playing on the slope below him. That meant school was out for the day. He’d been here long enough and wiped the tears with the side of his arm. It was time to drive back to the house and take stock of what he was going to do with his life from here on out.

Something had to change. To go on mourning for something that wasn’t meant to be was destructive. He had a business to run. One day soon he’d be an uncle to his brother’s child. Vasso intended to love him or her and give all the support he could.

After reaching the car, he drove home with the windows open, taking the lower road that wound along the coastline. As he rounded a curve he saw a cyclist in the far distance. It was a beautiful day. Vasso didn’t wonder that someone was out enjoying the sea air.

But when the helmeted figure suddenly disappeared from sight, Vasso was surprised. There was only one turnoff along this particular stretch of road. It led to his beach house. Curious to know if he had a visitor, or if the cyclist was simply a tourist out sightseeing, he stepped on the gas.

When he reached the turnoff, he came close to having a heart attack. Despite the helmet, Vasso could never mistake that well-endowed figure or those shapely legs headed for his house.

It was Zoe on the bike!

He stayed a few yards behind and watched the beautiful sight in front of him, trying to absorb the fact that she was back on the island.

The way she was pedaling, he could tell she was tired. At some point she must have sensed someone was behind her. When she looked over her right shoulder, she let out a cry and lost control of the bike. In the next second it fell over, taking her with it.

Terrified she could be hurt, Vasso stopped on a dime and jumped out of the car. But she’d recovered before he could reach her and was on her feet. His eyes were drawn to the English printed in blue on her white T-shirt with the high V-neck.
I’d rather be in Greece.

If this was a private message to him, he was receiving it loud and clear. The way she filled it out caused him to tremble.

“Zoe—I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?”

Those shimmering green eyes fastened on him. “Heavens, no. I’m such a klutz.”

She looked so adorable in that helmet and those shorts, he could hardly find his voice. “Of course you’re not. I should have called out or honked so you’d know I was behind you. But to be honest, I thought maybe I was hallucinating to see you in front of me.”

He watched her get back on the bike. “I was coming to visit you.”

His heart pounded like thunder. “This has to be perfect timing because I haven’t been here for several weeks.”

“I probably should have phoned you, but after I got off the ferry earlier, I just decided to come and take my chances.” She flashed him one of those brilliant smiles that melted his insides. “Beat you to the house!”

He had a hundred questions to ask, but whatever the reason that had brought Zoe back to Paxos, he didn’t care. It was enough to see her again. Something was very different. Her whole body seemed to sparkle with life.

She rode toward the house with more vigor than before, convincing him she hadn’t hurt herself. He got back in his car and drove slowly the rest of the way. Zoe reached their destination first and put on the kickstand. She was waiting for him as he parked his car and got out.

“Where are you staying?”

“I don’t know yet. Kyria
Panos let me leave my luggage with her.”

His mind was reeling. “You must be thirsty. Come in the house and we’ll both have a soda.”

Another smile from her turned his insides to butter. “You’re a lifesaver.”

They walked to the back door. Using his remote to let them in the house, he said, “The guest bathroom is behind that door at the far end of the kitchen.”

“Thanks. I’m a mess.”

The most gorgeous mess he’d ever seen. While she disappeared, he took the stairs two at a time to the loft and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. Before she came out, he hurried down to the kitchen in sandals and produced some colas from the fridge for them.

When she emerged she was
the helmet. Her blond hair was attractively disheveled. Vasso wanted to plunge his fingers into it and kiss the very life out of her. Her flushed skin, in fact every single thing about her, was too desirable. But he’d learned a terrible lesson since the day she’d left Greece. He’d pushed her too hard, too soon, and wouldn’t be making that mistake again.

He handed her a drink. “Welcome back to Greece.” He clicked his can against hers and swallowed half the contents in one long gulp. “I like your T-shirt.”

“The second I saw it, I had to have it and bought it from Kyria
Panos earlier. She let me change shirts in her bathroom.”

“You’ve made a friend there.”

She sipped her drink. “Everyone is a friend on this island. Gus waved to me from the bus while I was riding on the road to your house.”

“I take it you haven’t seen Yiannis yet.”

“No. If I couldn’t find you, I was planning to bike to the center.”

“You look wonderful in those shorts, Zoe.”

She blushed. “Thank you.”

“I’m used to seeing you in skirts and dresses.”

“I know. They make a nice change. You look wonderful, too.”

He didn’t know how long he could resist crushing her in his arms, but he needed answers. “Shall we go out on the deck?”

“I’d love it.”

They walked over to the sliding doors. She sat on one of the loungers while he pulled a chair around next to her. “Tell me what happened when you went back to New York.”

He listened as she gave him an account. They were both circling the giant elephant standing on the deck, but he needed to let her guide this conversation if he wanted to know the reason she’d come back. If she was only here for a few days, he couldn’t bear it.

“While I was there, I had to go in for my six-weeks checkup.”

This was too much. Vasso broke out in a cold sweat and got up, too restless to sit still. He turned on his heel. “Were you given a death sentence and a date? Is that why you’re here? To thank me one more time and say a final goodbye?”

“Vasso—” She paled and shot to her feet.

“Because if you are, I could have done without this visit. You know damn well why I asked you to marry me. Can you possibly understand the pain you’ve inflicted by turning up here now?” The words had gushed out. He couldn’t take them back.

“Do you want to hear the exact quote I got from my doctor?”

“Actually I don’t.” She seemed determined to tell him, but he couldn’t go through this agony again and started for the doorway into the house.

She followed him. “He said, ‘There’s no recurrence of cancer, Zoe. I’m giving you another clean bill of health. In people like you with none of the other complicating factors, it’s possible you’ll live a full life.’”

Vasso wheeled around. “But you still don’t believe him.”

“You didn’t let me finish. I told him about you and me.”

He closed his eyes tightly. “Go on.”

“The doctor said, ‘You’re a damn fool if you don’t fly back there and tell him yes. I don’t want to see you in my office again unless you have a wedding ring on your finger’!” Zoe moved closer to him.

“Little did he know he was speaking to the converted. After being the recipient of a miracle, I realized I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn’t embrace life fully. He reminded me that we are all facing a death sentence in life, but most of us don’t have a time frame.

“Vasso—I came back because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You have to know I love you to the depths of my being. I want to have children with you. I want the privilege of being called Kyria Giannopoulos, the wife who has a husband like no other in existence.

“You have no idea how handsome and spectacular you are. I lost my breath the first time I laid eyes on you, and I’ve never completely recovered. You’re probably going to think I’m crazy, but I’m thankful I came down with the disease. It brought me to you. If you’ll ask me again to marry you, I promise to make you happy because I’m the happiest woman alive to be loved by you.”

He could feel the ice melting around his heart. “So you don’t think I want you to be my wife because I feel responsible for you?”

“No, darling. I only said that because I was so afraid you couldn’t love me the way I loved you. I know you’re not perfect, but you are to me,” her voice trembled.

“Then come here to me and show me.”

She flew into his arms. When he felt them wind around his neck, he carried her in the house and followed her down on the couch. “
Agape mou...
I’m so in love with you I thought I was going to die when I read your letter.

“You’re the woman my father was talking about. You’re
one. I knew it when you walked in the center’s office bringing spring with you. I’ll never forget that moment. The fierce beating of my heart almost broke my rib cage. You’re so sweet and so funny and so fun and so endearing and so beautiful and so kind and so compassionate all at the same time. I love you,” he cried. “
I love you, Zoe.”

He broke off telling her all the things she meant to him because her mouth got in the way. That luscious mouth that thrilled him in ways he’d never even dreamed possible. They couldn’t get enough of each other. Her body melted against him. Their legs entwined and they forgot everything except the joy of loving each other at last.

If it hadn’t been for his phone ringing, he didn’t know when they would have surfaced. He let it ring because he had to do something else first.

“Maybe you should get that. It could be important,” she whispered against his jaw.

“I’m pretty sure it’s Akis calling to find out if I’m all right.”

A frown marred her lovely features. “He loves you so much.”

“I almost lost it when I read your letter. Akis found me here two days later. Just so he won’t worry and come flying over here to find out if I’m still alive, just answer me one question, then I’ll listen to the message. Will you marry me, Thespinis
Zachos? We’ve already been through the sickness and health part. Will you be my love through life? I adore you.”

Her eyes glistened with tears. “You already know my answer. I have a secret. The morning I got off the plane and found you waiting to pick me up at the airport, I wanted to be your wife. I couldn’t imagine anything more wonderful.” She buried her face in his neck. “You just don’t know how much I love you.”

He gave her another fierce kiss before getting up to find his phone on the table. “It’s from my brother.”

“Call him so he won’t worry. I’ll wait right here for you.”

Without listening to the message, he called him back.

“Thanks for returning my call, bro.”

“I’m glad you phoned. How would you like to be the best man at my wedding?”


“She’s back and we’re getting married as soon as we can.”

Akis let out a sound of pure joy then shouted the news to Raina who was in the background and gave her own happy cry. “Tell that Zoe I love her already.”

Vasso stared down at her. “I will. She’s easy to love.”

“I only have one piece of advice. Remember what

He knew. Treat Zoe like a queen. “I remember.”

“Come on over for dinner so we can celebrate.”

“You mean now?”

“Now! And you know why.” Vasso knew exactly why. “We’re expecting you.” Akis clicked off.

Vasso hung up and leaned over Zoe. “We’re invited for dinner.”

“I don’t want to move, but considering it’s your brother....” She sat up and kissed him passionately. “You two have been through everything together. I get it.”

He knew she did. “We’ll go in the cruiser. I’ll phone Kyria
Panos and tell her we’ll be by for your luggage later tonight.”


October 16, Paxos Island

!” Z
out when she saw Akis help her old friend from New York out of the helicopter that had landed on the center’s roof. She ran to her and they clung. “This is the best present I could have. You’ve been like a mother to me. I’m just so thankful you could come for the wedding.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it. Neither would Father Debakis.”

Zoe’s eyes lit on the priest who was getting out of the helicopter. The two of them had flown over yesterday and had stayed at the penthouse.

She left Iris long enough to run to the great man she owed her life to. “Oh, Father—I’m so glad you could come to marry us.”

He hugged her hard. “It’s my privilege. I had a feeling about the two of you a long time ago.”

“Nothing gets past you.”

Akis walked over to them. “Come on, everyone. Let’s get on the elevator. Raina is waiting to help you into your wedding dress. Yiannis will drive you and Raina to the church. I’ll drive everyone else in my car.

“Needless to say my older brother is climbing the walls waiting for the ceremony to begin. For his sake, I beg you to hurry, Zoe.”

The best man’s comment produced laughter from everyone and brought roses to Zoe’s cheeks. She had to pinch herself that this was real and that she was getting married to Vasso.

When they reached the main floor, Zoe hurried along the hall to a private room where Raina was waiting.

“They’ve arrived!”

“Thank heaven! I’ve had three phone calls from Vasso. If he doesn’t see you soon, he’s going to have a nervous breakdown.”

“Well we can’t have that.”

Zoe got out of her skirt and blouse and stepped into the white floor-length wedding dress. Raina had dared her to wear the latest fashion. It was strapless, something she would never have picked out on her own. But Raina insisted she was a knockout in it. This was one time she needed to render her soon-to-be husband

“Oh, Raina. It’s so fun having you to help me. What I would have given for a sister like you.”

“I feel the same way. Today I’m getting her. We’re the luckiest women in the world.”

“Yup. In a little while I’ll be married to a god, too.”

“They really are,” Raina murmured. “But you’ve still got your perfect figure while I’m beginning to get a bump.”

“If you ever saw the way Akis looks at you when you’re not aware of it, you’d know you and the baby are his whole world.”

“Today the focus is on you. I have something for you, Zoe. Vasso asked me to give this to you.”

With trembling hands, Zoe opened the satin-lined jewelry box. Inside lay a strand of gleaming pearls. A card sat on top. “
For my queen.”

She looked at Raina in puzzlement. “He thinks of me as his queen?”

Raina nodded. “Akis gave me the same kind of pearls with the same sentiment on his card. When I asked him about it, he told me that his father had told them the women they would choose would be their queens and they needed to treat them like one.”

“What a fabulous father he was. Vasso has always treated me like that.”

“So has Akis. Now hold still while I put this around your neck.”

Zoe’s emotions were spilling out all over to feel the pearls against her skin. She’d already done her hair and applied her makeup. She wore pearl studs in her ears.

“Now for the crowning glory.” Raina walked over and put the shoulder-length lace mantilla over her head. “When you get to the church, pull it over your face. You know? I think I’d better have an ambulance standing by. After Vasso sees you, anything could happen.”

“You’re such a tease.”

“I’m only speaking the truth.” She turned and opened a long florist’s box. Inside was a sheaf of flowers. Raina laid it in the crook of Zoe’s arm.

“Aren’t they lovely!” Her eyes took in the all-white arrangement: white roses, cymbidium orchids, hydrangeas and stephanotises. “My mother would have planned a bouquet just like this for me. She loved white flowers.”

“Don’t we all.” They both breathed in the heavenly scent.

Zoe eyed her dearest new friend. “You look absolutely stunning in that blue silk suit.” Raina wore a gardenia in the lapel.

“Except that I had to undo the zipper to get into it. I think I can get away with it for as long as we’re at the church.” She smiled at Zoe. “Ready?”

“Yes,” she said emotionally.

They left the room and headed for the main entrance. When they walked outside by the fountain Zoe saw Yianni. He looked splendid wearing his former naval uniform. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, Zoe.”

“So are you. I can see why your wife grabbed you up the second she met you.”

“You look radiant today.” He kissed her forehead then pulled the edge of the veil down to cover her face.

“Thank you for standing in for my father.”

“It’s an honor. Now let’s get you in the car and be off. Your fiancé is waiting for you. I’ve had two phone calls from Vasso. He’s going to have a coronary if we don’t arrive soon.”

Zoe laughed and got in the rear of the limo. Raina helped her with her dress. Yianni checked to make sure everything was secure then he drove them through the olive groves and up the steep hillside to the glistening white church at the summit. It made an imposing sight overlooking the sea.

This was the church where Raina and Akis had been married by his family priest. Their parents had been buried in the cemetery behind it. This was the place where history had been made and was still being made today by another Giannopoulos son.

Father Debakis would be doing the honors with the other priest’s help. This was right out of a fairy tale.

The closer they got, she could see dozens of cars lining both sides of the road leading to the church. Akis and his best friend Theo had taken care of the invitations. Zoe feared there wouldn’t be enough room in the church to accommodate everyone.

Vasso had told her not to worry. The priest would leave the front doors open and set up chairs for those people who couldn’t get inside. A real Greek wedding was a high point no one wanted to miss.

When they came around the bend she could see dozens of beautifully dressed guests seated at tables outside with white ribbons on the chairs. But that wasn’t all. Behind the chairs were throngs of people willing to stand.

Raina and Theo’s wife Chloe had made the arrangements for the food, which would be served on the grounds after the ceremony, followed by singing and dancing. She promised they wouldn’t run out of food, but when Zoe saw the amount of people congregated, it shocked her.

Yianni drove past the cars and circled around to the front steps of the church. Suddenly all Zoe could see was Vasso. He stood at the open doors waiting for her in a formal midnight-blue suit with a white rose in the lapel. She couldn’t hold back her cry when she saw him. No man was ever created like him.

Once the limo came to a stop, he walked toward her with a loving look in his black eyes that lit up her whole body. Yianni came around the door to help her out. But it was Vasso who grasped her hand and squeezed it.

Raina took the flowers from her and walked behind them with Yianni while Vasso led her into the church. She’d been in here several times in the last few weeks and thought it an exquisite jewel. The smell of incense and flowers greeted them as they moved toward Father Debakis, decked out in his priestly finery. The interior was so full people who hadn’t found a seat were lined up against the walls.

Both she and Vasso wanted a traditional wedding to honor their parents. Her heart pounded so hard she knew he could feel its beat through her hand. When they arrived at the altar, he leaned over and lifted the veil. The love pouring from his soul was evident in those gorgeous black eyes.

If ever there was a time to faint, it was now. But she didn’t feel light-headed. She felt a spirit of joy wash over her as they grasped hands and entered into this sacred ritual that would make him her husband.

They went through the different stages of the ring ceremony until it came to the union of the bride and groom with the crowning. This was the part she’d been looking forward to. The priest took two crowns with ribbons from the altar table, blessed them, then put the crowns on their heads.

“Oh, Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor.”

The other priest exchanged their crowns over their heads to seal the union. He read from the Gospel account of the wedding in Cana. After a prayer, he passed the common cup for them to take a sip of the wine. This was the part that meant they shared equally in the process of life. Father Debakis then led them around the table three times.

This was where her heart beat wildly as the two of them stared at each other while they made circles. A hint of a smile broke the corners of Vasso’s mouth. Zoe felt this part of the wedding ceremony was terribly romantic, but she’d never admit it to anyone but him. He looked so handsome with the crown on she wanted a picture of him just like that.

When they faced the priest again, he removed their crowns. His eyes rested kindly on Vasso. “Be magnified, O Bridegroom, as Abraham.” Then he looked at Zoe with such tenderness she was deeply moved. “And you, O Bride, be magnified as was Sarah, and live a long, fruitful life.”

He’d added those words meant just for her. Once again she was overcome with gratitude that out of the shadows, she’d emerged into a light greater than the one she could see with the naked eye.

Father Debakis placed a Bible in both their hands and said a final prayer. He smiled at them. “Congratulations, Kyrie and Kyria Giannopoulos.
Just think, Vasso,” he whispered. “If I hadn’t called you...”

“I don’t want to think about it, Father,” he whispered back. He put his arm around Zoe’s waist and they faced the congregation. She’d never seen so many smiling faces in her life, but one stood out above the rest.

It was Akis. He and Vasso exchanged a silent message that was so sweet and said so much Zoe could hardly breathe with the love she could see between the two of them.

Suddenly Vasso lowered his mouth to her ear. “Let the fun begin.”

Raina came forward to hand her the sheaf of flowers. After she stepped away, Zoe and Vasso started walking down the aisle. Everyone was here. Olympia and Nestor had come from the center. She smiled at Kyria
Lasko, Kyria
Panos, Gus the bus driver, Iris, and her doctor from the center in Astoria.

With each step, people said Vasso’s name; they were the managers from some of their stores, family friends, their mutual friends, two of the helicopter pilots, the woman called Elpis who’d given the boys free sweets when they were young. The list went on and on. When they reached the rear of the church and stepped outside, there was cheering and music. People rushed to congratulate them.

The paparazzi were out in full measure, but Zoe didn’t care. She was too happy to be married to her heart’s desire to have a care in the world. They had their own videographer there to record the proceedings of the day.

“Give us a kiss with your husband, Kyria

“Gladly!” She turned to Vasso. There was a wild look in his eye before he caught her to him and kissed the life out of her in front of everyone. They were a little drunk with happiness. The taste of his mouth was sweeter than any wine. She would never be able to get enough of it. Anyone could see that.

Part of her felt a fierce pride at the turnout. If she had a megaphone and dared, she’d love to say, “Look at these poor Giannopoulos boys now! Eat your hearts out!” But of course she couldn’t say or do that.

The caterers had arrived and had set up more tables to accommodate the huge crowd. With the musicians in place, the dancing began. Yianni grabbed Zoe’s other hand and several dozen people joined to form a line. They danced through the tables while everyone threw rice. The excitement had made her heady.

Every time Vasso’s fiery eyes met hers, her heart palpitated right out of her chest. She knew what he was thinking. It was all she could think about. Their wedding night.

Zoe had been waiting all her life for the time when she would marry. She actually wanted to call Ms. Kallistos one day and tell her that
was the person responsible for the miracle that had come into Zoe’s life. But on reflection it wouldn’t be a good idea.

Vasso had hired Alexandra and there was no doubt in Zoe’s mind the manager had been crazy about him from day one. Through Akis she’d learned that Sofia Peri had left her husband and wanted Vasso back. Zoe couldn’t blame her for that. Today she could feel sorry for every woman alive who wasn’t married to her Apollo.

Today she’d met so many people who thought the world of Vasso and Akis. If their father were still alive, he would be so proud of them.
And their mother...
Zoe had seen the few pictures they had of her. She’d been a beauty. That’s why the two brothers were so gorgeous.

Oh, Vasso. I can’t wait until we’re alone. Really alone.

The party went on several hours. Toasts were made to the happy couple. As Zoe danced with Akis, Vasso danced with Raina. Then she saw the brothers signal each other. The next thing she knew Akis whirled her toward the limousine where Yianni was parked in front of the church.

Akis opened the rear door and hurried her inside. Vasso came around the other side and slid in next to her. The second his door closed, the limo started moving. Everyone saw them leave and gave out shouts. But Zoe was caught in Vasso’s arms. His mouth came down on hers and the world whirled away. When he lifted his lips, she realized the car had come to a stop outside Vasso’s beach house.

He opened the door and stepped out. Then he helped her. The second she was on her feet he picked her up and carried her in his arms. “Thank you, Yiannis.”

The car drove off, leaving them alone. “I’ve been dreaming about doing this for weeks, Zoe.”

“So have I, darling.”

Vasso unlocked the back door with the remote and carried her over the threshold. He didn’t stop until he’d gained the loft. “I’ve never been up here before,” she said as he twirled her around.

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