A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) (28 page)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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“This is what you do to me, get it”

“I get it, I get it, I get it I GET IT!” he stops gyrating as he has made his point quite clear.

Come let’s have a bath,” he smacks my butt and I yelp, he lifts me off him and he stands up.

Ouch, oh dear God” he looks at me concerned but mostly he reeks of curiosity.

aby just how sore are you?” He sounds alarmed but looks quite pleased with himself. 

That salacious smile of yours lets me know just how proud you are of yourself for branding me so vehemently” I would say there is a slight sarcastic tone in my voice as I look at Tristan.

runs his index finger down my cheek, his touch is loving and caring as he holds me in his arms.

Baby it’s you who’s branded me, when you captured my heart” I kiss his finger as it rest on my warm lips.

yes I know he sounds suggestive he always sounds this way, he leads me into the palatial bathroom, there is a double marble vanity, heated floor and an amply supple of fresh white towels as well as white fluffy robes, yes I can use to staying here.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the brass and glass beveled mirror that flanked the double vanity Tristan and I both
look as our eyes meet in the mirror, could we look any more scandalous? I look like the women who went forth in sin and he looks like it’s
Christmas Morning.

I can’t pull myself away
, caption should read
Caught in the act
, and then to scrutinize me even more, just fucked hair is getting worse as the day progresses, insidious grin that hides my secret and sparkling dilated eyes no doubt even my own eye doctor couldn’t get my eyes this big, but the mother of all dead giveaways is the glow that could light up Terminal Tower, oh yes he definitely owns me!

I shake my head at the sight of myself, and of course this all goes quite lovely with the sca
rlet letter “A” that is now even more present as it is now engraved into my chest with an insistent luminosity of its own.

I tear myself away from the mi
rror as I watch Tristan fill the tub with bath oils that perfume the heavenly sent of lavender and orchids, he pays attention to detail and I notice how he makes the bath effervescence and flourish, I stand and take him all in, he is very comfortable with his body as he stands naked in full view. Gosh that was inside me.

“Come Aria” there he goes again
, it is his emphasis on the “C” that make it sound so naughty, but I am use to it, he is always with the sexual innuendo I take his our reached arm and I step into the huge Jacuzzi tub, so warm and inviting.

joins me as we sit opposite one another and get lost in the luxuriousness of the perfumed water, this is heaven as we lay back and relax as the water sooths my bits and pieces that have been getting quite a work out in the last twenty-four hours.

“Tristan I have never done this before” Tristan reaches for my left foot and massages it so sweetly
, his tender knowing hands touch and cascade over me and I get lost. I relax under his gentle care as his perceptive fingers caress and stroke my toes, soothing and massaging me, it is so wonderful as he cherishes me and adores me, I am so gonna miss this.

“I’ve always wanted this with you”
Not only is he handsome and alluring but he says what I want to hear, as his knowing fingers touch my over sexed body a familiar resolve, he reaches the depths of my soul,
oh he knows exactly what he is doing.
As I relax and surrender to him his hands move up my legs to the apex of my thighs as I bend my knees and part them he washes me with tender loving care, I lay back as he cherish me like no one has ever done before.

“Tristan you really know how to seduce a girl” I smile as I look at him and pop the bubbles that surround us.
His smile is crooked as almost cocked to one side like he is troubled or bothered.

You think I’m seducing you?” He now reaches for my other foot and continues massaging my feet and rubbing my toes and my leg and I can barely concentrate on what he is saying as just his touch sends thrills throughout my sensitized body.

Well aren’t you? Oh that feels so good Tristan” I lean back and close my eyes as his hands work their magic and massage me into oblivion. He crawls over me splashing water about, I open my eyes and he is on top of me as his beautiful face shadows over me.

“No baby, I am hopelessly in love with you, totally
head-over-heals insane about you from those dark eyes that see through me to these tiny little feet that have walked all over me for years, and let’s not forget your dainty little hands that hold my heart, and of course these lips I just want these lips to tell me your mine” wow I think I just came again.

“Tristan you are too much”

He said his peace as he hovers over me, his hazel eyes have always lured me into his trance they are dilated and full of intent his lips are parted and I can see his tongue, gosh he is so adorable and getting too serious again, I lighten the mood I just can’t resist. I reach up with bubbles in my hands and adorn his face with a beard of bubbles, he laughs as he reaches down and kisses me and now I am adorned with them as well. I laugh as I try to remove them, but he keeps kissing me and we are both covered in them.

“I thought you liked me clean shaven” I whip some
of the bubbles off his face and touch his stubble as I run the back of my hand up and down the side of his face.

“There are many sides of you I find appealing”
He closes his eyes and kisses my forehead.

Oh really which one is your favorite Aria?” He is so fun when he acts his age.

“Now th
at would be telling” I melt for him, I can’t tell him, he would never let me leave this hotel room.

“Call it curiosity then Aria”

“Curiosity killed the cat Tristan”

“You’re killing
here Aria!” He kisses me as he traces the line of my jaw with his index finger.

“I ca
n tell you one thing, you are beyond what I had expected” He narrows his eyes as he lets my statement sink in.

“I don’t know if you are being honest or being allusive?”
He kisses my nose then my lips.

“And I can say the same about you Mr. Bach” my comment although shy and almost a whisper sets him off as he pulls away from my lips.

“Aria I honestly love you, I have denied it for so long and now I am facing the truth, you must believe that, you must believe me when I say I have always loved you, you are the love of my life”
again he is making statements that I wanted to hear two years ago
, gosh this is exasperating.

I breath and nod I have no verbal comment
at this time, he kisses me, worships me, and takes me in his arms and makes love to me in the bath, gentle kisses, soft caresses, as he lovingly holds me to his highest regard as he proves to me yet again the statement that he has been making all weekend, he loves me, he wants me and he is not letting this fade away, all thoughts leave my mind as I just want him, I don’t want to think or ponder or judge or question I have done that my whole life and with his hands on my most precious gift he fondles me and my thoughts are gone as we get lost in each other yet again.

His undying love for me is obvious, his devotion and adoration is quite evident but what frightens the hell out of me is
that I have never known what true love was until I spent a weekend at The Ritz with one Tristan Bach.










Chapter 15




Time isn’t kind to lovers
… They say that affairs of the heart are splattered through-out history, from exotic fables to royal indiscretions, stories that chronicle secret rendezvous, to legends of forbidden love affairs entwined with sexual persuasions; history is laced with tales and narratives as old as time itself.

I have now been added to the
repertoire of illicit sexual proclivities.

Yes my story is much too sad to be told
as Sinatra has very poignantly put it, but nonetheless my reality is this, a once unrequited love has finally surfaced, a love I have never known, fueled by passion, driven by desire and spiked with an all-consuming passion for the forgotten one.

Tristan was
the man that I was too naïve for, the man that I was too inexperienced for and the love that he was too proud to accept. Isn’t it ironic that he is now begging me to stay in his gentle good night? 

Who would have known that two
disregarded tattered hearts would find an all-consuming love between us, that is the most unexplainable, the most unbelievable and the most undeniable thing in our lives.

With regret
s to the matters at hand, the realities of present day, we are the couple that will never be, even in this most romantic setting, as we are wrapped in each other’s arms we are both trying to hold onto this as long as we can.

Truth be told nothing has changed in two years, there has always been three in Tristan and my relationship, he always had the slut-bag-ugly-whore and now with her out of t
he picture I am the one with a fiancé, isn’t life grand.

have always made the most of our time together,
this love together today, we may not have tomorrow it’s not for us to say
, maybe that is why we made whatever time we have together so special when we are together, the joke was on us, we got caught up in it and it blossomed into something bigger than both of us could ever imagined.


After we make love in the bath I am lying on Tristan’s chest, the bubbles have diminished, the water has grown colder but I am so happy and content curled up on his lap
I feel time standing still.

we should go” my eyes dart up to him in surprise and in a worried way.

We’re not leaving are we?” he kisses the tip of my nose and hugs me close to him.

“Well, well, well
, looks like The Ritz has a profound effect on you too” I look up at him and run my index finger down his lips as he bits it as I shake my head as he releases it.

“You and the Ritz that’s quite a combination” I kiss him sweetly.

“Come let’s dry off” he stands and helps me out of this massive Jacuzzi tub, he holds open a white fluffy towel with blue lettering on it and I walk into his embrace as he folds it around me, rubbing and caressing me as he holds me in his arms and kisses me. Wow I have never had this kind of affection, or this much attention from any man. Yes I know what you all are thinking a girl can get use to this, trust me I was used to it two years ago too, well maybe not this much attention to detail.

“Here allow me” I open up a fresh Ritz
Carlton robe and Tristan slips it on, he takes one from the stack neatly folded by the sink, he holds it out for me as I drop my towel to the floor.

you are so beautiful, even now more than ever” oh he has got to stop before I leave town with this man for the attention alone, but I am in a playful mood too.

“With or without clothes” as I gaze at his sexy smile.

“You know how I love to unwrap presents” I walk into the open robe as he drapes it over me and I am warm and content in more ways than one.

our robes Tristan takes my hand and we grab the berries and lay in bed feeding one another as we enjoy the remaining time we have together, gosh this is what I always thought having a boyfriend, a lover, that special someone would always be like, sadly I have not done any of this with Ian.

Tristan sits against the headboard with his legs stretched out and crossed at his ankle, I am sitting cross legged facing him and we feed one another berries and cream,
he purposely dollops the sweeten cream on my nose and he licks it off, I feed him one and dangle it over his lips and he kisses me and I am caught up in his playful antics. My lips tingle from him, how can he mean so much to me so fast and then his lips are at my neck with cream and sucking and kissing and this is so hot I am going to combust as his tongue runs down my neck and he drops the berry down my cleavage as the berry leaves cream in its path, his eyes lock on mine and I bite my corner lip.

ell are you coming to get it?” see what he does to me even I sound suggestive with my words, he gives me his sexy smile as he hisses air between his teeth.

“Oh baby if anyone is coming it’s you, come here!” I squeal as he grabs me and pulls me
onto his lap, kissing and sucking and licks the trail of sweet cream down my chest as he opens my robe and he has his deliciously wicked way with me.

Just outside the window where reality is only a stone’s throw away we are in the throes of passion
, a realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I am finally getting what I have always wanted, Tristan has been my dream that I have packed away and now in this most romantic setting he shows up like the man I always knew he was.

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