A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) (16 page)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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ell me how you got the restaurant going?” I feel his smile at my neck as he kisses my neck and sends tingles down my spine, yes only he does this to me it is both alarming and eye opening.

“Oh Aria this whole thing started with what you said, how I loved to cook and drink, it was the basis for the whole idea, I started playing around with recipes and got
some local attention and then when the food show came here I was one of the up and coming restaurants to be scene at”

He starts telling me how it all came about.  I can tell he has waited a long time to tell me about all he has accomplished.  I look up at
him tear stained and happy for him.

I smile
his eyes are alive with his passion for what he does, he has found his true calling I always championed him for something like this, and he made it a reality, it is so pleasing to hear what he

as accomplished, his success is like a dream come true for me.

I hold onto him as he props himself against all the pillows on my bed,
he settles back all comfortable and relaxed as he kisses my fingers and caresses my head he tells me about his travels, his knowledge of fish and how he makes his own pasta and breads. He holds me close and every once in a while a tear falls and he kisses it away. He makes me laugh as he remembers things we did, that I have even forgotten.

Aria remember when we use to call the tow truck company to bring us home because we were too wasted to drive?” I laugh because that was always us we would have a killer day or a deal that was out of the park and we would celebrate to a point where we were beyond getting home.

“We were so nuts,
so crazy so foolish Tristan” I am so comfortable in his arms as we recall some of the happier times we shared together.

“Nuts about you, crazy about you, I was the fool who let you go.”
He holds me close and I secretly never want him to let me go. Tristan encloses his strong and safe hold around me, I am comforted and at ease and I am happy that he cares.

“Tristan no one is fool proof” he opens his eyes and cups my chin, you are even more beautiful then I
remembered, your smile that lights up a room, your velvety soft lips that molded perfect to mine, your eyes that always see though to my soul, I have never forgot how you loved me, I couldn’t hurt you anymore and now I will do whatever it takes to get you back, let me trade my apology for a promise”

As muc
h as I want to make him mine, I can’t, he must see that I have chosen a life, that I have made plans, and that I have moved on.

Tristan it’s over, it’s in the past, and we can’t change what happen”

“I hate myself for what I did to you”

He moves to kiss me on my lips and I put my finger to his lips

“Please don’t”
he kisses my finger.

“As you wish” I cuddle up against his chest,
he kisses my forehead and he holds me tight and tells me about our first date:

It was fall
mid-November and a huge deal was on the table we were in the board room for hours, several CEO’s left kicking and screaming, most knew there free ride was over, it was the biggest corporate take-over that no one knew about, Tristan and I worked the whole thing out and fired the CEO, the CFO the Chairman of the Board and we saved the jobs of thousands of people, afterwards Tristan took us all out to celebrate and after everyone had left he and I were the last two in the bar at the Hilton, we stayed and got dead drunk. The two of us bonded shared a moment and got to talking, and we had the best time getting to know one another, we just hit if off immediately, he was hanging on my every word and the fact that we put the whole deal together by ourselves was brilliant, no one knew, we strolled in there as two rookies and hit a grand slam out of the park, the news made its way around that there were two corporate killers on the loose and it was us.

I smile as
his deep voice sooths me, it resonated through his chest. He sounds so sincere and loving, as he recalls our business dealings in great details as I may say his facts were accurate and precise on how we became partners at the Firm and from that moment we were inseparable until we weren’t.

left the Firm right after we broke up, he was gone, I was left to pick up the slack, I had to get the last two deals sign sealed and delivered, sadly I left at the end of that year. He brings me back to the now.

“Aria I have missed you so much” his words are soothing as his arms comfort
me. I can’t lie to him

“Missing you was a daily ache for a while
there; I just never mentioned it to anyone”

he last six months were the worst, you haunt my dreams, you are constantly on my mind in my heart, I would wake up and think I saw you, and then I didn’t know if you even wanted to see me, that was the hardest part facing you, facing all of this, well I never in a million years thought I would be facing you engaged. I just always prepared myself for your anger at what I did and how we left things, but I never would have imagined that you would be someone else’s” his words tell me he is shocked, well frankly so am I as I think about it I’M ENGAGED!

“I never thought you’d  remember me, I just thought out of
sight out of mind, no calls, no letters no nothing for two years it was over, dead and buried” he kisses my head as he hold my hand and caresses my knuckles.

“I was becoming unglued over the past few weeks and I was about to hire a private detective and t
hen there you were today, you took my breath away when I saw you, I couldn’t believe my eyes,  the second that our eyes met I knew it was you” he kisses the top of my head.        

I nuzzle against his chest and that is the last thing I remember as his
voice lingers and fades and I fall asleep in his arms, sitting on his lap and it is the best sleep I have had in a very long time.


Chapter 9





June 16, 2012


I wake to a new day in the window, well rested, really well r
ested, best sleep, gosh I never sleep this good, I’m grateful I’m not hung over and I’m happy that I didn’t let Tristan fuck my brains out last night, I sit up and then panic hits me, where is Tristan?

I bolt out of bed, and knock on the bathroom door, no
response, I open it slowly, peek in, he is not here!

Oh no he left!  My heart is racing then sinks he’s gone! I quickly run downstairs like the house is on fire or something, and there is music coming from the kitchen, Tristan is dressed and cooking in my
kitchen! Oh thank God he is still here

I stop and catch my breath, the sight of him makes me happy, the sight of him in my kitchen cooking is hot, he is wearing his
clothes that I laundered for him, his white shirt is open at the neck, his black slacks fit him too well, wonder who dresses him? I have to admit he is pretty damn easy on the eyes.

He looks up and sees me standing at the entry to the kitchen.

“Well, well look who’s up… Coffee?”

He is holding the coffee pot and gestures me into the kitchen.

I’m grinning from ear to ear, he’s still here, he didn’t leave! He hands me a cup of coffee and ushers me to sit down at the kitchen table, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and Tristan Bach, has made me breakfast, wow it’s like I woke up in the merry old land of oz.

“You didn’t think I left, did you?” he could always read my mind, he looks hurt and surprised by my reaction, should I tell him the truth or should I lie.

“Actually I thought last night was a dream when I woke up and you weren’t there!”  Good come back Macy I take a sip of my coffee and it is good, hot, steamy and wakes me up…kind of like this God in front of me.

He smiles and shakes his head from side to side as if to say
how I dare think that way of him

“Aria a dream or a nightmare?”  I s
mile slightly I don’t want to go there

“Some of one and less of the other” It’s nice to know he can joke about it now, me not so much.

He sees my smile fade and he knows it was always a nightmare when he would leave me for that slut-bag-ugly-whore who abused him.

My thoughts are immediately interrupted by the heavenly aroma of stuff French toast; oh wow I’m so impressed and starving actu
ally! A word about Tristan and food, he is a phenomenal cook, I mean off the charts,  he is the food guru, just listen to what he has made for breakfast, stuff French toast I know I had Italian bread here so he made his awesome sweet batter and then breaded it with toasted almonds and shredded coconut and pan seared it until it was crispy and delicious. The heavenly filling is cream cheese mixed with confectioners’ sugar blended with fresh strawberries and pineapple, than whipped till light and fluffy. He stacks them like a sandwich dusting them ever so gently with confectioners’ sugar. They are sex on the plate and an orgasm in your mouth, so good! This was our breakfast at six am when we were out all night, he would make it for me and those were the good memories I have of us.

We sit down and feast on old habits as we find out they die hard. 

“Oh Tristan All this was in my kitchen?” he nods yes as he digs in.

We chat and laugh as we recall happy times, most of my memories are good, but when he was bad the
y were worse.

I have to say the troubled despondent one looks pretty much the same, tall, dark and handsome were always his top three assets, although he seems a bit softer around the edges, a tad older harboring a more mature disposition but what has alwa
ys been my weakness is that smile that had me at hello.

His weary temperament eludes to his battles whereas the old Tristan that always caught me between a rock and a hard place
, he was always a bad boy with worse intentions, he was crude, and par for the coarse, far from the humble man I met last night.

I listen to him and just take it all in, he informs me that he has not seen his ex since we were together, which made my suspicions about her right all along that she hindered him from furthering his life
, she held him back from success and, she never took any initiative to encourage any growth or success for Tristan or herself for that fact. I just hope she leaves him alone,
damn I hope I can leave him alone.

I watch his mannerisms, he is delightfully ent
ertaining as we share the fruits of his labor, he mentions his parents and how they have wondered about me, and had high hopes for us, but the one thing that stops me in my tracks is when he says my name it sends thrills through me, again things he doesn’t need to know.

He laughs and a glimpse of his boyish smile radiates as he pours orange juice for us, we sit next to one another, but we turn to face one another as we talk about his family, how they still can’t believe his transformation, how much he has a
ccomplished and mostly how he has grown up, matured and taken control of his life.

There is no dead silence, I tell him how I started my store and he is impressed, he leans back and smiles at me the whole time, his eyes are bright and his smile lights up his face, he admits that he had no idea that
Business as Usual was mine, he heard of it, but never put the two together and scolded me why I was not in the ads that he saw

“Aria I could have found you sooner, I would have come running” he kicks himself for that he says shyly.

“I hate taking pictures of myself, and Oliver he didn’t want to be the poster boy so we used the clothes and the name together with the catchy slogans that got us noticed” I sip my coffee and he looks a bit unnerving.

“Who is Oliver?” oh shit is he
jealous? Oh that look on his face, come on are you serious, some things will never change; let’s have some fun shall we?

“Oliver is the other man in my life, he is amazing, smart,
sexy, cool, always in charge, he and I started the business together, he is my rock, my salvation, he is the reason why we have grown as fast as we have”

Annoyed and a hint of jealously crosses dear old Tristan’s face
, he drinks his coffee and he is mulling over something, I look at him and I know I have seen it before so I sit and I wait for him to get the nerve to ask, I pop a piece of French toast in my mouth and it is heaven, gosh he is a great cook.

“So have you and Oliver ever been more than business associates?
” He is eyeing me very cautiously as he eats his French toast.

I lick
my lips gosh he is more handsome then ever but I’m going to fuck with him anyway.

“Do you really want to know?” he puts his fork down and he looks very nervous, he has not seen me in two years and I hit him with the information that I didn’t ke
ep my catholic values and lost my virginity.

“Aria look at you w
hy wouldn’t he want you, your beautiful, your smart, sexy, your stunning” ok he’s being a good boy, not naughty at all. So I will let him in the know.

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