A Warrior's Redemption (The Warrior Kind) (44 page)

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Authors: Guy Stanton III

Tags: #epic fantasy

BOOK: A Warrior's Redemption (The Warrior Kind)
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General Santaran lay in hiding to the northeast with forty thousand experienced warriors and ten thousand heavy cav
alry. He was not to engage until General Nadero appeared from the south with his cavalry and whatever was left
of the fifty thousand militia. I had but a little over eight thousand warriors left at the Shrine, and that was including our re

Our force of warriors had to somehow find a way to last until General Nadero could arrive and then General Santaran’s troops would make their presence known. The appearance of two armies on the enemy’s flanks would hopefully be enough to convince the Attorgron slave warriors to throw in with us. Without them turning sides we didn’t stand a chance. Even with them, our chance of win
ning was still minimal at best.

I was starting to feel like Rolf. I wanted to quit thinking about it and just get started in on it, but any
thing that wasted time was to our advantage so I held back from issuing the order for the archers to fire.
If the enemy wanted to stand there and gloat then fine by me.
I’d let them do it all day long if they wanted to.

The enemy’s trumpets suddenly rang out splitting the formerly tranquil morning air with their blare of challenge. The enemy formation began to approach and I gave the order for the archers to fire.

“Rolf we’re likely to be over run early in some parts so be sure to rush the reserve to those areas as you see fit. Go and make ready for the assault. Give the or
der to fall back to the Shrine as our positions are overrun on the breastwork defense. We’ll make our last stand at the Shrine itself.”

Rolf turned to go but hesitated and then turned back to me and offered a hand out to me, “See you soon brother.”

I knew what he meant and I took his hand, “Likewise brother!”

Then he was gone and I turned back to the enemy as they started reaching our forward ditches. I picked up a bow by my side and notched an arrow only to let it fly se
conds later.

The bow wasn’t my weapon of choice, but I was proficient enough with it to make most of my arrows count. They reached the deeper trench and broke formation as they began to climb down and then up the other side, which was higher and studded with sharpened stakes and the littered bodies of those slain throughout the night. I laid the bow down and
reached over my shoulders and pulled my twin sabers free of their sword harnesses.

I would have preferred to have had Tadias’s war sword in my hands, but I had left it on Flin fearing that its constant glowing and sprays of light would have made me too big of a target to enemy archers during the night. I hated the thought of it falling into the enemy’s hands, but I couldn’t do any more than I already was in trying to stop that from becoming a reality. There was no more time to think about fabled swords or even winning and los
ing any more.

The enemy was upon us and I swept my swords down smashing their blocks away as I slashed at any soft target that came available to me. Wounded and dead enemy soldiers fell backward to drag even more of their fellow warriors down with them, but the press of the enemy was relentless and they just kept coming. I lost awareness of the greater battle taking place around me and knew only the pe
rimeter of ground that I had carved out for myself that lay directly around me.

The fighting grew savage as they began to make it up and over the top of our dirt work defense line. I jumped up onto the mound top itself, unmindful of enemy archers, as I was lost in the need to hold the enemy back at all costs. My twin blades moved independently of each other, sometimes combining to take out a single opponent or at other times I en
gaged two or more of the enemy at a time.

Always I kept moving never staying in one place to long to become a target of the heavy press of enemy soldiers that seemed to be all around me. This was different then the arena. I had never faced so many at once before, but the key to survival was the same. Take the fight to them. Don’t let them dictate my movements. Always keep moving. First pressing then re
treating and repeated back again.

Fellow warriors were becoming harder and harder to find in the press of bodies and I helped those I could, but they all seemed to disappear in time and I was left alone. I was used to being alone in my fights. Dealing with multiple opponents wasn’t new to me either, but this was pushing it. Still there was a similarity to the arena about the fight scene. It was almost predictable the movement of their slashing thrusts and rushes to grapple with me. One only had to keep up with the dance to deal the fatal blow before they had the chance to start their move or had just missed on their move.

The mound was slippery with blood and it was becoming increasingly harder to navi
gate with any grace of movement other than a stagger. My left arm hurt at the shoulder from where I had been too late to avoid a crushing blow from a war hammer.

I could feel the blood trickling down under my armor from a graze to my neck caused by a spear point thrust at my head. Sweat rolled into the slash and it burned like fire. I saw the sweaty, angry faces of the enemy around me yelling out who knows what, as they tried to catch me and avoid being caught by my ever swinging blades at the same time.

All was quiet in my world and I didn’t really hear them even though the din of the battle noise had to be overwhelming. I had tuned out the noises and distractions around me and simply reacted to the opportunities I saw, almost uncon
scious in my awareness of what was going on around me outside of the sphere of death that I dealt out to any who fell within the path of my blades.

Dimly it regis
tered to me that I hadn’t seen anyone who was alive on my side for a long time. Clearing a brief swath around me I glanced to the right and then the left. It was all bad as both ends of the line had been completely overrun as well as my section in the middle, except for where I alone still defended and my run of luck could be over in a second with one ill advised move on my part.

There was nothing to be done about it. I had no sense of how much time might have passed by. All I could do was keep killing until there were no more of them or no more of me.

Suddenly like an assault on my emotions that smarted worse than the salt of my sweat falling into my wounds, I thought of Krista and the life I had hoped to experience with her. All gone now!

The knowledge of my futility to control the future and to survive the present enraged me and the en
emy once again reeled backward from me as I took out my rage on them even more savagely than before.

Out of the sea of faces my eyes caught sight of Rolf. We turned back to back and fought in unison of movement une
qualed by any other than those who have been tried by fire in the bonds of a brotherhood thicker than blood.

One of Rolf’s arms appeared to be almost useless from some wound and I extended myself even further to keep him alive and the brunt of the attention on me and not on him. Rolf slipped and I saw him pitch down the side of the mound in the direc
tion of the Shrine and I dove after him hacking and slashing as I went.

It was useless to stay on the mound anymore anyway. Rolf was trying to get up but wasn’t succeeding as his one arm hung uselessly beside him as he tried to block the downward thrusts of the enemy with his remaining hand. I have big hands and I was never more grateful of that than now. I grasped both of my saber handles in my right hand with the blades set opposite to each other and with my left hand I grasped the back of Rolf’s collar and drug him back
ward across the ground as I headed for the Shrine ahead of us.

I stabbed left and right with my double sworded grip as it seemed the rage of my face seemed enough to part those ahead of us. Rolf gamely swung out at those who followed after us with his one good arm, as I drug him along the ground toward the Shrine. A sudden crushing blow to my back had me flying forward to my knees strug
gling to find breath.

I half pivoted on one knee to see who the source of the at
tack had come from as air began to leak back into my starved lungs. The enemy soldiers had actually drawn back from me and Rolf slightly and then I saw why. One of the dark hooded figures had come up behind me and slammed
me across the back with a broadsword. I was sur
prised that my armor had withstood such a strike.

The big sword drew back for a killing down
ward strike. I dropped one sword into my open left hand and I barely had enough time to cross them into an x above my head before the massive sword came crashing down. I caught the strike in the crossing of my swords that would have otherwise cut me in half and I tumbled backward. I half stumbled to my feet breathing heavy.

The black hood came back and I recognized Marfoul, “Stand back you sniveling cowards! He’s all mine!” Marfoul screamed out before he came at me with a vengeance.

I did my best to step out of the way of his wild sword swings. “So we meet again, but this time will be the last!” He raged out at me.

“I seem to remember you saying something like that be
fore. How did that turn out for you?” I responded back.

Marfoul howled at me and swung his sword. Thankfully he missed. He pressed me backward and I had to admit that I was farther gone than I had realized. My left hand sword fell from my grasp as my shoulder clamped up in an intense ball of pain from an earlier injury and as I deflected a killing blow with my right sword the impact of his larger blade sent my lighter sword sailing from my grasp into the sea of on

The force of the hit drove me down to my knees and Marfoul drew his sword high over top his head with a trium
phant scream of fiendish joy. I watched helpless to do any
more as the sword began to come downward, only to be suddenly arrested in movement as two massive arms appeared from behind and encir
cled Marfoul’s chest clamping tight across it halting the downward progress of the blade as they did so. I recognized the figure behind the struggling Marfoul as that belonging to Olaf.

He was covered in blood much of it his own, but he held onto Marfoul somehow as the dark enforcer twisted and howled to be set free.

“Get him off of me!” Marfoul cried out hysterically the sword still locked in position above his head.

The surrounding soldiers rushed in and began to repeatedly stab Olaf, but even then he held onto Marfoul. His great strength refusing to give in past any normal limit of human endurance, but as he bled dry his arms fell free and he slumped forward into a heap already having been dead several moments past his re
membered muscular impulses to protect his friend and master.

Marfoul turned and mercilessly hacked away at the fallen man before turning back to me with a vengeance. He came towards me then with baleful death in his eyes. I watched as soldiers behind him shot into the air to either side and dimly I wondered what could possi
bly be coming next.

Sensing the disturbance behind him Marfoul turned slightly, but he was too late to dive out of the way as Flin caught him with a big shoulder that sent Marfoul flying past me.

Flin in full protective warhorse temperament swung around me in a circle and sent enemy soldiers flying or crushed to the ground beneath his hooves. He then wheeled straight at me and catapulted forward onto his knees skid
ding in his fall to present me with his left side.

His wild flared eyes connected with mine and I knew in that moment that the Creator had given this horse more intelligence than even I had given Flin credit for or at least some special awareness in this moment.

I knew in that moment that God had not forsaken me. Even as Flin’s crashing weight shook the ground I leaned forward and with both hands regardless of the pain it caused me I pulled my sword free of its saddle sheath. I twisted at the waist falling back against Flin’s belly as I swung the sword upward.

The sword came alive in my hands like never before and connected with the downward swing of Marfoul’s sword as he had come rushing up behind me with his blade already descending down toward me. I did not even feel the impact of his sword as it contacted with mine. His blade shattered like glass and he went flying backwards from me through the crowd of men. Gaining my feet I staggered to
ward him. I stopped at his feet as he lay stunned.

He looked up at me with an awful comprehension in his glassy eyes and I said, “This is for Treorna, the Kurts and me!” I said savagely as I brought the brightly arcing blade down with all the force I could muster.

As my sword struck him a bright light exploded and consumed him where he lay and as the blade of the sword carried on through to hit the ground, a corresponding shockwave of terrific force radiated outward, knocking every enemy soldier to the ground within the com
pound and even to the ditch beyond the dirt work enforcements.

I remained standing even as my fellow warriors gathered in a tattered line in front of the Shrine of Remembrance did also. The ground itself coalesced into a consuming fire that de
voured the enemy both alive and slain, but left the bodies of my fellow slain warriors untouched.

Flin went to one knee beside me and I swung onboard as he lifted up and away. Together we rode through the field of fire untouched by its flame, to the top of the mound. Flin reared back screaming a challenge to the shattered remnants of the at
tacking force beyond the burning ditch and I yelled out one of my own.

I held the sword aloft as Flin’s front hooves crashed back down onto the top of the mound spewing chunks of burning wood all around us in a fury of lit em

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