A Warrior Wedding (3 page)

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Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Paranormal, #romance, #vampire, #warriors, #alpha, #series, #Protector

BOOK: A Warrior Wedding
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“You need to relax.” His intense gaze searched hers then fell to her lips. “I only have to stick you once and I’m very good at what I do. Just a small pinch and it’s over.”

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. She knew what it felt like to get blood taken and knew he was lying his ass off. It hurt like hell. “Go for it.” She squeezed her eyes closed, biting her lip.

“Stop biting your lip, Jill,” he demanded. “I have plans for those later.”

Her eyes popped open in surprise and he made his move. The needle slid into her arm and yeah, it hurt like hell. “That was dirty.” Jill hissed as her eyes automatically went to what hurt her, then shot back to his grinning face.

“It worked.” Arrogance laced his words.

“No, it didn’t.” She glared at him. “It hurt like hell, just like when you set my shoulder on the count of two, not three. I didn’t think doctors were supposed to lie to their patients.”

“I wasn’t lying. I do have plans for those lips later.” His darkening eyes promised many things as he pulled the needle out, and placed something over the small puncture wound before bending her arm. “Hold your arm like that and don’t move it.” He took the three vials, placing them each in small envelopes.

Her body burned at his words. Even nauseous and feeling like dog crap, the thought of being with him was heaven. She had turned into such a Warrior whore. She snickered at the thought. Giving him a once over, she knew she couldn’t wait until tonight. Sliding off the table, keeping her arm folded up, she walked up to him and touched his back.

“What kind of plans?” She loved the feel of his strong body and would never get enough of it.

“Well, that all depends on the blood test.” He turned, taking her into his arms. “I’m going to head to the hospital now while you go to our room and rest. Then we’ll see what happens.”

Jill huffed. “You’re a tease.”

“No, I’m a doctor who loves you.” He tilted her face up to meet his, placing a kiss to her frowning lips. “And my main job is to make sure you’re okay.”

Jill nodded, pulling away. “Fine, I’ll go up to our room and take care of...things...and then rest.” If he could tease, so could she.

In an instant, she was back in his arms. “I don’t think so.” He growled. “I take care of your needs, always. You keep your hands to yourself until I get back. You understand?”

Jill bobbed her head, but cocked her eyebrow. Like he would know.

“Oh, I’ll know.” He answered her thoughts, shocking her, which was something he was good at doing. “Never doubt that.”

Giving him a kiss and a glare, she pushed away from him. “You’re cruel.”

“Get some rest,” Slade ordered. “I want to find you in bed, resting and...”

“Unsatisfied.” She finished for him as she slammed the door behind her. “Jerk,” she whispered, but grinned, feeling better than she had in days. Maybe Steve and Adam were right. Just letting Slade know what was going on took some of the stress off her, making her feel better. It had to be stress making her sick, but deep down, she knew it wasn’t that simple.


As soon as the door closed behind Jill, Slade’s grin quickly formed into a frown. Worry marred his handsome features. Turning, he grabbed his phone and put in a quick call to the hospital. Someone knocked on the door before it opened. Slade held up his hand as he grabbed the envelopes with Jill’s blood.

“I’ll be there in fifteen. I appreciate it.” He hung up turning. “What the fuck do you want?”

“Is she okay?” Blaze stood just inside the door, his golden eyes not looking away from Slade’s deadly glare.

Realizing he still didn’t know what the hell this asshole did to her, Slade set down her precious blood in a safe place. “What did you do to her?” His voice was even, but held an edge of ‘answer up or face the consequences.’

Blaze’s eyes darkened slightly at the unspoken threat. “She questioned my name and I showed her.” When Slade continued to stare, he continued. “I have the unique power of setting things on fire.”

Slade straightened, the veins in his neck throbbing, his face seething with fury. “And you thought it was a good idea to teach my mate a lesson about your fucking name by setting her on fire. Bad move, motherfucker.” Slade sneered as his eyes turned black, his hands fisted and with no Jill lying unconscious on the floor distracting him and no one to separate them, he unleashed on Blaze.

The men pounded on each other, Slade was impressed by the other man’s abilities, but his worry over Jill gave him the advantage.

“I didn’t set her on fire.” Blaze growled as he evaded a punch landing one of his own. “Only made her feel a little heat. I’m a bastard, but I would never hurt an innocent woman, just teach her some manners.”

“You teach my mate nothing, and if you ever put her in harm’s way again, I will kill you without a second thought.” With one last punch to Blaze’s gut and an upper cut to his chin, Slade finally sat the big bastard on his ass.

Blaze looked up at Slade as if he wanted to say something, but stopped himself. With a nod, he stood and wiped the blood from his mouth. Walking out the door, he added, “I’ll honor your request, but stay the fuck out of my face.”

Slade stared at the empty doorway. “Then don’t piss me off.” He didn’t care if the fucker heard him or not. Slade touched his eye. Pulling his hand away, blood stained his fingers. He cursed. He had more important matters to take care of. Grabbing the envelopes off the desk, he picked up his keys and headed out the door, the feeling of dread following his every footstep. He hoped to hell he was mistaken, but clutching his mate’s life in his hands, he had a bad feeling he was far from wrong.


ill didn’t really disobey Slade. She was resting in the kitchen trying to stomach some warm Pepsi and crackers. So far so good. Nothing was coming up and her stomach seemed calm. It was rare to be in the kitchen alone. Looking around, she still couldn’t believe she was living in the VC Warrior compound and was an actual active Warrior. She was surrounded by good people who cared for her, had a man who never in her wildest dreams had she thought would ever give her a second look, and that alone made her realize how lucky she was. She was a half-breed vampire against her will, but the end result was she had found her soul mate. Slade was everything to her and she felt she was everything to him. Even with their relationship being new, her love for him was something special, and
didn’t happen every day.

With a sigh, she tilted her drink to her lips and almost poured the rest of the contents down her face. Blaze sat across from her at the table. Sputtering, she wiped her chin. “Give a warning next time.” She sat the glass down, looking to see if she spilled any down her shirt.

“Sorry.” He smirked, his eyes searching hers.

“No, you’re not.” Jill also watched him closely. “What happened to your face?” He had a cut above his eyebrow with faded bruising under his eye.

“Your mate.” His tone was flat, but respect shimmered in his eyes.

This time Jill smirked. “Guess it’s a good thing you heal fast.” When he didn’t respond, she narrowed her eyes. “So, that thing you did to me is how you got your name?”

He cocked his eyebrow with a nod, but remained silent.

“Listen, I was just being a smartass. I didn’t mean to offend you,” Jill said, uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “I’ve been hanging around Sid and Jared too long. It wasn’t even a good smartass remark really. About your name I mean.”

A smile finally tilted his lips, but he still remained silent.

Jill huffed. “So did you just come in here to stare at me and make me nervous, or is there another reason?”

“I like you.” His smile disappeared slowly. “I don’t usually like anyone.”

“Ah, okay. That’s a good thing... I think.” Jill grinned and then gazed at his huge arms. “So do any of those tattoos have meaning?” She figured getting away from the subject of him liking her was safe. At least he liked her; she didn’t need this big guy as an enemy.

He only nodded.

Jill rolled her eyes. Looked like she would be doing all the talking. “I want to get a tattoo, but I don’t like pain. Did they hurt bad?”

He shook his head this time.

Well crap. “You don’t like to talk much, do you?”

Before he could answer, Sid walked in. “What the fuck are you doing in my kitchen?”

Blaze didn’t move, didn’t even look at Sid, but continued to stare at Jill. Her eyes went back and forth, finally stopping on Blaze. She leaned slightly across the table to whisper to him. “I think he’s talking to you.”

“He knows who I’m talking to.” Sid growled, slamming his hand on the table as he hovered over Blaze.

A different look shadowed Blaze’s eyes as he slowly pushed his seat back with his legs, then just as slowly stood to face Sid.

“Guys.” Jill also stood, wondering how to diffuse the situation.

“Looks like you and the doc had words.” He stared at his eye. “Didn’t learn the lesson the doc beat into you?” Sid stood nose to nose with Blaze.

“What is your problem?” Blaze didn’t back away an inch.

Jill wedged herself between them, which was no easy feat. “Yes, he learned his lesson.” She told Sid, getting between them. She attempted to push them apart...it didn’t work. “And he has no problem,” she told Blaze.

Blaze grabbed her arms, picking her up and moving her safely away, all the while staring at Sid. “Oh, he has a problem.” Blaze stopped Jill with his arm when she started back between them. “And I’m about ready to take care of it.”

“Oh, for the love of...” Jill threw her hands up, using her power to separate the two men. She tried not to grin when Blaze stopped his stare down with Sid to look at her in surprise. “Yeah, I got moves too.”

“Jill, stay out of this,” Sid hissed, digging his feet in against her power.

“No,” she replied, her Pepsi and crackers churning in her stomach. “I’m sick of you guys always fighting.”

“Who’s fighting?” Steve walked in stopping beside Jill and stared at Sid and Blaze who were glaring at each other.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Jill rolled her eyes, her power slipping away. “You think you can stop asking stupid questions and help me before they kill each other?”

“Uh, no.” Steve shook his head with a snort. “I’ve stayed alive this long by not getting between huge men, and those are two big sons a bitches.” He thumbed over his shoulder at Sid and Blaze.

Jill dropped her arms in defeat, then threw them up in the air. “Go ahead and kill each other then.” She walked backward, slamming down into a chair, crossing her legs and arms. “Men. You guys are so full of yourselves, thinking nothing of anyone but yourselves. I’m sick and just used every ounce of energy I had keeping you apart, and all for what? For you guys to prove who has the bigger cock?”

“Oh, God.” Steve and Sid moaned at the same time.

“What?” Jill glared at them. “It’s true. And for one, I’m sick and tired of it. So go ahead, maybe one of you will kill the other and then there will be one less cock contest around this damn place.”

“Okay, first off there is no such thing as a cock contest.” Steve actually blushed. “And please stop saying the word cock. It makes me damn uncomfortable.”

“Why, ‘cause I’m a girl?” Jill figured as long as she continued, Sid and Blaze weren’t killing each other. She tilted her head staring directly at Steve. “Cock. Cock. Coooocccckkkk!”

Sid and Blaze burst out laughing as Steve glared at Jill. “You aren’t right.”

“Ha! Looks who’s talking.” Jill tossed back before looking at Sid and Blaze, who didn’t look like they wanted to kill each other anymore. Cock had many benefits it seemed. “Sid, can you please see if you can fix me something to eat that I don’t want to throw up? Maybe something easy on the stomach. So far I’ve held Pepsi and crackers down.”

Frowning, Sid looked concerned, taking a moment to study her. Then turning, he headed deeper into the kitchen and ignored Blaze, which was Jill’s plan. Though she seriously doubted she could eat anything since her stomach was churning and burning.

“So, you still mad at me?” Steve eyed Jill and sat across from her, offering a ‘you love me and know it’ look. Blaze also sat down, his eyes taking in everything.

Jill wrinkled her nose at him and then sighed. “I guess not, but I was going to tell him.”

“Sure you were,” Steve replied while giving her the ‘I call bullshit’ look. “Did you take the pregnancy test?”

Shaking her head, she glanced over at Blaze, then quickly away when their eyes met. “No. Slade said there was no reason to.”

Nodding, Steve turned to look at Blaze. “So, have you been here long enough to tell us why you’re an ex-Warrior?” When Blaze didn’t answer, Steve and Jill shared a look. “Guess not.”

“He isn’t a talker,” Jill added, hiding her eagerness to hear the scoop on Blaze.

Sid set a bowl of rice down in front of her, along with a banana. “Eat slowly.” He sat down at the table with a cup of coffee. “Where’s the doc?”

Jill forked at the rice letting it cool, not really wanting to put it in her mouth. She knew she had to since Sid made it. “He went to the hospital.” She didn’t want to add with her blood, because honestly, she didn’t want to think about what he might find.

“What happened in Sloan’s office?” Sid kept up his interrogation, his eyes going back and forth between Jill and Blaze.

Great, here we go again. “I just got lightheaded.” Jill shrugged, continuing to fork her rice. “No big deal.”

“Don’t make me feed it to you,” Sid warned, watching her play with the food. “You need to eat.”

She scowled at him. “I’m letting it cool, Dad.”

Sid grinned and sipped his coffee, his eyes going to Blaze. “So, what’s your story?”

“I’m here to help Jax,” Blaze answered to Jill’s surprise. “The end.”

Sid cocked an eyebrow over his coffee cup, but didn’t comment further. Jill watched the steam rolling off Sid’s coffee, her eyes going to Blaze. “Can you set things on fire?”

Blaze had been staring off, but his eyes slammed into hers. “Yes.”

“Give me a lighter and so can I.” Steve looked at Blaze, unimpressed. “So is that why you got thrown out of the VC because you’re a fire bug? I knew it had to be something. No one just walks.”

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