Read A Walk Through Fire Online

Authors: Felice Stevens

Tags: #LGBT; Contemporary

A Walk Through Fire (4 page)

BOOK: A Walk Through Fire
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“Dr. Klein, good to see you again outside the confines of the conference room.”

“Yes, I’m glad to have put that behind me and don’t hold any grudges against you, Davis. You were doing what you were paid to do.” He turned to his friend. “I’d like to introduce you to one of my best friends, Dr. Jordan Peterson, who’ll also be working with us on the clinic project.”

The obvious look of distaste on Peterson’s handsome face left no doubt in Ash’s mind that the good doctor remembered him all too well. “Dr. Peterson.”

“Davis. It’s been years, hasn’t it?” Their gazes met, and Ash couldn’t tell what the man had going on behind his sneer. Had he mentioned their brief acquaintance to Klein? Did he tell Klein how Ash tried to seduce him?

Why the fuck did Ash even care?

Before he could answer, the hostess came to seat them, and they followed her into the dining area of the restaurant, where they were shown to a round table in the corner.

Once they all took their menus, Ash, brushing aside his annoyance, plastered a wide smile on his face. “It has been quite a few years, yes. Good to see you.”

“I was surprised to hear you were involved with this project. Didn’t really seem like your speed.”

He caught the warning look that passed between the two men, and yep, Peterson had spoken to Klein about him and that pissed him off.

“Peterson, you know nothing about me and let’s keep it that way. Suffice it to say I have my own reasons and motivation for becoming involved here, and I don’t owe any explanation to you. If you have a problem with me working at the clinic, that’s too fucking bad. Get over it. I’m not pulling out because you don’t like me.” He called over the waiter and ordered a vodka on the rocks. Ordinarily he would flirt with the handsome, slim-hipped young man, but he was too pissed at the moment. “Now, are we ready to talk business or is everyone at this table going to continue to obsess about my sex life?”

Peter laughed out loud, Peterson rolled his eyes, and Klein merely looked confused for a moment before giving the blushing waiter his drink order. They sat in uncomfortable silence until their drinks arrived.

Klein took a drink of his beer and then pulled some papers out of the thin leather portfolio he’d laid on the table. “So here is my vision. Obviously I’m not up on the legal ramifications, so that’s what you and Davis are here for, Peter.” He passed out several typed sheets of paper for them to look over. “We need to make sure we have all the legalities in place, as well as having you both on board to help these kids in case they want to press charges for abuse, discrimination, or sexual harassment.”

Ash studied the papers. It was a solid proposal—one that had taken a tremendous amount of thought and caring. If only he, Luke, and Brandon had someone like this.

Taking another gulp of his drink, he waited for the burning in his chest to subside before he continued. “Can I ask why you’re doing this? I mean, you’re a successful plastic surgeon who could make tons of money doing face-lifts and boob jobs. What made you want to help these kids?” Genuinely curious, he wanted to know why someone like Dr. Klein, young, obviously wealthy, and seemingly untouched by any of the ugliness the world had to offer, cared about the unwanted kids society had no trouble throwing in the trash heap.

“Because everyone matters, that’s why. And everyone’s life should have some kind of meaning; otherwise what’s the point in getting up in the morning? When my parents were killed, I didn’t want to live, but after a while I realized I was only punishing myself.” Klein rubbed his thumb over the rim of his glass, and Ash couldn’t take his eyes off that sensuous stroking motion. “They would have been horrified if I gave up my life to mourn their deaths. I was lucky enough to have my grandmother to look after both my sister and myself. These kids have no one to make sure they get up in the morning and have something to look forward to.”

Ash’s gaze remained transfixed on Klein’s long fingers as they gripped the glass and brought it to his lips. Yeah, these kids were lucky to have someone, even a stranger, care about them. Most of them didn’t have that reason to want to get up in the morning.

He knew.

As he cleared his throat, Peterson’s harsh voice broke Ash’s internal musing. “Can you make time in your schedule, Davis, or is this going to cut into your busy social life? We need people who are dedicated to these kids and willing to give of their time. Peter’s generously giving us legal advice, but he also said you have knowledge of family court and the intricacies of the system?” He cocked a blond brow as if challenging that statement.

“I do, yes.” Without any need to further that conversation, he turned his attention back to Klein. “Dr. Klein, I commend you on this project. I’m more than willing to help in any way possible. Have you thought about setting up a help line for the kids to call in? Sometimes knowing there’s a person who cares, might be the lifeline a kid needs.”

“Please call me Drew. And yes. My sister, is finishing up her PhD in child psychology and has arranged for volunteers to man phones on a twenty-four-hour basis. She’s trying to get it hooked into the school’s counseling system for us.” He scribbled down some notes, then smiled at Ash. “That was a great question, Davis.”

“If I’m calling you Drew, then call me Ash, please.” He smiled back at the man, ignoring the disgusted “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” from Peterson. “Where’s the clinic going to be located? I’m not that familiar with Brooklyn.”

“It’s in Red Hook. There’s a family court that operates nearby so we can work with the kids who come through the system there. The construction on the clinic is about finished or should be this weekend. We’ll have two examining rooms, an outpatient operating facility for simple procedures, and a room set aside for counseling. Our other friend, Mike, is a dentist, and he’ll have a mobile dental van set up to take care of any oral problems that may present.”

Ash knew only too well how teeth could be loosened or knocked out and jaws broken. Not to mention the infections and other diseases the kids might pick up from lack of oral hygiene or other, more troubling situations. His hand tightened on his glass as unbidden memories, ones he thought he’d managed to bury, stormed to the surface. A wave of dizziness and nausea hit him, and his vision wavered.


“You all right?” Peter murmured in his ear. “Maybe you want to take a minute.”

Sweat beaded on his brow. “Yeah.” He managed to grit that one word out as he stood. Without further explanation, he fled to the back and managed to make it to the restroom before locking himself in a stall. He slid down to the floor, heedless to the fact that it was a bathroom, and pressed his head against the coolness of the tile wall.

After several moments, the nausea and trembling passed, and he wiped his face with some tissue and stood on shaking knees. It had been months since he’d experienced anxiety such as this. Mortified at what the others at the table must think of him, he unlocked the stall door and came face-to-face with Peter.

“Better now?” Peter handed him a bottle of cold water, which he gratefully accepted. After drinking down half of it, Ash placed it on the shelf and braced his hands on the sink.

“Yeah. Thanks.” He closed his eyes for a moment, then met Peter’s somber reflection in the mirror. “What are they saying out there? You can tell me.” His laugh rang bitter within the confines of the small restroom. “I’m sure Peterson’s having a field day bashing me.”

Peter looked uncomfortable. “He isn’t your biggest fan, but I don’t think Drew is paying him too much attention. I suggest you go back and pretend like nothing happened.”

After another drink of water and a few deep breaths, Ash felt steady enough to return. He squeezed Peter’s shoulder. “Thanks. At least I know I have one friend.”

“Always, man.”

After they returned to the table, Drew simply handed him a fresh drink and picked up the conversation as if it was perfectly natural for a man to break out in a sweat and bolt from the table, only to reappear after ten minutes with no explanation.

“I took the liberty of ordering some food.” Drew handed him a menu, meeting his eyes over the top of the heavy booklet. “We haven’t ordered our main courses yet.”

No damage done, and with confidence running warm through his blood once again, Ash resorted once more to his cocky, self-assured persona. “Thanks, Drew. Guess I forgot to eat lunch today, and it all got to me suddenly.”

“No worries. Happens to all of us.”

The same cute waiter returned with the appetizers previously ordered, and Ash’s interest perked up for more than the food. When it was Ash’s turn to order dinner, he chose the house chili, extra spicy. The waiter’s eyes widened.

“Ah, sir, just to let you know, our chef already makes his chili quite hot.”

Ash chuckled and winked at the waiter, bringing a blush to his fair cheeks. How adorable. A ripple of lust flowed through Ash. “I like things extra hot and spicy.” He licked his lips and watched the eyes of the man widen, then darken with unmistakable desire. Perfect. His evening entertainment was now guaranteed. “Thank you for your concern, however.”

Flashing Ash a nervous smile, the young man collected his menu. When it came time for the waiter to take his menu, Ash made sure to brush his fingers over the young man’s hand. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the waiter bite his lip. His cock hardened, and he imagined that full mouth wrapped around his rigid cock. If he had anything to say about it, he wouldn’t be leaving the restaurant until he paid the waiter a personal visit to show him appreciation for a job well done.

Dinner progressed without further incident, and Ash remained impressed with how quickly Drew had set up this clinic. Peterson continued to be a thorn in his side making snide comments or simply shooting him glowering looks. Ash ignored Peterson completely.

Before he knew it, it was past midnight and the restaurant had emptied out. Peter had made his farewells about an hour before, needing to get home to his wife and kids. Ash caught the eyes of the sweet-faced waiter, hovering near the bar, and grinned to himself.


“Well, gentlemen, it’s been fun, and I look forward to working with you both and meeting your other friend.” He shook their hands. “I’d better get going as I have an early morning client.”

Peterson nodded, distracted by a text he was responding to, while Drew shook his hand. Once again, Ash enjoyed the strength and warmth of the man’s hand in his, but his mind was already on his planned rendezvous with the adorable waiter, who’d given him a signal with his pretty eyes to follow him down the darkened hallway by the restroom. “Good night, Drew. Talk to you soon.”

He pushed open the swinging doors to the dimly lit hallway, then walked past the restroom. Upon turning the corner, he spied the young man. “Why, hello there. Waiting for me?” In two long strides, Ash pinned him against the wall, loving the feel of the man’s slim body curving to fit his. The soft exhalation of breath in his ear stoked his fire.

“Yes. I don’t even know your name, though.”

Ash clasped the waiter around the waist, listening to his groans of desire. Their erections rubbed through their pants as Ash swiveled his hips. The waiter tried to kiss Ash on the lips.

“You don’t need to know anything except how to unzip my pants and suck me blind.” Ash pulled his face away, his hands hard on the man’s shoulders. He never kissed anyone. Ever. “Are you up for that?” He jerked his hips against the waiter and watched with satisfaction as the man’s eyes glazed and his hands reached for Ash’s pants.

“Oh God, yeah.”

Ash was so ready he almost came from the slightest touch.

With shaking fingers the waiter undid Ash’s belt, then popped the pants button and pulled open his fly. His erection tented out through his boxers, hard and hot.

“This is what you kiss. Not my mouth, not my lips. This.” He palmed his cock and stroked it as his pants sagged to his knees. Ash leaned against the wall, legs spread slightly, and waited, an imperious king, for his subject.

The waiter sank down on the floor before him and, with impatient, fumbling fingers, pulled down Ash’s boxers and hungrily swallowed his cock to the root. The rush of heat, the fact that they were in the open only added to the excitement and spurred Ash’s lust.

Shit. Nothing felt as good as someone’s mouth on him. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall, hips pumping as the eager mouth swirled, licked, and sucked at him like he was a fucking ice-cream cone. Gasping for air, he clutched the man’s hair. “Fuuuck me, man. You were made for this.”

Too long, too long. Ash couldn’t remember the last time he’d had sex, with all the work he’d piled on. But now, with the wet warmth of a talented mouth on his cock, he wondered how he’d ever lived without it. He fucked the waiter’s mouth harder. “Oh God, yes, that’s it.” The words of encouragement were a precursor to one hell of an orgasm he sensed building within his body. “Right there, don’t stop.”

The man on his knees before him moaned as he sucked Ash deeper while stroking his own erection. Within moments, Ash knew he was there, coming with a blinding intensity that had him stifling his own shout of ecstasy by shoving his fist in his mouth. Shuddering with the aftereffects, he pulsed a few more times before slipping out of the man’s mouth. The waiter stiffened, then groaned, coming in spurts on the floor in front of Ash, narrowly missing his shoes.

Minutes passed before Ash could catch his breath. He pulled up his pants, tucked in his shirt, then zipped himself up. The young man still breathed heavily, lips pouting and gleaming wet in the hazy lighting of the hallway. With the pad of his thumb, Ash traced the seam of the young man’s full mouth. “You were amazing. Thank you.”

“Will I see you again?” The hopeful note in the young man’s voice gave Ash a momentary twinge of regret as the kid licked Ash’s thumb, then sucked it into his hot mouth. The guy had a very talented tongue.

“If I come by and eat here again, I’ll make sure to look you up.” It was only fair of him not to string the kid along. He wasn’t made for relationships.

BOOK: A Walk Through Fire
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