A Walk In The Wilderness (31 page)

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Authors: Nancy Hopper

BOOK: A Walk In The Wilderness
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     “Oh, David.” she gasped.  He took it from the box and slipped it on her finger.  He was pleased to find that it fit quite well.  And it looked wonderful.

     “Where did you get this?”  she asked in wonder.

    He laughed.  “From a jeweler in Paris.  Perhaps you recall him.”  he suggested lightly.

   She looked up at him.  “When you bought your mother’s bracelet.”  she guessed.
      He nodded, smiling.  “It wasn’t easy with you there.”  he complained.
      “You could have just asked me then.”  she suggested teasingly.

      “I don’t think so.”  he denied. 

      “Why not?”  she challenged.

    He shrugged, and gave her a lazy smile that let her know he was a bit embarrassed.  “I wasn’t quite sure of you, yet.” he admitted.

    “Sure of what?  You didn’t know that I was in love with you?” she asked incredulously.

       “No.  I didn’t.  I hoped, but I wasn’t sure.” 

       “When were you sure?”  she asked timidly.

      He laughed, and shook his head.  “I thought when you were willing to go to Paris alone with me, that you must be willing to pay the consequences.  But I wasn’t really sure until I came home night before last, and the doors between our rooms was unlocked.”

       She blushed.  “Was it?” she asked with surprise.

       He laughed.  “You know it was.”  he accused.

     “Your mother was quite disappointed when I came home from Paris without any news.” 

     He smiled.  “No doubt.  She’s been in your corner since the first day.”  he agreed dryly.  “She loves you, Caitie.”

     “And I love her.  It amazed me that she was pushing me toward you.” she marveled.

       “Was she?  What did she do?”

     Caitlin laughed.  “She advised me to take only sexy clothes to wear in Paris.  She was certain you’d go tumbling.”

      David laughed with her.  “She was right.  It sealed my doom.”  he sighed.  “I knew when you came down the stairs in those black leather britches, I was in deep trouble.  Your succession of intoxicating outfits in Paris nailed the coffin shut.  I couldn’t help myself.  You almost didn’t make it home a virgin.”  he informed her.

     “It would have been all right with me.”  she assured him, blushing.

     He caressed her cheek.  “Well, it wouldn’t have been all right with me.  I have standards that I’m supposed to live by, and
would not have served my Lord well.”  he reminded her.  “Nor would it have been quite respectful to you.  But we will take care of the formalities at our first convenience, my love.  Believe me.” 

     She leaned back in his arms and smiled up at him.  “Tell me about the song, David.”  she begged.

     He looked at the ceiling.  “The song.  The one I sang tonight?”  he clarified.  “The song I’ve been singing over and over again, waiting.  Dying to sing to you.  That song came to me while we were on the plane from Scotland.  I scratched the words down then, and put it to music that night, after my concert.”

     “You did?”  she asked incredulously.

      “I did.  Why are you so surprised?”

      She gasped, and laughed.  “Because I never knew.  I so hoped and dreamed that maybe you’d love me, David.  And I watched and waited, but you seemed oblivious.  And here, all that time, you were … singing such a song.”  she marveled.

     He smiled.  “Oh, yes.  I have been singing that song.”  he assured her.  He kissed her forehead.  “It never leaves my heart.  Whenever I find myself with a free moment, it comes bubbling up to my mind and rattles around.” he admitted.

     Caitlin smiled up at him, and wrapped her arms around him.  “I’m very glad.”  she revealed.  She lifted her lips to his, and gave David her kiss.

    The touch of her lips smote David’s heart strongly.  Soft and sweet, she grabbed hold of him, deep inside.  Her fragrance threatened to drive him wild.  Her fingers in his hair were drawing him, wooing him.  It was deep delight.  Sweet agony. 

     Before she knew quite what was happening, Caitlin found herself on her back again, pressed into the settee by the considerable weight of a man’s body.  And David was kissing her, far more than she was kissing him.  She could feel the tension in his muscles, the purpose in his hands.  He was like a bulldozer, and Caitlin feared that there wouldn’t be any reasoning with this one. 

     “David,”  she objected breathlessly.  “Darling.”

    He growled at the endearment, and pushed his way between her legs.  He cursed inwardly at the yards of her skirt's flowing material, and pressed his length against Caitlin’s.  He was on fire.  He had to have her, and he had to have her

     “David.  Why didn’t you ever kiss me?”  she whispered.  “Why didn’t you ever let me know?”

     “Because I knew
would happen.”  he snapped.  He kissed her neck in a way that made her shiver and arch her back.  His lips moved lower and lower, tasting the soft skin of her cleavage hungrily.

     “My.”  she gasped.  She knew that she couldn’t stop David, and she also knew that it would be a mistake not to.  He wanted everything to be right.  He didn’t want to have her until they were married, he’d been clear on that.  Yet he was obviously over the edge.  She thought hard about how to stop him without rebuking him.  She couldn’t think of a single thing.

      “David,”  she said softly,  “David.  We can’t.” she finally blurted.

      He stopped and looked at her, disconcerted.  “What?” he asked pointedly.

      “We can’t.  What if your mother gets up, or James comes in?”
     David looked around him as though aware of his surroundings for the first time in awhile, and drew his eyebrows together.  He sighed, and pushed out of Caitlin’s arms with a growl.  He ran a hand through his hair, and sighed.  He turned and looked at Caitlin as though he’d still love to devour her.

       “Want to go swimming?” he asked in a monotonous voice.

       Caitlin laughed.  “Sure.”  she agreed immediately.

       He grinned.  “I’ll already be in the cold water when you get there.  Make sure of it.”  he stipulated.

     Caitlin laughed, and blushed.  David laced his fingers through hers, and pulled her to her feet.  They walked upstairs together silently, holding hands.  At her door, David pulled her into his arms and kissed her again, deeply.  He looked down at her as though perplexed by her hold on him, and smiled.  He shook his head in bewilderment, and left her there.  “See you at the pool.”  he said quietly.

       Caitlin smiled knowingly, and went into her room.  She changed into her suit, and hurried as she heard David go out.  She bit her lip, and laughed.  He was going to appreciate her new swimsuit, she was sure.  She’d bought it in Paris at the boutique in the hotel.  It was very daring. 

      In sparkling silver, it had a top that curved over the breasts in a very sexy and flattering way.  It had a halter fastening at the neck, and a very skimpy bottom piece.  The top and bottom were fastened together by thin pieces of fabric, but the midriff and ribs and back were all open.  And, it was as sexy as anything Caitlin had ever seen before.  She laughed, and bit her lip in anticipation.  It wasn’t nice, but she was going to wear it, anyway.

      She covered up with her terry robe and went down to the pool with a song in her heart.  David was hers.  Life was becoming everything that she’d ever dreamed of, and more.

      David was swimming laps when she went into the solarium that held the pool.  He came up for air when he heard her enter, and stood in the shoulder-deep water watching her.  His eyes were still very predatory, and Caitlin smiled at him naughtily.

     She slipped the robe over her shoulders, and turned her back to him as she put it on a lounger.  Then she turned toward him, and walked to the pool’s side with a seductive smile on her face.  She dove in, and swam across to where David was standing.  When she surfaced, she came up in his arms and hugged him tightly.

     “Hi.” she said lightly.

    David looked at her, and shook his head.  “You’re cruel and merciless.”  he accused in a wooden voice.  “How could you do this to me?”

     She laughed. “Do you like it, darling?”  I thought you might.”  she said sweetly.

    David crushed her in his arms, and kissed her hungrily in response.  She could feel in his muscles that the cold water hadn’t done much to cool him off.  “It isn’t working.” he informed her dryly.

      “What’s that?” she asked softly.

      “The cold water.”

      “Oh.  I can tell.” she admitted, laughing.

     “I’ll bet you can.  Caitlin, you’re driving me hard, baby.” he warned her with intent eyes.

      “David, I’m sorry.  I just … have waited so long to see passion in your eyes.”  she explained innocently.  “I can’t seem to resist doing things to entice you.”

      He groaned and held her against him.  “Vive la enticement.”  he laughed.  “But, babe, I really would rather have a virgin bride.  If you’ll work with me on this, I may have a shot at it.”

     She smiled up at him sweetly.  “I’m sorry, David.  I promise that I’ll be very modest, after this.”

      He rolled his eyes, and closed them.  “Good.”  he said expressly.  “That’s very good.  Don’t get me wrong, honey.  I love your clothes.  I love your body.  But I’m very weak where you’re concerned.  Have a heart until I can indulge myself with a clear conscience, won’t you?”

       She smiled.  “Of course.  Didn’t I stop you, inside?”

       He nodded.  “You did, and I’m glad.  I wouldn’t have.  I’d forgotten that there was any other option.  You’re intoxicating, you know.”  he accused.

     “I’m glad you think so.”  she sighed, running her hands up his back.  “And believe me, I intend to keep you thinking that way, if at all possible.  After we’re married.” she hurriedly added.

    “Thank you.”  he sighed in relief.  “After we’re married will be much preferable.”

      “Still, there remained a kiss at her bedroom door that night that threatened her virtue, and tomorrow was another day.  Caitlin went to bed completely elated. Her dreams were all coming true.  David loved her.  David wanted her.  He always had.


     When she awoke the following morning, Caitlin remembered the previous night with David, and she sighed.  Then she remembered how listless and hopeless she’d felt just the prior morning, and giggled.  The whole world was turned right side up, now.  David loved her!

      She got out of bed, and scanned her closet thoughtfully.  She didn’t have much to wear that wouldn’t antagonize her fiance.  She decided on her black jeans and a long, soft sweater that covered all of her charms.  Surely he wouldn’t object to that.

     She went downstairs with a smile, and a bounce in her step.  She found Grace at the table, eating a muffin and drinking her tea.  “Good morning, darling.  How are you this morning?” she croaked.

       Caitlin smiled.  “I’m wonderful.  How are you feeling, Grace?”

     “Not nearly as good as you are.”  Grace grumbled.  She still had a bit of a cold.

      “I’m sorry.  Is there anything that I can get you?”  she asked softly.

     “No.  Actually, I’m concerned about David.  He needs more rest before he goes to Ireland. He worries me, Caitie.  He seems so very tired and strained.”

      Caitlin sighed.  “Yes, well.  I don’t wonder, Grace.  Skyler  has been giving him quite a time, I gather.  He can be extremely unpleasant and petulant.  Poor David has really taken the brunt of it.  Not only does Skyler have to compete with David, who is obviously a greater talent, David also rescued me from him.  Skyler is certainly not responding graciously.”

    Grace looked concerned.  “No wonder he’s so exhausted.  Why does he continue the tour?” she mumbled.

      “Because I have a contract, mother.  Don’t worry, I can handle Skyler.  He’s a pain, but he’s no threat.”  David answered quietly.

     They looked up to find David listening and watching, his arm braced in the door frame, casually.  He was smiling.

     “Good morning, son.”  Grace greeted David affectionately.  “Have something to eat.”

       “No, thanks.  I’m really not interested, just yet.” He answered.

       “Didn’t you sleep well?”  Grace asked worriedly.

      “Not very.  But it’s quite all right.  That’s nothing new.”  he chuckled.  He  joined them at the table.  “I will have some tea, though.”

       “Please do, darling.  What are your plans for the day?”

     David sighed.  “Well, I suspect that I should get some more rest.  I’m still exhausted.  I will probably end up taking a cold swim or two, and I’ll have to pack for Ireland.  I may be able to squeeze in a ride with a beautiful woman.”

      Caitlin blushed, and smiled at him.  He met her eyes with intent purpose in his.  His smile was not at all nice.

      Grace’s eyebrows went up.  “Where do you think you might find a beautiful woman who would grace you with her company?”  she teased.

      “Eh.  I don’t know.  It was probably foolishness.”  he agreed. 

     Caitlin’s laughter bubbled.  “David,”  she objected.  “I might actually go with you, if you'll promise to be a gentleman.”

      He bit his lip, as though considering.  “I’ve had about enough of that, actually.  I may pull through just one more day, but I can make no promises.  I would much rather find a way to indulge myself in your quite considerable charms.  You’re a very sexy minx, my lady.” he said with a determined look into her round eyes.
     Caitlin stared at him dumbfounded, and blushed brilliantly.  Grace looked at him in absolute shock.

    “David.”  his mother objected.  “Though no one is more delighted to hear honest words from your lips about Caitlin, there are limits of respectability that I do expect you to maintain.  Please, apologize to the lady.”

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