A Vision of Green (Florence Vaine #2) (38 page)

BOOK: A Vision of Green (Florence Vaine #2)
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You can't change your heart you know, you have to live with the one you're born with.”

I glance up. Standing directly in front of me is Bune. Well, it isn't really Bune, but a copy of him that my dreaming mind has conjured up.

I think I know that now,” I tell him, looking around to discover that we're in the school assembly hall. It's empty. In the centre of my ruby red glass heart is a wispy flame, flickering softly.
It's Frank
, I think to myself, he's in my heart and there's no pushing him out. He's been in there for a while, I've just been too scared to accept him.

Bune walks around me and right over to the doorway before stopping and turning back. “Take care of it, it's the only one you've got.”

He turns and continues walking away from me.

I will,” I whisper. “I will.”


Weeks go by, but nothing is the same as it once was. I haven't seen or heard from my dad at all, he's obviously keeping a low profile. I haven't gone back to Gran's house either, so I don't know whether he's staying there or somewhere else. I've become a regular fixture at Frank's and the spare room is more or less my room now. Although Hayley and John have been keeping a close eye to make sure me and Frank haven't had the chance to conduct any more “sleepovers”, which has annoyed Frank no end. I sort of like their parental protectiveness though, it's certainly a novelty to me.

Somehow the Nephilim managed to create a fake news story to explain what happened on the night of Bill's séance. They said it was all down to a chemical leak from a factory just outside the town. They had it announced over the television and radio stations that the chemicals got into the atmosphere and caused people to have hallucinations akin to when someone takes acid pills. There was a much more scientific explanation than that, but it went right over my head.

The few deaths that occurred were also blamed on the chemical leak. It was reported that those who died had been exposed to the chemicals more so than others, and that the families of the deceased would be receiving massive compensatory pay outs. Like hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions. The Nephilim must have some amount of cash lying around. I'm still not sure how they explained away the fact that some of the deaths didn't leave dead bodies, since the Elokos
them. I guess people will simply believe lies when they're easier to swallow than the truth.

I made sure that Caroline and Josh knew what really went down though, because Caroline is definitely my best friend, and Josh has become sort of my friend now. He still gives me these lustful looks that put me on edge, but I try to ignore them. It wasn't easy telling them both the truth, but I managed to convince Frank and Alex to help me. We all sat down and had a
long conversation.

And then there's Ingrid. She says she has no memory of what happened to her when she was abducted, but I know she's lying. Not only can I see it in her colours, she also knew every detail when she'd spoken to me after Frank and the Nephilim killed the manticore. I wonder why she's faking the amnesia? Perhaps she just can't bear to face the memories.

I never thought I'd feel sorry for Ingrid, but I do now. Apparently, there's nothing that can be done to mend her spine. She's going to be in a wheelchair for life. She still hasn't come back to school yet. I visited her house once with Caroline, but she told her mum that she didn't want to see anyone. I think she might have fallen into a severe depression because of all this. But in all honesty, who wouldn't? She'll never be the same blond popular girl she once was.

Hayley had a very strongly worded chat with Bill about putting on a séance when he knew the consequences for interfering with the spirit world in such a way can be dire. And they were. I'm not sure how guilty he feels for his actions, but Hayley did mention that he's taken an extended holiday to visit his parents in the countryside.

I can't exactly be too angry at Bill though, because I went along with whole thing as well. I never told him to stop or that it was a bad idea. I'd been too curious and eager for information about Ingrid. And people
I've been speaking to Sam a lot about my guilt over that, he tells me the creatures were going to get out eventually, that it was only a matter of time. That's why the Nephilim had been so worked up about keeping a watch on the boundaries of the forest.

That brings me to now, I'm standing staring at myself in the mirror in my room at Frank's house. I don't look right, not like myself at all. I'm wearing a new dress that I bought. It's green, perhaps a subconscious nod to Green George. The colour almost matches my eyes. The fabric is soft, it's got short sleeves and little buttons all down the centre. On my feet are my old worn out Converse. They don't exactly match the dress, but they're something of a comfort blanket.

Caroline has curled my hair for me and put on my make-up. It's a special occasion, but I wish it wasn't. Knowing that once I step foot downstairs I'm going to be the centre of attention makes me feel ill. It's December. It's my birthday. Frank and Hayley put their heads together and organised a party for me. I couldn't be any more terrified.

The list of invited guests isn't very long at all. Frank's whole family and Sam will be attending, as well as Layla, Caroline, and maybe Josh. Although it's unlikely that he'll show. I just can't figure him out at all these days. He seems like he's got all of this internal anger for me that he's not voicing. He hates that I'm still with Frank and haven't decided to run to him yet. It will never happen. I mean, how could he think it would happen? My feelings for Frank are already way too deep to be erased, or for me to push him aside for somebody as fickle as Josh. He might have matured, but he's still himself at the core of it all. Spoiled and a small bit selfish. Josh has changed, but he hasn't changed entirely.

Even if I don't think he's as bad as I once did, Josh will never be anything other than a friend. And a reluctant one at that. Anyway, I can't understand why he likes me, I'm still half convinced I'm imagining the whole thing. Perhaps it's an elaborate, long running prank.

Caroline peeks her head in the door. “Are you ready yet birthday girl? I'm dying to dig into the food down there.”

I give myself one last look in the mirror and then follow her down the stairs. As I walk behind her I hear a snippet of her thoughts,
Oh God, Alex looks too good tonight, I don't know if I can take it
. Hearing thoughts is another reason why things will never be the same again. I've found that if I concentrate hard enough, I can listen to people's minds. The thoughts aren't there all the time, but it seems there's something of a switch that I can flick and be able to listen in. It's terribly invasive, that's why I haven't mentioned it to anyone.

Those who know about me might be able to accept that I can see what they're feeling, but if they knew I could hear what they're thinking too they'd probably go all strange and guarded whenever I'm around. I don't want that to happen. I like the way things are right now. I don't want to ruin it all. I finally feel comfortable living in the farmhouse, and comfort has always been a rare and elusive thing for me.

I don't listen to the thoughts very often, because I'm afraid someone will notice. I don't listen to Frank's thoughts at all, because he's far too attuned to me. There's a likelihood that he'd figure it out straight away. Still, I smile to myself that Caroline continues to nurse her crush on Alex. Like a slowly blossoming flower, I can see his affection for her too as it grows in his aura. Neither of them have really made the first move yet though.

Oh and another thing that's different. It's actually quite monumental. I don't stammer any more. Well, I hardly ever do. It's all thanks to my speech therapy sessions with Nina and my own work on my aura. I have these breathing exercises that I do each night and they keep me on an even keel. It's like I have this whole new voice I never thought it was possible to have. No longer do I cringe internally at the sound of my own fractured words.

I'm eighteen now. A grown up. Well, almost. I've definitely come a long way. I step into the big spacious kitchen area that has been decked out with balloons and birthday banners. My heart quickens with nerves and anticipation. I wish I was the kind of girl who could enjoy having everyone's eyes on her. Unfortunately it goes against my nature. But I'm going to do my best to try and enjoy this day. My day.

What sounds like rap metal is playing in the background, so I assume Alex was put in charge of selecting the music. Everybody cheers when I come in, and Hayley rushes forward to give me a massive hug. There are presents all set up on the table, as well as a two-tiered cake and finger foods. I catch sight of a blue shirt and notice Josh standing in the background with his arms folded across his chest. He doesn't seem happy at all, not like he's at a party anyway. I invited him for the sake of good manners, but I never expected him to actually show up.

Frank steps close to me and laces his fingers through mine. “You look amazing.” He pauses. “I don't know why you bothered asking Carter along, he's had a face like thunder on him since he got here,” he says, too quietly for anybody else to hear.

I smile. “I was trying to be nice, you know he's not been the same these days.”

Yeah well, I'm sick of him looking at you the way he does.”

A small laugh escapes me. “What with grudging respect and a smidgen of hatred?”

Frank brings my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “Not like that, like he wants you. He'd better cop on soon or I'm going to have to do something about it.”

Can we not talk about this now? We're supposed to be having fun.”

Frank grins then and shakes his head, he's letting the subject drop. I sigh with relief. If he ever found out about the day Josh kissed me I don't know what he'd do. It's selfish of me to keep it to myself, but I don't want to ruin how good things have been between us. Besides, it's not like I kissed Josh back.

I notice John standing behind Hayley, he's smiling at me and he briefly wishes me a happy birthday. If it were anyone else looking at him they'd think he was fully restored, back to his full health. But I can see something different in his aura. I haven't told anyone because I'm not sure what it means. His fire is outlined in shadow, like there's something dark in him since he was brought back from the dead. The thing is, he's acting exactly like his normal self, so I'm thinking it might be nothing. Just a small change in his energy since he visited death for a short time.

Come on Flo, open your presents,” Caroline shouts, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the table.

I peruse the small collection of brightly wrapped gifts and get a bit of a tickle in my throat. A tickle that's threatening to turn to tears. I've never had a party like this before, most of my birthdays Dad used as an excuse to have his friends around for a piss up. I pick up the biggest one, it's all shiny and purple with a bow on the top.

Oh that one's from me,” says Caroline excitedly.

I tug on the wrapping paper and pull it off the box, which turns out to be a set of hair straighteners and curling irons. Very cool. I hug Caroline and thank her for the present, which must have cost a bomb, because it's from that expensive brand, GH something or other. Next I pick up a small box wrapped in gold.

Who's this one from?” I ask quietly.

When my eyes land on Josh he looks entirely uncomfortable and mutters, “It's from me.”

Oh,” I say, slowly peeling open the wrapping. Inside I find a velvety dark blue box and when I open it there's a pretty silver broach inside in the shape of a flower.

My mum bought it,” Josh says quickly. “I don't know what girls like so I got her to get you something.”

Is that right?” Alex puts in with a knowing smirk. Frank is unsettlingly silent.

It's lovely,” I say. “Tell your mum I said thanks.”

Josh nods and looks away. Well this whole gift opening thing is turning out to be quite awkward. “Why don't I just open these later, I'm starving and the food looks great.”

Brilliant idea,” Hayley agrees, and we all move over to grab plates to load food onto them from the spread that's been set out.

Layla nudges me with her shoulder, sidling up alongside me. She and Ross have been back from their trip to France for a couple of weeks. They came home looking rested and replenished, but all of that soon vanished once they were told what happened in their absence. Ross was very upset when he heard about John, but he soon got a handle on himself and just seemed relieved that everyone was okay in the end.

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