A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series) (6 page)

BOOK: A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series)
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                 I woke up early the next day. It didn't seem to matter what time I went to bed, I always woke at the same time. I decided to go to the gym to kill some time before my breakfast date. By eight I was back home, showered, and my hair done. I decided to wear black jeans that flattered my bum, and a thin, loose, blue jumper, which hung slightly off one shoulder and draped nicely over my bust. At nine precisely, there was a knock at the front door. I opened it to find Oscar leaning lazily against the door jamb wearing Levi's and a grey t shirt. He looked just as gorgeous in casual clothes as he did in a suit.

                  He kissed me on the cheek, and waited while I grabbed my handbag and keys. As soon as we were out of the lift, he grabbed my hand, and we walked round to the arcade in the sunshine. He led me to a little cafe where we ordered full English each, and lattes. He looked younger in jeans, and almost carefree compared to the snarling, uptight, unhappy person I had pegged him as at first. I settled back into my chair and relaxed. Our food arrived, looking tempting, and my stomach grumbled in anticipation. We tucked in.

                 "Sleep well?" Oscar said, breaking the companionable silence.

                 "Great thanks. You?" I replied, more to be polite than anything.

                 "I would have slept better if I hadn't spent the evening being teased. Why did you send me home Elle?"
What? Did he seriously expect me to shag him on the first date?

                  "I beg your pardon? It was the first time we spent an evening together. What did you expect me to do?"

                 "Is that your only issue? That it was our first date?"

                 I blushed a bit, "Oscar, that's a bit direct. Yes, I don't have sex on the first date." He looked thoughtful as he ate a piece of egg and bacon.

                  "So does this count as a second date? I won't beat about the bush Elle, I need to fuck you, so just tell me what you want me to do, and we can cut the crap."

              Those crude words coming out of Oscars sculptured mouth in his cut crystal accent, shocked me. My forkful of sausage hovered in the air while I considered my response.

                 "I'm guessing the 'I need to fuck you' approach has a high success rate for you," I said, trying not to look horribly offended.

                 "Well, we are both adults," he said, his impassive mask back on. I put down my knife and fork, and leaned forward.

                 "I am deciding whether or not I want to fuck you, not when I want to fuck you," I replied, "you'd do well to remember that."
Yay! Go me!

                 "If you think that keeping me waiting is going to make me chase you, then I can tell you now, you're wrong. I don't subscribe to the bourgeois point of view of making a man wait. If you don't fancy me, then I'd rather you say now than spend time pointlessly hanging around."

                I stared at him, shocked at his bluntness. His eyes were cold and steely, and his face impassive. The thought struck me that he was behaving like a spoilt child who had never heard the word no. His attempt to manipulate me into shagging him to stop him walking away was juvenile and misguided. There was no way I'd be railroaded into bed for fear of losing someone. I popped the last bit of toast in my mouth and quickly swallowed. As sad as I was not to witness Oscar naked, there was no way I was prepared to shag him in the hope of stopping him walking away. I pulled a twenty out of my purse and slapped it down on the table.

                  "I don't expect you to hang around. Consider my mind made up," I hissed, before I stomped off. His face was a mixture of astonishment and anger, but he didn't come after me.

                 Rather than head back to the flat where I might bump into him, I headed over to the West End, to walk through Hyde park, and gather my thoughts, or rather, sulk. I found a bench in a quiet corner of the park and sat down. It was a glorious spring day, and the tulips swayed gently in the warm breeze. I took a few deep, cleansing breaths. They didn't work, and a large tear rolled down my cheek. I swiped it away angrily, cross with myself for getting upset. Oscar was way out of my league, and I had known that from the start. It had been the reason I had been guarded about letting him have my body, as I had known he would never have been able to love someone like me.
You're being suburban, Elle, men like Oscar don't love, they make alliances, and wanting to be loved pegs you as the working class girl you want to escape. Woman up.

                 As I let the self pity wash over me, my phone chirped. Pulling it out my bag, I saw immediately it was a text from James.

hey little Elle, how was the date? Hope your ok. All good here

I smiled as I tapped out my reply;

hey big James, got dumped already, am ok, glad it's goin well out there. Miss you.

My phone rang about a minute later.

                 "What do you mean you got dumped?" James said without preamble.

                 "I didn't shag him, so he said I was bourgeois and said he'd walk away if I didn't, so I left. I thought he was too good to be true," I sniffed.

                 "Elle are you crying? A tosser like that should most definitely not make you cry. Sounds like you had a lucky escape to me. Everyone knows a lady doesn't shag on the first date."

                 "That's what I thought, anyway, how are the yanks treating you?"

                 "Great. They want to buy my app. I have clear direction on how Apple want it constructed, and I'm meeting a couple of banks in New York in the next few days to get their input. Oh, and they put me up in the most amazing hotel."

                 "Email me some pictures please? I need cheering up."

                 "Will do, and Elle? You are too good for an idiot man who doesn't realise he can't click his fingers and make demands. You're better than that, don't forget it."

I smiled as we said our goodbyes. James had only been gone a day, and I missed him already. By the time I had walked back to Hyde Park corner, I was in a much better mood. I decided to forget Oscar Golding, and carry on being New Elle, who had a great job, and fabulous life. I wasn't going to be beaten that easily.

                  I headed home around five, picking up some groceries on the way. There was no sign of Oscar in the lobby, and I was grateful to reach my front door without incident. As I closed the door behind me, I noticed an envelope on the floor. It was expensive cream vellum, and just had my name handwritten on the front. Knowing who it was from, I placed it on the kitchen island as I made my coffee, and put the groceries away. I sat and turned it over in my hands before garnering the courage to open it.


Dear Elle,

  I'm so sorry about the way I behaved today. I was crass and demanding, and I don't blame you for walking away. I hope you can forgive me, and give me the opportunity to treat you like the lady you undoubtedly are.




                 I read the note several times. After his assertion that he wouldn't chase, it most definitely felt like round one to me. I smiled, and threw the note down onto the island. The best thing to do now was nothing. I would ignore the note, and ignore Oscar.

I ran a deep, luxurious bath, adding a few drops of a free sample of bath oil. I sank in, and lay back, feeling the tension in my body relax     













Chapter 4



                 Re-writing the contract was the priority first thing Monday morning. Lewis asked me to assist him, and together we sat going through line by line. The clients and Ivan were meeting again at two, so we worked like demons to get it done and ready. At twelve, we were interrupted by Priti.

                  "Elle, Oscar Goldings at the front desk. Are you breaking for lunch, or should I tell him you're busy?"

                  "Can you tell him I'm busy please. Doubt if we'll get time for lunch today."

                  "Will do," she said as she headed back out. I put it out of my mind, and concentrated on my work.

                 Our clients arrived at quarter to two, and sat in the conference room as Lewis explained the revised contract. By five to, they were briefed and happy, and waiting in anticipation for Ivan. He arrived bang on time, and yet again my brain fried slightly at the sight of him. He stared at me pointedly, before taking his seat at the large table. Lewis presented him with a copy of the revised contract, which he read quickly. We had already emailed a copy to his legal team about an hour previously, so I presumed he was in agreement with the revised figures.

                  This time, he spoke very little, and his lawyer did the talking. With both sides in agreement, they all signed, shook hands, and the deal was done. There was a bit of relief in the air as all the men began to file out of the conference room. I was packing up my papers as a loud, Russian voice boomed out.

                 "Miss Reynolds, I would like to speak to you alone please." My head whipped up to see Ivan fixing me with his intense stare.

                 "Sure," I said, "here ok?" He nodded, and waited for the rest of the men to leave, Lewis giving me a raised eyebrow as he left. Ivan walked over to the door and closed it, before turning to face me.

                  "You are very impressive for such a young woman," he said.
Sexist bastard.

                 "Thanks.......is that all?" I said brightly, hoping to shut him down. He was making me nervous. The way he looked at me reminded me of a cat looking at a mouse.

                  "No. You intrigue me Ms Reynolds. Do I intrigue you?"

                  "Mr Porenski, it's not something I've given any thought to. Now is there anything else? I have a full schedule to be getting back to."

                 "Would you have dinner with me tonight?" He looked at me expectantly.

                 "No, I'm sorry but I'm busy." As soon as I said it, I regretted it a little. Ivan was the grand prize, the one everyone wanted. I just didn't feel up to handling another alpha male so soon after spending a day feeling like crap.

                 "Oscar was a fool to let you slip away from him. I wouldn't make the same mistake. Now, Elle, take a good, long look at me, and tell me if you see a man who takes no for an answer."
Smug git.

                 "No means no. I have no idea what Oscar did or didn't tell you, but when I say no I mean it. Do yourself a favour, and accept it gracefully." My voice was a little louder than I wanted, but I was annoyed, a bit humiliated that they had discussed me, and deeply offended that they both seemed to think a wallet waved in my face would make my knickers fall down.

                  "Are you this much of a tiger between the sheets?" Ivan chuckled, which enraged me further. I grabbed my papers, and stalked out. The only place I could go where he couldn't follow was the ladies, so I hurried in, and hid in the loo.

                 About fifteen minutes later, Priti came in, calling me. I sheepishly unlocked the door, and came out.

                  "It's alright, Ivan's gone. What on earth happened?"

                  "Long story. The mans a pig, and so is Oscar. I don't want to see either of them right now." I washed my hands and pulled myself together.

                  "So you have the two hottest men on the planet both hanging round you like puppies, and you want me to say 'poor Elle, must be terrible'. Are you mad? Your a lucky, lucky bitch." She bumped shoulders with me, and we both laughed.

                 "When you put it like that...." I smiled. Even though both men scared me, and had offended me, it was still a bit of an ego boost.

                 I went back to my office, braced for the inevitable ribbing I would get. All that happened was Lewis poking his head round the door to ask if I was ok. The other three men seemingly engrossed in fascinating work on their screens. I carried on working till around seven, before my stomach interrupted me with some loud grumbling. I switched off my screen and headed home.

                 Back at the flat, I microwaved a meal for one, again missing James, and switched on the telly. I changed into some fleece pyjamas, and settled down on the sofa for a quiet night. A loud knock at the door made me jump. Rather than open it, I called out "who is it?"

                 "Who do you think?"
Bugger, piss off Oscar, I'm not in the mood.

                 "Not now Oscar. I'm busy."

                 "Is someone with you?"


                 "Then open the door. I won't keep you long." I sighed and opened the door. He smiled tentatively as I stood aside to let him in. If he noticed my unsexy jimjams, he didn't comment. I made us both coffee, and we sat at the island. I looked at him, waiting to hear what he had to say. His eyes flicked down to the discarded note, before looking back at me.

                 "I really need to apologise for Sunday morning," he said, "I behaved like a boor, and prat. I don't normally go around trying to bully women for sex. I'm sorry."

                "Apology accepted. You need to know that I won't be bullied. So why did you say those things to me?" He took a deep breath.

                 "Women don't say no to me, as a rule."

                 "Really? Wow. You must find low self esteem attractive in a woman then." He tried to fight a smile.

                 "Not particularly, but in general, most women think I'm attractive."

                "I never said you weren't attractive, I just like to be sure I'm giving my body to someone who appreciates it. If you just want a quick shag, pretty much every secretary in my office would be happy to oblige."

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