A Vampire's Saving Embrace (24 page)

Read A Vampire's Saving Embrace Online

Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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“What in the
was that?” Luke yelled, looking to Marcus – who only shook his head in confusion. Luke took out another demon and tried desperately to find Kat.

She was slammed up against the wall across the room - a nasty piece holding her there by the neck as she kicked and fought valiantly.

Lucas growled - his amber eyes glowing with rage and rushed over to her -grabbing the demon by the back of his neck. He pulled him away from her and, transforming into his wolf form, went right for the throat - ending the demon in only a moment.

When he had finished with him, he turned back, and looked at Kat, who was grinning devilishly at him -her eyes blatantly traveling up and down his now gloriously naked form without even a hint of embarrassment.

“Thanks, Benji,” she said, and broke out into a full-fledged smile, causing a sudden tightening in his chest.

“Not a problem red,” he countered, his amber eyes twinkling. “Always happy to help out a damsel in distress.”

“Damsel in distress -my ass. You arrogant, flea-bitten mutt! I was doing just fine without your help…
” she threw out flippantly - but Luke couldn’t help but notice the grin she was trying desperately to keep from her lips.

“Whatever you say…

Kat burst out laughing, “Believe me, baby - I’m a far cry from the good witch of the North. You’d be wise to remember that. Besides,” she said, the smile finally coming to her full lips, “Kats and
don’t get along!”

Abby fought the blackness that threatened to consume her with everything that she had as she crawled over to where Desmond lay – praying that she wasn’t too late.

“Oh, God! Please... Desmond,” she cried - bringing her face close to his. Her heart stopped when she thought she heard him groan softly – but she couldn’t be certain. Oh, please, she silently begged– please…
let him still be alive.

She took a deep breath - trying to gather her courage as she hesitantly wrapped her trembling fingers around the handle of the dagger that still protruded from his back, and pulled – cringing at the wet sucking sound it made. This time she was sure she heard a moan and leaned down to press her lips to his ear, her sobs coming in earnest now.

“Please, Des,” she begged, her entire body shaking. “Don’t you dare die on me!”

“Abby…too late,” he whispered weakly and she felt true, unbridled fear surging up inside her.

“No!” she stubbornly cried, refusing to let him give up. She would not let him die. She wouldn’t! But there was so much blood – too much in fact for anyone to survive, even someone as strong and powerful as Desmond. And hadn’t he said that massive blood loss was one of the ways to kill a vampire?

That damn demon had to have known this, and she found herself wishing she could kill him a thousand times over. “Desmond,” she said, trying desperately not to black out. “You have to drink.” She put her wrist to his mouth, but he shook his head ever so slightly, squeezing his eyes closed tight as he tried to turn his face away from her.

“No – Abby… I won’t.”

“You have too,” she pleaded, her face wet with her tears. “Please.”

“Won’t… be able… stop,” he ground out with a grimace, his voice barely audible and she saw the pain in his expression - which caused her heart to clench tightly in her chest with fear. She couldn’t lose him. Whether or not he was hers – she could not see him die.

“I trust you,” she pleaded.

Desmond opened his eyes and looked at her a moment, his expression grim. “I can’t, my love.”

“Damn it, Desmond LaGrange!” She yelled and was instantly hit by a wave of dizziness and the room began to spin precariously around her. She knew she didn’t have time to argue with him. “You drink from me right now you stubborn son of a bitch. Or, I swear to God – I will take that knife and open a vein myself. Let’s see you refuse me then!”

“No, baby,” he replied weakly – his voice a hoarse whisper. “You… can’t.”

“Try me.” She responded crossly, her voice filled with stubborn conviction as she glared down at him.

She was not about to let him die because of her. She loved him too damned much. She shoved her wrist to his mouth once again and smiled triumphantly when she felt his fangs penetrate her skin only a moment later.

She had no idea what to expect when he fed from her, but the erotic sensations assaulting her battered body definitely wasn’t what she would have bargained for. She felt absolutely no pain – only a blissful, euphoric peace enveloping her in a warm embrace. It was warm and erotic and absolute heaven.

A small moan passed her lips as his mouth pulled, and she felt herself shiver. She had never experienced anything like it - the closest was what she felt when she and Desmond made love, but this was somehow different – more sensual – if that was at all possible - and she found herself wondering what it would be like if he drank from her
he was making love to her and another shiver crept up her spine as her head spun wildly.

She glanced down at his mouth on her wrist and smiled - saying a silent prayer that this would save him, before whispering
‘I’m so sorry’
and collapsing to the floor beside him.


Chapter 12

“I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand,” Marcus bit out, glaring at his brother. “Sometimes you can be just so fucking stubborn!”

“I have already told you - this is not open for discussion.” Desmond glanced at him –his expression hard, and Marcus noticed how exhausted his brother truly was.

It had been three days since they had found he and Abby, lying on the floor of that dank basement in a puddle of Desmond’s blood - and even though Abby’s selflessness in giving his brother her blood had saved his life, he was still extremely weak – and refusing to leave her side was not helping the matter in the least.

He refused to rest or feed, and it was beginning to take its toll. He was paler than usual and the dark circles under his eyes were almost purple in color. Even a vampire couldn’t expect that this sort of abuse wouldn’t affect them – especially after being weakened with silver. “You have already drunk from her- and because of how you feel you were able to stop, Des.” Marcus argued, for what seemed to be the thousandth time. “You
she is your mate – if you would only give her some of your blood…”

“Damn it!” Desmond bellowed, his anguished gaze not leaving Abby’s still form on the bed. He took her hand and held it to his lips a moment before kissing the two puncture marks on her wrist tenderly.

He couldn’t bring himself to heal the marks, and it twisted his heart each time he looked at them. His brand, he thought sadly. “She left of her own accord,” he whispered – his voice sounding raw and wounded as his thumb lightly stroked her wrist where his lips had been only a moment before. “It is not my choice to bind her to me. I cannot make a decision for her that will be eternal. I won’t do that to her. If she chooses to walk away, I must give her that option – no matter how much it pains me to do so.” The thought of her walking away was a knife to his heart – knowing that without her beside him, he would no longer exist.

Marcus ran his hand through his thick hair and sighed. “But it is perfectly fine for you to have bonded yourself to her - for you to spend eternity loving her?” He bit out in aggravation, realizing that he was getting absolutely nowhere with him.

Desmond finally looked at his brother squarely in the eyes and the pain that Marcus saw in them cut him to the quick. “I would love her for eternity whether bonded to me or not,” he stated simply, leaving Marcus at a total loss for words – and again he cursed Desmond’s damned integrity.

“Well, then,” Marcus said after a long silence, “let me give her some of my blood.”

“Absolutely not,” Desmond ground out. The thought of someone;
sharing something so intimate with her sent his jealousy into overdrive. It was a rare and special gift for a vampire to offer their blood, and he was not about to let anyone near her.

He had bonded with her, and that meant that his possessiveness and jealousy could reach dangerous proportions. “She drinks from no one but me,” he growled and saw his brother smile slightly.

“Then Des, just give it some thought,” he implored him. “I just don’t believe that she left you willingly. There had to be a reason. I know she cares for you - more than you realize.”

“It needs to be her choice – her own free will,” he replied. “But I promise - if she has not woken by tomorrow, I will consider it,” he finally conceded, sighing raggedly and Marcus knew how difficult this was for him.

Desmond was a strong, confident man, and this uncertainty was surely killing him – especially when it was more than obvious just how deeply he loved Abby. He had never seen his brother this way and he knew that he was hurting as he never had before. Desmond had always been the self-assured, strong one, and now… this tiny woman held his heart in her delicate hands.

There was a light knock on the bedroom door and Marcus turned to watch as Lucas came through the entry – Katrina right behind him. He couldn’t help but notice the possessive way Luke kept his hand at the small of the red-heads back and smiled.

They had made themselves scarce the past few days - wanting to give Desmond his space, and Marcus had the growing suspicion that Kat was holed up at Lucas’s cabin - and the thought made his smile widen.

It seemed what had started out as animosity between the two was growing into something much more serious, although he doubted that either one of them would ever admit it. They were two of the most stubborn people he had ever met – and a perfect match because of it.

“Any change?” Luke asked, looking towards the bed, his eyes filled with worry. He had called Marcus almost hourly for updates and Marcus knew he was as scared as the others.

“No,” he answered softly. “Her heartbeat is still strong – she just won’t wake.” Kat walked over to where Desmond sat - his head in his hands, and gently touched his shoulder. “She’ll come back to you,” she whispered. “She’s a fighter.” Desmond looked up into her eyes, praying with everything he had that she was right.

Abby’s eyes opened slowly - her mind clouded, and her head still throbbing painfully. Damn - her entire body felt as if she had been hit by a truck, and it seemed as if every muscle screamed out in pain. She glanced down and realized that she was in Desmond’s bed, and when she quickly searched the room she found him sitting beside her in a chair - his head resting on his arms. “Oh, thank God,” she breathed, barely above a whisper as complete and utter relief flowed through her and she smiled. He was here. He was all right! She hadn’t been too late!

Desmond’s head snapped up, his blue depths locking with her green. “Abby,” the sound of her name coming from his lips was like a soft caress and she trembled. “Oh, my love,” he breathed, his anguished voice filled with undeniable relief and her heart did a painful flip. It couldn’t be real. He brought her palm to his lips, placing a soft kiss on it and she noticed how drawn he looked. A pang of fear hit her that perhaps her blood hadn’t helped him enough. Perhaps her blood wasn’t as wonderful as everyone seemed to think, and this had all been for nothing.

“Are you all right?” she asked, and he choked out a quick, husky laugh. He was still earth- shattering gorgeous - but there was a weariness around his eyes that frightened her.

“You are amazing, little one,” he replied softly. “There is absolutely no need for you to be concerned about me. I am fine.” He pressed his lips once again against her palm, then her wrist - his lips so soft and gentle.

Abby watched as he kissed the marks he had left on her skin and her smile widened. “See,” she murmured proudly, her eyes sparkling. “I knew you would stop.”

“Abby,” his brow creased slightly. “I might not have been able to,” he reprimanded softly, although there was no anger what so ever in his tone. “I had lost a lot of blood, and I very easily could have….” He trailed off, shivering at the thought of losing control and taking too much from her. It would have destroyed him. And he couldn’t lie to himself -her blood had been the sweetest that he had ever tasted and it had been hard to stop himself from having his fill – but he had. “That was an unwise thing to do.” When he saw her shrug, he shook his head slightly –damning her stubbornness. The woman had absolutely no regard at all for her own safety, he thought angrily – and yet her selflessness was one of the many things that he loved about her. One of the many, many things – he thought with a sad smile. “Abby, I need to know why you left,” he asked finally, needing to address the elephant in the room – no matter how much it terrified him to hear the answer.

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