A Tricky Proposition (4 page)

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Authors: Cat Schield

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: A Tricky Proposition
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“Thanks,” she murmured, applying the cold bottle to one overheated cheek.

Jason watched her through narrowed eyes. “I thought you didn’t drink beer anymore.”

“Do you have any wine?” she countered, sipping the beer and trying not to grimace.


“Then I’m drinking beer.” She prowled past racing trophies and photos of Jason and Max in one-piece driving suits. “How’d your weekend go?”

“Come upstairs and see.”

Jason led the way into the house and together they ascended the staircase to Jason’s second floor. He’d bought the home for investment purposes and had had it professionally decorated. The traditional furnishings weren’t her taste, but they suited the home’s colonial styling.

He’d taken one of the four bedrooms as his man cave. A wall-to-wall tribute to his great passion for amateur car racing. On one wall, a worn leather couch, left over from his college days, sat facing a sixty-inch flat-screen TV. If Jason wasn’t racing his Mustang or in the garage restoring a car, he was here, watching NASCAR events or recaps of his previous races.

He hit the play button on the remote and showed Ming the clip of the race’s conclusion.

The results surprised her. “You didn’t win?” He’d been having his best season ever. “What happened?”

His large frame slammed into the old couch as he sat down in a disgruntled huff. A man as competitive as Jason had a hard time coming in second. “Had a lot on my mind.”

The way his gaze bore into her, Ming realized he blamed her for his loss. She joined him on the couch and jabbed her finger into his ribs. “I’m not going to apologize for taking a week to give your terms some thought.”

“I would’ve been able to concentrate if I’d known your answer.”

“I find that hard to believe,” she said, keeping her tone light. Mouth Sahara dry, she drank more beer.

He dropped his arm over the back of the couch. His fingertips grazed her bare shoulder. “You don’t think the thought of us making love has preoccupied me this last week?”

“Then you agree that we run the risk of changing things between us.”

“It doesn’t have to.” Jason’s fingers continued to dwell on her skin, but now he was trailing lines of fire along her collarbone. “Besides, that’s not what preoccupied me.”

This told Ming all she needed to know about why he’d suggested they skip the fertility clinic. For Jason this was all about the sex. Fine. It could be all about the sex for her, too.

“Okay. Let’s do it.” She spoke the words before she could second-guess herself. She stared at the television screen. It would be easier to say this next part without meeting his penetrating gaze. “But I have a few conditions of my own.”

He leaned close enough for her to feel his breath on her neck. “You want me to romance you?”

As goose bumps appeared on her arms, she made herself laugh. “Hardly. There is a window of three days during which we can try. If I don’t get pregnant your way, then you agree to do it my way.” Stipulating her terms put her back on solid ground with him. “I’m not planning on dragging this out indefinitely.”

“I agree to those three days, but I want uninterrupted time with you.”

She dug her fingernails beneath the beer label. In typical Jason fashion, he was messing up her well-laid plans.

She’d been thinking in terms of three short evenings of fantastic sex here at his house and then heading back home to relive the moments in the privacy of her bedroom. Not days and nights of all Jason all the time. What if she talked in her sleep and told him all her secret fantasies about him? What if he didn’t let her sleep and she grew so delirious from all the hours of making love that she said something in the heat of passion?

“You’re crazy if you think our families are going to leave us alone for three days.”

“They will if we’re not in Houston.”

This was her baby. She should be the one who decided where and when it was conceived. The lack of control was making her edgy. Vulnerable.

“I propose we go somewhere far away,” he continued. “A secluded spot where we can concentrate on the business at hand.”

The business at hand? He caressed those four words with such a high degree of sensuality, her body vibrated with excitement.

“I’ll figure out where and let you know.” At least if she took charge of where they went she wouldn’t have to worry about her baby being conceived in whatever town NASCAR was racing that weekend.

She started to shift her weight forward, preparing to stand, when Jason’s hand slid across her abdomen and circled around to her spine.

“Before you go.”

He tugged her upper half toward him. The hand that had been skimming her shoulder now cupped the back of her head. She was trapped between the heat of his body and his strong arm, her breasts skimming his chest, nipples turning into buds as desire plunged her into a whirlpool of longing. The intent in his eyes set her heart to thumping in an irregular rhythm.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, retreating from the lips dipping toward hers.

“Sealing our deal with a kiss.”

“A handshake will work fine.”

Her brusque dismissal didn’t dim the smug smile curving his lips. She put her hand on his chest. Rock-hard pecs flexed beneath her fingers. The even thump of his heart mocked her wildly fluctuating pulse.

“Not for me.” He captured and held her gaze before letting his mouth graze hers. With a brief survey of her expression, he nodded. “See, that wasn’t so bad.”

“Right.” Her chest rose and fell, betraying her agitation. “Not bad.”

“If you relax it will get even better.” He shifted his attention to her chin, the line of her jaw, dusting his lips over her skin and making her senses whirl.

“I’m not ready to relax.” She’d geared up to tell him that she’d try getting pregnant his way. Getting physical with him would require a different sort of preparation.

“You don’t have to get ready.” His chest vibrated with a low chuckle. “Just relax.”

“Jason, how long have we known each other?”

“Long time.” He found a spot that interested him just below her ear and lingered until she shivered. “Why?”

Her voice lacked serenity as she said, “Then you know I don’t do anything without planning.”

His exhalation tickled her sensitive skin and made holding still almost impossible. “You don’t need to plan. Just let go.”

Right. And risk him discovering her secret? Ever since she’d decided to ask his help in getting pregnant, she’d realized that what she felt for him was deeper than friendship. Not love. Or not the romantic sort. At least she didn’t think so. Not yet. But it could become that sort of love if they made love over and over and over.

And if he found out how her feelings had changed toward him, he’d bolt the way he’d run from every other woman who’d tried to claim his heart.

Ming tensed to keep from responding to the persuasive magic of his touch. Just the sweep of his lips over her skin, the strength of his arms around her, raised her temperature and made her long for him to take her hard and fast.

“I’ll let go when we’re out of town,” she promised. Well, lied really. At least she hoped she was lying. “What are you doing?”

In a quick, powerful move, he’d shifted her onto her back and slid one muscular leg between her thighs. Her body reacted before her mind caught up. She bent her knees, planted her feet on the couch cushions and rocked her hips in the carnal hope of easing the ache in her loins.

“While you make arrangements for us to go away, I thought you’d feel better if you weren’t worried about the chemistry between us.”

His heat seeped into her, softening her muscles, reducing her resistance to ash. “No worries here. I’m sure you’re a fabulous lover.” She trembled in anticipation of just how fabulous. With her body betraying her at his every touch, she had to keep her wits sharp. “Otherwise, why else would you have left a trail of broken hearts in your wake?”

Jason frowned. “I didn’t realize that bothered you so much.”

“It doesn’t.”

He hummed his doubt and leaned down to nibble on her earlobe. “Not sure I believe you.”

With her erogenous zones on full red alert, she labored to keep her legs from wrapping around his hips. She wanted to feel him hard and thick against the thudding ache between her thighs. Her fingernails dug into the couch cushions.

“You’re biting your lip.” His tongue flicked over the tender spot. “I don’t know why you’re fighting this so hard.”

And she didn’t want him to find out. “Okay. I’m not worried about your sexual prowess. I’m worried that once we go down this path, there’ll be no turning back.”

“Oh, I see. You’re worried you’re going to fall in love with me.”

“No.” She made a whole series of disgruntled, dismissive noises until she realized he was teasing her. Two could play at this game. “I’m more concerned you’ll fall in love with me.”

“I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

“I don’t know,” she said, happy to be on the giving end of the ribbing. “I’m pretty adorable.”

“That you are.” He scanned her face, utterly serious. “Close your eyes,” he commanded. “We’re going to do this.”

She complied, hoping the intimacy they shared as friends would allow her to revel in the passion Jason aroused in her and keep her from worrying about the potential complications. Being unable to see Jason’s face helped calm the flutters of anxiety. If she ignored the scent of sandalwood mingled with car polish, she might be able to pretend the man lying on top of her was anyone else.

The sound of his soft exhalation drifted past her ears a second before his lips found hers. Ming expected him to claim her mouth the way he had fifteen years ago and kiss her as if she was the only woman in the world he’d ever wanted. But this kiss was different. It wasn’t the wild, exciting variety that had caused her to tear at Jason’s shirt and allow him to slip his hand down the bodice of her dress to bare her breasts.

Jason’s lips explored hers with firm but gentle pressure. If she’d worried that she’d be overcome with desire and make a complete fool of herself over him, she’d wasted her energy. This kiss was so controlled and deliberate she wondered if Jason was regretting his offer to make love to her.

An empty feeling settled in her chest.

“See,” Jason said, drifting his lips over her eyelids. “That wasn’t so bad.”

“I never expected it would be.”

“Then what are you so afraid of?”

What if her lust for him was stronger than his for her? What if three days with him only whet her appetite for more?

“The thought of you seeing me naked is one,” she said, keeping her tone light to hide her dismay.

His grin bloomed, mischievous and naughty. “I’ve already seen you naked.”

“What?” Lust shot through Ming, leaving her dazzled and disturbed. “When?”

“Remember that family vacation when we brought you with us to Saint John? The outdoor shower attached to my bedroom?”

“Everyone was snorkeling. That’s why I came back to the villa early.” She’d wanted the room Jason ended up with because of the outdoor shower. Thinking she was alone, she’d used it. “You spied on me?”

“More like stumbled upon you.”

She shoved at his beefy shoulder but couldn’t budge him. “Why did you have to tell me that?”

“To explain why you have no need to be embarrassed. I’ve seen it all before.” And from his expression, he’d liked what he saw.

Ming flushed hot. Swooning was impossible if she was lying down, right?

“How long did you watch me?”

“Five, maybe ten minutes.”

Her mouth opened, but no words came out. Goose bumps erupted at the way his gaze trailed over her. Was she wrong about the kiss? Or was she the only one who caught fire every time they touched?

He stood and offered her his hand. She let him pull her to her feet and then set about straightening her clothes and finger-combing her hair.

Already she could feel their friendship morphing into something else. By the time their three days together were up, she would no longer be just his friend. She would be his ex-lover. That would alter her perspective of their relationship. Is that really what she wanted?

“I’ve been charting my cycle for the last six months,” she said, uncaring if he’d be disinterested in her feminine activities. “The next time I ovulate is in ten days. Can you get away then?”

“Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

Had he hoped his kiss would change her mind? “I really want this baby. If sleeping with you is the only way that’s going to happen, I’m ready to make the sacrifice.”

He grinned. “Make the arrangements.”



ing had chosen Mendocino, California, for her long weekend with Jason because the only person who knew it was her favorite getaway spot was Terry’s daughter, Wendy, her closest girlfriend from high school. Wendy had moved to California with her husband seven years earlier and had introduced Ming to the town, knowing she would fall in love with the little slice of New England plopped onto a rugged California coast. The area featured some of the most spectacular scenery Ming had ever seen, and every year thereafter she returned for a relaxing long weekend.

That all had ended two years ago. She’d arrived early in September for a few days of spa treatments and soul-searching. Surrounded by the steady pulse of shore life, she lingered over coffee, browsed art galleries and wine shops, and took a long look at her relationship with Evan. They’d been going out for a little over a year and he’d asked her to decide between becoming a fully committed couple or parting ways.

That long weekend in Mendocino she’d decided to stop feeling torn between the Sterling brothers. She loved Evan one way. She loved Jason another. He’d been nothing but supportive of her dating Evan and more preoccupied than ever with his career and racing hobby. Ming doubted Jason had even noticed that Evan took up most of her time and attention. Or maybe she just wished it had bothered him. That he’d tell his brother to back off and claim Ming as his own.

But he hadn’t, and it had nagged at her how easily Jason had let her go. She’d not viewed a single one of his girlfriends as casually. Each new love interest had meant Jason had taken his friendship with Ming even more for granted.

In hindsight, she understood how she’d fallen for Evan. He’d showered her with all the attention she could ever want.

Despite how things worked out between them, she’d never regretted dating Evan or agreeing to be his wife. So what if their relationship lacked the all-consuming passion of a romance novel. They’d respected each other, communicated logically and without drama. They’d enjoyed the same activities and possessed similar temperaments. All in all, Evan made complete sense for her as a life partner. But had everything been as perfect as it seemed?

A hundred times in the past six months she’d questioned whether she’d have gone through with the wedding if Evan hadn’t changed his mind about having kids and ended their engagement.

They’d dated for two years, been engaged for one.

Plenty of time to shake off doubts about the future.

Plenty of time to decide if what she felt for Evan was enduring love or if she’d talked herself into settling for good enough because he fit seamlessly into her picture of the perfect life.

They were ideally suited in temperament and ideology. He never challenged her opinions or bullied her into defending her beliefs. She always knew where she stood with him. He’d made her feel safe.

A stark contrast to the wildly shifting emotions Jason aroused in her.

The long drive up from San Francisco gave Ming too much time to think. To grow even more anxious about the weekend with Jason. Already plagued by concern that letting him help her conceive a baby would complicate their relationship, now she had to worry that making love with him might just whip up a frenzy of emotions that would lead her to disappointment.

Knowing full well she was stalling, Ming stopped in Mendocino and did some window-shopping before she headed to the inn where she and Jason would be staying. To avoid anyone getting suspicious about the two of them doing something as unusual as heading to California for the weekend, they’d travelled separately. Ming had flown to San Francisco a few days ago to spend some time with Wendy. Jason had headed out on Friday morning. As much as Ming enjoyed visiting with her friend, she’d been preoccupied with doubts and worries that she couldn’t share.

Although Wendy was excited about Ming’s decision to have a baby, she wouldn’t have approved of Ming’s choice of Jason as the father. So Ming kept that part of her plans to herself. Wendy had been there for all Ming’s angst in the aftermath of the senior prom kiss and believed she had wasted too much energy on a man who was never going to let himself fall in love and get married.

Add to this her sister’s disapproval, and the fact that the one person she’d always been able to talk to when something was eating at her was the source of her troubles, and Ming was drowning in uncertainty.

The sun was inching its way toward the horizon when Ming decided she’d dawdled long enough. She paid the gallery owner for the painting of the coast she’d fallen in love with and made arrangements to have it shipped back to her house. Her feet felt encased in lead as she headed down the steps toward her rental car.

She drove below the speed limit on the way to the inn. Gulls wheeled and dove in the steady winds off the Pacific as the car rolled down the driveway, gravel crunching beneath the tires. Silver Mist Inn was composed of a large central lodge and a collection of small cottages that clung to the edge of the cliffs. The spectacular views were well matched by the incredible cuisine and the fabulous hospitality of the husband-and-wife team who owned the inn and spa.

Rosemary was behind the check-in desk when Ming entered the lodge. “Hello, Ming,” the fifty-something woman exclaimed. “How wonderful to see you.”

Ming smiled. Already the relaxing, familiar feel of the place was sinking into her bones. “It’s great to see you, too, Rosemary. How have you been?”

Her gaze drifted to the right of reception. The lodge’s main room held a handful of people sipping coffee, reading or talking while they enjoyed the expansive views of the ocean. Off to the left, a door led to a broad deck that housed lounge chairs where waitresses were busy bringing drinks from the bar.

“Busy as always.” Rosemary pushed a key toward Ming. “Your friend checked in three hours ago. You’re staying in Blackberry Cottage.”

The change of plans revived Ming’s earlier uneasiness. “I booked my regular room in the lodge.”

Rosemary nodded. “After your friend saw all we had to offer, he wanted to upgrade your accommodations. It’s a little bigger, way more private and the views are the best we have.”

“Thank you.” Ming forced her lips into a smile she wasn’t feeling.

Why had Jason disrupted her arrangements? Whenever she vacationed here, she always stayed in the same room, a comfortable suite with a large balcony that overlooked the ocean. This weekend in particular she’d wanted to be in familiar surroundings.

Ming parked her car beside the one Jason had rented and retrieved her overnight bag from the trunk. Packing had taken her three hours. She’d debated every item that had gone into the carry-on luggage.

What sort of clothes would set the correct tone for the weekend? She’d started with too much outerwear. But the purpose of the trip wasn’t to wander the trails by the cliffs but to explore Jason’s glorious, naked body.

So, she’d packed the sexy lingerie she’d received as a bridal shower gift but never gotten the chance to wear. As she’d folded the silky bits of lace and satin, she realized the provocative underwear sent a message that Ming hoped to drive Jason wild with passion, and that struck her as very nonfriendlike.

In the end, she’d filled the suitcase with leggings and sweaters to combat the cool ocean breezes and everyday lingerie because she was making too big a deal out of what was to come.

Ming entered the cottage and set her suitcase by the front door. Her senses purred as she gazed around the large living room decorated in soothing blues and golds. Beyond the cozy furnishings was a wall of windows that revealed a deck gilded by the setting sun and beyond, the indigo ocean.

To her right something mouthwatering was cooking in the small, well-appointed kitchen. An open door beside the refrigerator led outside. Nearing the kitchen, she spied Jason enjoying the ocean breezes from one of the comfortable chairs that flanked a love seat on the deck.

For an undisturbed moment she observed him. He was as relaxed as she’d seen him in months, expression calm, shoulders loose, hands at ease on the chair’s arms. A sharp stab of anticipation made her stomach clench. Shocked by the excitement that flooded her, Ming closed her eyes and tried to even out her breathing. In a few short hours, maybe less, they would make love for the first time. Her skin prickled, flushed. Heat throbbed through her, forging a path that ended between her thighs.

Panic followed. She wasn’t ready for this. For him.

Telling her frantic pulse to calm down, Ming stepped onto the deck. “Hi.”

Jason’s gaze swung her way. A smile bloomed. “Hi yourself.” He stood and stepped toward her. “You’re later than I expected.”

His deep voice and the intense light in his eyes made her long to press herself into his arms and pretend they were a real couple and that this was a magical getaway. She dug her nails into her palms.

“It’s been over a year since I’ve seen Wendy. We had a lot to catch up on.”

“What was her take on your decision to have a baby?”

“Total support.” Ming slipped past him and leaned her elbows on the railing. As the sapphire-blue ocean churned against rugged cliffs, sending plumes of water ten feet into the air, she put her face into the breeze and let it cool her hot cheeks. “After the week I had, it was a relief to tell someone who didn’t go all negative on me.”

“I wasn’t negative.”

Ming tore her gaze from the panorama and discovered Jason two feet away. Attacked by delicious tingles, she shook her head. “No, but you created trouble for me, nonetheless.”

“Did you tell her about us?”

Ming shook her head. “We’re supposed to keep this a secret, remember? Besides, she never liked you in high school.”

“Everybody liked me in high school.”

Although he’d been a jock and one of the most popular guys in school, Jason hadn’t been mean to those less blessed the way his football buddies had been.

“Don’t you mean all the girls?” Blaming nerves for her disgruntled tone, Ming pressed her lips together and redirected her attention to the view. The sun was still too bright to stare at, but the color was changing rapidly to orange.

“Them, too.” Jason reached out and wrapped the ends of her scarf around his fists.

He tugged, startling her off balance, and stepped into her space. Her hormones shrieked in delight as the scent of cologne and predatory male surrounded her. She gulped air into her lungs and felt her breasts graze his chest. A glint appeared in his eyes, sending a spike of excitement through her.

“Something smells great in the kitchen. What’s for dinner?” she asked, her voice cracking on the last word. Her appetite had vanished in the first rush of desire, but eating would delay what came later.

“Coq au vin.” Although his lips wore a playful smile, his preoccupation with her mouth gave the horseplay a sexual vibe. He looked prepared to devour her in slow, succulent bites. “Your favorite. Are you hungry?”

He looked half-starved.

“I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” Her stomach had been too knotted to accept food.

“Then I’d better feed you.” He softened his fists and let her scarf slip through his fingers, releasing her. “You’ll need your strength for what I have planned for you tonight.”

Freed, Ming couldn’t move. The hunger prowling through her prevented her from backing to a safe distance. His knowing smirk kept her tongue-tied. She silently cursed as she trailed after him into the kitchen.

“I found a really nice chardonnay in town.” He poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Ming. “I figured we’d save the champagne for later.”

Great. He was planning to get her liquored up. She could blame the alcohol for whatever foolish thing she cried out in the heat of passion. She swallowed half the pale white wine in a single gulp and made approving noises while he pulled a wedge of brie out of the fridge. Grapes. Crackers. Some sort of pâté. All the sort of thing she’d served him at some point. Had he paid attention to what she liked? Asking herself the question had an adverse effect on her knees and led to more dangerous ruminating. What else might he have planned for her?

“Dinner should be ready in half an hour.” He had everything assembled on a plate and used his chin to gesture toward the deck. “It’s a gorgeous night. Let’s not waste the good weather.”

Early September in northern California was a lot cooler than what they’d left behind in Houston, and Ming welcomed the break from the heat. “It really is beautiful.” She carried their glasses outside. “We should take a long walk after dinner.”

Jason set down the plate and shot her a look. “If you have any strength in your legs after I’m done with you, we’ll do that.”

Despite the hot glance that accompanied his suggestive words, she shivered. Is this how the weekend was going to go? One long flirtation? It took them away from their normal interaction. Made her feel as if they’d grown apart these past few years and lost the comfortable intimacy they’d once shared.

“You’re cold. Come sit with me and I’ll warm you up.”

Her scattered wits needed time to recover before she was ready to have his arms around her. “I’ll grab my wrap.”

“Let me get it.”

“It’s on my suitcase by the door.”

How was she supposed to resist falling under his spell if he continued being so solicitous? This was the Jason she’d glimpsed with other women. The one she’d longed to have for her own. Only this Jason never stayed to charm any one woman for more than a few months, while Ming had enjoyed her fun-loving, often self-involved friend in her life for over twenty years. She sighed. Was it possible for him to be the thoughtful, romantic lover and a great friend all in one?

Was she about to find out? Or would making love with him complicate her life? Was he close to discovering she’d harbored a secret, unrequited crush on him for years? At best he’d not take it seriously and tease her about it. At worst, he’d put up walls and disappear the way he always did when a girlfriend grew too serious. Either way, she wasn’t ready for his pity or his alarm.

Jason returned with her dark blue pashmina. “I put your suitcase in the bedroom.”

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