A Treasury of Royal Scandals: The Shocking True Stories History's Wickedest Weirdest Most Wanton Kings Queens (33 page)

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Select Bibliography
Appleby, John T.
Henry II: The Vanquished King.
1962. Macmillan. New York
Bernier, Olivier.
Louis the Beloved: The Life of Louis XV.
1984. Doubleday. Garden City, New York
Bolitho, Hector.
Victoria: The Widow and Her Son.
1934. D. Appleton-Century. New York-London
Bryan, J., III and Charles J. V. Murphy.
The Windsor Story: An Intimate Portrait of Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson.
1979. Morrow. New York
Chamberlin, E. R.
The Bad Popes.
1969. Dorset. New York
Cronin, Vincent.
Louis XIV.
1965. Houghton Mifflin/Riverside Press. Cambridge
Davies, Norman.
Europe: A History.
1996. Oxford University Press. Oxford-New York
De Rosa, Peter.
Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy.
1988. Crown. New York
Donaldson, Frances.
Edward VIII: A Biography of the Duke of Windsor.
1974/75. Lippincott. Philadelphia and New York
Duffy, Eamon.
Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes.
1997. Yale University Press. New Haven and London
Erickson, Carolly.
Bloody Mary.
1978. Doubleday. Garden City, New York
To the Scaffold: The Life of Marie Antoinette.
1991. Morrow. New York
Fraser, Antonia.
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1969. Delacorte. New York
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The Lives of the Kings and Queens of England.
1975. Knopf. New York
The Wives of Henry VIII.
1994. Vintage. New York
Fulford, Roger.
The Wicked Uncles: The Father of Queen Victoria and His Brothers.
1933/1968. Books for Libraries Press. Freeport, New York
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1967. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. New York
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Queen Anne.
1970. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York
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1948. Edward Arnold. London
Haldane, Charlotte.
Queen of Hearts: Marguerite of Valois.
Bobbs-Merrill. Indianapolis-New York
Hamilton, Elizabeth.
William’s Mary: A Biography of Mary II.
1972. Taplinger. New York
Hatton, Ragnhild.
George I: Elector and King.
1978. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts
Hibbert, Christopher.
George IV: Prince of Wales.
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George IV: Regent and King.
1973. Harper & Row. New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London
Langdon-Davies, John.
Carlos: The King Who Would Not Die.
1962. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey
Liss, Peggy K.
Isabel the Queen.
1992. Oxford University Press. Oxford-New York
Longford, Elizabeth, ed.
The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes.
1989. Oxford University Press. Oxford, New York
Luke, Mary M.
Gloriana: The Years of Elizabeth I.
1973. Coward, McCann, Geoghegan. New York
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1986. Morrow. New York
Mahoney, Irene.
Madame Catherine: Matriarch, Mother of Kings, Mistress to an Era—The Life of Catherine de Medici.
1975. Coward, McCann, Geoghegan. New York
Massie, Robert K.
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1986. Knopf. New York
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McGuigan, Dorothy Gies.
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I want to thank all my wonderfully supportive family and friends, especially my mom, dad, and sister Mary, Melissa O’Neill Alshab, Jamie Beidleman, Anne Hennessey Conway, Mike Curtin, Mary Jane and Bill Foote, Mike Grimpus, Nancy and Pip Lisas, and Tom O’Neil.
I also want to thank my outstanding agent, Jenny Bent, and editor, Caroline White, as well as the folks at Penguin who put this book together, and Erik Falkensteen of the Granger Collection who spent so many hours finding the illustrations.
Many of my current and former colleagues at
The Washington Post
helped me in numerous and diverse ways, especially Marty Barrick, Mike Drew, Bill Elsen, Mary Hadar, Marla Harper, Melissa McCullough, Olwen Price, Boyce Rensberger, Curt Suplee, Mary Lou White, and Tom Wilkinson.
Finally, I am most grateful to Ann Marie Lynch, who defines the word friendship, and Gene Weingarten of
The Washington Post
whose twisted genius is a gift from God.
Find out just how much Catherine hated Peter in Part III, Chapter 4.
He was killed when a lance pierced through his visor during a joust and shattered into his face, a demise supposedly predicted by the famed seer Nostradamus.
For a full account of Henry VIII and his six wives, see Part III, Chapter 2.
His grandfather, father and brother all were beheaded as traitors.
The king’s illness is examined in Part VI, Chapter 5.
Just how vacuous is seen in Part II, Chapter 6.
As explained in Part I, Chapter 3.
Jane Grey’s tragic career is examined in Part IV, Chapter 2.
George’s hellish marriage is detailed in Part III, Chapter 5.
Queen Anne, for one, was so obese that she had to be carried at her coronation because her legs couldn’t support her.
Wallis Warfield Simpson is introduced in Part 1, Chapter 3.

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