A Tragic Honesty (99 page)

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Authors: Blake Bailey

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“The business of teaching”: Venant, “A Fresh Twist in the Road.”

“I must admit I'm a little leery”: RY to Cassill, February 7, 1963.

“few places interesting to eat”: Cassill to RY, February 25, 1964.

His car … caught fire: Tom Gatten,

“I found myself talking”: Int. William Kittredge.

“Turn at the sign”: Int. Loree Wilson Rackstraw.

cartoon of a sad daddy: Int. Monica Yates Shapiro.

“I think we all wanted”: Lacy, “Remembering Richard Yates,” 211.

“What's this …
club tie
?”: Int. Robin Metz.

“sublime, rugged presence”: Luke Wallin,

“rhetorical style … ‘Flowering Judas'”: Int. Loree Wilson Rackstraw.

“I'm going to the Airliner”: Int. James Crumley.

“Now that is fucking good writing!”: Int. Murray Moulding.

“Now, if that's Daisy talking”: Int. Robert Lacy.

trashing of
All the King's Men
: Int. James Crumley.

“Oh c'mon, you don't really mean that!”: Int. Geoffrey Clark.

“smelly and shy”: Int. Dan Childress.

“Yates had no doubt”: Robert Lehrman,

Mark Dintenfass was startled: Int. Mark Dintenfass, Robert Lehrman.

“Dick demonstrated the keenest”: Clark, “The Best I Can Wish You,” 29.

“They're rushing you”: Int. John Casey.

“I hope this won't … sore”: RY to DeWitt Henry, May 13, 1968.

“I simply can't imagine”: RY to DeWitt Henry, November 21, 1972.

“Hm, did you really”: Int. William Keough.

“You motherfuckers”
: Int. William Kittredge.

“Milch was a slasher”: Int. Robin Metz.

many writers”: Int. Seymour Epstein.

“Andre wanted … tough guy”: Int. Peggy Rambach.

“Most of the clowns here”: RY to Miller Williams, October 3, 1964.

“Getting a letter from Richard Yates”: Dubus to RY, July 1, 1970.

“Richard Yates is one of our great writers”: Andre Dubus, “A Salute to Mister Yates,
Black Warrior Review
15, no. 2 (Spring 1989), 160.

“God, how we loved that song!”: Lacy, “Remembering Richard Yates,” 217.

“If that goddamned movie”: Int. Geoffrey Clark.

“hug [him] to pieces”: Wendy Sears to RY, October 26, 1964.

“Steve Salinger sneaked in”: Jonathan Penner,

“I don't think I'm at all cut out”: RY to McCall, November 1, 1964, BU-MM.

“Dick saw more in me”: Int. Lyn Lacy.

“He talked of prospects”: RY to DeWitt Henry, November 21, 1972.

“I resigned from Knopf”: Lawrence to RY, November 7, 1964.

“Sam's attitude … deplorable”: McCall to RY, November 19, 1964.

“I know apologies are a bore”: RY to the Schulmans, January 10, 1965.

“people don't stop caring”: Grace Schulman to RY, March 4, 1965.

“lonesome as hell”: RY to the Schulmans, February 28, 1965.

“a crash program”: RY to the Schulmans, January 10, 1965.

“[T]he ‘teaching' routine”: RY to the Schulmans, February 28, 1965.

“tinkered and brooded and fussed”:

“Verlin Cassill's verdict”: RY to the Schulmans, February 28, 1965.

“What will
do?”: Int. Robin Metz.

“a cherry when I got married”: Dubus to RY, February 2, 1967.

“I've wanted to publish you”: Robert Gottlieb to RY, February 15, 1965.

“Was Sam ever useful”: McCall to RY, March 22, 1965.

“mustn't worry”: McCall to RY, March 4, 1965.

“making notes and … spooky”: RY to the Schulmans, February 28, 1965.

“If calling me when … panic”: McCall to RY, May 7, 1965.

Yates scribbled on his bill: found among RY's papers.

“ridiculous amounts of money”: RY to Schulmans, July 11, 1965.

“Hitler's car”: Int. Frances Doel. As a patriotic vet, RY deplored his having bought the Führer's infamous “people's car.”

“grubby white edifice”:
, 210.

“the Goddamn movies”: Int. Frances Doel.

“Guess what, hey”: RY to Wendy Sears, July 2, 1965, BU-RY.

“[W]hatever kind of place”: RY to Schulmans, July 11, 1965.

“[Corman] turns out to be”: Ibid.

“I poke around trying”: RY to Robert and Dot Parker, July 24, 1965.

“funny Hollywood story”: RY to Schulmans, July 11, 1965.

“friendly but reserved”: Int. Roger Corman.

“There's really not much”: Catherine Downing to RY, September 12, 1975.

“West Hollywood Sheriff's Office”: Discarded draft of

Bill Reardon, who caught a flight: Int. Sharon Yates Levine.

“In the bughouse”: Int. Frances Doel.

“We have had a wonderful”: Sheila Yates to RY, August 22, 1965.

“the right thing”: Bowen to RY, September 13, 1965.

“spread any unfortunate”: Marc Jaffe to RY, August 30, 1965.

“The fact of talent”: Rust Hills to RY, August 27, 1965.

“he is
my doctor”: RY to McCall, October 6, 1965, BU-MM.

“the kind of place … suicide”: Int. Frances Doel.

“People found it very warm”: Rust Hills to RY, August 27, 1965.

“There are several good things”: RY to Cassill, January 18, 1966.

“fine well-focused script”: Dubus to RY, February 10, 1966.

“This is your third breakdown”: Sheila Yates to RY, September 29, 1965.

“He's a very, very touchy”: RY to DeWitt Henry, July 24, 1972.

“never seen such a change”: RY to Cassill, March 23, 1966.

“I'm John Gregory Dunne”: Letter to author from Carolyn Gaiser.

“you are one of the very few”: Joan Didion to RY, September 13, 1970.

hourly tormented … Portis: Int. Murray Moulding.

“Haven't done any more wrestling”: RY to Cassill, January 18, 1966.

“Is just ‘functioning'”: Quoted in Dubus to RY, February 25, 1966.

“I'm feeling pretty jaunty”: RY to Cassill, March 23, 1966.

“Not an unhappy experience”: Marc Jaffe to RY, June 1, 1966.

“[Yates] has been in Hollywood”: Cassill to Carolyn Kizer, c. May 1966.

“take the curse off”: RY to Cassill, January 18, 1966.

“Is this some kind of AA thing?”: Int. Jerry Schulman.

“The purpose of this letter”: Craige ——— to RY, May 28, 1966.

“[The story] is all tricked out”: RY to Cassill, January 18, 1966.

Wolper … fired Yates: RY wrote to Frances Doel (September 7, 1966), “It's [i.e., a $10,000 grant] the same amount I lost in being fired from the Remagen Bridge flick.” The details of RY's dismissal are unknown.

“I wouldn't want to try it”:
Contemporary Authors,
1981, 536.

“We are delighted”: Bourjaily to RY, June 7, 1966.

“Still hate [Hollywood]”: RY to Cassill, March 23, 1966.

“Forgive me … but I called”: Frances Doel to RY, July 15, 1966.

“brilliant,” an “emotional genius”: Carole ——— to RY, c. June 1970.

Chapter Eleven
A Natural Girl: 1966–1968

“Dick's helplessness”: Int. Mark Costello.

“get [his] brains … focus”: RY to Frances Doel, September 7, 1966.

“If we stick together”: Ruth Rodgers to RY, September 15, 1966.

“bowled over”: Int. Martha Speer.

“I'm sorry your friend”: Martha Speer to RY, September, 1966.

“traumatic and cowardly”: Carole ——— to RY, c. June 1970.

“I was afraid to face”: Martha Speer to RY, November 2, 1976.

“As an occasional palindromist”: Roger Angell to RY, October 3, 1966.

“one of the best books”: Vonnegut wrote this blurb for the 1971 Dell reprint of
and it has appeared on perhaps every edition since.

“a very unpopular lecture”: Int. Kurt Vonnegut.

“From Coover I learned”: Kittredge,

“Well, I'm just a dumb guy”: Int. Mark Dintenfass.

“a seething mix”: Robert Lehrman,

“faggots” and worse: Int. Robert Lehrman.

“in the past four or five”: RY to Cassill, April 2, 1967.

“Good work to you”: Dubus to RY, February 28, 1967.

“Dick, guess what we're doing?”: Int. Joseph Mohbat.

“We would be prepared”: Lawrence to RY, September 16, 1966.

“I do know that the pressures”: McCall to RY, April 5, 1967.

“repay the outstanding”: Lawrence to RY, January 6, 1968.

“In the end I told Sam”: RY to DeWitt Henry, November 21, 1972.

“lugubrious” … “roaring drunk”: Int. Gordon Lish.

“clear impression”: Int. Peter Davidson.

“The Workshop … incestuous”: Int. William Murray.

“Where's the pencil pusher?”
: Ibid.

“[He was] clearly upset”: Robert Lehrman,

“I thought ‘this is life'”: Martha Speer to RY, November 2, 1976.

“No chance of finishing”: RY to Cassill, April 2, 1967.

“I hope you're not sorry”: Sheila Yates to RY, July 9, 1967.

“about the sex lives of graduate”: RY to Dewitt Henry, May 13, 1968.

“I have so many daughters”: Int. Grace Schulman.

“She's twenty years younger”: RY to Cassill, January 7, 1968.

“We wanted … happier life”: Lehrman,

Chapter Twelve
A Special Providence: 1968–1969

“chummy, bubbly, tolerant”: Int. Martha Speer.

“wiped out with admiration”: RY to E. B. Prettyman, February 23, 1968.

“Straight ahead: don't look right”: Int. Martha Speer.

“sick, in shock”: Int. Fred Rodgers Jr.

“Your brother killed”: Int. Louise Rodgers.

“more hopeful now”: RY to Prettyman, May 9, 1968.

“hideous loss”: RY to Prettyman, August 4, 1968.

“that scares the shit”: RY to Cassill, December 1, 1968.

“[The novel] may not … good”: RY to Prettyman, February 20, 1969.

“idle, boozy”: RY to Robert Lehrman, June 10, 1969.

high on [his] book”: McCall to RY, June 11, 1969.

“moving and sensitive”: McCall enclosed Rosenthal's letter with hers of September 4, 1969.

“because it is much harder”: Carole ——— to RY, c. June 1970.

“What kind of
 … Bennington?”: Int. William Keough.

“With time on my hands”: Sharon Yates to RY, December 7, 1968.

“dropping [his] pants in Macy's”: Int. Dr. Winthrop A. Burr.

“I imagine you are now”: Vonnegut to RY, September 24, 1969.

“It is a beautiful book”: Joan Didion to RY, October 14, 1969.

: Styron to RY, October 27, 1969.

“I remember how many times”: Dubus to RY, November 12, 1969.

“What do Alice Prentice's dreams”: Robin Metz to RY, November 25, 1969.

“a lot of people … much of it”: RY to Prettyman, December 14, 1969.

Reviews of
A Special Providence
: Joyce Carol Oates,
The Nation,
November 10, 1969; John Thompson,
November 1969; Elizabeth Dalton,
New York Times Book Review,
December 14, 1969.

“the true enemies of the novel”: Quoted in Ronald Baugham, “Richard Yates,”
Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook
(Detroit: Gale, 1992), 301.

“the two terrible traps”:

considered omitting it:

“better and easier”: RY to Prettyman, December 14, 1969.

“Let's see”: Clark, “The Best I Can Wish You,” 34.

Chapter Thirteen
Fun with a Stranger: 1970–1974

“But you must not brood”: McCall to RY, January 21, 1970.

“most desirous of establishing”: Howard Gotlieb to RY, April 14, 1970.

“the added disadvantage”:

“I've sort of decided”: RY to DeWitt Henry, December 13, 1967.

“require the same kind”:
Contemporary Authors,
1981, 534.

“had it in for him.”: Int. Jack Leggett.

“slinking around with a secret”: Int. Martha Speer.

“Martha seemed a nurse”: Int. William Harrison.

“A problem has come up”: William Murray to RY, June 15, 1970.

“80% of the writing faculty”: Hayes B. Jacobs to RY, July 6, 1970.

“progressively, irredeemably crazy”:

“Hollywood writers”: Int. Jayne Anne Phillips.

“I recall trying to say”: RY to John A. Williams, October 26, 1970.

“the ‘book' might be in the form”: Ibid.

“the mediocre … soldiers”: Williams to RY, November 5, 1970.

“about the hideous whim”: RY to Williams, early 1971.

“Do you know … out of print”: Clark, “The Best I Can Wish You,” 40.

“All the time I praise”: Vonnegut to RY, September 14, 1970.

“deep” into his new novel: RY to DeWitt Henry, May 7, 1971.

“There's a great deal of interest”: Bruce Cutler to RY, June 22, 1971.

“dream up an original”: McCall to RY, October 27, 1971.

“break [his] heart”: Quoted in McCall to RY, November 9, 1971.

“in something of a muddle”: RY to the Schulmans, November 23, 1971.

“Say, Geoff, tell me”: Clark, “The Best I Can Wish You,” 33.

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