A Ton of Crap (64 page)

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Authors: Paul Kleinman

BOOK: A Ton of Crap
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Differences Between North Korean and South Korean
Though North Korea and South Korea speak the same language, the lasting separation from one
another has created subtle differences in the languages. While they both use the same letters, called jamo, some of the letters have different names. Also, the North uses a different stroke in one jamo than the South, and compound vowel and tense consonant jamos are not treated separately in South Korea but are in North Korea, and some
jamos have different names.


The Battle of New Orleans
Two weeks after the Treaty of Ghent, news of the treaty had not yet spread to the United States, and the United States fought in the Battle of New Orleans, its greatest military victory of the war. The British were 7,500 strong, while the Americans were only 5,000. A total of 2,036 British soldiers were killed, with only twenty-one American casualties; turning Andrew Jackson, the general of the battle, into a national hero.


Though a debate is essentially an argument, emotion-charged words and arguments will do more harm than good. Do not stoop to heated personal attacks or labeling your opponents with broad titles (for example, socialist, baby killer). That discredits you and your argument. You need to prove the other person wrong with facts and information, not by criticizing the person’s lifestyle or personality.


A hyperbola is kind of like two parabolas put together, making a sort of X shape. There are two types of hyperbolas: vertical and horizontal. The formula for a horizontal hyperbola is:

The formula for a horizontal hyperbola is:


Fact or Fiction?
Even today there are those who do not believe global warming is real. They claim there is not enough evidence to prove greenhouse gases are heating the planet or will in the future, reliable sources of temperature data do not show a trend of global warming, the computer models are too crude to predict the future climates, and even that should global warming occur, it would be beneficial to society.


Useful Korean Phrases
Here are some helpful phrases to use when traveling to Korea. Note that these are written out phonetically.


How are you?
Eotteohke jinaeseyo?

Pleased to meet you.
Mannaseo bangapseumnida.

Good morning/afternoon/evening.
Annyeong hashimnikka.

I don’t understand.

How much is this?
Ige eolmayeyo?

Thank you.

Where’s the toilet?
Hwajangsiri eodiyeyo.

Excuse me.

Annyeonghi gyeseyo.


  1. Which of the following was NOT a constitutional amendment proposed from the Hartford Convention?

    1. Declaration of war and laws that restricted Congress needed to be passed with a two-thirds vote in Congress.
    2. Successive presidents could not be from the same state.
    3. Presidents were limited to a single term.
    4. New England would secede.
  2. Two weeks after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, word of the treaty had not yet come to America, and Americans and British engaged in:

    1. The Battle of New Orleans
    2. The Battle of Detroit
    3. The Battle of Hartford
    4. The Battle of Niagara
  3. What is the following statement an example of? “If you take a measurement from a large sample, and then choose the individuals with the highest and lowest scores and do the measurement again, the high-scoring individuals will get a lower average score, and the individuals who scored low will have a higher average score.”

    1. Hyperbola
    2. Innuendo
    3. Regression to the mean
    4. Causality
  4. Heated personal attacks are an example of:

    1. Causality
    2. Innuendo
    3. Clarity
    4. Emotionalism
  5. What is the name for a U-shaped curve?

    1. Hyperbola
    2. Parabola
    3. Ellipse
    4. Circle
  6. The formula
    produce a:

    1. Hyperbola
    2. Parabola
    3. Ellipse
    4. Circle
  7. Which of the following is a result of global warming?

    1. A rise of oceans
    2. An increase in droughts and heat waves
    3. Polar ice caps will melt
    4. All of the above
  8. Which of the following is true?

    1. Greenhouse gases let visible light through while not letting the heat through.
    2. Greenhouse gases absorb the extreme energy and heat coming from infrared light.
    3. The major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane, and ozone.
    4. All of the above
  9. What is Hanja?

    1. The dialect of Seoul
    2. The Korean alphabet
    3. A mix of the Korean alphabet and
      Classical Chinese writing
    4. The dialect of Pyongyang
  10. The most noticeably different dialect in Korean is:

    1. The dialect of Jeju Island
    2. The dialect of North Korea
    3. The dialect of South Korea
    4. The dialect of Pyongyang

ANSWER KEY: d, a, c, d, b, d, d, d, c, a

Lesson 21

The Salem Witch Trials
About Salem, Strange Occurrences with the Children, The Witch Hunt Begins, Bridget Bishop, The Trials, An End to the Witch Trials

Rhythm, Metrical Patterns, Stanza, Narrative Poetry, Epic Poetry, Sonnets

What Is Precalculus?,
Functions, Polynomials,
Quadratics, Completing the
Square, Permutations

Isaac Newton
About Isaac Newton, Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, Newton’s First Law of Motion, Newton’s Second Law of Motion, Newton’s Third Law of Motion, The Spectrum of Colors

The Origins, The Writing System, Sounds of the Language, Politeness, Dialects, Useful Japanese Phrases


About Salem
In Salem, Massachusetts, from 1692 to 1693, a series of witchcraft trials occurred, and nineteen people were executed. In Europe, from the 1300s to the 1600s, there was a strong belief in witchcraft and that the Devil could give people the power to harm others. At the time of the Salem witch trials, these feelings had pretty much subsided in Europe. During this time, however, a war between England and France brought conflict between the countries’ respective colonies and Native American allies. The fighting displaced many people to Salem, leading to tensions and strain in the town. The villagers believed this strain and tension to be from the Devil.


Rhythm, also known as measure, is the equivalent of beat in music. In poetry, certain words may be held longer or pronounced with more force than other words. A rhythmic effect is produced from this pattern of emphasis. Sometimes rhythm is obvious, but rhythm can also be more muted and subtle.


What Is Precalculus?
Precalculus was created in math education to better prepare students for calculus. It is a more advanced form of algebra that gives students the information needed for the full transition from algebra into calculus. Some of the most important notions of precalculus are functions, polynomials, quadratics, completing the square, and permutations.


About Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton lived from 1642 to 1727. Newton is most known today for his law of universal gravitation, his laws of motion, being the inventor of calculus, and discovering the spectrum of colors. He attended Cambridge University in 1661 but had to return home because of a plague epidemic. Six years later, he would return to Cambridge University, and in 1668, he invented the reflecting telescope. In 1687, his greatest work,
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
was published, in which he described the role of gravity.


The Origins
Japanese is a Japonic language, and is related to Altaic and Ryukyuan languages. The Japanese language has gone through four distinct phases, known as Old Japanese (which ended around the eighth century a.d., a period that saw the beginning of significant influence from Chinese); Early Middle Japanese (from 794 to 1185); Late Middle Japanese (from 1185 to 1600, where European languages began influencing the language); and Modern Japanese (from 1600 to today).


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