A Tiny Bit Mortal (10 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Bassett

BOOK: A Tiny Bit Mortal
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“Don’t let it bother you.” she said, clearly aware of my discomfort.  She led me toward one of the bathtub sized pools that was a good distance away from the naked man and prompted me to remove my dress. 

Peeling off the dress, I instinctively covered my breasts and hastened into the water.  The water felt absolutely exquisite, and I relaxed.  I closed my eyes and tried to block out the fact there were other people in the room that could see me naked.  Peter had failed to tell me that these immortals lived like nudists in a nudist colony, and I made a note to chew him out about it later.

Several minutes passed by and I nearly fell asleep, but I was brought back into consciousness by the sound of feet stepping nearby me.  I opened my eyes and saw Peter standing over me, holding a plate and some grapes.  “Peter!” I said, excitedly, forgetting I was naked.

He laid down on the tile floor on his side, propping himself up with his elbow and his hand on the side of his head.  He set the plate next to me, pulled off a grape and fed it to me.

“How are you doing?” he said.

“Tired.” I said.

“Me too.” he said.  He began stripping off his clothes and entered the pool next to me.  I couldn’t help but ogle at him with my eyes - I had never seen him completely naked before.  I had the sudden realization that I was naked also, and he had just been looking at me.

“Is this normal?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“The nudity around here.” I said, whispering.  “It’s like a nudist colony in here!”  Peter laughed, and said “Oh Emily, I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you terribly.” I said.

“I can’t wait to be home with you.” he said.

“Me too.” I said, with a sigh.




“Well, that could have gone better.” said my dad, as we pulled away from the manor, the Hall of Elders, the thick woods, and the madness of it all.  It was the first time my dad had spoken to me in days.

Aside from my encounter with Peter in the baths I was exiled to the room with my new “Mother.” The whole experience had been like a fever dream and had left me feeling exhausted.

We pulled out onto the highway, and I looked down at my hands in my lap.  I flipped over my hands and looked at my wrists.  The agony and the fear of death that I’d felt in the hall replayed in my mind again.  I saw the blood all over the floor, and the life draining out of me.

Peter reached into the backseat where I sat and put his hand on my leg.  “Emily, are you okay?” He asked.

“No, not really.” I said.

“I had no idea they would do that.” said my dad.  “I promise Emily, if I had known…”

“You said they wouldn’t hurt me Peter.” I said, wondering if I could ever trust any of them.

“I’m so sorry Emily.” said Peter.  “In their minds, they didn’t hurt you.  I know it’s no excuse, but their concept of time and pain is different.”

“Why did they do that to me?” I asked.  “Why?”

“I have been through that,” said my dad.  “and so has Peter.  But for us, it was just some simple tossing around as a child to see what our abilities were.  We don’t worry about death, and pain is so fleeting.”

“They slash your wrists?” I asked.  “Do you bleed?”

“We do.” said Peter.  “We do have blood, but our hearts don’t beat like yours does.  Blood flows through us, moved by the divine.”

“What happens if you lose all of your blood?” I asked.

“My body would make more.” said Peter. “Though I would be incapacitated for some time.  It would not cause my life to end though.”

“My life could have ended.” I said.  “I thought they were murdering me, right there on the spot.”

“No,” said Peter.  “They would not have let you die.”

I was a little pissed at my dad and Peter for letting that happen to me, and how they didn’t seem to understand what was so upsetting about it.  I folded my arms under my chest and stared out the window.

“You did well Emily.” said Peter.  “You have the abilities of a true immortal.  You are very strong.”

The complement brought back the memory of watching my blood travel up into the air and back through my wounds.  I thought of landing on my feet from twenty feet up in the air, kicking my way out of a window, running through the woods, and how it had felt like a rush of absolute freedom.  It was exhilarating.  Mikella said I ran thirty miles.  I remembered laying naked in the moss, feeling the rain against my skin.  It was a side of me that seemed unreal, and I wanted more.

Still, I was pissed.  I said nothing more for the rest of the trip.  I just watched the trees, rivers and mountains out of the passenger window on our way back home, playing the whole thing in my mind again and again.






Swinging open the door to the car
, I took in the sight of my Dad’s house.  Elated to be home, I lifted my arms up to stretch, and it felt good after being in the car for three hours.  While my arms were still up in the air, Peter flung his arms around me from behind.

“We made it!” he said, excitedly.

“I guess we did.” I said, not quite feeling the same level of enthusiasm.

My dad opened the trunk and said “Come on kids, grab your suitcases.”  I rolled my suitcase up the pathway to the front door and waited on the front porch.  Looking out to where Peter and my dad were standing with their suitcases, I saw them making motions like they were joking around about something.

“Come on kids.” I said, trying to imitate my dad’s voice.  We all laughed, and they walked up the pathway to the porch with me.

“You sound like you’re back in good spirits.” said Peter.  I shrugged, and followed my dad into the house, dragging my suitcase behind me.  George came bounding down the stairs, with a 

“George, you brave kitty!” I said, picking him up and scratching behind his ears.  “You’ve finally left the room.  Usually you’re so mad at me after I’ve been away.”

My dad disappeared into his office, and Peter went into the kitchen to make us some lunch.  I carried George upstairs with one arm, lugging my suitcase with the other.

Unpacking my things, I took a look at my cell phone sitting on my end table.  I thought about my mom, and how much I missed her.  I picked up the phone and tapped “call” on “Mom” on my contacts list.

“Hi! You’ve reached Ellen Williams.” said my mom’s recorded message.  “I can’t make it to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and number I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

“Hi mom!” I said.  “I sure do miss you.  Give me a call, let’s catch up.  Love you!”

Flopping down in my bed, I stared up at the ceiling.  My mind kept wanting to replay and relive the horror of watching my blood drain out.  I grabbed my pillow, pressing it over my own face making a muffled

Focusing on my memories of Mikella, my new immortal mother, I realized that she had been comforting to me after that whole experience.  Being away from her was like having a band-aid ripped off while the wound was still bleeding.

I put my hand up to the silver locket on my chest and thought of Peter.  I remembered him boldly declaring  “we’re in love” to his mom, and it gave me butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.  I also remembered seeing Peter completely naked in the baths at the manor.  I smiled, and pushed away my muddled feelings about Peter’s cold mom, and the nagging sensation of his abandoning me, again.

I padded down the stairs and found Peter in the kitchen.  “There isn’t much in here to eat.” he said.  “I did find some crackers and cheese though.”

We sat at the kitchen island eating together.  I stopped, reached over and put my hand on his.  He smiled and put his other hand on top of mine.  “I love you Emily.” He said.

“I love you too, Peter.” I said.

He got up out of his chair, wrapped his arms around me and lifting  me off the ground.

“I’m so glad we’re here together.” He said.

“Me too.” I said, muffled, into his shoulder.




The next day my dad said it was time to start my education.  He explained that I had a lot of catching up to do, and my staying in his home hinged on how well I did studying under him.  I’d be sent to be with my new mother at the Hall of Elders if things didn’t go well.

Though Mikella, my new mother, was comforting to me, the place where she lived was not.  The casual nudity and the violence was a little much for me.

My dad handed me a heavy pile of books full of sticky notes of what I was to have finished by the end of the week.  The books were titled “The Theories of Origins,” “The Divine Order” and “Defense Essentials.”

Propping my feet up on the footstool by the fireplace, I began reading.  The Theories of Origins contained many creation myths that included the immortals.  Some I’d heard before, like the Egyptian primeval mound. 

Many of the stories included the immortals creating the humans, in their own image, but the text argued that these myths sprung up as stories by immortals that sought power.  The text also told creation stories of a divine power so complex that no conscious being on earth, immortals included, could understand its nature.  It proposed that the immortals were placed on the earth as stewards of the divine order, to assist the humans in their mortal quest of life with the burden of knowledge of good and evil.

The Divine Order was a bit unapproachable, and I had a hard time reading it without getting sleepy.  The author rambled on like there was infinite time to read his book, which I supposed to some readers was true.  It did however include some points that were interesting to me from a scientific perspective about DNA, and the divine code within species. 

The Defense Essentials built on concepts in The Divine order, and I began to understand why my dad wanted me to study parts of it first.  I had to go back and re-read chapters of The Divine Order for much of it to make sense.  It talked about the very thing I did when I called on my spilled blood to return to me in the Hall of Elders.  When I replayed the event from a scholarly point of view, it felt like it slightly lessened the horror of it.

After hours of reading I could barely keep my eyes open.  I pulled out my cell phone from a pocket on my skirt.  No calls and no messages.  It was weird for my mom not to return a call within 24 hours.  I called her again and got her voicemail.  I called another four times, hearing the same ring and voicemail each time.

Hopping up from my seat, I made my way across the house, knocking on the door to my dad’s office.  “Dad?” I asked through the closed door.

“Come in.” he said.

Opening the door, I walked up to his desk.  “I’m worried about my Mom.” I said.  “She hasn’t returned my calls, and she’s not picking up.”

He looked up from his papers, with an eyebrow raised.  “Does she normally call you back right away?” he asked.

“She normally picks up because she doesn’t leave the house often.” I said.  “I don’t think she’s ever taken this long to call me back.”

“Hmmm.” He said.  “I have a friend up in Portland, I’ll have her check in on her.”  He pulled out his cellphone and started to dial.

“Thank you.” I said, leaving the room and closing the door behind me.  I stood in the hallway, wringing my hands.  Peter came in through the front door, just off from closing time at the Jewelry shop, and yelled “Honey, I’m home!”

I just stood there, numb.  “Emily, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“I can’t get a hold of my mom.” I said.

He put his arms around me.

“She is getting older,” I said. “she could have fallen, or had a stroke or something and she’s all by herself there.  I’m so worried.”

My dad emerged from his office.  “My friend doesn’t live far from your mom.” he said, reassuringly.  “We will know something in just a few minutes.”

Those minutes seemed to go by at a glacial pace.  My mind raced with all the terrible things that could have happened to her - a slip in the tub or a stroke.  My dad’s phone rang.

His face looked grim as he listened and then went into his office and closed the door behind him to talk.  I put my hands over my mouth and felt absolutely terrified.  Peter held onto me as I stood frozen and waiting for my dad to come out with news.  He opened the door.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Your mom’s been kidnapped, Emily.” He said.  “They left a note.”

“Who?” I said.  “Why?”

“The Corrupt.” He said.  “They want you.”

After declaring “I will go then,” I rushed towards the door.  I could hardly breath, and my hands were shaking.  Peter grabbed me and held on to me.  I struggled, wildly, with all of my strength.  My dad helped Peter hold me down on the floor.

“Emily.” said my dad.  “You can’t go.  There’s too much at stake.  We will find a way to get her back.”  I struggled against them, sobbing.  “Let me go!” I shouted, feral and angry.

“Emily.” said Peter, soothingly.  “We will find a way.  You can’t go.  If you thought the hall was bad, being in the hands of The Corrupt would be hell.”

“What do you think my mom is going through then!” I shouted.

“They are probably just holding her somewhere, Emily.” He said.  “They will want to appeal to you.  They won’t hurt a hair on her head.”

“They left a number for you to call.” said my dad.  “Call it, find out their terms, ask to talk to her.”

I calmed myself down and felt the grip on my loosen.  “I won’t run.” I said.  “Promise.”

Wiping my tears with my sleeve, I took some deep breaths.  I stood up, and Peter and my Dad both held a cautious stance like they were working with a wild horse.

“I’m fine.” I said, turning on my heels and walking into the living room.  I sat on one of the couches in the middle of the room and pulled out my cell phone.  “What’s the number?” I asked.

My dad held out a card that looked strikingly like the business card that was up in my room inside the nesting doll on my dresser.  It felt like my heart leaped inside my chest as I shoved away my secret memory of the male underwear model looking man.  I grabbed it from his hand and dialed the number.

I heard a man’s voice say “Hello?” and said “This is Emily.”

“Ah,” he said  “I’ve been waiting.  What took you so long?”  I didn’t recognize the voice of the man as my male underwear model looking visitor.  The man’s voice sounded snaky and gave me a feeling of revulsion.

“Where is my mom?” I demanded.

“She is fine.” he said.  “You for her.”

“How do I know she’s fine?” I said.  “I want to talk to her.”

“Fine.” he said.  “I will transfer you to her room.”

Jazzy elevator music played for almost a minute, it felt like eternity.

“Hello?” said my mom’s sweet voice.

“Emily!” she said.  “Oh my goodness, what is going on?”

“Are you okay?” I asked.  “Please tell me you are okay.”

“I’m fine,” she said.  “I woke up in this big room.  It’s like a fancy hotel room with a living room, a bathroom and a kitchenette.”

“What?” I said, confused.

“I’m locked in here.” She said.  “I’ve been here almost a week.  Every day I wake up and there is new food in the fridge, but I can’t ever catch anyone coming in here.  I feel like I’m in a strange dream. Emily...can you tell me what is going on?  Is this some weird prank?”

“Oh mom, we have to get you out of there.” I said.

“I don’t understand.” she said.

I stopped myself before I told her she was being held by The Corrupt.  She seemed afraid,  but I could imagine her fear intensifying if she knew she was being held by something evil.

“I have to go mom.” I said. “Everything is going to be okay.  Just relax and try to enjoy the nice room you are staying in.  I promise mom.  I love you so much.”

“Okay Emily.” she said, hesitantly.  “I love you too.”

I hung up the phone and looked down at the floor, thinking.  I looked up to see Peter and my dad waiting for me to say something.  “I have to go.” I said, intensely. 

“Emily, you can’t.” said my dad.  “Let me call the Elders.”

“It’s my mom!” I said, angry.

“Please Emily,” said Peter.  “one thing at a time. Your mom seems to be okay.  Let’s call the Elders, don’t do anything rash.”

My phone rang, and I nearly jumped out of the chair.

“Hello.” I said.

“Are you satisfied?” he asked.

“Yes.” I said.  “I’d be a little more satisfied if she were home, safe.”

“She will be if you come.” he said.

“Soon.” I said, and hung up on him.

“Call the Elders then.” I said, flinging my arms up in the air toward my dad and Peter.  My dad shot Peter a look of some sort of understanding and left the room.  Peter came and sat next to me and put his arm around me.

“Just don’t.” I said.

He removed his arm, and I waited, tensely, without moving until my dad returned.  “They are going to send a couple of people out to investigate.” he said.

“Investigate?” I asked.  “Just a couple of people?”

“Emily.” he said.  “They are two of the best hunters, they will find her.”

Peter put his hand on my hand.  I took a deep breath.  “Okay.” I said. 

My dad came and sat on the other side of me.  “Emily.” he said.  “We never talked much about why The Corrupt want you.  I think you should know.”

“Okay.” I said.

“The Corrupt,” he said. “have been seeking power over humans from the very beginning.  From the earliest time in our history, it became accepted that we should guide human civilization, and we were their leaders.  We guided them from warring tribes to civilizations with agriculture and currency.”

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