A Thief's Treasure (13 page)

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Authors: Elena Miller

BOOK: A Thief's Treasure
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“You ready?” he asked.


We both nodded and we walked out of our home.
The provisions were just about gone and once we got back the barrier was going to be gone, leaving it open for attack should we fail to win.
I wasn’t planning on losing however and I knew I was going to come back to that place.
We walked down the pathway to Tunnel X where the other clan members were. They were all wearing similar suits, with the girls attempting to accentuate their breasts in them.
Darren ignored it; he wasn’t interested in them at all and I was glad.
Anthony stopped and looked at all of us, as if to address us all in one place.


“Alright guys, it’s show time.
Remember your places.
Anyone who’s attacking the castle follow Chris and Renee and we’ll go out to the main field where our armies resided.
Are you guys ready?” Anthony asked.


We all nodded and we split up.
My parents were going to take down the bombs and I felt sad and worried that I might not see them again, but I dismissed that thought.
I was ready to end this once and for all.
Before I left though I was stopped by Anthony, who looked at me with a look of concern.
“Did Darren give you the rune?”


I have it,” I replied, pointing to my bra.


Remember to use it once Darren has distracted them.
Once that happens recite the incantation perfectly and you’ll be able to defeat them easily,” he replied.




“No thank you.
You’re saving all of us and I can’t thank you enough.
I’ll make sure to fight my hardest for you, to keep you safe.
I’m happy to call you a part of my family,” he stated.


I gave him a giant hug before running off to meet up with Darren.
He gave me a little wave and then went the other way to go command the army in order to defeat


I met up with Darren who gave me a look of confusion.
“Your dad was just giving me some directions,” I stated.


“Oh okay.
Let’s get the hell out of here.
We need to get upstairs soon,” he replied.


I nodded and we continued our way down the tunnel.
We finally made it to a small door with the other alchemists and after a minute of signals from Chris we opened the door.
Immediately we were attacked by some of the craziest monsters I’ve ever seen.
I threw some of the trees at them, morphing them into swords and hitting them square in the chest.
It took out about ten of them, which gave us enough time to sneak over to the cellar door in the palace.
One by one we snuck down there and got into the cellar.
It was bare and no one was waiting for us, allowing us ample time to get our bearings.
I looked behind me and I saw Darren’s reassuring smile beneath his stern frame.


“We’re going to be okay Alyssa. Just follow what everyone does and you’ll be fine.
I swear I’ll protect you,” he stated.


I nodded and we started to move out of the cellar to the kitchen.
There were four floors to the palace and everyone who was normally on the first floor was outside fighting against Anthony and all of his men.
I took a brief look out the window; a lot of our men had died but it seemed like we were making more of a dent than the creatures.
A horde of troops from the Alchemic Council were there and along with my pseudo-parents they fought hard.
I could see my own parents running down the side to a smaller house where they were planting cannons and getting ready to set off bombs.
I already could see them stunning the guards with their alchemy and I was so happy they were still alive.
I had to continue though; I know I shouldn’t be focusing on them too much when I had my own adversaries to deal with.
We started to walk upstairs and made it to the landing on the second floor where a trio of feral alchemists similar to our three was waiting.
I could tell them both had the similar bitchy look to them and even though I was afraid I rolled my eyes inadvertently.


“Oh well look what the cat dragged in.
Man I haven’t seen that suit in over ten years, I still can’t believe people actually wear that shit” one of them barked.


“Well at least we don’t dress like jailbait like how you guys do,” Amanda retorted.


“Oh whatever girl.
You’re not even in our league, and you guys are just cockroaches compared to us,” another girl said snidely.


“Well at least we don’t look like cockroaches unlike you guys,” Tara quipped.


The other girls started to look at them angrily and immediately I could tell there was going to be a fight.
It might be a real or a catfight, but I definitely knew all the girls were pissed at this point.
The rest of us watched in awe as the girls started to go at it, throwing alchemy at one another like there was no tomorrow.
We stopped to watch the fight for a moment before Chris’ words barked into my ear.


“They can handle themselves.
Let’s get the hell upstairs before they blow this place apart,” Chris yelled.
We followed him upstairs just as a beam of alchemy hit right where we were standing.
The pristine floors were starting to become ruined due to the battle and everywhere vases and other things were getting broken as they continued their onslaught.
We made it up the third floor where a couple was sitting there.
They both had dark skin as well and they both carried staffs.
Armando and Leila were already ready for a fight, and I could see the rage in Armando’s face becoming even more apparent.


“Why if it isn’t Armando and Leila.
We had a lot of fun blowing up your palace by the way.
It was a lot of fun and I would love to do it again,” the other man stated.


“Charlemagne…you monster,” Armando replied.


“I’m the monster?
Well that’s definitely hypocritical considering you’re married to something that already looks like a monster,” the man stated.


“That’s enough Charlemagne.
Your pitiful words shouldn’t even be wasted on these dogs.
They’re the Alchemic Council’s little bitch and you don’t even need to waste words on them.
Let’s just get rid of them and call it a day,” the woman stated.


I could see the anger on Leila’s face and she was ready to fight.
“If that’s what you want
, then that’s what you’ll get.
I would love to fight my sister for the title of strongest alchemist in the world,” Leila replied confidently.


After a moment they both smiled and started to engage in battle.
They were less destructive then the girls downstairs, but I could tell they were both very strong.
I hoped they would survive as we continued up to the third floor where a calm family resided.
There was a girl similar to Lori but was wearing a cute little Lolita outfit instead of the gothic look that Lori loved to adorn.
They stared at Chris and Renee intently, as if they were a small animal and they were a couple of lions waiting for a meal.


“Hello Chris.
It’s been a while,” the man stated.


“Hello William.
I can’t believe you actually decided to take
offer in school.
I thought you were better than that,” Chris replied.


“Eh he had a great deal for me.
Sadly it was a lot better than the shit you got into.
Clarice and I have had a great life here since I took that deal and I can’t complain about the perks.
Having unlimited power is awesome and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
You guys however made a very foolish decision and decided to become the Alchemic Council’s lackeys.
I don’t think I can forgive you for becoming the one thing you promised me you would never become brother,” William said.


“Well we decided to try going a different way.
We didn’t want to play into the darkness like you guys,” Renee chipped in.
She had a stern look on her face and I could tell she was starting to get angry with everything he said.


“Oh don’t be such a sourpuss Renee. Unlike you I don’t have a temper.
Probably why my daughter is a prime and proper woman and yours looks like something I would find under a subway train dead.
Which is where she should be,” the woman quipped.


“Oh shut it Betty.
God you need a fucking stick shoved down your throat and honestly everything I hear coming out of your mouth is a complete and utter lie.
You sicken me you ugly whore,” Renee replied.


“Oh whatever.
At least I don’t have to resort to petty names to make myself look better.
Let’s settle this, I’m sick of looking at your ugly face,” Betty said cheerfully.
They all started to fight as well, and even the daughters were fighting with one another.
The daughters were fighting very roughly like the three girls downstairs, but the adults were fighting like two graceful dances about to settle a score.
Darren grabbed my hand and we made it to the top floor.
There was no one waiting for us, but we noticed there were two ways. A small voice came through our minds, almost penetrating our thought processes.


‘I’m hiding somewhere on this floor.
Why don’t you guys come find me so we can settle this score together?
I love a challenge,” the voice boomed.
We both immediately knew what it was and started to run in one direction, only to have the walls almost seal up on us.
We knew then that it was the other way and went that way.
There were little spikes on the ground and Darren grabbed me.
He hoisted me on my shoulders and even though I wanted to struggle he put his hand next to his mouth.


“These needles have a toxic substance on it.
Be quiet and keep your thoughts quiet.
I don’t want him hearing us,” he instructed.


I nodded and he started to move a little bit faster through it.
We finally made it past that barrier only to be hit with another trap.
There were fire bombs everywhere, but I held on and Darren avoided all of it.
He was amazing and his fancy footwork was very impressive.
We almost got hit with a log that had black earth alchemy on it and if it hit us it would kill us instantly.
He jumped over it, my hands holding onto him for dear life.
We got through that and walked down, only to realize we were in a giant maze.
We started to try and retrace our steps, but to no avail.


“Alyssa I need to you to listen to him to see if you can figure out where he is,” Darren instructed.


I nodded and started to hear in.
I didn’t hear anything for a moment but then I was soon hit with chortling and was being told I need to go back and turn left to actually find it but I probably wouldn’t figure that out.
After a moment I came back and looked at him.
“Go back and head left.
Now!” I yelled.
Darren started to run back to where we went but went left this time.
It took us through a small tunnel that had little bombs going off around us, but I put up a magical water barrier in order to protect us.
We started to walk until we got to two doors, each of them with a “Go back.
Do not enter” sign on them.

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