Read A Taste of Twilight Online

Authors: Aubrey Ross

A Taste of Twilight (10 page)

BOOK: A Taste of Twilight
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“I’ll make you an ally, but we have to understand her motivation before we even consider transformation.”

“What’s the difference?”

He paused for a long moment. Could he use Natalie’s telepathic sensitivity against her? It was risky as hell and Jessie would believe him a beast until it was safe to release the illusion. If he could use her anger to save her life, it would be well worth enduring her temper.

“There might be another way, but you’ll have to trust me.”

“I’m listening.”

“Natalie’s mental abilities are second only to Faelon’s. If she sensed my essence inside you, she might presume I’ve begun the transformation process.”

“Your essence is already inside me.” She blushed and glanced away.

They didn’t have time for subtleties. “I didn’t come in your mouth last night because a vampire’s cum has a stronger effect on humans when it’s ingested.”

“So, I swallow your cum and Natalie will think you’re transforming me?”

“I’ll have to implant a mental suggestion to make you believe it as well or she’ll see through the ploy.”

She raked her hair out of her eyes and her lips pressed together. “I have no problem with the blowjob, but this doesn’t really help me. I’ll still be powerless.”

“No, you won’t. You’ll take on characteristics of a vampire for as long as it takes your body to metabolize—”

“Your essence?”

“Exactly.” He motioned toward the bed. “I didn’t sleep as long as I’d hoped to. If you’ll let me feed while you feed, it will strengthen me for the journey.” Without a word, she unfastened the bathrobe and let it slip from her shoulders. He pulled her into his arms before she could crawl onto the bed. “I want so much more for us than this. I will make love to you as you deserve as soon as this crisis is over.”

She kissed his mouth, communicating her determination across their mental bond. He found it ironic that she was reassuring him. It should have been the other way around.

Stretching out on her back, she waited while he shed his jeans. She looked at his erection with resignation and Rafe paused. Damn it! He wanted to caress her and bring her to slow, breath-stealing orgasms. He wanted to spend days discovering all of her erogenous zones.

“Come on.” She held out her hand and managed a smile. “I enjoyed having you in my mouth last night.”

She didn’t really understand what he intended. The only other choice was a true transformation. This was a much better option. Joining her on the bed, he guided his cock toward her mouth and she did the rest. Her tongue swirled then her lips formed a snug circle. She sucked him slowly, drawing him deeper and deeper into her mouth. He covered her mound with his mouth and traced her slit with the tip of his tongue. She was already slick and hot, amazingly responsive. Her taste intoxicated him. He inhaled her scent and licked her folds. She groaned and worked his cock in earnest.

It felt so damn good. He wanted to enjoy the pleasure of her hot, wet mouth then turn around and sink slowly into her passage. For the first few weeks after transformation, a newly made vampire had to be strictly controlled, dominated, or they often turned rogue. If he didn’t make the illusion realistic, Natalie would know it was a ruse.

Dreading what must be done he accessed her mind and constructed the illusion. He pinned her to the bed and thrust to the hilt inside her tight pussy.
You’re mine. Now and forever. Accept my blood.
He opened a wound on his wrist with the tip of his fang and pressed it to her lips. She resisted, afraid and repulsed by the metallic taste and the demand in his expression. He pulled nearly out then impaled her again and again. She cried out, each parting of her lips filling her mouth with blood. She shuddered and moaned, her inner muscles gripping him.

That’s right. Drink. Join me. Feel the power of my blood seeping into your body. Feel my cock claiming you. Submit. Surrender. You were born for this day.

Her mouth latched on to his wrist, sucking firmly, deeply. She was helpless to prevent her body’s response to the intoxicating nature of his blood. Without removing her mouth from his wrist, he turned her face to the side and sank his fangs into her throat, completing the circle of transformation. She screamed in release, arching and bucking beneath him.

Easing out of her mind, Rafe felt her body trembling. Utterly lost in the illusion, she would believe he had ravaged her, fucked her ruthlessly, and forced his blood down her throat. Transformations were always violent, even when the human begged for the change.

He forced aside his regret. This was a temporary change. She would have the opportunity to decide if this was really what she wanted once the crisis had passed. He sucked on her cunt as he fucked her mouth. There was nothing gentle in the act. Tenderness would weaken the illusion. He triggered orgasm after orgasm, feasting on her cream, strengthening himself for the journey. She whimpered, fear seeping through her desire. Unwilling to subject her to any more, he thrust into her throat and released his seed, infusing her as completely as he could.

* * * * *


Natalie sank to her knees as the vision left her. “I don’t believe it.”

“What did you see?” Etoro helped her back to her feet, his arm supporting the small of her back.

“Rafe… I didn’t think he’d do it. He has never instigated a transformation in five hundred years, not even one.”

“What about Phillip Noir?”

Natalie glared at him. “My mistakes are few and far between. You’d do well not to remind me of them.”

“It’s difficult not to, my love, when you insist on repeating them.” He nodded toward the human lying motionless on the bed. “How is threatening Rafe with the cop different from what you tried to do back then?”

“The cop means nothing to Rafe.” She waved Etoro’s concern aside. “You know what you need to know and nothing more. Rafe refuses to transform others, he has always refused. That will be his undoing.”

“Women have always been Rafe’s undoing.”

“No, no, no!” She stomped her foot and shoved Etoro back a step. “If he figures out what we’re really after, it will ruin everything. I don’t intend to lose this time. Do you?”

“What do you suggest?” Etoro sounded bored and Natalie swung at him. He easily caught her wrist. His eyes narrowed and he bared his fangs. “Do we have time to play? It’s been a long time since we determined who’s stronger.”

He was right and they both knew it. Rafe hadn’t taken the bait. She curled her long nails into her palm until blood trickled down her wrist. Rafe might have won this round, but the fight had barely begun.

“Make sure the cop is bound and gagged,” she ordered. “We’re going to Italy.”

* * * * *


Rafe hadn’t been home in fifty-seven years. Ferrara wasn’t the city of his birth, but it was the home of his transformation. Jessie sagged against him as he landed on the wide front lawn of Faelon’s sprawling estate. Vampires surrounded the majestic building, only visible to blood allies.

Antonelli threw open the front door and ran down the sweeping stone stairs. “Rafael!” Ignoring Jessie’s wobbly form, she kissed Rafe on both cheeks and smiled up at him. “I could not believe it when Faelon told me you were coming. You’ve stayed away far too long.”

“You look ravishing as always. Unfortunately, this is not a social call. Where is Faelon?”

“Who is your friend?” She made an impatient gesture toward Jessie.

Jessie hissed and tossed her head.

Antonelli gasped. “Has she gone rogue?”

Until Faelon severed Natalie’s telepathic connection, Rafe had to play his part. “I decided to transform her, and it’s not going as well as I had hoped.”

“He’s expecting you.” Her eyes reflected her suspicion, but she motioned toward the house.

Rafe followed her across the foyer and down a short corridor. She pushed the library door open and nodded inside. “I’ll be upstairs if there is any way I can help.” Which meant she found Jessie physically attractive.

“Thank you.”

Jessie hissed again as they passed into the library. Faelon stood near the hearth, his gaze assessing them as they crossed the room.

Your guest is bugged.
Faelon used the private mental strand they had constructed over the years. Its range was limited, but a select few could access the transmission.

I know. Please play along for a few minutes then sever Natalie’s link.

“It’s been ages, Rafael. You know you’re always welcome in my home, but what is this about?”

“I had no choice but to begin transformation. Natalie is holding a dear friend hostage.”

“Giving in to Natalie is never wise. What do you need from me?”

“I’m losing control of the transformation. Will you help me complete the process?”

Faelon slanted him a disbelieving look. “Your scent is all over this woman. Are you sure you want me to fuck her?”

“I don’t see that there’s much choice. Either we transform her together or I’ll have to destroy her.”
Discover Natalie’s link as soon as you kiss her.

I kiss no one but Antonelli. I’ll lick her pussy instead.

Rafe glared at his maker. He was demanding a show of obedience.
She’ll fight you like a demon.

All the more convincing, don’t you think?
Faelon’s gaze swept up and down Jessie’s body and a smile curved one corner of his mouth.

This isn’t necessary and you know it.

I say it is.
“I’m always willing to help out a friend.” Faelon took Jessie’s hand and pulled her toward him. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”


Jessie stared around her in stunned confusion. Was this really Italy? Her mind was muddled and her body weak. Moments after Rafe claimed her body, he’d helped her dress and they’d departed. He’d forced her to drink his blood. No, she’d told him to transform her. She just didn’t understand what transformation entailed. Even as he pounded into her, exquisite pleasure burst over and over again.

A warm hand closed around her icy fingers and she looked up into a stranger’s face. Wrong again. She knew this man, if only from a shared vision. “Faelon?”

“Yes, little one.” He turned her face toward the light, his bright blue eyes assessing her features. Gold-streaked brown hair had been swept straight back from his angular face. “She’s lovely. Let’s get her out of these clothes.”

“Let’s not.” She jerked her hand out of his and took a large step backward. “I think I’ll wait in the car while you talk to your buddy here.”

Rafe smiled, but his eyes remained veiled. “There’s no car to wait in and you need this more than you know.”

“I don’t need anything that requires the removal of my clothes.” She spun toward the door and collided with the closed portal. “What the…”

“You’re starting to change.” Rafe came up behind her, his voice soft and low. “This is all part of your world now, preternatural speed, having access to your senses as you never have before, and establishing bonds. Faelon is my sire, my mentor. It is customary that you bond with him.”

She braced her hands against the door. “I have to drink his blood?”

“That is a
you have yet to earn,” Faelon snapped.

“Faelon was never transformed,” Rafe patiently reminded her. “I explained this to you.”

“He can drink my blood without taking my clothes off.”

Rafe turned her around, pressing his hands against the door on either side of her shoulders. “Yes, he can. He doesn’t want your blood. You’re not yet transformed. It would pollute his blood to drink yours. He wants to lick your pussy and you’re going to let him.” She tried to duck under his arm, but he caught her around the waist. “Stop it! You wanted this. You asked me to transform you. Obedience is part of the vampire code.”

She threw her head back hard against his chest and clawed at his arms. “I won’t!”

Faelon approached, his eyes morphing from blue to gold in an instant. “You have much to learn, fledgling.” He shot Rafe a furious glance. “Bring her.”

Rafe tossed her over his shoulder and trapped her legs against his chest. “You could have spared yourself a forceful initiation. All he was going to do was taste you.”

Clutching the back of his shirt with both hands, Jessie reached for his mind. Silence. She trembled. He’d shut himself off from her completely. It was her nature to fight. She’d been fighting her entire life. But Faelon didn’t know that. He only knew a subordinate was being disrespectful.

They descended a narrow staircase. Jessie’s heart sank with each step. Would Faelon whip her, rape her? She’d infuriated an organic vampire and disgraced Rafe in the process.

“The link is severed. Not even my guards are aware of what goes on in here.”

Rafe lowered her feet to the floor. His arms lingered around her waist as she turned around.

“I’ve never had a taste for rape,” Faelon informed her. His gaze shifted to Rafe. “Now tell me what the hell is going on.”

“Natalie is holding a close friend of Jessie’s hostage, but the situation is even more bizarre than that. She appeared to Jessie and demanded that Jessie convince me to transform her.”

BOOK: A Taste of Twilight
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