A Taste of Trouble (14 page)

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Authors: Gina Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: A Taste of Trouble
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Chapter Twelve

It wasn't really a habit for Liv to put on makeup just to lounge around the house, but this was a special occasion. There was an unbelievably hot man waiting for her—an unbelievably hot man who would be in her shower next. Making sure she was presentable, she stepped out of the bathroom into her bedroom to grab some clothes.

Liv took a good ten minutes to find an outfit. She didn't want to dress up too much, but she didn't want to be too casual. She settled on a pair of black yoga pants and long V-neck wool sweater with a tank top underneath. She entered the living room, still running the towel through her wet hair.

Jake was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels. “This is a pretty sweet setup you have here.”

“I do enjoy my TV, but it's really because of Brett. When Patti lived here, he was sick and tired of the crappy television-watching experience, so he hooked us up with all the bells and whistles. When Patti moved in with him, I was lucky enough to keep it all. I don't know what I would do without my DVR. With working nights, I'm never home to watch my favorite shows.”
You're rambling again. Shut up.
“The shower is ready for you. I left some clean towels in there, and I found an extra toothbrush. Use whatever you want.”

“Thanks.” Jake slipped off the couch and sauntered to where she stood. Leaning closer, he whispered, “Pick a movie for us to watch after my shower.”

Just the simple heat of his breath on her skin made her head spin. And it continued to spin even as he walked away, stepped into the bathroom, and closed the door behind him.

A minute later, Liv heard the water running. She was just about to search the menu on the television for a movie when the phone rang. She had a feeling she knew who it was. “Hello.”

“So, how was he?”

“How's it going, Ozzie?” Liv couldn't help the roll of her eyes. “It's pretty late. I expected your call a while ago.”

“Do not distract from the hot topic. How was it?”


“Good?” he squealed. “Unacceptable answer.”

“All right, all right. It was…mind blowing.” Liv heard the water shut off in the bathroom. She would have to cut this short.

“I knew it. Honey, that man is the finest thing I've ever seen. I'm so proud of you. This is a new beginning for you. First the bakery, and soon your love life will finally be on track.”

Without the background noise of the water, Liv whispered into the phone, “Okay, don't get all sentimental on me. Yes, it was great and he was great and the bakery is going to be great, yada, yada, yada.”

“Why are you whispering?”

“I'm not whispering.” She had to get him off the phone.

“You are so whispering. What's wrong?”

“Nothing. I just have a headache from last night so stop talking so loud.”

“Well excuse me, grumpy. Fine, I will let you off the hook for now. But be prepared to put the events of the evening into sentences eventually.”

“All right.”

“Remember, I want details. I'm talking dirty, uncensored—”

“Hey Liv, did you find us a movie?”

She whipped around to find Jake standing in the living room, his chest glistening, his lower half covered by only a towel.
Oh. My. God.
She was mesmerized by the sight of him, and so flustered that she dropped the phone.

She quickly picked it up and thrust it back to her ear.

“Who was that?” Austin asked.

“No one,” Liv choked out.

“Sorry, you're on the phone,” Jake whispered. “I'll take a look.” Walking over to the coffee table, he picked up the remote and started flipping through the movies on demand.

She turned around and lowered her voice. “It's no one. Just the television.”

“Liar! He's still there, isn't he?”

She didn't reply.

“He is!”

Liv casually laughed, making light of the situation. Austin was so dead.

“I thought he didn't stay the night? What is he doing there? Are you guys on a date? This is unbelievable.”

“Okay, Ozzie. I'll do that. I have to go now. I'll call you later.” Austin's yammering continued even as she put down the receiver.

“That was Austin. He was just calling to…uh—”

“Get details.” Tilting his head back, he shot her a wide grin.

“Pretty much.” She had to give him credit. Despite the awkwardness of this situation, he really was trying his best to make this normal. Not many men could make channel surfing sexy, but standing there in just a towel, Jake definitely brought out the sexy.

“Isn't it fantastic that you don't even have to leave the house to rent a movie anymore?” Jake said.

Who really cared about a movie when she had the Hollywood equivalent of a leading man right here in her living room?

“It looks like we have a few to choose from,” he continued. “We have funny, action, or chick flicks. What do you think?”

“Definitely funny.”

“Exactly what I was hoping for. I'm going to go and get dressed. Since I only have my work clothes, can I borrow a T-shirt? If you have one that'll fit me.”

“Sure. I have tons of T-shirts from the bar. You can look in the bottom drawer of my dresser.”

“Thanks.” Before heading to her bedroom, he tossed the remote on the couch.

Were clothes
necessary? She wouldn't be offended by naked movie time. Liv tensed. Did she just give him permission to go through her drawers?

She crept around the couch, stealing a glance into her bedroom, and watched Jake as he dressed. He dropped the towel and slid on his pants.

She let out a soft sigh.


He was heaven.

Jake couldn't wait to get dressed and get back to Liv. He'd been fully prepared to be shot down. She gave him the opening and he took it. So here he was, searching through her dresser drawers. This couldn't get any closer to a relationship. When he'd seen her standing in the doorway, sleepy, disheveled, and shocked, he realized that he wanted to see her every morning. Just as she was.

Jake glanced at the alarm clock on Liv's night table. He was due to meet the catering manager at the book launch venue in two hours, but he didn't want to leave her.

He grabbed his phone and dialed Melanie, the most reliable publicist on his team.

Shelton wouldn't be too happy. If he wasn't able to make a meeting himself, he wanted Jake there as a representative of the firm. And he had always been happy to oblige. Evenings, weekends, no matter the time, he had always come through.

But his absence was because of his mission. That had to be forgivable.

Melanie picked up on the third ring.

“Mel, it's Jake.”

“Hey, Jake.” She sounded surprised. As she should. Jake had never called one of his employees on a weekend.

“I'm sorry to bug you on a Saturday, but something's come up.” Like his penis, hopefully, over and over again. Jake smiled. That was definitely a perk, but more than anything, he wanted to spend time with Liv. There was so much more to this woman than he had anticipated. “I'm not able to meet with the catering manager at The Grande. Can you take the meeting?”

“Sure.” Shock registered on Melanie's voice. Jake never gave up his meetings. “I'd be happy to. I've got nothing going on this afternoon.”

“You're a life saver. I'll forward you the info. And we need to stress the frequency of the servers circulating the room. It's the only thing I didn't like about their presentation.”

“Got it. I'll take care of it.”

Jake straightened and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was a liar. A cheater. A selfish ass. And it was Liv who would end up with the most to lose. Jake could always find another job. But Liv, she wouldn't be able to get a new heart after he'd stomped all over it.

He knew all along—from that first accidental touch—but it wasn't until this morning that he actually let himself believe it could happen. She was not going to make it easy for him. Her distrust in the happily ever after saddened him. Someone had to have hurt her deeply. It was probably the reason why she shied away from intimacy and relationships.

He couldn't imagine how someone could cause her pain. If he knew who it was, he wouldn't hesitate to pummel the asshole. He'd eventually find out. At her own pace. But he knew he had his work cut out for him, trying to break down the armor she had on every moment of every day. It was down right now, but Jake wondered how long it would be before she donned it again.

He fumbled through the drawer and found a gray T-shirt. When he righted himself, his reflection stared back at him. He should be ashamed of himself. They seemed to be on the same page when it came to sex, but he couldn't deny he was using her for his own selfish ambition. Using her to fulfill some childhood memory that brought his grandmother back into his life.

He just had to hope that Liv would be forgiving. He didn't have much time to convince her that he was the real deal, in for the long haul, despite his underhanded actions. There was no way he would lose her because of the actions of some other loser. He would show her what it meant to be a man, and prove that he was worth letting down her guard.

Maybe if he opened up he'd have a better chance at winning the girl. Maybe if he let her into his life—behind the scenes—she'd want to stay and never let go.

Jake lay with Liv in his arms, completely at peace.

They couldn't even last an entire movie without keeping their hands off each other. But this was way better than any movie. His heart swelled. He was usually the first to race out of bed after the sex happened. But this time, with Liv, the cuddling afterward was even better than the sex.

He shook his head. What the fuck was he thinking? He swayed between laying his cards on the table and trying to protect the body he held in his arms, wanting to keep her for himself. If he had known one small agreement with his boss would have turned out to be such a clusterfuck, he'd never have agreed in the first place. But then he would have never met Liv.

Liv sighed softly and stirred in his arms. “Hi,” she said with a croak, staring up at him.


“You're all serious.” She placed her palm against his chest. “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing important.”
You should tell her. Tell her about Shelton and your deal.
“What's your family like?”


“You already know so much, Mr. Nosy.” She tapped his chest.

“I know superficial things. Tell me about you. What about your family?”

She grimaced. “My mom and grandparents live in Collingwood. That's where I grew up.”

“What about your dad?”

She tensed in his arms. “My dad?” Liv scoffed. “My dad left when I was ten and I haven't heard from him since.” She pulled away and pushed her head against the pillow, her muscles tightening and jerking in his embrace.

“I'm sorry. Some men just don't know how to be real men.” He had a perfect home life. And knowing what he did about Liv, the story about her dad made sense. He had assumed it was a love story gone wrong that tainted her ideas on relationships. That was not the case. Her father was the reason she shied away from love—and men in general. It would be hard to break her away from that mentality and get her to trust him.
Trust? Why should she trust you, Jake?

The nagging feeling of guilt was back and this time he couldn't just shake it out of his head. He would do anything to take back his deal. Was that why he felt the need to show her the other side of himself? To purge his guilt? He squeezed her tight, wanting to keep her in this moment.

He slid his hand down her back and cupped her bottom, kneading her tender flesh.

She flashed him a sexy grin. “Feeling frisky?”

He moved his hand over her hip and between her legs and she gasped. “I guess so.”

Her heart beat against his chest, thumping quicker and quicker with every move of his hand. He slipped his fingers between her folds. She was still wet from their previous sex session. His fingers continued to caress; this time, he plunged one finger inside. “I'm sure you have a lot of things to do tomorrow before the big opening.”

“I do.” She moaned. “Lots of things I need to do tomorrow.”

“I guess I should finally make my way home. Leave you to get things done.” He thumbed her clit as his finger moved slowly in and out of her.

She looked up, affection staring back at him. She had given herself over to him. And he was a lying jerk-off. He didn't deserve her affection.

“You could always stay.” Liv moaned and pushed her head back as her body tightened around him. He loved the effect he had on this woman, the pure pleasure she embraced while in his arms. “I had the whole day planned and…there's something I want to show you.”

Tomorrow was Sunday. And every Sunday during the winter, Jake, Brian, and Tony would meet at their local outdoor rink to play hockey. Miles would sit in the stands and watch, nursing his allergy to sports.

He'd have to cancel on his friends. Another excuse for him to avoid real life…for Liv. But she had dropped her guard. Just like he had hoped. Liv moaned, lower and deeper with the stroke of his hand across her tender flesh. At this moment, there wasn't a trace of her defenses left.

A plan formulated in his mind. She wouldn't be the only one to reveal something tomorrow. If he had any chance of keeping her, he needed to step up his game. And he knew exactly where he would take her to solidify his place in her heart.

“What's that?” he asked, wondering if what she had planned was her way of opening up.

“It's a surprise.” She whimpered as her body fell away. She lifted one leg, opening herself up, giving him better access.

“We won't be playing pool, will we?” A second finger joined the first.

“No pool.” She groaned and asked on a gasp, “Will you come with me?”

“Oh, I plan on coming.” He removed his hand from between her legs and shimmied below the comforter. “But you first.”

Chapter Thirteen

It was the perfect day to hide inside. The winter air was cold and damp, chilling right down to the bone, so Liv was excited about her decision to bring Jake to the bakery.

They walked up to the freshly painted white door covered by the brown awning, which had accumulated a large amount of long, jagged icicles. She made a mental note to remove those before she opened the doors tomorrow.

Jake traced his finger along the white writing on the front window and smiled. “Great name. Great logo. It's not forgettable. That will help you in the long run with repeat business.”

She appreciated his comments. Branding and advertising were what he did best. She'd be smart to take advice from him if he ever offered.

Liv slid the key into the lock. After a few jiggles, it gave way—it must have swelled from the cold—and they entered the bakery. The jingle of the bell marked their presence. Immediately, they were greeted by the smell of fresh paint and a faint hint of chocolate. “Here we are.”

She scurried in and reached behind the curtain to turn on the lights while he closed the door, blocking out the air. Jake walked farther into the space as his head swiveled from side to side, taking in his surroundings. He circled the room, palming the top of the showcase, then brushed his hand across one of the stools.

“You really have a hard-on for pink.” His expression was misleading. He was scrutinizing, but the slight upturn at the side of his mouth indicated that he was amused.

Liv stepped behind the counter, running her hand across the smooth laminate. She poked her finger at him. “As if you don't have a pink dress shirt in that expensive wardrobe of yours.”

“Having one pink shirt makes me fashionable, not a girl.” Jake moved closer to the counter.

“I knew it!”

“You, my friend,” he moved in closer, “are going overboard.”


Instead of dwelling on the negative, she shook it off. “Overboard? Pink is supposed to make people think of sugar and sweetness. Exactly the types of thoughts that make people want to buy baked goods.”

“If that's the intention, then you're going to have a very successful business.”

Liv couldn't tell if he was mocking. “You don't like it, do you?”

“I love it!” He looked at her with kind eyes. “This place is perfect. I meant that someone would never guess that you would be the type of person to love pink, since it does conjure images of sweetness.”

Liv knew what he meant and, unfortunately, he was right. He called it like he saw it. An admirable trait, but when it came to calling her out on the very things that would make him run in the opposite direction, she couldn't help but take it to heart.

He leaned forward and she studied his eyes and inhaled sharply when their lips almost touched. “But those would be the people who don't know you.” Nice save. “From what I've seen, this place fits you perfectly.”

With his lips so close, she went in for the kiss. She didn't quite know how to articulate what she was feeling. Even though they had now kissed many, many times, it still felt like the first time. Desire burned in her stomach, but she quickly checked herself. This wasn't the reason why they were here. She wanted to show him a different side—her real side.

As she pulled away, his gaze locked on hers. “Thank you for giving me a private showing.”

“Thank you for coming with me, but the day isn't over.” She cocked her head. “I have plans for us.”

“Is that right?” He looked at his watch. “You have until seven this evening to call the shots.” He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Then it's my turn.”

Her stomach danced with anticipation. “Come with me. I'll show you the kitchen, and then you'll have no choice but to do everything I want.”

“If that kiss was any indication of what we're doing next, then yes, I will do anything you want.”

She sighed. Despite the thousands of hours spent in the kitchen baking her favorite things, she couldn't recall a single time when she'd been happier. With a wink, she grabbed his hand and led him behind the counter.

Two hours later, Liv and Jake pushed through the front door of her condo, bags in hand. He had been a good boy even though he was forced to spend over an hour in one of her favorite stores, which housed aisle upon aisle of baking accessories. She'd purchased a few new toys for the bakery, and Jake indulged every “oh” and “ah” that escaped her lips. Which made his stock skyrocket as far as she was concerned.

“You can put the bags over there by the sink.” She directed with a jerk of her chin as he followed her into the small kitchen.

After setting his bags down, Jake turned and rested against the counter, one foot crossed over the other in front of him. That sexy grin was going to be her undoing. He glanced at his watch. “By my count, you have a few hours left to call the shots.”

Liv giggled. “Oh, I plan to.”

She pulled out the third kitchen drawer and grabbed a white apron and placed it on the kitchen island in front of him.

“What's this?”

“An apron. Put it on.” She reached into the drawer and pulled out her own.

“What do I need an apron for?” He scrunched up his face in confusion. “Are we role-playing? Am I the sexy French baker and you're my apprentice?”

“Nope. This is the real thing.” She cleared some space on the island. “You're going to bake.”

“Bake?” His mouth fell open in disbelief. He was even cute when he looked like a carp.

“I want to know what you look like with flour all over your face.” Crouching down, she collected a few bowls and her cupcake pans from the bottom cupboard. When she straightened, Jake's expression told her he still hadn't gotten used to the idea. “This is probably the last time I'll be able to just enjoy myself and not have to worry about impressing or making ends meet. Just me, you, and my mixer.” She needed this. She needed to remember why baking was her passion and enjoy it without any strings. “Please?”

He took off his jacket, laid it over the counter, and walked around to meet her as he tied the apron strings around his waist. He smoothed out the fabric as if looking for reassurance that he'd put it on correctly.

When he finally looked up, Liv smiled. “It's perfect.”

“You know I don't do baking.”

She felt like a parent trying to goad their child into trying something new. “Can you measure?”

He nodded.

“Can you stir?”

He nodded again.

“Then you're hired.”

He didn't look convinced. He took tiny steps, like he was entering a haunted house. Careful. On edge. Just waiting for something to jump out at him. Fastening her own apron, she pulled a few ingredients down from the top cupboard, along with some measuring utensils.

“Don't be shy.” She motioned for him to move closer. “Last I heard, flour doesn't bite.”

His lips thinned into a nervous line, but he laughed.

“Can you go in the fridge and grab some eggs?”

He nodded and headed for the fridge. He fumbled inside, most likely moving things from one place to the next, then sidled beside her with a carton of eggs.

“I think we'll just make a simple chocolate batter and some white butter cream icing.” She looked up at him. “Does that sound okay?”

“Sure.” He shrugged. “I'm sure it all tastes the same.”

Liv gasped. “Bite your tongue. It does not all taste the same. There are so many variations that we could spend days in this kitchen working out all of the possibilities.” She realized that she was waving her finger in the air, but it looked as though he found it amusing. As if he was trying hard not to laugh out loud.


“You're getting all excited about something you love.” He caressed her shoulder. “It's cute.”

She swallowed hard at the warmth of his touch, but her need to set him straight won out over her desire. “Spend a little more time with me, pal, and I'm sure you'll be singing a different tune.”

His hand inched higher, making its way toward her neck, but she wasn't going to let her plan get derailed by his attempt at seduction. They had chocolate cupcakes to—

She rushed over to the bags, breaking Jake's hold on her shoulder, and squealed. “Maybe we'll make red velvet and cream cheese icing.” She picked up the bottle of red dye and held it up to him. “I'm dying to try this new tint we bought.”

He ran a hand through his hair and let out a hard breath. Was he a little sexually frustrated? The slight bulge in his pants confirmed her suspicions.

“Are you ready?”

He may have agreed with a nod, but his face told an entirely different story.

Together, they made the batter. Every once in a while, he would hand her a utensil or measuring cup. As they worked in tandem, she kept the area spotless, not a hint of red dye anywhere, not a grain of ingredient to be found.

Soon enough, they were breaking the cardinal baking rule and frosting warm cupcakes—they didn't have all day to wait around for them to cool. But that didn't make them any less yummy.

“Mmm…” The groan that vibrated through his closed lips was a satisfying sound.

“See? A cupcake can fix anything.” She watched him devour more. “Even help you get over the terror of making them.”

“This brings back memories.” He moaned again. “I used to have the biggest sweet tooth. I was a chubby kid.”

“I find that hard to believe.” She laughed. “And I knew you could bake.”

“I don't think it was really me, but if anyone ever asks, we'll go with that.” Chuckling, he took another bite of the cupcake. “Are cupcakes the only thing you're going to make?”

Liv smiled. “Cupcakes are my one true love, but I've always wanted to learn how to make French macaroons.”

“Macaroons?” His eyebrows shot up in question. “Those blob things?”

She laughed. “Yes, those
blob things,
but I'm not talking about those, I'm talking about French macaroons.” Although she found it hard to believe that cupcakes would ever go out of style, the French macaroon was quickly becoming an overnight sensation. “In Paris, they have special macaroons that are filled with cream and tinted with bright colors. They are a beautiful work of art. One day, I plan on going there to learn how to make them properly, but for now, I could probably wing it.”

“Paris,” Jake mumbled between bites. “It's nice there.”

“You've been to Paris?”

He nodded. “Just once for work.” After he took another bite, he asked, “Aren't you going to try?”

“Of course.” But she'd rather smear the icing all over his lips—no, his chest—then lick it all off.

She reached for a cupcake, but he pulled her hand to the side. Lifting her eyes to meet his, her breath caught. The oven wasn't the only thing now heating the room. His stare was hungry. And not for cupcakes. He held his treat up to her mouth. She took a bite, never breaking eye contact.

Cupcakes had always been a source of excitement and pleasure for Liv, but instead of the giddy butterflies, the excitement was now sexual, the pleasure now sending a deep tingle throughout her body. As she chewed, his eyes lowered to watch her mouth. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip while bringing the cupcake back to her mouth for another bite. Instead, she slid her finger along the top, gathering a healthy dollop of icing.

Leaning in, her hands shaking, she brought her finger to his mouth. He slowly sucked off the icing, and his tongue massaged and circled her finger.

Mimicking her idea, he swiped inside the icing bowl. He ran his finger along her skin, smoothing the icing across her collarbone and up her neck. He returned to the bowl for a second swipe and then dabbed some onto her earlobe. He lowered his mouth and kissed and licked his way up the icing trail, nipped at her chin, then cupped her face, finally capturing her lips.

The sweetness in her mouth was overwhelming. He rested his hands on the small of her back as he eased their lip lock. Jake had managed to weasel his way into her life and she liked it. He had seen her strong and vulnerable, at her best, and more importantly, at her worst that night at the bar when Burt gave her a hard time. And yet he was still here, looking at her like she was the only thing in the world worth looking at.

They stood for a minute or so, his breathing hard, his face red from the contact with her skin. At this moment, Liv couldn't read him. His thoughts were a mystery.

But she would have no regrets.

This entire experience confirmed for Jake once again that Liv liked to be in control. The careful way she measured her ingredients, the way she cleaned up utensils and bowls along the way, the calculated fashion in which she placed things on the table in front of her. She hated mess. And he noticed the way her hands trembled when she scooped the icing onto her finger. He knew it was hard for her to sway from her rigid habits, but appreciated her efforts. Still, there was a lot more he could do to bring her out of her shell.

He picked up a piping bag. “I think it's time for a lesson in decorating.”

The look on her face was priceless. He knew she expected to take their intimate moment to the next level, but he wasn't in a rush. He had a plan—a plan to bring her out of her shell and relinquish some of her control.

“I thought you had plans for us this evening.” She grabbed the piping bag and leaned in for another kiss, but Jake ducked out of the way and thrust the bag back into her hands.

“I think it's important to have good technique, and practice is the only way to get it right.”

“Practice, huh?” She playfully tossed the bag from one hand to the other. “But we've already decorated all of the cupcakes.”

“Who said anything about practicing on a cupcake?” He reached toward her, releasing the bow at the back of her apron, pulling it, then her shirt, over her head.

Reaching behind, he released the clasp of her bra. He slowly slid the straps down her arms, letting the soft satin fall to the floor. He guided her in front of the island, lifted her quivering body, and settled her on the marble. She seemed to get the hint. A sexy smirk returned to her face.

“Now I'm going to take this piping bag and practice. It's your job to judge my creativity.” He carefully approached her, piping bag in hand. “So where do you think would be the best place to start?”

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