A Tangled Web (Dangerous Secrets) (9 page)

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Authors: Rose Francis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Tangled Web (Dangerous Secrets)
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They had chosen to room in with the baby, and soon, eager friends and family were able to join them.

A rainbow of faces greeted them, and they were both smothered in hugs and kisses.

Some had brought gifts and balloons.

“Congratulations!” came from every angle and Kimberly didn’t know who said what when.

Then as Kent hugged his mom he said:

“You made it to the delivery room!”

Catherine looked confused.

“Wait, what are you talking about?” she asked.

Kent grinned.

“You’ll see.”

Kimberly smiled to herself knowing what he meant.

The group ogled Michael Kent Davenport II and gushed as she expected they would.

“Aw, he’s so cute!”

“Oh what a darling!”

“What a sweet little thing.

Then a loud exclamation from Catherine.

“Oh my gosh, his eyes!”

Kent smiled at Kimberly then at his mom.

“Told you,” he said. “Like yours.”

Then Catherine turned to Kimberly, looking hesitant.

Kimberly braced herself.

“Kimberly honey, you’ll have to excuse my ignorance—but will the baby’s skin and eyes get darker?”

Kimberly laughed before she could even try to hold it in. It amused her to see Catherine so humbled.

She shook her head then shrugged her shoulders.

“I didn’t mean to laugh. To be honest, I really don’t know. There’s a chance he’ll continue to look like this, there’s a chance he could get darker. There’s even a chance he could get lighter.”

“Oh hell no,” said Kent. “He’s gotta look like you in some way. I was hoping he’d get your eyes, but he ended up with mom’s. And he’s got my lips. Jury’s out on the nose...”

“Maybe he’ll have curly hair,” said Kimberly.

Kent held up crossed fingers.

“So Kimberly,” Catherine interjected, a little more confidently this time, “You’re saying he could remain this...light?”

Kimberly nodded.

Catherine continued.

“I just wasn’t aware that…” she was sheepish again, “you know, African-Americans could be so fair…”

Kimberly tried not to look at her father, sister, and mom, knowing they’d all have the same look and knowing smiles on their faces.

“We come in all shades Catherine, from ebony to ivory, multiracial or not. Don’t be embarrassed—you’re actually not the last person on earth to find out.”

Kimberly smiled up at her.

Catherine smiled back.

“I’m just tickled pink about seeing my eyes on another human being,” she said. “
I mean, none of my sons got my eyes
. It’s so thrilling to literally see yourself in someone else.”

Kent and Kimberly nodded, grinning proudly at their baby.

“Okay let’s get to business,” Monique said suddenly. “We need to talk about this wedding.”

Kent grinned.

“Well everyone, I’d like you to meet my lovely wife, Kimberly Daphne Davenport,” Kent said, bending to kiss her on her cheek.

“I guess a second ‘congratulations’ is in order!” James said. “I’d say welcome to the family, but you’ve kind of always been.” He looked at her mother then who returned his gaze warmly, then looked at her and said:

“Your anniversary and your child’s birthday on the same day—how adorable!”

“Well, I’m a two birds with one stone kind of guy,” joked Kent.

Just about everyone expressed their good wishes, congratulating them again.

“Oh come on—y’all know what I mean,” Monique said. “That little ceremony y’all had in here without us, isn’t gonna cut it. There’s no way you’re robbing me of being a maid-of-honor.”

Her sister smiled at her.

Kimberly grinned back, then addressed the expectant faces before her.

“Of course we’ll still have a wedding you crazies.”

“Yeah,” Kent said. “If you have any questions about it, just ask Kimberly. She’s planning the whole thing.”

Kimberly cut her eyes to him quickly.

Kent grinned and put his hands up in a defensive position.

“Hey, I’ve heard all the groom has to do is show up, so have fun planning babe.”

He grinned again, and she couldn’t help but smile back.


When they finally got some time alone, Kimberly asked Kent the questions that had been dancing around in her mind.

“First of all,” she asked, “how did you know the baby was yours?”

“I had a dream,” said Kent.

She looked at him, waiting for him to continue but he just said: “Long story. Next question?”

“How did you know I was in danger?”

“Because Damien is a sick fuck sweetheart,” he said matter-of-factly. “But seriously, it was also in the dream so I guess I should just tell you. Long story short, I dreamt you were having
baby, and Damien was planning to take it from me. And knowing Damien is a sick fuck, I knew it was not a dream to ignore.”

“I’ll make you change ten diapers for every time you swear around me Kent.”

Kent grinned.

“I’m sorry honey. Damn woman—you’ve been my wife a few hours and already put on the pants.”

“That’s ten diapers Kent.”

“What did I say?”

“Anyway,” said Kimberly, “So basically, this dream gave you clues?”

“Well actually, some things came back to me, strange behavior on your part, things you said or didn’t say, like that night you called…” He paused.

Kimberly looked away, staring at the baby for a few seconds as she remembered the feminine voice in the background, then looked back at him.

He was staring at her intently.

“No, things did not get that far between me and that girl,” he said.

“Didn’t sound like it…”

“Trust me Kimberly—there have been no other women since we’ve been together. I almost did that night, but sometimes, your timing is impeccable.”

Then he kneeled in front of her and took her hands, kissing them.

“I only want you. Once I fell in love with you, you were all I wanted. Truth is, all that stuff in there about me marrying you to make sure my son’s not a bastard was only half-true—I needed a legal equivalent of handcuffing you to me. You’re mine Kimberly, and I don’t plan to ever let you go—I never did. No matter what.”

She felt tears come to her eyes.

“I love you Kent,” she said.

“Words can’t even begin to describe how much I love you. But that’s enough for now. Gotta save some of that suave talk for the wedding vows.”

He grinned at her and she smiled back.

Still, she had a few more questions for him.

“How did you find us at that place? How did you know? And what happened to your car?”

He shook his head, a bitter smile at his lips.

“You won’t believe it,” he said, “but Luke had a hand in it all.”

Then he started telling her the story.



“…So once I realized you weren’t home and that it
you and Damien, I got in my car and followed. But some fools in cahoots with our brother ran me off the road. Strange thing is, as sure as I am that my grandfather had something to do with this whole set up with Damien, the men that helped me out and took me to the cabin were also my grandfather’s henchmen. I’m not quite sure why he’d harm me then help me but who knows with my grandfather.”

“So where’s Damien now?”

“Not quite where he should be. But currently in a hospital, being treated.”

“So what are you going to do about him?”

“I told you not to worry about that hon.”

“Are you going to have him arrested?”

“Of course he’ll be arrested Kimberly! You think I’d let him live just to be let loose?”

Kimberly watched him for a few seconds.

“So what are you going to do to him?”

“Kimberly! Hey, that reminds me, I have a few phone calls to make. Excuse me a sec.”

He didn’t go far but she couldn’t hear what he was saying over his phone. In one of his calls it sounded like he was telling someone about the birth of his child and talked a bit about their upcoming wedding. The others, he definitely lowered his voice and she just knew he was making arrangements for Damien. But what were they?

Then he returned.

“Okay darling. So what date do you want to go for?” he asked.

“Oh I don’t know. With the baby here, I don’t think I’ll be able to do much wedding planning.”

“I was kidding about that stuff Kimberly. You don’t have to lift a finger, you know that. We’ll get the best wedding planner around to take care of everything. It’s just a matter of when—tomorrow?”

She narrowed her eyes at him.

He laughed.

“Next month?”

“No way! Maybe when our baby’s at least three months. Something like that anyway, after we get used to him. Whenever I can let him out of my sight or let someone else hold him for a while,” she said.

“Yeah I know how you feel. He’s such a cutie—a little too pretty right now but he’s got my chin at least. He’ll have chest hair in no time. Anyway, three months it is.”

“Sounds good.” She paused. “So…what are you going to do about Damien again?”

Kent rolled his eyes.


Luke let Damien believe he had changed his mind. He allowed Damien to leave the hospital, call a driver to pick him up, and hop in the car.

He waited until relief washed over him—but he made good on his word.

As soon as they hit the highway, policemen showed up, pulled him over and arrested him.

Damien was charged with—and eventually convicted of—kidnapping, reckless endangerment, and assault and battery, landing him a minimum of five years in prison.



“Hey Jack,” Bill called out to his fellow inmate.

Jack’s face hadn’t been shaved in a few months. He had dark, sleep-deprived eyes, a tattoo of a spider and scorpion hybrid in red and blue on his left arm, and a tattoo of Johnny Bravo on his right.

Bill watched the perturbed, chiseled face of the caramel-skinned man being escorted in, while calling out to the thick, muscular tall man who resembled Popeye the sailor.

“Jack he’s here,” he said, rubbing his hands together, “and boy is he pretty.”

Jack smiled diabolically at Bill.

Finally, Jack answered him.

“Sweet Davenport ass has made it at last,” he said in his gruff voice, grinning widely.

“Tossed salads coming right up,” Bill said.

They both laughed.


Everyone was present at the wedding: his wife’s aunt Pat, James and Vivian sitting together with Vivian holding Kent junior.

Catherine sat with her new boyfriend.

There were a few other high school and college friends and coworkers between them, and lots of other random people who just wanted to attend a Davenport wedding. Some were folks connected to their parents.

Kent couldn’t help but smile, his heart was so full.

Elliott and his old friend Ryan were on his left looking handsome in their tuxedos, while Monique and
one of Kimberly’s cousins
were smiling and pretty in light pink on the right. But he wasn’t really seeing them—especially not at this moment, as his beautiful bride walked up the aisle toward him, her thick, curly hair in a partial up-do, jewels glistening from her ears, her neck, her wrists and her head.

She was stunning in her white princess gown and he couldn’t wait to take it off her later that night.

Carl walked her down the aisle, and when they reached Kent, he placed her hand in his.

“You better take care of her son,” he whispered.

“You have absolutely nothing to worry about Mr. Jordan. She is my life,” Kent whispered back.

“Here we are again,” Father Williams began, smiling.

When the time came to exchange their personal vows, Kent went first.

He held her hands and stared into her eyes.

“Kimberly, you captured my heart from the day I met you as a barista about to make me a perfect mocha. I knew then you were the one I would love for life. I could tell you were a sweet, shy girl with a warm spirit, but then I got to know you more and discovered you were a complete package: beautiful, smart, talented, loving, and strong-minded. I needed you to love me, needed to be worthy of your love because I couldn’t help but love you with every fiber of my being.” He grinned wide. “I finally won you over, and I’m beyond happy you’re mine—for eighteen years at least,” he joked, winking at her then briefly looking over at his son. Then he looked back into his bride’s glistening eyes. “Kimberly, I love you. My goal, my mission in life is to keep you happy. And nothing could bring me more joy than spending my life doing just that.”

He wiped a tear that had fallen from Kimberly’s eye.

She took a breath before taking her turn, then looked at him.

“Kent, you intrigued me the first day I met you, you’re such a charmer. I can admit now that when you walked in, there was no way I couldn’t notice you. You are definitely what some would call a looker, hot even.” She giggled and blushed. “The very image of a typical Californian handsome surfer dude or something with your tanned golden skin and tall, fit frame. Anyway your eyes were intense and engaging, and I just knew you’d be trouble for me. Still, for a number of reasons I was able to keep a safe distance...although not for long. Once we started spending time together, and mysteriously, it was a lot of time,” she smiled at him conspiratorially, “I realized what a generous, caring soul you really were and couldn’t help but fall in love you. You were such a wonderful friend, and such an incredible person that I couldn’t believe such a warm, loving, sweet guy existed within such a handsome exterior.”

Kent knew he was preening at her words and couldn’t help it.

“I’m just glad we were able to navigate all the obstacles thrown our way and not only find each other, but keep coming back to each other. And now, we get to stay together.” She paused, letting out a breath. “I’m in it for the long haul too babe; after all, there’ll be more where he came from.” Then she too looked over at their son, her eyes full of love. She turned back to him and said the words he hoped to hear several times a day for the rest of their lives: “I love you Kent. Forever.”

They kissed prematurely but caught themselves quickly.

Father Williams was able to finish his spiel without missing a beat, then finally, the moment they’d been waiting for:

“I now pronounce you man and wife...again.” Father Williams said, smiling. “You may
kiss the bride.”

When the ceremony was done, Kent and his wife locked lips, joy bubbling over in his heart in anticipation of their new life.

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