A Sweet Surrender (6 page)

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Authors: Lena Hart

Tags: #Historical Romance, #interracial romance

BOOK: A Sweet Surrender
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Without another look back, he veered west and rode off through the heavy forest. The warrior’s faint shout faded behind them, but he continued his neck breaking speed, holding on tight to Siara. He rode for a good distance before it was safe enough for them to slow. Siara’s arms remained wrapped around him and he looked down at her. Her eyes were closed. He would have thought she’d fallen asleep if she hadn’t been holding on to him as if she were afraid to let go.

He would soon need to find a place for them to take shelter for the night, but apprehension prevented him from stopping. The warrior may very well be on their trail. James planned to circle their tracks to throw off any scouts who may possibly follow them. He didn’t like to be without his pistols and would have to hope they didn’t run into any hostile natives or militiamen.

James wasn’t familiar with the land and couldn’t be certain they were on friendly native grounds. If he took her with him to a British encampment, they would have to venture into other native lands to do so, some who may be welcoming, some who could be downright hostile.

He hadn’t planned to have her with him during his journey back, and taking her only increased the possibility that her tribe would come after him to get her back. His arms reflexively tightened around her.

She was his now.

It had been tough thinking about never seeing her again or having to leave her behind. If that bastard who’d struck her was her
, James thought with disgust, then he didn’t deserve her.

But having her with him meant James would have to change his plans. If he remembered correctly, Albany was only a two day ride from where they were. There, it was about another two to Saratoga. He didn’t dare continue to Saratoga. Instead, he would take them to Albany and send out a missive. He’d lost over two weeks during his recovery and didn’t want to risk walking into enemy territory. With his Yankee clothing, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to mask himself as a simple farmer if they happened to run into trouble.

With one horse, it would take them maybe another day to get to Albany. By then they would surely run out of food and supplies. If that happened, he would have to scavenge to get what they needed. The horse would soon need to rest, as would they.

“How’s your head, love?” he asked quietly.

She opened her eyes and stared up at him. “Better some.” But her brows were pulled together in agitation and worry. “James, you must take me back.”

He looked down at her. In his contentment of having her with him, he hadn’t factored in that she may not want to leave. He lightly touched the swollen bruise on the side of her face and frowned. “Why? He will only hurt you again.”

She glanced away. “But… I just cannot leave my people.”

He gave her a gentle squeeze, understanding what she was feeling. Loyalty and duty tended to come with their own heavy shackles.

“We can’t go back, love. I’ve already escaped death twice. I’m not prepared to test fate a third time.”


Chapter 5


They rode in silence for what seemed like forever.

Siara was being torn apart by her guilt and regret. Regret for the trouble she had caused and the worry her absence would surely bring Etu. Guilt for leaving her home, her people yet wanting nothing more than to be with James.

She leaned against him, seeking out his heat. The winds had picked up and there was a distinct chill in the air. Tightening her arms around him, she buried her face in his chest and breathed in his scent. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the top of her head. It was a subconscious action, one she didn’t think he realized he’d done, but it made her smile.

Her headache was now reduced to a dull throb, though her cheek still stung. It was the new pain from sitting on the horse in such a position, however, that were now starting to bother her.

By the time they stopped, the sun had completely fallen from the sky and they were shrouded in darkness. James found a small clearing deep in the forest for them to camp for the night. Because he didn’t want to risk drawing unwanted attention, they prepared their small camp under the guidance of the moonlight.

She hesitated when she realized they would have to share the single blanket.

“Come, love,” he said, his hands held out to her. “We’re both exhausted.”

She slid her hand into his and he pulled her down on the blanket where he held her close. Held her as if he had no intentions of letting her go.

Yet she woke the next morning to find that he had.

She rose from the blanket and found him readying the horse. She freshened up at a small pond nearby then gathered their supplies and came up to him.

“Here,” he said, handing her some of their provisions. “Eat.”

She reached for the berries and corn bread. “Now it’s you who care for me,” she teased him at their now reversed roles.

He didn’t return her humor. “Yes, I do,” he said quietly staring at her in a way that made her heart quiver and her face flush.

Shortly after they finished their simple breakfast, they climbed on the horse and started their journey through the dense forest. There was a distinct chill in the air, however, that said a storm was coming. The sun had yet to peek through the clouds, and though she suspected rain had begun to fill them, the many trees above them prevented her from knowing for sure.

“Where do we go?” she eventually asked, breaking the silence that had seemed to follow them since they’d left her village. Though she understood the need for him to remain vigilant of their surroundings as they traveled the rough terrain, there was a new stoic alertness about him that she wasn’t accustomed to.

“We’re going north,” he explained. “To Albany. There I’m hoping to get news of the current state of the conflict and find out what happened to my men.”

“Then what after?”

He looked down at her, silent for a moment. “I don’t know. What would you want?”

She stared at him, puzzled. She didn’t know either. All she knew for certain was that she loved him and wanted to be with him.

But that could never be. Not when they lived in two separate worlds.

Before she could respond, a fat raindrop landed on her face. Suddenly the clouds broke open and released a deluge of water. James tried to shield her from the pounding rain with his large body, but it was no use. By the time they found refuge in a shallow cavern at the base of a bluff, they were both drenched.

“Wait here,” James shouted over the thunderous rain. He went back to find a place to tether the horse.

Laying their blanket and supplies down, Siara stood at the wide opening of the rock shelter. Her wet, wavy hair hung down around her like a dark curtain and she watched as sheets of rain pounded the earth. She shivered from the cold wind whipping through her wet clothes and stepped further back into the cavern. She kicked off her wet moccasins, undid her wrap skirt, and wrung out the excess water. She found a dry spot to spread out the damp material then grabbed the hem of her tunic and wrung out as much of the water as she could. The wet overdress still clung to her hips and breasts despite her efforts. But she didn’t dare remove it and risk James finding her stark naked.

A shadow fell over their small rock shelter and Siara spun around to find a soaked James standing at the mouth of the entrance. He shook himself like a feral animal and began to pull off his clothes. When his hands went to his trousers, Siara turned away.

Did he mean to get fully naked now!

It was ridiculous of her to feel appalled by the idea. She had already seen him naked more than a few times, but things had been different between them then. He’d been either too sick to do anything or had immediately changed into clothes. But now…how was she to ignore him when her body throbbed just from the sight of him?

She tried, nonetheless. Oh, did she try.

Fully naked, he looked out at the still raging storm. At the first glimpse of his strong, muscular back, she couldn’t look away. Her eyes slowly moved down his broad back and down to his firm, muscular backside. The gray glow of the overcast skies created an impressive silhouette of his imposing, virile form.

He truly was magnificent.

“We’ll wait here until the storm passes before we start again,” he said over his shoulder.

She didn’t respond to him. She couldn’t. Her voice was trapped in the back of her throat, and her legs trembled from the tightly clenched muscles of her thighs. She wanted to touch him, but didn’t dare. It would only make it that much harder when they eventually parted.

Akando had cursed her “whore” and maybe he was right. Her body lusted for a man that wasn’t her husband, yet no amount of self-rebuke—or thigh clenching—could ease her ache.

When he turned to her, naked desire pulsed through her. Plain for him to see.

They stood facing each other in silent yearning. She stared down at his member, which jutted from his body, broad and rigid. Her breath caught and her lips parted slightly as the pulsing between her thighs grew stronger.

She took a deep, shuddering breath and the small action broke what restraint he had left. With a growl, he stalked toward her. She backed away, trying to fight the yearning that threatened to dismantle the little resolve she struggled to hold on to.

“James, no,” she whispered breathlessly. “I am to belong to Akando.”

But he ignored her, continuing his advance until her back came up against the stone wall. He cupped her chin and brought her gaze to his. Her nipples hardened at his touch, his nearness.

“You belong to me,” he said gruffly. “You are mine, Siara.”

She stared into his striking blue eyes and something inside her crumbled. Denial was futile, yet she attempted it anyway.

“No,” she murmured weakly.

His eyes flashed. “Yes,” he rasped then hauled her up to his hard chest. His lips came down on hers, hot and heavy, and she surrendered to the desires of her body. To him.

They pulled away only long enough for him to remove her tunic. For a brief moment, he stared down at her before he reached out and cupped one of her breasts. She sucked in a gasp of intense pleasure, her nipple stabbing against his palm.

“So beautiful,” he murmured as he molded his hand around the plump flesh. He rubbed his thumb over the sensitive bud then brought his lips over to her other breast and pulled the straining nipple into his warm mouth.

Pleasure like she had never known coursed through her. A deep moan wrenched from her as her head fell back against the stone wall, eyes closed. She brought a hand up to his head and ran her fingers through his thick hair. Her other hand clenched around his broad shoulders, holding him as her legs trembled fiercely beneath her.

He continued his tortuous tease, flicking his tongue over the small, sensitive flesh then sucking strongly.

“James,” she gasped. “Please.” She didn’t know what she was pleading for, but only that he could quiet the storm of desire raging inside her.

His arms tightened around her waist as he trailed his lips up her breast and to the base of her neck. He lingered there for a moment before he brought his lips back over hers. She kissed him as if it were their first time, taking in the heady taste of him. His shaft strained against her belly, hot and heavy and pulsing with life. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around his rigid shaft. He shuddered violently.

The power she held in her palm was exhilarating. She squeezed and caressed his hard length until he suddenly jerked away.

“I need to be inside you, love,” he said thickly.

“Yes,” she agreed softly. She needed it too. She needed his possession as much as she needed her next breath.

He lifted her in his arms and her legs instantly wrapped around his narrow hips. He carried her to the ground, onto her stretched out skirt, and knelt between her thighs. A moan wrenched deep from her throat when he slipped a blunt finger into her tight, wet core. He slid it out of her slowly then thrust into her again.

She gasped, her body tightening around his stroking finger, her rising hips seeking out more of the delightfully intense sensation. Her moans echoed around them in the dim cavern as he brought her to fevered heights.

With a harsh groan, he widened her legs and moved over her. Bracing himself on one arm, he reached down between their bodies with the other and began guiding himself into her, pushing through her tight channel. His breathing was harsh and labored as he continued his slow thrust, stretching her. She cried out as a moment of intense pain sliced through her, piercing her haze of pleasure. Her body trembled and tightened around him and he groaned deeply. Leaning down, he kissed her again, reigniting the gut-wrenching desire that tugged within her. With his soft kisses, caresses, and whispered words of affection, her body softened around and adjusted to his deep penetration.

He began pushing into her, slowly at first, but as the intense pleasure engulfed them, he lifted her hips and began driving into her. Their bodies melded together as he continued his heavy thrusts, his harsh groans mingling with her soft gasps. With every stroke, he brought her to new, unimaginable heights, his deep thrusts building a tension in her belly that grew unbearably tight. He grunted as she clawed his muscular back and bit his shoulder, needing to release the intense desire surging inside of her. With one strong, deep thrust, she arched her back and came apart with a muted scream, her body trembling uncontrollably. He fell over her and let out a low, harsh groan as the heat of his release filled her.

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