A Succubus For Christmas (24 page)

BOOK: A Succubus For Christmas
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“If you'll just wait a moment while I prep the airbed,” Annette said, pouring the contents of the bowl onto the blue inflatable mattress. “We need to get it nice and slippery.”

Little continued to undress as he watched Annette lie on the airbed and start to rub her body across the plastic surface. Gripping the sides she slid her body up and down and side to side across the surface, covering it in a sheen of soapy water. Little watched her slide, her legs splayed wide and her ripe breasts squashed against the bed. Very shortly she was going to be sliding across his body just like that. The imaginary line vanished to the back of Little's thoughts.

The mattress squeaked as Annette got off and crouched next to the side. She smiled and beckoned for him to lie down. Little removed his last item of clothing, his underpants, and lay face down on the soapy mattress. The mattress was soft and wet, but the water was warm enough that the sensation was pleasant rather than unpleasant.

Little didn't have long to think about the bed before he felt a weight on his lower back. The centre of the airbed pushed down as Annette straddled his lower back.

“Let's get you all wet and slippery Mr Water Sign,” she said.

Little felt a pattering sensation up his back as Annette squeezed a sponge and soapy water rained down on his back. She lightly rubbed the sponge up his spine and across his shoulders, covering him in a layer of soap suds.

Her hands moved in next, light teasing fingers that walked up his spine on spider legs and began to work the muscles of his neck and shoulders. Little sighed as he felt her insistent fingers hunt down and smooth away every knot, gnarl and snag in his back and neck.

“That feels much better doesn't it,” Annette said.

“Mmm yeah,” Little murmured contentedly. He should have done this years ago.

It was only the prelude to greater pleasures as he felt the soft pressure of her breasts against his back as she lay on top of him. She began to slide her upper body across his back just as she'd done to the mattress earlier. She moved her breasts around and around in a circular motion, stirring Little's body to greater heights of contentment. He felt his cock harden as it lay between his belly and the soapy mattress.

She'd warned him he'd get aroused. Of course he would. What man wouldn't get aroused at the feeling of a hot woman rubbing her breasts against his back?

Now that she'd got him nice and slippery, Annette began to slide up and down his back. She slid over his buttocks and down his calves, letting her erect nipples trace lines down either side of his spine. She gripped his shoulders and slid back up. Teasingly she bobbed her hips down against his lower back, grinding his erection into the soft mattress beneath.

Little felt like he was melting beneath her erotic onslaught. If she kept this up all his muscles would run together into one big puddle on top of the airbed. This was fantastic.

She slid off him and then began to slide up and down next to him on the mattress, her breasts like cushions against his side. A leg slid under his and she brought her thighs together in a sheath that rubbed up and down first his left leg and then his right leg as she shifted sides.

She turned her attentions completely to his legs. She straddled his right thigh and her expert hands began to work up and down his calf, squeezing and kneading the muscles beneath his skin until they loosened and relaxed. She pulled his leg right back until his ankle rested in her cleavage, surrounded by the pillows of her breasts.

She really meant it when she said she'd be using all parts of her body, Little thought. He felt the folds of her pussy against the back of his leg as she slid her crotch up and down his thigh, smoothing out the thick muscles beneath. Her breasts slid up and down his calf and her fingers, those wonderful fingers, worked first his toes and then moved onto the sole of his foot.

Little purred with pleasure.

“Does that feel nice?” Annette asked.

“Wonderful,” Little replied, basking in contentment as she shifted her attentions to his other leg. “I don't suppose you give lessons. My wife needs to be taught how to do this.”

“If I did that I'd lose all my customers Mr Little,” Annette laughed.

She went back to the bowl of soapy water and poured more of it onto his buttocks and between his legs until it puddled around his erect cock in a warm pool.

What happened next took Little totally by surprise as Annette pushed his legs further apart and then slid her lower body underneath his. She squirmed beneath him, rubbing his cock in the narrow space between their stomachs. The sensation of his cock moving against her slick lower belly was maddeningly erotic.

This was a little more than the professional relationship between a masseuse and her client, surely?

Annette folded her body up and over his buttocks until he could feel her erect nipples rubbing against his ass cheeks.

A lot more, Little amended as he felt her tongue dart around the rim of his ass and then dance down his perineum to tickle the back of his balls. He squirmed in ecstasy as she tickled the intimate parts of his body.

“Time to turn you over,” Annette said.

She slithered out from under him and then up the mattress until she lay alongside him. She slid an arm underneath his chest, grabbed his other arm and then spun him around in a smooth movement until he was lying flat on his back, his cock swaying in the air like a pole.

She climbed back on his body and Little looked up at her, drinking in her beauty. Her milky-white breasts were covered in a layer of frothy white lather. She locked her hazel eyes with his and then lay down until her breasts rested on his chest. Then she began to slide up and down his body. Little's face contorted with pleasure as he felt her slick body rub against his cock. She slid right down until it slotted into the lush channel of her cleavage. Still staring intently into his eyes she slid back up and Little felt little explosions of pleasure detonate in his skin as her nipples brushed against his.

She continued to slide up and down, softly grinding Little's cock between their bodies. He lay back, his face twisted in concentration. It was all he could do to keep from exploding.

She slid up higher until Little's chin rested in her cleavage. She bent over and whispered softly in his ear.

“Would you like your happy ending now?”

Little wasn't in a position to refuse. The sensation of her body sliding over his had started a fire in his balls that threatened to rage out of control. His cock ached with a need to ejaculate so urgent it was painful.

“Oh yes please,” he murmured.

Annette stared into his eyes before lightly kissing him on the lips. “That's it. There's no need to be shy. It's perfectly natural.”

She sat up and gracefully swivelled on his stomach until she was facing his feet.

“Now you lie back and relax and let me flush all that tension and stress from your body with a nice healthy orgasm.”

Little groaned in delight as he felt a soft hand close around his cock and lightly begin to pump up and down. Melissa's face briefly entered his thoughts, but he hurriedly shooed it aside. This was just a handjob. It didn't really qualify as real sex.

He wasn't cheating on her. Not really.

Annette played his balls and cock like a virtuoso musician. Her light touches sent fireworks zooming up his nerves. With a normal girl Little would have already come, but with a little touch here and a gentle twist there Annette was able to hold him perpetually at the threshold of release, letting the pleasure build until it was a bonfire roaring through his flesh.

“Now it's time for something a little special,” Annette said, turning to give him a naughty little smile.

She reached for something lying next to the mattress. The next sensation was of absolute bliss as she poured a warm viscous liquid–some kind of thick massage oil, he guessed–over his cock. Her hand glided gently over the liquid with soft shlupping sounds as she pumped his freshly lubricated member.

Little gave a long drawn out moan of pleasure. That felt heavenly. The liquid sank into his skin until his whole cock was surrounded by a warm glow of bliss. Little was surprised he didn't come there and then. Using the fingers of her other hand, Annette applied pressure to certain points between his balls and at the base of his cock that kept him from coming.

“What is that?” Little said. “It feels wonderful.”

“It feels nice doesn't it,” Annette said, continuing to pump his cock with one hand while her other hand prevented him from ejaculating. “It's the vaginal fluid from a succubus. My succubus as it happens. You might remember her, she was the blonde girl you saw leaving the shop earlier today.”

Succubus? Wasn't that some form of mythical demon–ooh.

Annette gave his cock a gentle little squeeze and the temporary burst of pleasure pushed aside all other thoughts.

“Succubi are demons that feed on souls. During the act of sex they draw a man's essence into his sexual organs and consume it when he ejaculates inside them.”

Her hand continued to pump up and down his cock with wet squelching noises.

“This is what I'm doing to you right now, Mr Little. I'm drawing all your energy, your soul if you will, right here.”

Her other fingers gently caressed his sac and Little arched his back as pleasure washed through his body. He felt a little odd, like his body and mind no longer felt quite in synch.

“There are eight hundred and seventy-one known ways to extract the soul from a still-living human being,” Annette said, her hand gently pumping his cock. “The majority of those ways inflict excruciating agony on the victim. The succubus's method is far gentler. In a moment I will give you an orgasm so powerful you will ejaculate your own soul. I'm afraid this will prove fatal to you, Mr Little.”

“You mean it'll kill me?” Little said. He definitely felt a little strange, like he wasn't quite tethered to the flesh of his body.

Pleasurable as it was, this session had gone on long enough as far as Little was concerned. He commanded his body to sit up and was both surprised and scared when the command went unheeded.

“I can't move,” he said. “What have you done to me?”

“Relaxed your body totally,” Annette said. She still sat on his stomach with her back to him, her lubricated hand moving up and down his cock.

Little couldn't move. He was helpless as she pumped her hand up and down his cock. With each stroke she drew more of his essence into his swelling balls, reeling him in like an angler would land a fish.

“Why me?” he asked.

“Please understand Mr Little. I bear you no grudge and feel no malice towards you. I simply require a human soul. It was your misfortune to be the first person to come along.”

She ran the palm of her hand over the head of his cock, sending shockwaves of pleasure throbbing down the shaft.

“A man's last moments with a succubus are said to be one of the greatest pleasures in existence,” Annette said.

She reached into a bowl and poured more of the thick oil onto Little's cock. He groaned in pleasure as the warm liquid ran down his shaft. His hips thrusted upwards of their own accord. Annette rode him with serene calm, her fingers gently caressing his balls, drawing more of his essence into his sexual organs.

“While I am a mere amateur in the arts of pleasure by comparison, I trust you will find my attentions satisfactory.”

Her hand slid up and down his cock, making little wet squelching noises as she massaged more of the blissful oil into his flesh. Little's body quivered and shuddered beneath her.

“Agk.” The pleasure was too much. His balls were swollen and ached with a need to release the pressure.

“That's it. You're close,” Annette said. She took his cock in a double handed grip and slid her hands up and down.

Little convulsed beneath her. He felt the beginnings of an orgasm stir inside him, an orgasm powerful enough to tear him to pieces. His face contorted with the effort of trying to hold it back.

Annette calmly sat astride his convulsing form and squeezed his cock with long, languid strokes. Little felt moisture on his stomach as juices dripped from Annette's aroused pussy.

“Relax. Don't fight it. Most men grow old and grey without ever experiencing pleasure such as this.”

“Gah!” Little thrashed his head.

Too much. Too much. His balls were boiling. He had no control over his body. It was hers. She'd taken hold of his animal impulses and used them to enslave the rest of his flesh. His body burned with the desire to come.

“Yes, that's it,” Annette said, pumping his cock faster and harder. “Your body wants release. Let your body release.”
Oh god, it felt so good. He couldn't hold back. He had to release. He had to…

Little's hips jerked upwards as his cock erupted like a geyser. He had scant moments to experience true ecstatic release before the force of the orgasm tore his soul from the moorings of his body like a tsunami ripping through boats in a harbour. He was carried up and out of his body like ash from an erupting volcano.

For a moment his essence swirled in the air like gossamer silk. He looked down and watched as Annette rode his body with supreme poise, still milking the last of his essence from his traitorous cock as his body convulsed beneath her. She looked up and fixed him with her glittering hazel eyes, smiling as her hands took hold of the strands of his ethereal form and began to spool them around her fingers.

Her eyes loomed closer and closer, sparkling like crystals as their hard edges and angles first filled and then became his world, fixing him for all eternity in a cold hard prison.

* * * *

Annette Brite stared at the blood-red crystal in her hand and smiled. Here was the human soul she required.

She stood up, ignoring the airbed as it squeaked beneath her and looked down at Little's motionless corpse. His cock stood up like a flagpole and his face was contorted in an expression of ultimate bliss.

“I said I would give you a happy ending, Mr Little,” she smiled.

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