Read A Strict Seduction Online

Authors: Maria Del Rey

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

A Strict Seduction (2 page)

BOOK: A Strict Seduction
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‘How old are you?' he asked her, a slight smile playing on his lips. She looked into his eyes for a moment, then looked away. He seemed to be amused by the situation, the sparkle of desire she saw was more than matched by the expression of bemusement. It was a strange question to ask given the circumstances, and she felt angered by it. What difference did it make how old she was?

‘Old enough,' she replied, covering herself up quickly. In her fantasies the long, first kiss was supposed to give way to something more, not a bout of questioning about her age.

He smiled indulgently. ‘Are you twenty yet?' he asked, putting his hand on her knee.

‘Yes I am!' she snapped, brushing his hand away.

He shook his head. ‘No,' he said quietly, the low rumble of his voice touching something deep inside her, ‘we don't stop now.'

It sounded as though she had no choice in the matter, adding to her growing feelings of anger. ‘Look, Tom, I think this has been a mistake…'

She tried to stand but he wouldn't let her. He gripped her by the wrists and pulled her back down to the sofa. ‘You misunderstand,' he whispered, drawing her closer towards him. His grip was tight around her wrists, it was almost painful, and yet there was something about his confidence that excited her. If he kissed her she knew she would not be able to resist. ‘What do you think Sarah would say if she could see us now?' he asked quietly.

Patti didn't want to answer the question. She didn't even want to think about it any more. In fantasy it had all been so different; questions of right and wrong, loyalty and betrayal, had never intruded on the images inside her head. ‘Please, Tom,' she whispered, looking into his eyes in the hope that he would relent, ‘I'm sorry this ever happened. Can't we just forget it?'

He held her wrists with one hand and used the other to slide up her thigh slowly, as though enjoying the feel of her smooth flesh under his fingers. She held her breath, startled both by the sureness of his touch and by the thrill of desire that passed through her. ‘No,' he replied finally, ‘we can't just forget it.'

She closed her eyes as he touched her again, his hand travelling from her thigh and up over her tummy. Her nipples were already hard and when he grazed them with his fingers she inhaled sharply. He cupped her right breast in his hand, enfolding her flesh, her nipple trapped between his fingers. This time there could be no denying the pleasure that surged through her, it felt as though there was a line of fire that connected her breasts and the heat between her thighs.

When she opened her eyes she realised he'd released her hands, that she was free to stand up and leave if she wanted to. He cupped both breasts with his hands, squeezing her soft flesh gently, flicking his thumbs over the hard nipples so that she sighed despite herself.

‘This is wrong…' she sighed, still struggling with her feelings.

‘I know,' he said, half smiling. He leaned forward and kissed her nipples gently, his mouth flicking wet caresses over each hard nub of flesh in turn. His breath was hot against her skin, enticing and arousing and impossible to resist. She moved closer, suddenly offering herself to him, wanting his mouth to tease and bite the most sensitive parts of her breasts.

He took her hands and placed them on her breasts, folding her fingers into place so that she cupped her breasts for him, offering herself wantonly, feeding her reddened nipples to his voracious mouth. She moaned softly, the pleasure pulsing through her as he suckled softly, his tongue working back and forth, building up the sensation so that each movement of his mouth on her breast was magnified in pleasure. She was wet, wetter than she had ever been before. Somewhere in the back of her head a voice was telling her that what she was doing was wrong, but that voice was growing faint and the only effect it had was to add to her excitement.

‘Here,' he said, pulling her astride his lap. She moved across him, sitting over his knees as he sucked and stroked her breasts. He used his lips and teeth to rouse her still further until she could feel the moisture escape from within her. She cupped her breasts, squeezing her flesh tight so that her nipples bulged into his hungry mouth.

He held her by the waist, keeping her in place over his lap, her thighs wide, opening her sex to the slight breeze that passed through the room. She was breathing faster and faster, the fire burning uncontrollably as he teased her breasts. She wanted him, she wanted him desperately yet he made no move to touch her sex. She murmured wordlessly, driven beyond endurance by the way he toyed with her nipples.

‘Please, Tom…' she whispered, trying to pull away from his mouth, trying to escape the attentions on her breasts so he could begin to explore her elsewhere. She was so wet, she could feel her pussy lips opening, blossoming with pleasure, dappled with her slick juices and desperate for his touch.

He slapped her hard on the back of the thigh, an unexpected burst of pain that momentarily confused her. She glanced down to see the redness imprinted on her pale creamy skin, the mark of his displeasure expressed vividly on her skin. It had hurt, yet she felt nothing but renewed pleasure.

His hands strayed down, at last, moving down her back and over the curve of her bottom, which was still stretched across his lap. His hands massaged her backside, his fingers pressing against her skin, surveying every inch of her curves. He sat back a little and she looked down at her breasts, still offered up to him. Her nipples were red and glistening, tiny bite marks edged here and there, and when she stroked her fingers over them she shuddered with pleasure.

He began to massage the inside of her thighs, his hands exploring her, tracking the naked expanse of flesh, moving back and forth, unhurried and possessive and making her restless once more. Her desire was at a peak, she needed him inside her.

‘Please…' she urged him, unable to control herself. She'd never been turned on so much, her desire was immediate, urgent, physical, and yet he would not be hurried.

At last his fingers stroked against her pussy. She gasped. The fleeting touch made her stomach somersault and her body stiffen. Her breath was coming in gasps and she knew that she was teetering ever closer to orgasm. She leaned forward and kissed him hotly on the mouth, lifting her bottom slightly so he could stroke her pussy from behind. His tongue explored her mouth just as his fingers began to explore her sex. Her clitoris was hard, wet and aching for his caress.

‘Like this?' he teased, sliding his fingers along the wet groove of her body. She moved with him, sliding herself back and forth across his hand, mewing softly like an animal each time her pleasure bud brushed against his fingers. They kissed hard and then he was sucking her breasts again, his lips clamped tight over a nipple while his tongue lashed it back and forth with the same maddening rhythm that he used on her pussy.

She was lost to everything but pleasure. She could think of nothing but the reality of his fingers in her pussy and his mouth on her breast. The tension in her thighs and in the pit of her belly was tight, a coil waiting to unleash as he drove her closer and closer to pure blind release.

He moved his other hand round and she moved with him, lifting herself unexpectedly so he could press a finger between her bottom cheeks. He wet it with the slick honey from her sex and then pushed it against the tight rear hole. She gasped once as he penetrated her behind, and then she fell against his shoulder and cried out as the orgasm took her with a force so strong she could do nothing about the scream that tore from her throat.

‘I haven't finished with you yet,' Tom whispered a few moments later. Her breath was still ragged and she still felt weak. He eased her back up to a sitting position and smiled. She looked into his eyes for a second and then looked away, suddenly embarrassed at the way she had screamed her pleasure. She had been powerless, there had been no way she could control herself, no way she could resist the pleasure he had given her.

‘On the floor,' he told her, moving her off his lap. She obeyed without question, a little dazed by it all. He had her sit on the carpet, there down between his thighs. Her eyes fixed on the impression of his hard cock bulging in his trousers. She had been desperate for it, and yet he hadn't even allowed her to touch him. Now, as she watched with renewed excitement, he unbuttoned himself to reveal his thick hard flesh.

‘Isn't this what you need?' he asked, a slight, taunting edge to his voice.

She nodded, transfixed by the sight of his hardness, the rigid flesh tipped with a purple dome that made her belly flip once more. He held himself, his fingers lost in the mass of hair at the base.

‘Here,' he whispered, urging her forward.

‘Can't I…'

He shook his head. ‘I want your mouth,' he told her, and there was no disputing his desire. She crawled forward, her eyes fixed on the spearing flesh. She kissed it tentatively, half afraid he would deny her even that pleasure. Her breasts swayed slightly, her nipples still erect and sensitive as she moved. She kissed harder, and then opened her lips to his erect cock.

She closed her eyes as she suckled on him, delighting in the feel of his hardness deep in her mouth. He held her head in place, wrapping his hand in her long wet hair, and then thrusting rhythmically deeper and deeper. He was so hard, so forceful, the deep masculine scent of him adding to her pleasure.

He moved her back so she was on all fours while he fucked her hard in the mouth. There was something wonderfully flagrant, almost animal about the way he used her. She sucked harder, wanting to give him the pleasure he had given to her. He fucked her powerfully, pushing his prick deep into the back of her throat so that her face brushed against his abdomen. Somehow his cock seemed to grow bigger, harder, an iron rod that pushed deeper into the soft envelope of her mouth. At last he gasped and clamped her head into place, forcing every inch of his manhood into her mouth as he jetted thick waves of jism down her throat. She struggled for a second, choking on the deluge of his come, and then he released her.

She sat back, a trail of his seed leaking from the corner of her mouth. She had swallowed most it, welcoming the warm, sticky fluid as it slid down her throat.

‘All of it,' he told her, reaching out to touch the smear on her chin. He scooped it up on his finger and then offered it to her. She looked up at him and saw he was waiting. Her face was already red with shame, but she did not disappoint him. She lapped up the spunk from his fingers, and then moved forward to suck up the last droplets leaking from his subsiding cock.

He waited for her to finish before speaking. ‘You'd better get dressed,' he told her softly. The commanding edge had gone from his voice, and now he sounded concerned for her. Her emotions were haywire; she felt too many things and all of them at once. What had she done?

He stood up and walked to the bathroom to fix himself up. She wrapped her robe around herself again, covering herself up as though denying that anything indecent had happened.

‘Listen,' he said, when he returned a few minutes later, ‘I'd better be going.'

She nodded numbly. What else could he do?

‘Don't worry,' he told her at the door, ‘Sarah doesn't need to know about this.'

Tears welled up in her eyes. What had she done? The pleasure had been more intense than anything she'd ever experienced. But now? Now that it had finished? She watched Tom go, and felt the weight of the world descend upon her shoulders.

Patti spent the next few days trying to avoid Sarah, and each time they came into contact she was certain that the other woman would somehow divine the truth. Sarah was almost ten years older and seemed much more a woman of the world. It felt as though she had seen and done everything, and that she would take one look at Patti's guilt-ridden expression and leap to the truth. However, as the days dragged on and Sarah said nothing the fear lessened considerably, though the idea of being discovered still made Patti's heart jump like crazy.

The phone call from Tom came almost ten days later, while Patti was at work. She was surprised that he had her number, and for a split second she was convinced he had called to say that Sarah was onto them. In fact he seemed quite calm and was calling merely to check that she felt all right. The sound of his voice, and his evident concern, touched something in her. By the end of the conversation her mind was full of the images of what they had done together. It excited her still to think about it. She imagined the feel of his fingers in the wet heat of her pussy, the sensation of his mouth and lips on the hard nodes of her breasts, and the hardness of his cock as it pushed into her mouth.

When he called again the next day and suggested meeting for lunch she agreed without hesitation. His charm and her imagination conspired against her natural caution, and though she felt nervous about it, they were nothing compared to the tremors of fear she had experienced in the first few days.

She was late arriving at the little restaurant he'd chosen, but if he was annoyed he showed no sign of it. He rose from the table as she arrived and kissed her lightly on the cheek. ‘Patti,' he said, ‘I'm glad you could make it.'

She smiled nervously and sat down at the secluded table in the corner. The kiss on the cheek, although a friendly gesture, seemed to mean more. ‘God, I'm not used to this,' she explained after the waiter had gone.

BOOK: A Strict Seduction
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