A Strict Seduction (17 page)

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Authors: Maria Del Rey

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: A Strict Seduction
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One evening, when the summer had already given way to autumn, the young innkeeper's son came knocking on the door of the small cottage. Belle rushed to the door, her long blonde hair flowing like gold about her pretty shoulders.

‘Belle, Belle,' the young man said breathlessly, looking at her with sadness in his sharp brown eyes.

‘What is it Pierre? Is it father?' Belle asked, her heart sinking at the thought that she would have to rescue him once more from the circle of sneering men in the inn.

‘Yes Belle,' Pierre said softly, and something in his manner made Belle fear the worse.

‘What's happened? What is it Pierre?' she asked urgently.

‘It's the hunters from the village, they were just joking with him Belle, but he took it so seriously…'

‘Took what seriously?'

‘You know what he's like when he's had his fill of ale. He's a lion, a champion. We couldn't stop him Belle…'

‘Please Pierre,' Belle implored him, her blue eyes open wide with mounting fear, ‘tell me what has happened.'

‘He's gone to the castle, Belle, to kill the Beast.'

Belle fell backwards, fainting away with fear and horror. Pierre reached forward and took her by the waist. He held her close, his hot breath on her fair skin. She opened her eyes and gazed into his, searching for the sign that Pierre would help her.

‘We must stop him,' she whispered, holding on to his strong muscular arms for support.

‘No Belle,' Pierre said softly. He kissed her gently, his lips pressing hers, his hands brushing her breasts like whispers. ‘Your father has taken the fastest steed in the village, Belle. All is lost. The Beast will have devoured him already. Forget him, Belle, forget him completely.'

Belle's eyes fluttered, the feel of Pierre's fingers playing softly with her nipples took her breath away. She felt a fire igniting in her belly, making her feel hot and languid. But the delicious feeling could not mask out the full horror of the situation. With an effort she pushed Pierre away, kissing him softly on the lips as she did so, as if the desire he had awakened in her was fighting back against the urge to save her father.

‘What can you do, Belle?' Pierre demanded angrily, releasing her from his manly grasp.

‘I can go to him, save him. Perhaps he has fallen, perhaps he has become lost in the great forest, perhaps…'

‘Stop it, Belle,' Pierre snapped irritably. ‘Your father was a drunkard, a good for nothing, and it is better that he's gone.'

‘No!' Belle sprang forward furiously, the anger pulsing in her veins. She pushed Pierre away forcibly, and ran past him to the horse tethered at the front gate. In a moment she was riding away through the darkness and towards the forest, Pierre's angry shouts lost in the wind rushing through her hair.

Belle rode hard and fast, not wanting to stop, not wanting to think of all that Pierre had said. The galloping of hooves, the feel of the strong animal between her thighs, the exhilarating feel of the night air rushing past, soothed her anger. In a while she was riding through the forest, the darkness closing in on her, the thick trees crowding round her as she rode.

A path through the forest seemed to open up and when she looked back it was gone, as if the forest were opening itself for her, sucking her into the darkness that led to the castle. The canopy of trees obscured the moon and the stars, and when at last Belle was at the castle gate she suddenly felt nervous, realising that she had no way back, no way to navigate through the darkness.

Belle dismounted. She held the reins tightly and pulled the horse towards the gate, glad to have the hot sweating animal beside her, it's breath misting in the cold night air. The drawbridge fell suddenly, the rattling chains and booming wooden track frightening the horse. It reared up, knocking Belle to the ground, then bolted away into the forest that swallowed it up, leaving her alone and afraid.

She walked hesitantly across the drawbridge, following the candlelight that flickered before her, floating like magic on the air. She walked through long corridors of stone, the light leading the way, cutting a path through the darkness just as the forest had opened for her. She was led into a great dining hall, the table set for two, flickering candles throwing a soft orange light.

‘Hello? Is anyone there?' Belle asked, her sweet voice carrying like music into the thick black darkness.

‘You have come,' a voice boomed from the darkness, a deep voice, rich and powerful.

‘I've come for my father, is he here?' Belle asked, spinning round slowly, searching for the source of the great voice, a voice that effected her strangely, making her nipples pulse as they had done under Pierre's fingers.

‘Yes child,' the voice boomed, ‘he is here. Locked in a dungeon where the light never shines.'

‘Please sir, he meant no harm,' Belle pleaded, her voice full of the sound of tears.

‘Nonsense!' the mighty voice cried angrily, the echoes bouncing from wall to wall until it faded to silence.

‘Please sir, let him go. He is a good man, foolish at times but good at heart. Please sir, I have two sisters. Without him they are lost…'

‘I care nothing about your sisters! I care nothing for him. He came here to destroy me, do you wish that I allow him that pleasure?'

‘No, sir, no. You are kind, I can feel it in your voice. Please spare him, great sir, take me in his place.'

There was a pause and Belle breathed hard, her heart pounding while she waited for the Beast to decide. She had not lied, there was indeed something in his voice, some undercurrent that she hardly understood but which she was certain carried with it the seed of good.

‘There is a steed that awaits him at the gate. It is your choice, child. I give you the key to his cell, you may decide which of you is to stay.'

From the darkness the key floated forth, hanging in the air before Belle's disbelieving eyes. She reached out tentatively, sure the ghostly key was an image borne of her fear. She touched it and it was cold and real, an iron key that weighed heavy in her hand. The light floated before her again, ready to lead her to the dreaded dungeon under the castle.

‘Thank you good sir,' she cried happily, her great joy filling her with optimism. She ran, bare feet padding on the stone floor of the castle. The dungeon was deep underground, and Belle let herself be guided by the strange light. The dark caverns echoed with the cries of lost souls wailing in the night, evil spirits cackling and baying for blood. Belle ignored everything, carried along by her certainty that the Beast was good at heart, just as her father was.

‘Belle, is that you?' a tired voice asked, peering from the jet-black cell at the beauty cast in gold by the flickering light.

‘Yes father,' she sighed, pushing the key into the rusty old lock and turning it with all her might.

‘No, Belle, you must leave. You must leave.'

The door creaked open and the old man fell forward, clasping his beloved daughter in his tired old arms. ‘No father, you must leave now. There is a mount waiting for you, to carry you through the forest back to my poor sisters.'

‘But the Beast?'

‘I will stay in your place father. Now, you must leave before he changes his mind.'

‘But he is a Beast… You are so innocent, child, you do not understand what cruel and base desires lurk inside his soul.'

‘Surely they are stories to frighten children,' Belle said bravely, managing a half smile to hide the fear deep in her heart.

‘No Belle,' the old man whispered, ‘I have already experienced the evil at his heart.'

Belle cried out, putting her hand to her mouth and staring wide-eyed at her father. He had staggered out into the light and Belle saw that his hair had turned from jet-black to snow-white, and his tired eyes were full of the horrors of which he spoke.

‘I must stay father,' she said weakly. ‘I have promised the Beast and cannot break my word. Please father, leave now and forget that you ever had me as a daughter.'

The old man kissed Belle on the forehead, his eyes filled with tears, and then he followed the light that was for him. In a moment he was gone and Belle was trembling, more alone than she had ever been in her life.

‘You stayed,' the Beast said simply when Belle returned to the dining room.

‘As I said I would,' Belle replied, holding her head up defiantly, willing herself not to be afraid of the thing that spoke from the shadows.

‘You are foolish, more foolish than I ever imagined possible. Did you not see the fear in his eyes? Did you not comprehend the terror that he has suffered?'

‘But there is something noble in you, sir. I can sense it. Am I not right, sir?'

The laughter filled the great room, reverberating and resounding until it filled Belle's ears with its harsh evil sound. She fell to the ground, covering her eyes as the thing emerged from the shadows.

‘Do not speak of nobility to me!' the Beast roared. ‘Look at me child! Am I noble? Am I?'

Belle looked up, her face as white as a sheet. The beast towered above her, a foot taller than any man she had ever seen, it's body swathed in bands of leather and thick animal hides, great thighs like an animal, arms bulging with hard muscle. It's face was obscured by a mask, but it's eyes shone through two slits, dark eyes that burned with a radiance that could have been good, evil, or something beyond that.

‘Please, sir…' Belle whimpered, turning away from the vision before her, half man and half animal.

It bounded forward, and with one swipe of its hand it had torn Belle's dress to shreds. She flinched, tried to crawl away, but it held her fast. Her nakedness was before the Beast, her long thighs of alabaster, round breasts with red-tipped nipples like ripe berries, a tight triangle of hair to obscure the fleshy pink between her thighs. She was afraid, but excited too. The Beast's hot breath caressed her nipples, kissed her lips with a whisper.

‘Such purity… such purity…' the Beast whispered to himself, his voice lost in wonderment. ‘Such purity needs to be defiled!'

The Beast seized her in his hairy arms and turned her over, letting her fall to the floor once more, her full round bottom sticking up in the air. He touched her vilely, parting her bottom cheeks, stroking her between the thighs, rubbing his hands up and down her long thighs. Belle cried out, too afraid of him to enjoy the sensual feel of his body against hers.

‘To be defiled!' the Beast repeated, his voice low and guttural. He pulled Belle closer and kissed her on the neck. His mouth was hot and sensuous, his lips skating over her soft skin. He moved down and kissed her between the bottom, his tongue snaking gently into her tightly puckered rear hole. Belle struggled, but the feel of his hot wet tongue entering her from behind made her feel faint with a sudden passion.

Belle struggled, trying to fight the strange passions bubbling inside her. She pushed and kicked, her tiny fists nothing against the Beast's great body. This futile resistance inflamed the Beast's anger. He pulled away from her, his long sinewy tongue still tingling with the forbidden taste of her rear hole. He pressed her down with one heavy hand and then began to beat her mercilessly, spanking her naked bottom with slow deliberate strokes.

Belle screamed. She could feel the soft skin of her tight round bottom flaring red. But her cries were to no avail, the Beast knew no mercy, the chastisement continuing until Belle's cries had become soft whispering sighs. Belle ceased squirming. The stinging fire on her red bottom cheeks was transformed into a delicious sensation pulsing through her body, making her nipples tingle with pleasure.

The Beast moved round, his hands seeking Belle's breasts and then pulling at the nipples, his claws squeezing tightly so that the pain danced through her. Belle felt lost, his strong arms were everywhere, touching, teasing, hurting, soothing. His tongue was now lapping at Belle's sex, the treasure that she had so jealously guarded from the louts in the village. She sighed, opening her thighs to his tongue which was alternately soft and smooth or hard and violent, going into her far deeper than any man could with any part of his body.

‘And now to take you!' the Beast roared, licking his lips like an animal about to devour it's prey. ‘I'll take you just as I took your father!'

Belle screamed. The Beast drew back and pulled the hides from its body. Her eyes were fixed on the monstrous organ that jutted from between its thighs. She wanted to scream again but held back, her voice lost in amazement. The Beast's stiff organ rose violently, many inches long, many inches round, the purple tip as long as her fingers.

‘Please don't hurt me,' Belle whispered. She drew back instinctively, suddenly realising that her sex was aching, pouring forth a thickness that was white and creamy.

‘Do you desire me, Belle?' he asked, his voice losing the cold harsh edge.

‘Yes… yes…' Belle cried joyously, tasting the sweetness pouring from her sex, putting her fingers between her thighs and then sucking them clean.

‘Do you desire the Beast? The thing that will take a woman and use her like a whore? The thing that will mark you with its scent the way an animal will mark its mate? Do you desire the animal that is man and the man that is animal?'

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