Authors: Amy Mullen
Gemma blinked. Her eyes were playing tricks on her. It could not be Nicholas. Her fingers
as cold as the icy river waters outside the castle walls
and her heart seemed to have stopped. Everything had ceased to move
reeled, feeling she was standing alone in the world, facing the man
who had
zed her dreams for seven years.
She wanted to move, to run, to flee from
she was feeling right then, but her feet stayed firmly fixed to the hard-packed earth beneath them. It was as if she
in a dream. Everything in her mind told her to run, but she could not. Something was holding her feet there
though danger was breathing down her neck.
It cannot be,
she said in a small voice, the words trailing off into nothingness.
Ah, but it is,
s deep voice penetrated the fog forming around her brain.
Twould seem your family
plot to be rid of me did not work. I am here and ready to take my revenge.
The world crashed around her, but she held her head up. She stared at the men on horseback behind him. They regarded their new surroundings and spoke to each other in hushed tones. The
se men
were not going to be of any assistance. Feelings
of despair and weakness
erupted within her
but she pushed them
How dare you show up here
You tried to turn our family over
the Empress Matilda
and it did not work. Have you come here to finish the job? Are you behind the accidents in my home? Do you hate me so
you would harm my father?
Her green eyes were now on fire. The sneer on Nicholas
s face had gone and was replaced with a look of boredom, though his eyes shined as he faced her, refusing to back away.
I have dreamt of this moment for so long,
he said. She boldly met his gaze, knowing if she did n
ot, he would sense her weakness
With false bravado, she tried
to remain aloof, calm, and in command
, all the while
throwing up a façade of control
. The safety of her peo
ple depended on her every move.
amiliar brown eyes stared straight through her. They were a glowing brown with a hint of gold. His dark hair was long, but not as long as it was when he was younger. It fell over his eyes and down his neck and fluttered in the wind just enough to draw attention to the strong line of his neck and his broad shoulders.
Why would
he started so speak
but he did not let her finish.
I have lived my life to get revenge upon you and the family
uprooted my parents and made them slaves. I have toiled and battled my way to knighthood under Stephen and then the heavy hand of King Henry. I have fought hard for the king
and he has rewarded me more thoroughly
than even he could understand.
His face had hardened since she last saw him, but in the most fascinating way. He was attractive to her then, but now, now he was a man and he looked the part. She could never have imagined how handsome he would become. Why
she yet to have him removed from the bailey and thr
own out into the river?
Why are you here?
she said with confidence she did not feel. Her hands clenched at her side as she stood as tall as she could in his rigid presence.
t you figured it out, Gemma? My dear, sweet Gemma,
he spat out. There was a growl in his voice.
Did you or did you not send your father
s seneschal Oliver de Toeni to the king for assistance?
Y-y-yes, I did,
she stammered,
but I do not see what that has to do with you. You still haven
t told me why you are here.
Her thoughts raced to a heart-stopping conclusion. Henry had sent him to protect the castle until her father was well again. She would have to put up with him for a fortnight or two, and then he would be gone.
It would take some effort, but s
he could manage to avoid him in that time and care
for her father.
Her hopefulness dissolved quickly when he spoke again.
I have a letter from the king that explains it all, my love. We are to be wed.
on her heels and strode with purpose toward the great hall. She could no longer stand before him without falling apart
, and she
would not wed this man. It made no sense to her.
Angry retorts filled her mind as s
he walked as quickly as she could so she could be alone to determine how to be rid of him. His power over her senses was all consuming. Structured thought was no longer possible.
Her father knew she
refused to marry
, and the
taught her love was for fools was the one
now stood on her land and demanded her hand. Why had the king done this? She did not know the king at all, of course, but her father had spent time with him and found him to be a demanding but fair man. He was a king
had taken control of the lands
were in disarray under the rule of Stephen
but did not overstep propriety with his vassals.
Once inside the hall, she
back and took a peek out into the bailey. Nicholas
s men followed him to the stables.
Oliver was there
. He had returned with Nicholas but had said nothing. Hope faded as she realized Oliver would protect her if he could
but he had said nothing. Her heart sank once more.
The seneschal handed the reins of his destrier to a stable boy and walk
ed toward the hall to join her.
This cannot happen!
she said. She was in a panic as he sat down near where she was pacing in front of the fireplace, rapidly moving back and forth as if she were chasing away her demons.
I will not marry that brute. He tried to harm my family once
and now Henry has sent him to protect us? This does not make any sense. I will not stand for this!
said nothing. He simply watched her
She stopped for a moment and threw her arms in the air.
I fear what he has said is true
Oliver lowered his head and wiped sweat from his brow with his forearm.
Tis too late to turn back. I went to Henry and saw him straight away. He had his eye on Blackstone Castle
as it remains a key defense for him. He wanted to make sure all is well here. It did not take him long to send Nicholas. It is my understanding he has the king
s highest regard
and he has served him well.
I do not care if he led all of England against the devil himself and won,
Gemma said, as she slowed her steps and tried to lower her voice.
He is the last man I would wed, should I ever agree to such a disgrace.
I am confused, milady,
the seneschal admitted, running a gloved hand through the shock of gray hair on his head.
You know of Nicholas de Reymes?
Know of him? His family sent him to spy on us long ago. They wanted to help Matilda take over our castle so she could finally take England from Stephen. I was young, eleven, no, twelve years old, so young
and I thought I was in love but he
he finally trailed off, having said more about what happened between her and Nicholas than she has ever said to anyone. She
raised her head
Father has never mentioned the de Reymes
to you?
So you do know him then
de Toeni stood as one of the men-at-arms came to help him remove his chain-mail.
And nay, dear. I do not know much of the de Reymes
family. Your father told me a story
long ago when they disappeared, but I cannot remember it
. It had something to do with your family, but I remember him waving the story off as if it were untrue. I
m not sure he believed it. He has not mentioned them since then.
She nodded as she ceased to move.
off at the flames dancing in the fireplace,
she wondered
what happened and where
it all
went wrong.
I cannot marry him, Oliver. I cannot.
You can and you will,
he said.
We have no other options
so you have no choice. If your father awakens, he may object. However, if he does not, you will be wed in five days. It is to protect the lands. The king cannot have a lady commanding one of his key castles. You are strong, but others only know of your sex and would assume Blackstone an easy target. Without your father, and with your brother missing, he felt he had no choice. You will marry de Reymes.
He cannot force me! My father is still alive,
she shot back.
As far as Henry is concerned, you father is unable to make any decisions or to uphold his duties as vassal. This means he can make any orders he wishes,
he stated
as if he was repeating what
was told to him. He softened his
My dear, the king could order this with your father in his best health. There is nothing to be done.
I will not do it. I will not let that man touch me. He will not be the lord of this castle!
she spat out. Her anger renewed itself with heightened intensity.
Do you not understand, Oliver? He betrayed us!
Gemma, I
e began but did not finish. He pulled off a glove, reached up
and scratched the back of his neck.
I wish to be alone,
she said in a tired voice.
After a long minute of silence he said,
Your father wished you to marry Phillip Bigod. I know he was not your first choice, nor am I sure he would be a good husband. However, a marriage would have protected you and your family from this mess. This is your only option now. I am sorry, Gemma.
She ignored him and moved slowly but deliberately away.
Taking a candle, she went
to the steps to retreat to her quarters in the solar. There she could think of a way out of this mess without every man and woman within the castle walls staring at her, wondering what was going on.
It wasn
t Nicholas
broke her reprieve
it was Phillip Bigod. Gemma had been in her room for a short time, desperately trying to think of a way out of her current predicament, when Leda went up to see her.
Milady, there be no one else around, so I came to find ye. Phillip Bigod awaits ye in the hall. There be much confusion outside for some reason, and he arrived just a bit ago. Once questioned by that Nicholas person, he be allowed to enter. He wishes to see ye.