A Stillness at Appomattox (194 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

Tags: #Non Fiction, #Military

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Recollections of a Private Soldier,
pp. 52-54.

  1. Meade's Headquarters,
    pp. 93-94;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 320-21, 667.
  2. The classic account of this, of course, is Douglas Southall Freeman's, in
    R. E. Lee,
    Vol. Ill, pp. 286-88.
  3. Four Years in the Army of the Potomac,
    p. 130;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 403;
    The Diary of a Line Officer,
    p. 35; Humphreys, p. 56.
    Recollections of a Private Soldier,
    p. 201.
  1. Ibid.,
    pp. 57, 206;
    Army Life: a Private's Reminiscences,
    p. 170;
    A Little Fifers War Diary,
    p. 86.
  2. M.H.S.M. Papers,
    Vol. IV, p. 196;
    History of the Second Army Corps,
    pp. 428-29.

Official Records,
Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 438; M.H.S.Mo
Vol. IV, p. 151.


History of the Second Army Corps,
pp. 417, 422,

  1. Brigadier General Alexander Webb in
    Official Records
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 437
    also in
    Battles and Leaders of the Civil War,
    Vol. IV, pp. 159
  2. "Battle of the Wilde
    rness and Death of General Wads
    worth," by Captain Robert Monteith, in the
    War Papers Read before the State of Wisconsin Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States,
    Vol. I, p. 414$
    Official Records,
    Vol XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 477, 934.
  3. History of the Philadelphia Brigade,
    by Charles EL Banes, p. 231;
    Meade's Headquarters,
    p. 95;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 488.
  4. M.H.S.M.
    Vol. IV, pp. 154-55, 200;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 624;
    History of the 150th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers,
    by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Chamberlin, pp. 187-88.
  5. Hancock discusses all of this in some detail in his report,
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 320-23, 325. After the war a sharp argument over the misunderstanding developed between Hancock and Gibbon; Gibbon tells about it in his
    Personal Recollections,
    pp. 387
  6. History of the 106th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers,
    pp. 201-2;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 514;
    Recollections of a Private Soldier,
    p. 73. For a very vivid account of this phase of the battle, see
    The Crisis of the Confederacy,
    p. 385.
  1. Grant's
    Personal Memoirs,
    Vol. II, p. 20L
  2. Campaigning with Grant,
    p. 59.
  1. Ibid.,
    p. 52. For glimpses of Grant's earlier relations with Hays, see
    Captain Sam Grant,
    pp. 128, 172.
  2. Meade's Headquarters,
    p. 98;
    History of the Sth Regiment Maine Volunteers,
    p. 305;
    Following the Greek Cross?
    pp. 186-87;
    History of the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry,
    p. 419.
  3. Letters of a War Correspondent,
    p. 57; Colonel Theodore Lyman, in
    M.H.S.M. Papers,
    Vol. IV, p. 105n.,°
    Campaigning with Grant,
    pp. 69-70
  1. Four Years in the Army of the Potomac,
    p. 131;
    Following the Greek Cross,
    p. 188.
  2. The extent to which Grant was shaken, and the way in which he concealed his alarm, are set forth by his firm admirer, General Wilson, in
    Under the Old Flag,
    Vol. 1, pp. 390-91.


    Campaigning with Grant,
    p. 74.
  1. History of the Philadelphia Brigade,
    p. 235;
    Reminiscences of the 19th Massachusetts Regiment,
    p. 88;
    Annals of the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry,
    p. 237.
  2. The Road to Richmond,
    p. 134;
    Campaigning with Grant,
    p. 79;
    History of the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry,
    p. 421.

Recollections of a Private Soldier,
p. 79. Major General U. S. Grant, III, grandson of the Civil War general, says that as a young lieutenant just out of West Point he served under an elderly officer who had been an enlisted man in the Army of the Potomac. This officer one day remarked that the most thrilling moment of the whole war, to him, came when his column turned south at the Chancellorsville crossroads and the men realized that they were advancing instead of retreating. As Historian Ralph Happel says, in his manuscript study previously referred to, Grant's decision to continue south after the Wilderness was "one of the most important decisions in American history."


Following the Greek Cross,
p. 189»


all their yesterdays


Following the Greek Cross,
pp. 189-90.


History of the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry,
pp. 421-22. In
General Warren's journal entry for May 7
(Official Records,
Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 540) there is reference to a delay
caused by Meade's cavalry escort. Major Small refers to it in
The Road to Richmond,
p. 135, and General Webb mentions
it in
Battles and Leaders,
Vol. IV, p. 164. It should be added,
of course, that various other factors delayed the move to
Spotsylvania Court House, the most important probably
being the job done by the Confederate cavalry under Fite= hugh Lee.

  1. History of the 12th Massachusetts Volunteers,
    p. 129,
  2. There is an excellent description of the approach, assault, and repulse of Robinsons division, by Brigadier General Charles L. Pierson, in the
    M.H.S.M. Papers,
    Vol. IV, pp„ 214-16, supplemented by Colonel Theodore Lyman, pp. 238-39. See also the
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1,
    594, 597, 619;
    The Story of the Regiment,
    p. 333;
    Military Memoirs of a Confederate,
    by E. P. Alexander, pp. 510-12.
  3. Campaigning with Grant,
    p. 84;
    Meade's Headquarters,
    pp. 105-6,n.
  4. Down in Dixie,
    p. 316; "Sheridan's Richmond Raid"
    m Battles and Leaders,
    Vol. IV, p. 189.
  5. Down in Dixie,
    pp. 276-77.
  6. The handling of the Wilderness wounded is treated in detail in the report of Surgeon Thomas A. McParlin, Medical Director of the Army of the Potomac, in the
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1,
    220. See also
    Down in Dixie,
    p. 276;
    Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals,
    by a Citizen-Soldier,
    Army Life: a Private's Reminiscences,
    p. 171.
  7. Surgeon Edward B. Dalton, chief medical officer of Depot Field Hospital, in
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 270; also Surgeon McParlin's report, in that volume, p. 234;
    South After Gettysburg,
    pp. 85-86, 88;
    Three Years in the Sixth Corps,
    p. 343.


    Three Years in the Sixth Corps,
    pp. 344-45.

Report of Surgeon McParlin,
Official Records,
XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 227

pp. 235, 271-74.


History of the First Regiment of Heavy Artillery,
Massachusetts Volunteers,
p. 151.

South After Gettysburg,
pp. 88, 90.

  1. Army Life: a Private's Reminiscences,
    p. 177;
    Recollections of a Private Soldier,
    History of the Corn Exchange Regiment,
  2. Following the Greek Cross,
    pp. 191-93;
    Campaigning with Grant,
    pp. 89-90;
    Correspondence of John Sedgwick,

Major General,
Vol. II, p. 210;
Battles and Leaders,
Vol. IV, p. 175.

  1. Abraham Lincoln: the War Years,
    Vol. Ill, p. 47o
  2. Campaigning with Grant,
    p. 83.

surpassing all former experiences

  1. The Life and Letters of Emory Upton,
    by Peter 8„ Mitchie, pp. 1-9, 12-37, 51-68.
  2. Ibid.,
    pp. 96-98. Uptons formal report on this assault is unusually detailed and graphic. It is in the
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part
    pp. 665-68.
  3. Military Memoirs of a Confederate,
    p, 517;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 667-68.
  1. History of the Philadelphia Brigade,
    pp. 242-43,
  2. Ibid.,
    p. 244;
    M.H.S.M. Papers,
    Vol. IV, p. 436,
  3. Upton's report, op.
    p. 668.
  1. War Diary of human Harris Tenney, 1861-1865,
    p. 115$
    Meade's Headquarters,
    p. 110.
  2. Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part
    p. 230;
    Battles and Leaders,
    Vol. IV, p. 170.
  3. The Long Arm of Lee,
    by Jennings C. Wise, Vol.
    pp. 787-88.
  1. Hancock's report,
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 334.
  2. Ibid.,
    p. 335. General Barlow described the movement of his division in the
    M.H.S.M. Papers,
    Vol. IV, pp. 245-270. His article has been drawn on liberally in the preparation of this chapter.
  3. Personal Recollections of the War of 1861,
    by Charles A. Fuller, pp. 9-10;
    The Irish Brigade and Its Campaigns,
    by Captain D. P. Conyngham, p. 474; Mr.
    Lincoln's Army,
    by Bruce Carton, pp. 209-10.
  4. Barlow's account, M.H.S.M.
    Vol. IV, p. 247» See also, in the same volume, the article by Lieutenant Colonel William R. Driver, p. 277.
  1. Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part
    pp. 409-10.
  2. History of the 106th Regiment Pennsylvania Volutin teers,
    p. 206;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 33S, 470;
    History of the Second Army Corps,
    p. 470.
  1. History of the Philadelphia Brigade,
    p. 246; Barlow, in M.H.S.M.
    Vol. IV, pp. 251-52;
    The Long Arm of Lee,
    Vol. II, pp. 789-90;
    Military Memoirs of a Confederate,
    pp. 519-20.
  2. Lee's Lieutenants,
    by Douglas Southall Freeman, Vol. Ill, pp. 404-6;
    Service with the 6th Wisconsin Volunteers,
    p. 268;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 373-74; M.H.S.M.
    Vol. IV, pp. 281-82.
  3. Military Memoirs of a Confederate,
    p. 522;
    Reminiscences of the 19th Massachusetts Regiment,
    p. 91;
    History of the Philadelphia Brigade,
    p. 247.
  4. Military Memoirs of a Confederate,
    p. 522; Barlow's story, in M.H.S.M.
    Vol. IV, pp. 254-55;
    History of the Philadelphia Brigade,
    p. 248;
    History of the Second Army Corps,
    p. 473.
  5. Brigadier General Lewis A. Grant, in M.H.S.M.
    Vol. IV, p. 269. This fighting is graphically described by G. Norton Galloway in
    Battles and Leaders,
    Vol. IV, pp. 170-74. See also
    Following the Greek Cross,
    p. 202. Incidentally, it may be well to emphasize that the famous "bloody angle" was here, and not at the tip of the salient where Barlow's men first broke the line.
  6. Battles and Leaders,
    Vol. IV, pp. 171-72;
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 537, 539;
    History of the 150th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers,
    pp. 196-97.
  7. History of the 24th Michigan of the Iron Brigade,
    by O. B. Curtis, p. 243;
    History of the Second Army Corps,
    p. 475.
  8. Reminiscences of the 19th Massachusetts Regiment,
    p. 91;
    History of the 106th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers,
    p. 207;
    Service with the 6th Wisconsin Volunteers,
    p. 266;
    Following the Greek Cross,
    pp. 200-1.
  9. Following the Greek Cross,
    p. 200; report of Brigadier General Lewis Grant,
    Official Records,
    Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, p. 704;
    Reminiscences of the 19th Massachusetts Regiment,
    p. 92;
    History of the 24th Michigan in the Iron Brigade,
    p. 244.

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