A Spy in the White House (5 page)

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“I wonder what she was giving Arnold in the parking lot?” Marshall asked.

“One way to find out,” the president said. He shooed George off his lap and walked over to the door. When he opened the door, Arnold was sipping soup from a mug.

“Arnold, will you step in here, please?”

Arnold came into the room. “Sir?” he said.

The president quickly told Arnold how KC and Marshall had solved the mystery of the White House spy. “But they’re wondering what the vice president handed you in the parking lot.”

Arnold grinned and held up the soup. “This,” he said. “And cough syrup. Ms. Kincaid brings me something every day!”

“What will happen to Darla Darling?”
Marshall asked after Arnold left the room.

“I’m sure the FBI will have a talk with her about the incident,” the president said sternly. For a moment, KC felt sorry for Darla. “But no harm done in the long run,” the president went on. “We may even invite her to the wedding.”

getting married!” KC yelled.

“Yes,” her mother said. “Saturday at three o’clock. I’ve decided to wear the green dress, after all. And that night, we’ll be in Paris, France!”

The Cat Wore White

KC peeked out from behind a tent pole to check out the rose garden. Wooden folding chairs had been set up on the lawn. A long red carpet ran up the aisle.

KC’s and her mom’s green dresses were the same color as Marshall’s vest and the president’s bow tie.

A platform had been placed at the back of the garden for the band. They played happy tunes while the guests waited for Lois to walk down the aisle.

At the other end of the red carpet, the president stood by Reverend Murphy, waiting.

“Doesn’t the president look nice?” KC whispered to Marshall.

“He looks great, but I feel dorky in this vest,” Marshall said.

“I think it’s cute,” KC said.

“Yeah, right,” Marshall said. He held one end of a long green ribbon. The other end was tied to the ring box attached to George’s new white collar.

George lay on the carpet, chewing on his ribbon. His tail flipped back and forth. “Please don’t run away again,” KC begged him.

The wedding ceremony started. Then it was time for KC and Marshall to walk George forward with the rings.

As they marched slowly along the carpet, KC smiled at the vice president, Arnold, and Yvonne.

Darla Darling sat with the other reporters in the press seats. She was busy taking notes. She wasn’t even watching the wedding. KC almost giggled, wondering where she parked her motorcycle.

KC stopped at the end of the aisle. Marshall stood next to the president. George rolled over onto his back and stared out at the crowd.

The band started playing the wedding march. KC’s mom walked down the aisle in her beautiful dress. Everyone stood and clapped.

When Reverend Murphy nodded, Lois passed her bouquet to KC. Then Marshall opened George’s little box and handed the wedding rings to the president.

The couple said, “I do!”

“I now pronounce you husband and
wife!” said Reverend Murphy. The president kissed KC’s mom, and everyone cheered.

A few minutes later, the chairs were moved away, and a wooden dance floor was laid over the grass. Waiters brought out food, and the band began playing dance music.

KC watched the president lead her mother onto the dance floor. Once they had begun dancing, all the guests joined in. KC smiled when she saw Arnold dancing with Yvonne.

KC walked up to Marshall. “Do you want to dance?” she asked.

Marshall set his punch cup on a table.

He looked into KC’s big green eyes.

Then he ran out of the rose garden as fast as his legs would carry him.

Photo credits: courtesy of the Library of Congress; bottom, Cecil Stoughton, White House/John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston.

Text copyright © 2004 by Ron Roy. Illustrations copyright © 2004 by Timothy Bush. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Roy, Ron.
A spy in the White House / by Ron Roy; illustrated by Timothy Bush. —
1st ed.
   p. cm. — (Capital mysteries; #4)
“A Stepping Stone Book.”
: KC tries to uncover the White House spy who is leaking secrets
about the upcoming wedding of her mother and the president.
eISBN: 978-0-307-54743-9
[1. White House (Washington, D.C.)—Fiction. 2. Spies—Fiction.
3. Weddings—Fiction. 4. Mystery and detective stories.] I. Bush, Timothy,
ill. II. Title. III. Series.
PZ7.R8139Sp 2004 [E]—dc22 2003015110

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