A Sister's Shame (11 page)

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Authors: Carol Rivers

BOOK: A Sister's Shame
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There were all sorts of programmes, pamphlets, posters and postcards scattered over the surfaces. A tall glass-fronted cupboard was full of china pieces, and silver and gold from royal
celebrations and distinguished theatrical events. Like the twins, she had a Victor phonograph in one corner, but the horn on Elsie’s was like a big open flower, whilst theirs had a long,
conical brass cone. There were piles of heavy Victor records next to this, and placed on the wall behind the cushion-strewn sofa was a bevelled mirror with decorative fans etched on either side. It
was not just an interesting room, but a cosy one, furnished with memories from Elsie’s past. Her collection of many photographs recorded her life with Joe in the East End. Joe had looked like
their father with a big, drooping moustache. He had been a thespian in his early days, so Elsie said. She loved to talk about their years at the pub and the variety of people they met there.

But now Elsie was rooting around in her big Gladstone bag where she kept her important papers. ‘I’ve managed to get you what you wanted for tonight.’

‘Did your friend with the music shop have our music?’ Vesta asked excitedly.

‘No, I didn’t have time to go up to Bethnal Green. So I popped into the Cubby Hole instead. I knew Bing would be able to help us.’

‘Bing?’ Marie and Vesta said together.

‘Don’t look so surprised. He is a musician, you know.’

‘I wouldn’t have called him that,’ said Vesta.

‘Then you’d be wrong, ducks,’ said Elsie, passing them the sheet music. ‘He’s a very talented young man.’

‘But he only plays in a pub,’ protested Vesta as she sipped her tea. ‘On an old honky-tonk piano.’

‘Don’t look down your nose at him, dear,’ said Elsie warningly, giving Vesta a long stare. ‘A lot of talent is discovered in places like the Cubby Hole. Joe and me saw
many a good singer and dancer begin their career with a knees-up.’

‘Sorry,’ said Vesta, going red. ‘I forgot you and Joe were the landlords.’

Elsie shrugged. ‘It was different in those days, I’ll grant you. Everyone could have a go. They all stood the same chance if they had talent.’

Marie smiled. ‘Bing has got a lovely voice.’

‘Not as good as Teddy’s,’ challenged Vesta quickly. ‘But then Teddy has sung on the stage and at the Duke’s.’

Seeing the colour rise in Marie’s cheeks, Elsie held up her hand and changed the subject. ‘Now, now, you two. Are you all set for tonight?’

‘Yes,’ said Marie excitedly.

‘Behave yourselves and keep your father in line too.’

Marie knew that would be impossible. Once Hector was into his stride, no one could stop him.

‘Watch this Scoresby fellow,’ said Elsie, wagging her finger and making her gold bracelet jangle.

‘Why?’ giggled Vesta.

‘There are rogues out there.’

‘You sound like Mum.’

Elsie’s smile disappeared. ‘Your mother is being very brave letting you do as you want. I’ve tried to reassure her, but you girls must understand she worries about

‘And now she’s worried about Dad too.’ Vesta rolled her eyes.

‘Now, now, Vesta,’ said Elsie reprovingly. ‘One day when you are mothers yourselves you’ll know what worry is all about.’ She smiled again. ‘Finish up the
last cakes, now. They’re nice and creamy.’

‘I’m afraid I feel too nervous,’ admitted Vesta. ‘Right here in the middle of my stomach.’

Marie had butterflies too and suspected it wasn’t just down to thinking about tonight. A little flutter began inside her as Elsie had talked of Bing. Marie would never admit to it, but she
had missed him. He and Charlie hadn’t appeared after work, nor had Bing called round. If only Bing had more ambition and wanted to better himself. But all he could do was think about settling

And Marie didn’t want that!

As they had missed the bus and walked all the way to the Duke’s, Marie knew Hector was feeling tired. He wasn’t as young as he used to be, and he had insisted on
wearing his heavy black coat, which looked very dramatic with its half-cape, but was meant for winter wear. Underneath this he wore a velvet smoking jacket and a white frilled shirt. The song he
had chosen to sing was Harry Lauder’s ‘Keep Right On To The End Of The Road’, which had been a great hit in 1926. It was very patriotic, although Harry Lauder himself was
Scottish. But his deep voice resembled Hector’s and everyone knew the words.

As they walked arm in arm up Westferry Road, they all sang a chorus or two, and people turned to smile and laugh, and sometimes even join in. Hector was very well known for his busking and
almost everyone they came across had a word to say to them. When he told them he was to sing at the Duke’s, several patted him on the back and wished him luck.

Marie loved being with her father; he was so colourful and lively. Although not a born East Ender, he loved everything about the cockney life and had passed this love on to his daughters.

When they reached Poplar High Street and the Queen’s, the crowds had dispersed as the late performance had long since started. It was getting on for nine o’clock. There were only a
few minutes to go before meeting Wally Scoresby again.

‘It would be wonderful to perform here,’ said Hector, raising his voice above the rumble of traffic that still passed by.

‘You’re already a star to us,’ said Marie. She was very proud of her father.

‘And always will be,’ nodded Vesta.

He patted their blonde waves gently. ‘I brought my lucky charm with me.’ He slid from his pocket a small nugget of coal worn smooth over the years. ‘This has never let me down.
And it won’t tonight.’ He slipped it back in his pocket and held out his elbows. ‘Hold on to me, my lovelies, fame and fortune await us.’

Marie held tightly to her father’s arm as they continued on to the Duke’s close by. She could hardly believe their dreams were coming true. And although she felt very nervous, Hector
had assured them that nerves could be used to inspire a performance.

She dearly hoped that was so.

Chapter 13

There was a buzz of excitement as Marie followed her father and Vesta down the basement steps to the club. The Duke’s was filling up with well-dressed men and women
taking their places at the tables; some of the men already had drinks in their hands and were talking at the bar. The piano player was with two other men dressed in dark suits; one sat behind a set
of drums and the other held a bass.

‘I didn’t expect to see musicians,’ Marie whispered as they peered through the smoky atmosphere. ‘I’m pleased we brought our music’

Vesta nodded. ‘Just look at these people: the men all have bow ties and the women are all young and pretty.’

Marie noticed there was a lot of laughter coming from the bar. A tall, slim young man wearing a white shirt, bow tie and waistcoat was shaking cocktails and pouring out drinks. The girl that had
been there on the night they came for their audition was helping him. This time she had a smile on her face as she talked to the male customers.

‘Look, here’s Teddy,’ said Vesta with a sigh of relief.

‘I’ll take you straight through to the dressing room,’ Teddy said as he came up to them. ‘Follow me.’

Marie thought he looked very handsome in his formal suit, bow tie and polished shoes. She knew that Vesta must be thinking the same as they made their way through the crowd. One or two men
turned to stare and smile. Marie blushed. She felt as though they stuck out like sore thumbs in their old coats. No one in the club looked like they did and she was suddenly ashamed of her

Soon they were ushered through a door beside a wide sweep of steps. Marie guessed they must lead to the main entrance. The passage Teddy took them into was long and narrow, and, in contrast to
the club, dark and dingy. Several doors led off; one was marked ‘Office’, the other he pushed open.

‘This is where you girls go.’

‘And what about me?’ said Hector, looking down the passage.

‘The boss wants to speak to you,’ answered Teddy hurriedly. ‘Girls, you’d better go in and get yourselves ready.’

‘Here’s our music,’ said Marie handing over the papers.

Teddy raised an eyebrow. ‘Where did you get this?’

‘From Bobby Brown, a friend of ours, and Elsie’s. He’s known as Bing and sings at the Cubby Hole.’

,’ scoffed Teddy dismissively. ‘It’s a wonder his sort can read a note.’

‘What do you mean by “his sort”?’ Marie demanded. ‘He’s a very good singer.’

‘I’ve had a drink or two there, but can’t tolerate the rowdy noise for long. Now, the dancers are on first and you’re on after them,’ Teddy instructed as he bundled
them into the room.

Marie was angry at Teddy’s comments. She knew Vesta didn’t care, but she did. And she was about to comment to Vesta when a girl with very long legs walked over to them. ‘You
must be the twins,’ she said. All four dancers in the room had sparkly green costumes and low necklines that showed a lot of cleavage. They wore high heels and fishnet stockings, and one or
two had feathers in their hair.

‘My name’s Bev,’ said the blonde girl that Marie remembered had sat on the bar stool at their audition. ‘Teddy said you’d be along. What are your names?’

‘Marie and Vesta,’ they both said together.

Bev grinned. ‘You sound like parrots.’

‘I’m Sal,’ said a tall brunette.

‘And I’m Rose and this is Joanie,’ said another dark-haired girl, indicating her red-headed friend on the next chair.

‘Hello,’ Vesta and Marie said together.

All the girls laughed. ‘You’re funny,’ said Rose. ‘Who is who?’

‘I’m Marie,’ said Marie.

‘And I’m Vesta.’

‘You two are certainly good-lookers,’ said Bev. ‘No wonder Wally liked you.’

Marie smiled. ‘I hope he did.’

All the girls exchanged glances.

‘You’d better take off those awful coats,’ said Bev. ‘What are your costumes like?’

Marie went crimson as they slipped off their coats and was very relieved when all four girls nodded.

‘Not bad,’ said Joanie. ‘You’ve both got great figures.’

‘Thank you,’ said Marie and Vesta together.

This caused another ripple of laughter. ‘Don’t take any notice of us,’ chuckled Bev. ‘We haven’t had much to do with twin performers. Now, about those costumes,
they will do for tonight, but next time you can borrow something glamorous from the wardrobe over there.’

Marie looked to where Bev pointed. There was a long rail with dozens of dresses and costumes hanging from it of all shapes and colours.

‘There’s not a lot of time left so you’d better put on your make-up,’ said Sal, shuffling round the chairs that were covered in stockings and underwear.

‘We haven’t brought any,’ said Marie weakly. ‘We didn’t think we’d need it.’

‘Blimey, haven’t you ever done anything like this before?’

The twins shook their heads.

‘Come on then, sit down and we’ll help you,’ grinned Joanie, producing a slim tray of block mascara and spitting in it, then mixing it with the brush. Bev took the powder and
rouge from a box and began to powder Marie’s face.

‘Christ,’ she gasped, ‘you two are just kids. How old are you?’

‘Eighteen,’ they chorused.

Marie saw Bev glance at the other girls. No one said anything more until Bev put the last dab of powder on Marie’s face. ‘Just to let you know, the most important rule here is,
don’t ever let Wally or Leo catch you drinking. You’ve always got to have water or lemonade.’

‘We don’t drink,’ said Vesta and Marie together. ‘We don’t like the taste.’

‘Do you smoke?’

‘No,’ they said again together.

Bev cackled. ‘Blimey, you two really are innocent.’

‘We might be, but we’ve always dreamed of going into show business,’ said Vesta indignantly as Sal clipped a silver bow in her hair.

‘Is this what you call show business?’ Joanie laughed. ‘Well, that’s a first. I’ve never heard this dump called that before.’

‘Don’t dishearten them,’ reproved Bev sharply. ‘They’re just babies.’

Marie studied their made-up faces in the mirror. What would Ada say if she saw them like this?

As she kept still for Sal to arrange a bow in her hair like Vesta’s, Marie had time to look around. There were no bright lights on the three cracked and rust-pitted mirrors, just bulbs
that dangled from the yellow, peeling ceiling. A long mirror was nailed up at one end of the room beside the clothes rail. A big, battered bamboo screen stood on the other side, presumably to
change behind. Clothes and shoes were scattered everywhere. She could understand why Joanie had referred to it as a dump. But that didn’t seem to matter. For her and Vesta, it all just added
to the excitement of the place.

‘What you gonna sing tonight, then?’ asked Bev as she turned to add a feather to her own headdress.

‘ “Falling In Love Again” and “Million Dollar Baby”, ’ said Marie, fascinated by the quick movements of each girl to get herself ready.

‘At least you’re up to date,’ chuckled Sal. ‘The blokes will really like seeing double. No wonder Wally got you lined up quick. You’ll be in dem—’

In the mirror, Marie saw Bev nudge Sal.

‘Are you nervous?’ asked Bev.

‘Yes, a bit.’

‘Don’t worry, you’ll knock ’em dead.’

‘That’s what our dad says.’

‘He ain’t wrong.’

Just then a loud bang came at the door. ‘Five minutes, girls!’ It was Teddy’s voice.

‘That’s it, we’re on!’ said Bev, making a last adjustment to her bodice and heaving up her big bosoms.

Marie looked at Vesta, who was staring wide-eyed in the mirror. Marie turned to do the same.

‘Oh, Marie, we’re finally looking grown-up,’ breathed Vesta, staring at herself, then drawing a finger under her eyes and blinking under the heavy mascara. ‘Our dream is
coming true at last.’

‘Mum wouldn’t approve,’ Marie said with a rueful grin.

Vesta laughed. ‘She’s not here to see it, thank goodness.’

‘I wonder what Mr Scoresby has in mind for Dad.’

‘Dunno.’ Vesta picked up their bag. ‘Quick, we’d better put on our tap shoes.’

Marie could hardly breathe for excitement. She had loved everything that had happened to them from the moment they’d come down the basement steps and entered the dressing room.

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