A Siren's Wish

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Authors: Renee Field

Tags: #erotic mermaids sensual succubus christmas cop cancer oceans love sex fiction erotic romance paranormal paranormal romance ebook

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A Siren's Wish


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A Siren’s Wish

By Renee Field


Copyright 2011 by Renee Field



Published by Renee Field on Smashwords



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A Siren’s Wish

By Renee Field


Chapter One


Sasha placed her hands on the man’s chest. He grinned up at her.

“You are so sexy, baby,” he mumbled.

At this point, Sasha didn’t care what he said. The only reason the man—sad she couldn’t even remember his name at this point—was looking at her like she was his, was because of the aching need inside of her, driving her insane.

He palmed her breasts as she ground her slick pussy against his cock. The minute she hoisted herself up and planted her core on his hard-on the man was dead.

He attempted again to kiss her. Expertly, Sasha moved out of reach by turning her attention to his nipples. He didn’t complain as she skillfully kissed and nipped his buds. That thrumming need, that insatiable hunger she could no longer contain drove her to impale her cunt on his cock. Primitive need took over as she slowly sank her pussy all the way down his shaft.

The man’s breath reeked of rum and mints, a reminder she’d picked him up from a bar where the festivities of Christmas had been well underway.

“Holy fuck. You’re a virgin,” he said, while his pudgy fingers dug into her flesh.

Sasha couldn’t very well deny her body was virgin-like, but it was so far from the truth and off the mark that she didn’t even acknowledge his words. Plus, it wasn’t like she hadn’t heard it all before.

Four decades and the succubus curse still rode her hard. Sasha had to have sex. She’d pushed the limits of the curse before and knew the longest her body could go without her going insane was thirty days. When she had sex, the act triggered her need to feed off a man’s soul, but if she didn’t do that she would turn to ashes. All because she had dared to incur the wrath of a Sea Witch. If she knew dating the Sea Witch’s son, one hunky Titan, would curse her, Sasha would never have agreed to the date. And to ensure she never would get the chance to date her son again, the Sea Witch tossed Sasha out of the oceans by turning her into a human.

At first Sasha had been angry with being cursed and turned into a human, but she had come to realize that if she had any hope of breaking the curse, she had to adapt. She had been thrust to the human realm and coping with the demands of her new circumstances didn’t give her a lot of time for self-pity. It was more like self-preservation, and Sasha was a fighter and not about to let the Sea Witch win. Armed only with the expensive jewels draped around her neck and arms, she quickly assimilated into human life. The jewelry secured her financially and she thanked the gods she liked to always wear her best. While Sasha had adjusted to land, she certainly never felt like it was home.

The man tried again to yank her head down for a kiss. Sasha arched her back to stay clear of his meaty mouth.

“You are incredible, baby. Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

Because I’m not.
Instead of answering, Sasha let the heat of the curse spiral through her. She then leaned toward the man’s mouth. The minute he captured her lips she gave into the ache within her that said, take what he so carelessly offers. She fought for compassion as she sucked the soul out of the man, but couldn’t find any. Honestly, when he found out she was for hire he didn’t hesitate to pull her out the door of the bar. His hand on her arm triggered her Siren gift and she saw exactly the type of man he truly was. The last woman he’d been with had ended up with stitches to her face because he liked it rough. Taking his soul, Sasha considered this his due.

By the time the kiss was over, his skin had paled to the color of ash. Oblivious to his plight he gripped her hips hard and pounded into her, clearly loving her tight cunt. Technically her body thought of this as her first time, because Sasha knew the Sea Witch had a sick sense of humor.
Try over a thousand times.
The act of sex had become routine and even the act of taking a man’s soul seemed almost mundane and that scared Sasha. She felt herself distancing herself from both what she was doing and the man. The first snowstorm of the season blanketed the night. Chunks of icy snow beat outside, clinging to the cheap hotel window.

The man gasped. Sasha watched his facial expression. This too was part of the norm for her now. As hard as it was to watch the man literally fuck her to his death it was either him or her. No matter what, Sasha was a Siren at heart and survival of the fittest was inherent to her species.

He started to gasp in earnest but because pleasure overrode the hounds of hell chasing him, he kept up his assault on her body and even licked his lips in glee. His fingers moved from her hips to clutch her breasts and she couldn’t help but notice the grime under his nails. The minute he climaxed his heart gave out. Sasha liked to think all the men she’d killed had died with a smile on their face because the alternative made her hate herself a bit more every day.

Careful to gather her things, she buttoned up her black wool winter jacket and pulled her no-nonsense wool cap tight over her ears. Sasha hated being cold and if she were a Siren she’d simply regulate her internal body temperature. Since she was now technically human she always made it a point to dress for warmth during the winter season. Fishing out her car keys from her purse, she strolled out of the motel room without a backward glance.

She brushed the snow from her hair and kicked the white stuff packing the sidewalks. Two blocks from the motel she noticed the start of Christmas lights lining roofs and lawns. The lights always made her happy. While Sirens didn’t celebrate Christmas they certainly knew all about parties and the miracle of life. Sasha felt melancholy. She longed to be able to return to her realm but more than that she wanted to feel loved. Christmas always pulled at her passionate nature but this year it felt more difficult.

Just once Sasha wished she could enjoy a man without guilt.

Sasha recognized there was a part of her that longed for the tender caress of a man’s hands on her body and more than that she ached with the desire to want to give something more than just the kiss of death. However, a man would never care for her deeply again. The Sea Witch had made certain of that.

Two more blocks and Sasha spotted her car. She clicked the pad on her key chain and her Escalade lights turned on. The doors unlocked. She reached in the back and wiped off the snow. She slid into the seat, turned on the engine and cranked the heat high. With ease the large black SUV cut through the snow so Sasha could drive as if a cyclone were chasing her. Sasha was glad the windows were fogged up because she couldn’t stop the steady stream of tears. They flew down her cheeks unchecked. She hated the fact that she cried now. Before, when she’d caved into the curse’s demands she had hit a bar and gotten drunk. As a Siren alcohol hit her twice as quick and there had been a time she’d embraced that. Not so anymore.

An hour later she drove the car in the hospital’s underground lot. Driving to her reserved spot, which had her name plate, Dr. S. Rivers, embossed on a plaque, she parked the SUV and fought for composure. She used her hand to clear her window and noticed someone had stuck an elf sticker on her parking plaque. Any other time that might have made her smile. Not tonight. Hard to believe the battle-thirsty Siren now used her skills to heal. If only the Sea Witch could see her now. Or maybe not thought Sasha, fearful the witch would send more curses her way.

Sasha changed in the vehicle out of her skimpy clothes and into more professional attire, equipped with her white coat and stethoscope. She checked her face in the mirror and yanked off the red wig. She wiped off any remnants of make-up. Dr. Sasha Rivers looked and acted like an ordinary, somewhat plain, doctor. She never dressed up and most certainly didn’t wear four-inch heels to work. The heels were always the last part of Sasha’s disguise to come off. She might hate having legs but wearing high heels always made her feel sexy. At least tonight her boots were wet and cold because of the snow so she didn’t mind ditching them in the back of her vehicle.

She laced up her shoes once outside of her vehicle and took in a fortifying breath. Only once she’d tightened the laces up on her flat and boring-as-hell granny shoes did she push her shoulders back. With purpose she walked out of the underground parking lot to the eighth ward—the cancer ward. If only her Siren sisters could see her now. Death might be part and parcel of the curse but by becoming a doctor, Sasha felt at least she had control over something. If she was able to use her comfort and skills to help even one patient tonight, Sasha knew she’d feel marginally better.


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Chapter Two


Chase teased the nurse, who must have been close to sixty, trying for the third time to hook the IV into his arm. She laughed, and failed, again. Christ if he didn’t laugh he’d scream because getting poked by a needle hurt like hell. And did she have to be wearing a large shirt printed with a zillion tiny Rudolph the reindeer all over it? Chase turned his head and watched the small snowflakes falling fast outside the window. It was really coming down hard tonight and for a moment he inwardly laughed at the mess his work buddies would have to deal with. Normally he’d love a good snow storm but not when he was stuck inside a hospital. Storms made the nursing staff tense and that was never good.

Since he’d been down this road before, he knew all about putting on his poker face.

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