A Silence Heard (26 page)

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Authors: Nicola McDonagh

BOOK: A Silence Heard
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He leant over Deogol. “So, ye know how to get rid of yer implants do ye?” My bro did not respond. He looked to the others. “Ye have been fooling us all this while then? So why ask Adara to sing?”

The Meeks ignored him. He looked to me. I shrugged and heard

Eadgard mutter, “Your true mission? A trigger to spark the Meeks.”

I opened my gob to comment on his fateful words, but my voice was lost as the Meeks increased the level of their chanting to an ear-bleeding level. When all were grimacing with the noise, they stopped all ‘brupt-like.

The quiet that remained felt like a ghostie hand creeping over my neck and shoulders.

Wirt looked at Hildegunnr. She turned her head away. He looked to the ceiling and to the floor, opened his mouth and gave a great sob. Kendra put her arm around him. “My dear, come, rinse away the blood and sit for a sec. You are much upset. You need to calm.”

He pulled away from her and stepped back. “I need truth. That is what I need.” My distressed friend clutched at his hair and closed his eyes so tight that I thought he would never open them again. He did and gave us all a look so full of anger and confusion that Santy Breanna could not help but go to him. She touched his cheek as tenderly as she would a newbie, and Wirt relinquished his tormented expression.

“There now brave, Wirt, the occasion does not suit fretfulness. Time will come when one and all have the right to shriek their vexation to the wind

and let it carry away all hurt.”

Wirt absorbed my Santy’s wise words and stood taller than before. Kendra nodded to Eadgard and pointed at Pratt. Edwena knelt beside him. I felt nothing as she flung herself on his corpse and let forth a pitiful moan.

Hacket glared at the Meeks and did that rubbing thing he did before with the brocade on his sleeve. I watched the Meeks. He rubbed again. I saw them twitch a bit, then assume a blank expression.

Unable to contain the raging question that spiralled around my noggin, I went to Deogol.

“Am I the trigger?” He stared ahead of me, a look of empty in his eyes. I asked again. Nowt. A mumbling sound came from the comp my bro stared at, and I pushed my way between Esme and Elita. I leant over Deogol’s shoulder and saw images from outside.

The army that I had rendered immobile, were that no longer.

“Erm, the Agro army are up and about again,” I said.

Deogol snapped his head up and gave me a round-eyed glare. He rose speedily from his chair and clapped his hands. The other Meeks rushed over and stood in a circle around Hacket. He scratched at the emblem and the Meeks stiffened.

Eadgard, Kendra, Wirt and Santy walked speedily towards where I stood, and looked at the images on the screen. A dreadful noise arose from the speakers. The low, back-throat roar of anger. I stared at the black mass of Agro soldiers all grunting and waving their weapons in the air, and clutched at my belly. Now was not the time to start the reddies.

Hildegunnr’s eyed widened at the sight of Agro force. She backed away and said, “That was not supposed to happen.”

Her med staff rushed to her side and supported her as she wobbled. They led her to a bed and she sat, trembling. They plonked themselves beside her, a look of terror upon their faces.

I saw the other cured folk walk to where she sat and as if playing a game of ‘peas-in-a-pod’, they rested their fear-filled butts beside her and shuffled up close. The bed croaked and bevelled under their weight. I saw Hildegunnr clutch at the sheets.

Edwena moved all slow-footed over to Hacket, wiped her eyes and stood stiff and straight. He put his arm around Cenwig and spoke. “You see, it is your arrogance that will be your downfall. Oh yes, you can plot and plan and give us quite a fright, but we are stronger. We have tech and numbers on our side. You, you have a six-fingered freak with a voice that can easily be silenced.”

Hacket placed his hand on Deogol’s shoulder and whispered into his ear. When he had done, my bro walked up to me and lifted his arms as if to indicate he required an embrace. I did not think this unusual and was, in fact, hungry for such an action. So I bent towards him and he let me hug him hard.

I felt tightness in my throat as if some tiny fingers were wrapped around my windpipe.

“Deogol, stop. What are you doing my little earwig? Let go of your sister.”

I heard Santy’s words behind a roar of high voices.

Then, I sank to my knees, and before all went black, saw the Meeks grin.

Chapter Twenty-Three

What The Huff?

There was a whirlwind in my ears that gathered force and swooshed and whooshed around my noggin as if it were intent on pulling out my brains. My head swam, and all I could see before my half closed eyes were dancing lights. I swallowed, and my throat burned. I thought my arms must be tied down, for I could not raise them to wipe my face, which felt all hot and sticky. I slowed my breathing and tried to focus on the sounds outside my head. I heard my bro-bro’s voice saying, “No, please, do not send them.”

Then Hacket replying, “Fine, you go instead.”

There came a roar of, “No!” from the Meeks and then they screamed.

I struggled and writhed, but could not break free from whatever kept me still. I lifted my aching head, opened my eyes a bit, and saw my bro and the other Meeks bent double clutching at their heads. Something cold filled my arm. Everything became fuzzy as if I were looking into fog. In an attempt to right my sight, I peered at the big screen at the back of the room.

At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks, but as my vision stabilised, I did indeed see a huge gathering of renegades charging towards the Agro army. The screen went blank and I lowered my gaze. Between blinks, I saw Cenwig. He stood straight and spoke directly to Hacket.

“We will go. Stop hurting us, please.”

More squeals and heart-wrenching cries.

My head fell back and all went dark.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Coolness touched my forehead.

“Stay as if dead Sis, the plan is working. Keep your eyes closed and listen.” Deogol’s words confused me. I tried to speak, to ask him what the huff was going on, and why did he try to choke out my very existence. But I was unable to move. “Quick, do as I say before Hacket gets suspish.” I had no choice and did as he asked. Shutting my eyes tight, I feigned unconsciousness. “Out cold. I damaged her good and proper. She’ll not sing again that’s for sure,” he shouted out to who knows.

Santy called his name, and I heard the sound of fist on bone. All my muscles tensed. How I longed to open my peepers and see what’s what, but honoured my bro’s request instead. Although I did not trust his words or actions after what he did to me, there was a tone in his voice that suggested a truth of purpose. It gave me hope that he was my bro-bro again. Plus, I was beginning to think that Eadgard was right when he said I was the trigger. What had I unleashed?

I felt a breath on my cheek then the pressure of fingers on my neck. The touch was soft and had a calming effect. The chaos inside my noggin gave way to clarity and I was able to tune my lugs into the sounds and voices around me.

“The bruising is significant to be sure,” Hildegunnr said in a voice contrived and loud. “I will continue my examination and let you know the results. A thing I cannot properly do whilst you are standing so close.”

“Fine, I’ll go and check the bonds are tight enough on the prisoners. Make it fast, I itch to give back the thumps laid upon me.”

“Steady, Edwena, no play until the battle is over.” Hacket’s voice again. “Which will be soon and in our favour if I’m not mistaken.”

There came a howl of frustration. “Ye scabs on a wolfies behind. Ye used the Meeks as a shield against our forces.”

My bones chilled at the sound of Wirt’s words, but went colder still when Hacket replied, “They went willingly. I did not force them to sacrifice themselves for our cause.”

“Nay, but ye blasted them with that pain thingy till they didn’t know what they was doing. Then ye sent them outside when ye knew we were winning. Ye bully, ye filthy, evil…”

“Edwena, silence this youth. I am bored with his manic outbursts.”

I winced at the sound of something blunt hitting Wirt goodness knows where. Then I felt a tickling sensation on my lobe.

“Shhh, Adara, do not flinch. I will be as gentle as possible, but remain as if quite insensible.” Hildegunnr opened my mouth and slid a probing thing down my gullet. I struggled not to gag and give the game away, and was relieved in the extreme when whatever it was slipped out of my gob. “The damage is irreparable, Hacket. I’m sorry to say.”

“Ha! I’m not. Good kiddle, Deogol. You will be a great asset and no mistake.”



How could my bro do such a nasty to me?

Questions tumbled around my head and I thought I would burst from not knowing all that had occurred since my consciousness was taken from me.

“Don’t fret Sis, all is not as it seems,” my bro, the master at stating the obvious, whispered. “I must go and play my part.”

The mattress bounced a little as the weight of his body left the bed. I felt his absence keenly the instant he was gone.

“Hildegunnr, wake the brat up. I wish her to be fully alert when our soldiers return triumphant. I want her to see Deogol and his pals all content and eager to do our every wish,” Hacket said.

My entire self howled in silence. I vowed that when and if I had the chance, I would kill Hacket and his wolfwhore with nowt more than my naked mitts. A scratch on my upper arm and a low-voiced, “Wake, wake now,” caused me to open my eyes.

I blinked and saw a dreadful scene. Eadgard, Kendra, Wirt and Santy Breanna, bound tight to chairs. All with bruises and blood smeared on their faces and neck. Ragged-clothed guards stood behind and pressed a gun to their heads. I gave out a hoarse sigh, coughed, then lay still.

“Bring her back.”

“I’ll need to untie her and sit her up. Otherwise, she’ll probably choke. Adara’s oesophagus is very swollen and she will have much difficulty in breathing.”

“Fine, fine, just make sure she doesn’t try to inflict any damage.”

“She’s hardly capable of taking in air, let alone attempting an attack upon you and Edwena.”

“Just do what you must do.”

I felt the constriction ease and Hildegunnr slip her hands behind my back and push me into a sitting position. She did not relinquish her hold upon me until I stopped wobbling. My head fell back onto the pillow, and I gripped onto the edge of the mattress until the dizziness passed. Hacket approached and stood at the end of the bed.

“See? I told you, we are stronger. Don’t look so angry, it’s over. You failed we won. Pity about all of the burnt crops. Don’t know how we’ll manage to feed everyone without grain. Wait, I do know. We won’t. Because of you and your pathetic attempt at overthrowing our control over this squalid land, food will be in very short supply. You and yours and them and theirs will starve. And they’ll blame you with their dying breath. The irony is though that we did it. We set fire to the crops.’’

My hands became fists and weak as I was I managed to plant a punch on his jaw when he leant in close to say his final words. Edwena screeched when she saw Hacket stagger back, and raced over to where I was propped up. She raised her hand high into the air and brought it down hard across my face. Despite the frightful stinging of my flesh, I gave her a satisfied grin.

“Let me finish the freak.”

“No,” Hacket said and rubbed his jaw. “Better to let her rot and wither with the rest. A slow death is more fitting.”

Edwena peeled her lips back from her teeth and chortled most horribly. “You are right. What a fitting end to her grand mission, than seeing it all collapse before her eyes. What vanity to think that you could defeat us.” She walked towards me and smirked even smugger than before. “Does it hurt to know that your bro is a traitor, and worse, a potential killer? Sweet indeed the punishment for the crime of pride.”

Her words lay heavy in my gut. For I was to be sure verging on the side of swagger before Deogol squeezed my neck. Edwena gave one last snicker and went back to Hacket. She led him away and they began their close-headed chittle chat. What evilness they were brewing up I could not tell. I turned my head away and caught the eye of Hildegunnr, who was standing by the side of the bed. She gave me a subtle wink and nodded in the direction of the Meeks.

Deogol tip-tapped on a comp. Esme and Elita joined him. They bent to scrutinise the screen, looked at each other and grinned. Elita stepped forward, pressed her finger onto the round indent on her forehead and closed her eyes. Deogol and Esme did the same. They made the humming sound that meant business, and on hearing it, Hacket broke free from Edwena and marched up to them.

“What? What is this? Who gave you authorisation to stop work?” They paid him no heed. His face reddened and he stretched his bod so that he appeared taller than he was. Thusly menacing, or so he thought, he spoke in a loud, low voice, “Speak when you are spoken to.” The Meeks remained tight-lipped. “Do as I say!” he near shrieked, then took to rubbing the brocade on his sleeve. To his and everyone else’s astonishment, nowt occurred. He did it several times more and then looked over his shoulder at Edwena. She shrugged.

Then Elita spoke, “Your power gone Agro. We stop it. We take back what was took. We now have power.”

“What? Do not test me little ones. I will hurt you if I have to.” Hacket raised his fists, but Elita stopped a potential pounding with a small smile. Which was so full of resolve and determination that he could do nowt but lower his hands.

“Cannot. Power gone,” Elita said and walked calmly back to my bro and Esme, who were already deep in comp stuff.

Hacket stood in the centre of the room and stared at the few remaining guards. They lowered their heads and he lost all colour to his face. Hildegunnr walked towards him. She stood close to his statue-like form and said, “I would take the hand of your colleague right now. Things are about to occur.” She brushed against his shoulder and he shuddered. Edwena ran to him and clutched at his sleeve.

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