Read A Sheik's Spell Online

Authors: Eboni Snoe

A Sheik's Spell (11 page)

BOOK: A Sheik's Spell
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The comers of Waheedah’s pretty mouth showed that was not the answer she expected. It perturbed her even more because she knew Na’im was aware of her implica
tion, but he preferred to feign ignorance.

‘ ‘I understand there will be scientists milling about the grounds for a couple of weeks. Do you have any idea how long they will be staying? I’m used to my privacy, you see, and quite unaccustomed to being in such close quarters with foreigners.”

“I don’t think Na’im can answer that. As I told you before, this project involves so much, it would be hard to predict a time frame.”

Na’im and Waheedah both turned as Felicia, Fatimah and Ilyas strolled into the room. Felicia looked to be the epitome of calmness as she glanced first at Waheedah and then Na’im. A smile began to pull at the comers of her mouth, but she fought it. Obviously, Waheedah had expected her to come to dinner in one of the servant’s uniforms, her face showed such great surprise. Na’im, standing by her side, appeared a little stunned, though he recovered quickly. Felicia felt as if she had struck a direct hit against her enemy in their silent little war.

“I must agree with Felicia. I’ve never been a man to disagree with anyone who looks as perfect as she does tonight,” Na’im smiled approvingly.

awkward silence that followed was broken by the servants serving tea. Waheedah insisted upon dominating all of Na’im’s attention after he had openly complimented Felicia. Felicia, in turn, felt more at ease conversing with Fatimah and Ilyas. Actually, Fatimah served more as an interpreter, since Ilyas spoke very little English.

Occasionally, Felicia felt Na’im’s magnetic eyes on her face. His look smoldered with more than the heat from the small cup of tea.

One of the servants entered the room, excused herself, then spoke briefly with Na’im.

‘ ‘It seems we will be having guests for dinner,’ ’ Na’im announced.

No sooner had he spoken than three men were shown into the drawing room. The ambiance immediately changed from restrained and quiet to an exuberant display of old friends being reunited

“Fil-ly!” Phillip exclaimed as he hugged and kissed Felicia, nearly picking her up off the floor. ‘ ‘Let me look at you. You are tres magnifique. Egypt agrees with you,” he proclaimed in English accented heavily by his native tongue, French. “I expected to find you scrawny and sad looking, not looking like a princess.”

Felicia hugged Phillip for dear life. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed him. Tears came to her eyes as he held her at arms length, still chiding her.

“Ooh la la. Had I known you’d miss me this much, I would have stayed away from you sooner,” he grinned.

Dear Phillip. Being nothing but his old devilish self and meaning no harm. When she had first met Phillipe Moncharde, they became very good friends. His fun- seeking personality made it easy, but after awhile he’d made it known that he wanted to be more than friends. Felicia had just broken up with Alvin, and she was not ready for another relationship. At the time, Phillip said he understood. But from time to time, in his playful manner, he still reminded her of how she had rejected him.

“Hello, George and
...William Ashley, isn’t it?”

The older man nodded his compliance. In her jubila
tion at seeing Phillip again, Felicia had completely forgotten her manners.

‘ ‘Oh, excuse me, please. Phillipe Moncharde, I’d like to introduce you to Na’im Raoul Rahman. His family owns die estate here where we will be working. Na’im, this is George Mercer and William Ashley, the other research team members.”

Na’im responded graciously to the introductions, but Felicia detected a hint of resentment in his eyes as he shook hands with Phillip.

Everyone else was introduced after that, and in good time, because dinner was ready to be served.

Numerous wall sconces were lit in the informal dining room, which featured an eight-piece dining room set with gilded armchairs. Fatimah informed them the formal dining room could seat as many as fifty people. Everyone appeared to be duly impressed, except Waheedah.

“It is customary in our country for families with status such as the Rahmans to be prepared to entertain visitors from other sheikdoms. We are a people rich in more than tradition.”

Na’im was seated at the head of the table, with Felicia at his right and Waheedah on his left. By now, Felicia had made up her mind that the less attention she gave Waheedah, the better off she’d be. She found the woman to be completely annoying and stuck on herself. And if Na’im intended to marry her, good for him.

Several dishes were placed in the center of the table.

‘ ‘So what do we have here?’ ’ Phillip inquired, pointing at a pastry-type substance.

Na’im sat back quietly, forcing Fatimah to play host

“This is called tahini. Sesame seeds are ground into a paste for this dish. And this is hummus, made from finely ground chickpeas. They are both very good.”

Felicia and the others watched as the natives dunked their pita bread into the liquid concoctions, and then proceeded to imitate them.

“It is so kind of you to allow us to complete our research here on your grounds. I can’t imagine how Felicia has convinced you to do it. Providing housing and food for four strangers is really rather noble. And seeing that you’re getting nothing out of it, I must commend you.”

‘ ‘Well, I wouldn’t say I’m getting nothing out of it, Mr. Moncharde. A true businessman always finds a way to benefit from everything. Besides, I have found Felicia to be very resourceful in many ways.”

Na’im turned a dark, veiled glance in Felicia’s direc
tion that revealed little, but his words had implied much.

‘ ‘By the way, is the site for the lab actually in the main part of the house?” Phillip asked.

“No, it is not,” Na’im, responded. There are several smaller structures on the property. The lab will be housed in one of them. And you will be given another for sleeping.”

“Well, Filly, how do you like the idea of having to share sleeping quarters with us fellows. You’ve often talked about how messy I am, and believe me, George and William aren’t any better.”

‘ ‘Felicia will not be sleeping on the grounds with you,” Na’im informed him. “She will sleep where she’s always slept. Here in the house.”

Phillip shot Felicia a sideways glance that posed all the questions he wanted to ask, but couldn’t. It was Waheedah who decided that this was her golden opportunity to make a point.

“I do know a little about teamwork, Na’im. From what I understand, building camaraderie among a team’s members helps them to work together better.”

“I think Na’im is right. Felicia should remain in the house. She is the only female in the group. And she has already settled here. I’ve just begun to enjoy her com
pany,” Fatimah interjected.

“I must say, I enjoy being the center of attention, but as you all know, I can speak for myself. I think I should be the one to decide where I will or will not sleep, to be totally honest with you.”

The multiple clatter of castanets erupted in the dining room, as the next dishes were served. The smell of spices filled the air, as stuffed swordfish and pigeons stewed with vegetables were placed on the plates of those who desired it. The meat was complemented by fava beans, prepared in a variety of ways.

The conversation changed after the food was served, to more general topics.
Egyptian customs and foods.

Religious beliefs. Music. Fatimah and Waheedah pro
vided the majority of the information that Phillip and the others sought, while Na’im remained unnervingly quiet.

A dignified matron of massive proportions joined the dinner party. Na’im informed them that she was the head cook and wanted to know how they were enjoying the meal. Everyone voiced
their compliments. Phillip was the most vocal.

“I have never partaken of a more succulent meal. It pains me to think that it is over.”

“Not quite, Mr. Moncharde,” Na’im chimed in. “My favorite portion of the course is yet to come.”

The huge cook snapped twice, curling her fingers in a snake-like manner. “Kadin budu,” she announced.

Servants appeared with platters of plump, puffy pastries filled with an assortment of sweets.

Looking directly at Felicia, Na’im interpreted the desserts’ names in a most seductive voice. “We Egyptians are known for showing our appreciation for feminine charms. Take these soft, moist treats for instance; well named, ladies’ thighs. I myself find them simply irresist
ible. My favorites are fill^ with chocolate.”

‘ ‘And what are these called, or should I ask?’ ’
snickered Mercer, the youngest of the male research members.

Na’im’s explanation had caused quite a blush on Fatimah’s face.

“These extremely sweet, small swirls are olm aly, or ladies’ navels. Quite a resemblance, don’t you think?” By this time, Felicia and Waheedah were both fuming; Waheedah, because of the attention Felicia was receiving; Felicia, because she felt Na’im was being far too brash. Only the men seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Felicia had lilittle to say during dessert. She made a point of not looking or speaking to Na’im.

On the other hand, Phillip, who admired jewels, gave Waheedah quite a compliment on her earrings and neck
lace. That was all she needed to appease her wounded honor. She spent the rest of the meal elaborating on her extensive jewelry collection, which had been in her family for generations.

Time couldn’t pass fast enough for Felicia. The quicker she could leave the dining table, the better off she would be.

Finally, Phillip and the others began to excuse themselves, citing a day full of travel and a need to rise early the next day to get started in the lab.

Felicia walked them to the door, but Na’im insisted that Kareem show them where they would sleep. Actually, Felicia didn’t mind. She couldn’t imagine herself walking that far across the grounds dressed as she was. But Na’im’s outward display of dominance infuriated her, so she was glad when she was able to return to her room and lock her door.

Na’im was not far behind.




Chapter Seventeen



“Open the door, Felicia.”

She refused to answer him.

‘ ‘You have made me a promise. And you will open this door now!”

Felicia flung the door open. She crossed to the opposite side of the room, fastening the belt to her robe.

“I’ve got one thing to say to you, Felicia. As long as you remain in ray house, you will only have a working relationship with Phillipe Moncharde. If I find out you have disobeyed, you will not be able to conduct the remainder of your research project here. Do you under
stand me?”

“Do l
understand you? I’m sorry to say l really do. You want me here in your bedroom at your beck and call, while your wife-to-be stays chaste in another wing of the house.’ ’ ‘ ‘This has nothing to do with Waheedah. Your actions are what I am speaking of tonight I am not a man to be crossed, Felicia. You have only seen one side of me. Do not make me show you the other.”

“Are you threatening me,
Na’im. Just what are you going to do to me, if I disobey you? Beat me? Pull my

out? Or do you plan some other primitive way of torture that probably runs in your family?”

“There is one way I can torture you, aros al bher, that is worse than all others. It is the one I would most regret.’ ’ Na’im locked Felicia’s bedroom door behind him. “Now come here before me and remove your robe.” Felicia couldn’t believe her ears. “What do you think I am, that you can turn me on and off like a faucet.”

“I know what you are. You are my woman. Not Phillipe Moncharde’s or anyone else’s. And now I am going to remind you of that.”

Na’im crossed the floor, ridding himself of his clothes as he walked. He stopped right behind Felicia, his body barely touching hers. With nimble fingers, he untied the belt to her robe and slipped it off her shoulders.

Felicia stood there holding her breath, afraid to breathe. She feared if she did, her body would give in to the feelings that were beginning to stir inside of her. Damn it, I won’t do it. I won’t give in to him. But she knew her determinations were in vain.

Na’im’s hands explored her breasts, as he pulled her back against him.

“You are mine, azizi. Even now when you don’t want to be. I am in your blood. Just as the sand and the desert are inseparable, so shall be your need for me.”

Passionate kisses rained down Felicia’s neck and shoulders, kindling a fire inside that only Na’im could quench. Strong arms turned her to face him, lifting her off the floor in their ardor. One hand sought her out and found her ready for the taking. Fiercely he impaled her, sending ripples of pleasure throughout her. With savage fury, they sought to exorcise their need for one another. Again and again, Felicia cried out as if a woman possessed.

And she was. Possessed by Na’im. Her body...his. Her mind...his. Then, at last they exploded in a frenzy of sexual bliss.

BOOK: A Sheik's Spell
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