A Shadow of Wings (12 page)

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Authors: Linda Gayle

BOOK: A Shadow of Wings
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Nevertheless, Dylan assumed the position Cam had shown him, feet spread, fists up to protect his face, and Cam came in with a slow-motion right hook. Dylan grabbed his forearm, ducked under it, hip-checked him, and tried like hell to heave him over his shoulder. And succeeded only in grinding his ass against Cam’s groin. Cam grunted, but Dylan didn’t think it was in pain. 

Before he could blink, Cam had his foot between Dylan’s feet and had leveraged him around. Dylan barely had time to gasp before he slammed back onto the mat. “Fuck!”

Cam sat down heavily beside him, legs crossed, wrists hanging over his knees. “If one strategy doesn’t work, you must try another. If you can’t throw me, there are other things you can do. Drive an elbow into my ribs, or twist behind me to put an arm around my throat.”

He’d told Dylan these things before, but Dylan really, really wanted to throw him, dammit. He harrumphed and sat up gingerly. “I just feel like I oughta get one thing mastered before I move on to something else.”

“In a fighting situation, your enemies won’t give you time to master anything. You must be flexible.” 

Dylan dragged his hand over his face. “Flexible has never been my thing.”

“I did notice you have a wee stubborn streak.” Cam stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back on the palms of his hands. “Look at it this way, you might not have mastered it, but at least you didn’t give up.”

“Yeah, well, I think I’m giving up now.” Dylan rubbed his ribs, which were, in truth, still a little sore from the other night. “Hey, why do you have to do this shit anyhow when you got those magic eyes?”

Cam adjusted the worn tan goggles. “It wouldn’t exactly be a fair fight.”

“So what? Fuck ’em.”

“That’s not our philosophy.”

Dylan peered at him. The goggles were made of worn, tan stitched leather with what looked like brass fittings, and buckled around the back of Cam’s head. They were slitted so that Cam could look out, but Dylan, or any other fighting partner, wouldn’t get the full effect of his gaze. Cam had explained that he sometimes sparred with the novice brothers, and so he wore this to protect them. That answered one question, at least. The brothers weren’t like Cam and Tash. “Those goggles are real sexy.”

Cam snorted and leaned back on his elbows, stretching out. 

“Am I ever going to see your eyes again?” Dylan rolled onto his side next to Cam, his cheek propped on his fist. “Up until the clash at the door, I kind of liked looking at them.”

“I don’t know if it’s safe. I couldn’t ask Tash about it, and the brothers wouldn’t be any happier than Tash if they knew you were here with me now. And what if I hurt you? I couldn’t live with that.”

Dylan scooted closer. God, the kid smelled even better sweaty, like salty lemons. All that physical exertion had distracted Dylan from being horny for a while, but now that his muscles were warmed up and his blood was pinging through him, he began to get ideas again. He’d planned a nice slow seduction for this afternoon, but maybe they could do a little warm-up before the big event after the movie. 

“Well, I can’t live with always having to look at you through shades. Or these fucking slits.” 

He reached for the goggles, but Cam jerked his head aside. “Don’t.”

“C’mon, dude. It’s all right. It was just that you panicked last night. You’re not worried now, are you?” When Cam scowled, Dylan ran his hand soothingly over Cam’s belly and up between his nipples to the thick gold chain circling his neck. His skin was smooth, with only the finest smattering of dark hair. His abs were ripped, and he had the tightest waist. Jesus, what a body. Dylan could hardly wait to have it writhing under him later. He edged up closer, rising on an elbow to kiss that scowl away.

Cam was stingy at first, barely responding. He didn’t like talking about his eyes, that much was clear. Dylan eased back. “Relax. I promise I won’t try to take them off, okay?”

He couldn’t read the expression in Cam’s eyes, of course, but the frown remained and Cam’s eyebrows scrunched down. “You still want me, even after that? After what I did?” His voice softened gloomily at the end, and Dylan felt a pang in his gut. Dumb kid.

“I’m here, ain’t I? I came all the way over here this morning to see you.”

“Not just to drop off the dog?”

Gertie lay curled in a ball in the corner of the room. “Some guard dog she is, huh? Sleeping it off while you wipe the floor with me.” He cocked a grin at Cam, who still looked worried. Dylan rubbed Cam’s belly again, growing serious. “I swear, I want you so bad it’s all I can think about. Even after I came to, after I was done wondering what the hell happened, I knew I had to see you again. You were just scared, baby. Like a frightened little kitten.”

“Kitten?” Cam finally broke out in laughter. 

“Yeah, you know, all hissing and spitting with your fur standing up. So adorable.”

He shook his head. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

“Then don’t say anything. Just kiss me, okay?”

Still smiling, Cam canted over and met Dylan’s mouth with his own. Oh yeah, that was more like it. Dylan wrapped his hand around the back of Cam’s head and plunged his tongue into Cam’s mouth, giving him a kiss he wouldn’t forget. Within seconds, Cam was breathing hard and clutching at Dylan’s shoulder, and Dylan easily nudged him onto his back, following him down, never losing lip contact.

They broke apart long enough for Dylan to throw his leg over Cam’s hips and straddle him. “Now I got you where I want you. Didn’t even have to use karate.”

Cam ran hungry hands up over Dylan’s chest. “Maybe I’ve got
where I wanted.”

“Then we’re both happy.” He scooted down a bit so Cam’s hard dick lay under his ass. “I really like the way you get so hot so fast.”

“I don’t know how else to be since I met you.” He dragged his nails over Dylan’s nipples, and the shivery sensation shot straight to his balls. “Is that good?” His voice a rough whisper, he thumbed Dylan’s nips.

“Fuck yeah.” Bending down, Dylan drew the tip of his tongue in a circle around Cam’s nipple, and Cam jolted, then breathed out heavily. “See, nice, huh?”

“So good.” Now his hands roamed freely, stroking Dylan’s arms, his chest, his thighs. “Can’t we… I want…more.”

Something about the half-choked tone of his words let Dylan know asking for such a thing wasn’t easy for Cam. He cupped Cam’s face in his palm and kissed him gently. “I got more planned for you, sugar.
the movie.” He was just enough of a dick to tease.

“I can’t wait that long. More now, please. Something.”

Cam sat up straight again, his palms on Cam’s chest. “What did you have in mind?”

The dark brows scrunched over the goggles. “Anything.”

“You must have some ideas.” He flicked his fingers over Cam’s nipples again, trailed them lower, over Cam’s belly. He had the tiniest little belly button Dylan had ever seen, hardly more than a scar. 

There wasn’t time to dwell on it because Cam whispered, “I want to suck your dick.”

Chapter Nine

Cam stared up through his goggle slits at the man he yearned for more than anything else in creation. Dylan’s dirty blond hair stood in a damp mess around his flushed face, and his blue eyes gazed intently. The bruise on his cheek had begun to fade but still gave him a rough, appealing edge. Of course Dylan tried to peer past the slits, but the goggles were cleverly designed. Part of Cam appreciated the freedom they afforded him, as he could look at his lover to his heart’s content, but part of him longed for that unhindered connection. He swallowed drily and murmured, “Would that be all right?”

“Hell, yeah. I think I could handle that.” Dylan’s crooked smile made Cam all tingly inside, and when he bent to kiss Cam again, he eagerly opened for the slide of their tongues. 

Cam had never felt this way, nearly transported by the desire ricocheting inside him. Dylan’s ass on his cock, his tongue in his mouth, his hands on either side of Cam’s face—heaven, pure paradise. Dylan’s dominant position, on his knees, bracing either side of Cam’s waist, sent Cam’s brain into a whirl. He wanted Dylan to take control, show him what to do. Teach him. Cam had always been an outstanding student.

As if he’d read his mind, his lover sat back and thumbed open the snap of his jeans. “You do the rest,” Dylan ordered.

With a quick swipe of his tongue across his lower lip, Cam reached for Dylan’s zipper. He eased it down, aware at every moment of Dylan’s ragged breathing, of his fists opening and closing over his thighs, of his stare boring into him. Cam pushed his fingers inside the pants and felt the steely length of Dylan’s cock. “Don’t you ever wear underwear?” he asked with a laugh.

“They just get in the way. Commando’s better. Faster, if you know what I mean.”

“I do know what you mean.” He slid his fingers into the jeans and touched bare skin, tight and hot, and then up farther, to the fat head, already slick with precum. He pulled out his fingers and touched the salty drop to his tongue.

“Oh fuck.” Dylan took a big, audible breath and rubbed himself through his parted jeans. “You like that?”

Cam could only nod. “More,” he whispered. His own cock swelled and ached for release, still trapped under Dylan’s butt. Later. Now was for this.

Dylan inched forward until his knees were in Cam’s armpits. He pushed his jeans down his narrow hips as far as his position would allow, and Cam shifted until Dylan’s thick prick filled his waiting palm. The shaft was flushed a deep red, the head even darker, and another pearl oozed from the slit. Cam had only to lift his head and extend his tongue to catch it. 

With a grunt, Dylan pushed his cock past Cam’s lips, and Cam’s mouth flooded with the earthy taste of him. He dragged his tongue under the head and over the slit, then sucked him in as far as he could. He felt Dylan cup the back of his head and appreciated the support. It meant he could drag him in deeper and faster and not wear out his neck. 

If he had any doubts he was doing a good job, Dylan erased them with his muttered cursing and encouragement. “Fuck yeah, baby, that is so good. Use your tongue, mm. Suck it. You like that dick in your mouth?”

His dirty talk had Cam’s head ringing and his blood pounding. The smooth back-and-forth of his hips urged him on. Dylan’s cock felt like it could burn his tongue, it was so hot, so full, and all Cam could think about, beyond the bliss of pleasing his first human lover, was how good this relentless shaft would feel inside him. He clenched his ass cheeks and lifted his hips, seeking relief for his own arousal. He threw back his head, clutching Dylan’s shaft in his fist. “Dylan,” he gasped out. “I want you to come in my mouth.”

“Yeah, sugar, no problem, trust me.” Dylan’s fingers scored roughly across Cam’s scalp, reestablishing their hold in his hair. Even the sharp tug felt erotic. Cam swallowed down his cock again, moaning as Dylan’s hips rolled sensually, the thick rod stretching Cam’s lips. “Jesus, Cam, you sure you never did this before?”

He pulled back enough to say, “Never. But I’ve dreamed.”

“I bet you have. I can tell. Mm, yeah, nice and slow.” Controlling Cam’s head, Dylan pushed his cock inch by inch into his mouth again, and Cam obliged him by rolling his tongue all around it. He let it go again, nudged the wet length up with his cheek, and managed to lap at Dylan’s balls. Their position made the angle difficult, and his neck strained, but Dylan hissed in a breath, then reared up to shove his jeans down even more. He bent a leg over Cam’s shoulder so his balls hung right near his eager, waiting mouth. 

Tonguing his sac offered a new palette of delicious flavors—sweat and musk and soap. The beast in him snarled with heady lust. Cam clutched at Dylan’s thighs, then used a hand to push his cock back between his lips. When Dylan made a helpless grunt beneath his breath, Cam knew he was close. He alternated briefly between balls and cock, then got bold and slid his fingers around to Dylan’s ass.

The move made Dylan growl out a throaty, “Yeah.” 

Cam glanced up to see his lover’s eyes were shut tight, his lower lip caught fast between his teeth, his breathing unsteady. Dylan’s fingers clutched convulsively in Cam’s hair, but the bite of pain only added to Cam’s excitement. He might be the one with the dick down his throat, but he felt more in control, more empowered, than he ever had in his life. And when he boldly dragged his fingertips down the crack of Dylan’s ass and fingered his hole while he sucked hard on Dylan’s cock, he got his reward. 

With a drawn-out groan, Dylan came, flooding Cam’s mouth. Cam nearly choked, it was so much, so novel, but he swallowed fast, his body rising on a new wave of heat. Then he went rigid as he climaxed too, untouched, his hips arching, bare toes curling hard. God above, the waves of pleasure rolling through him were almost as good as if Dylan had returned the favor. 

He felt the wet stain spread behind his zipper but couldn’t bring himself to care. It was worth it. As his lover’s spent cock slipped from his mouth and the last tremor racked his body, Cam licked his lips, panting, and rubbed his sore jaw.

Dylan slid back, then ran his hands up Cam’s arms and held them above Cam’s head against the floor while he kissed him deeply. This notion of tasting yourself had never occurred to Cam, but he’d loved it last night, and by the way Dylan’s tongue swept around the inside of his mouth, Dylan liked it too. It was the perfect ending to his first given blowjob.

“That was ah-ma-zing.” Dylan sat up again, his weight heavy on Cam’s belly. “Now how about you, baby?”

“Too late. I couldn’t wait.”

“Shot your load, eh? That’s cool. Kind of hot you got so turned on.”

The goggle slits narrowed his field of vision down to just Dylan’s wonderful face and his gleaming blue eyes, sleepy with satisfaction, and that wonderful mouth, slanted with humor. Truly, everything was right with Cam’s world. “I think I want to take a nap now.”

“Nuh-uh, not a chance. We got a movie to catch.”

“I appreciate your effort, but really”—he plucked at the open waist of Dylan’s jeans, so warm and content he could close his eyes—“haven’t I worn you out yet?”

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