A Secret Life (59 page)

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Authors: Benjamin Weiser

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Germany, #World, #True Crime, #Espionage

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Balcerowicz, Leszek (Deputy Prime Minister)
Barszcz, Barbara (wife of Roman Barszcz)
Barszcz, Leon (brother of Roman Barszcz)
Barszcz, Roman (friend of RK)
Bernstein, Carl (reporter)
Blee, David (Soviet Division Chief) profile of
RK communication plans
RK motivation for collaboration
RK suicide pill request
Soviet operations
Boggs, Sally (pseudonym)
Gull operation counterintelligence review
Gull operation security issues review
Bonn Station
CIA staff in
initial contact from Polish officer (P.V.)
Brerewood, Ruth (pseudonym)
Gull operation
safe house for Kuklinski family
Brezhnev, Leonid (Soviet Leader) appointment as Warsaw Pact Supreme
martial law plans
Brown, Harold (Defense Secretary)
brush-pass technique and development of
Brzezinski, Zbigniew (National Security Adviser)
honors Kuklinski
Kuklinski case negotiations
Soviet intervention in Poland
Burggraf, Sue (CIA operations officer)
Kuklinski family exfiltration
meeting with RK
Warsaw Station assignment
Bush, George (CIA Director)
Buzek, Jerzy (Polish Prime Minister), Kuklinski visit
cameras for filming secret documents
CIA supplies for RK darkroom of RK
Tubka (CIA miniaturized camera)
Zorka (Soviet camera)
car pass/moving car delivery (MVD) technique and development of
cars and exchanges
black Volga as official car for RK
car parts for RK as cover for meetings
RK’s in repair shop vehicles driven by CIA officers in Warsaw
Carson, Sally.
Forden, Sally (Carson)
Carter, Jimmy (U.S. president)
CIA Director appointment
foreign military intervention in Poland, message to Moscow
foreign military intervention in Poland, public statement opposing
inaugural address
martial law in Poland, CIA “Alert”
trip to Warsaw
Casey, William (CIA Director)
Distinguished Intelligence Medal awarded to RK
Kuklinski family exfiltration approved by
leak to Vatican
article on Kuklinski
Chocha, Boleslaw, Gen.
chief of the General Staff appointment
Kuklinski introduced at General Staff Academy
Kuklinski as staff officer under
profile of
surveillance missions of the
, approval for
Church, Frank (Senator), CIA investigative hearings
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Congressional investigative hearings
Deputy Director of Operations (DDO)
founding of
safe houses
secret document priorities
secret writing or scorch technique
source identity, masking of
SOVA (Office of Soviet Analysis)
Soviet agent betrayal
Soviet agent recruitment
training of spouses in denied areas
translators (Russian and Polish) for Gull operation
See also
Bonn Station; Soviet Division; Vienna Station; Warsaw Station
Cieplowski, Jaroslaw, Maj. (military prosecutor), Kuklinski case
clandestine communications
brush-pass technique and development of
car pass/moving car delivery (MVD) technique and development of
“dead drop”
Discus/Iskra (electronic transmitting device)
list of options for communicating with RK
signaling/chalk marks for messaging
tradecraft of CIA
classified documents.
secret documents; security issues
Clinton, Bill (U.S. president), Kuklinski case
Colby, William (CIA Director)
Colonel Henry
health of
meetings in Copenhagen (1974)
meetings in Copenhagen (1976) meetings in Europe (1973)
meetings in Kiel (1975)
mistaken identity of “twin” by RK
profile of “Wally”
P.V. operation (1972)
shopping for Kuklinski (1973)
communications in denied areas
concentration camps
Conrad, Joseph
Czechoslovakia, Prague Spring/Operation
Danube invasion of
Daniel (code name for David Forden)
description of RK
exfiltration of Kuklinski family
first meeting with RK in Hamburg (1973)
gift of pen to RK
Gull case operation
letters from P.V.
letters to P.V.
meeting at Andrews Air Force Base
meetings in Copenhagen (1974)
meetings in Copenhagen (1976)
meetings in Europe (1977)
meetings in Hamburg (1973)
meetings in Kiel (1975)
RK’s American citizenship celebration
Soviet Division Chief appointment
Soviet Division chief of operations appointment
Vienna Station appointment
See also
Forden, David W. (CIA officer)
Daniluk, Piotr (Polish military prosecutor)
Davies, Richard (U.S. Ambassador to Poland), Kuklinski case
Davis, Evan (pseudonym), at Warsaw Station
debriefings of Kuklinski in U.S.
Defense Ministers Committee Meetings
Bucharest (1980), martial law in Poland
Budapest (1977), Warsaw Pact forces
meeting in Poland (1979)
psychological toll of double life
Dewinski, Piotr (Polish lawyer)
Dimmer, John P., Jr. profile of
P.V. operation (1972)
Discus/Iskra (electronic transmitting device)
Distinguished Intelligence Medal
Dobbs, Michael (reporter)
as cover in “denied areas”
RK’s family pet Zula
Donnelly, Bill (Warsaw Station Chief)
Dulles, Allen (CIA Director), and CIA operations
Dwyer, Michael (pseudonym)
arrested during exchange
Warsaw Station assignment
Eagle (CIA officer)
identified as Richard Helms
letter of welcome for Kuklinski
Earnest, Peter (CIA case officer)
economy in Poland
crisis situation
food price increases
Soviet war plans and
Eighteenth Anti-Landing Battalion in Kolobrzeg
Eleventh Mechanized Regiment in Biedrusko
Estes, Ron (CIA officer), training for denied areas
exfiltration of Kuklinski
CIA evaluation
contingency plans for
emergency escape plans
failed pickup attempts
family response to exfiltration
for Kuklinski family
travel documents for RK’s family
use of sidearm during escape
Warsaw Station procedures
See also
suicide pill
Falk, Peter (TV detective Columbo)
Fifteenth Anti-Landing Battalion in Kolobrzeg
Fifth Mechanized Regiment in Szczecin
First Mechanized Division
Forden, Aurelia (wife of David Forden)
Forden, David W. (CIA officer, code name Daniel)
Athens Station Chief appointment
case officer for Kuklinski
CIA assignments
CIA interview and junior officer training (JOTS)
courtship and marriage to Sally Carson
divorce from Sally Carson
friendship with Kuklinski in U.S.
friendship with Peter Falk
Kuklinski case
leak to “Rome sources” investigation
marriage to Aurelia
profile of
Soviet Division Chief appointment
tutoring in Polish
Vienna Station Chief assignment
Warsaw Station Chief assignment
See also
Daniel (code name for David Forden)

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