A Scarlet Bride (12 page)

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Authors: Sylvia McDaniel

BOOK: A Scarlet Bride
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Raising his glass, he said, "To a long, happy union with my beautiful wife."

His blue eyes darkened to a crystal blue flame as their glasses clinked together. Alexandra took a sip of the champagne, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat. His words were a chilling reminder of how marriage should be.

"You looked stunning tonight," he said, his voice velvety soft.

Alexandra swallowed the lump that lodged in her throat. He was incredibly handsome, they were married, and he was here to test her willpower."Thank you." She reached up and touched her hand against her neck. "It's rather warm in here. Could we open a window?"

Connor smiled and put his glass down. Walking to the window, he drew the drapes open and pushed up the glass pane.

"That's much better," Alexandra replied, feeling the crisp air float into the room and brush against her heated skin.

Strolling back from the window, he
his elbow on the mantel and resumed his perusal of her. His dressing gown gaped open to reveal a bare masculine chest. Her knees suddenly felt weak as she eased into one of the Revival chairs. Why was she drawn to him? Why did it have to be this rake?

"How do you like your room?" he asked.

"It's very nice," she managed to mutter as she tried to calm her racing heart.

He poured himself a second glass of champagne and tried to refill her glass, though it was only half empty. "No, thank you, I think I've had enough champagne for one night."

"Another glass to relax and celebrate our marriage."

"One is sufficient."

In silence, they sipped their champagne, the bubbles tickling her nose.

"There are two things I'd like to have added to this room," she said finally.

He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "What?"

"A small desk."

"There's one in the morning room you can use."

"I'd like to have it brought to my room."

"You don't want to sit looking out into the garden as you handle your correspondence?"

"No. I'd rather have it in my bedroom."
A place where she would have control of her privacy.
There were still four chapters to complete on the second book about Gordon.
Four very telling chapters of their sadistic life.

He shrugged. "I'll arrange to have the desk moved in the morning. What else?"

Alexandra straightened her shoulders.
"The key to my room."

Connor choked on the champagne before he directed a pointed stare at her.

"I gave you my word that I would not force my attention upon you. Don't you believe me?"

Alexandra glanced down at her hands before she looked up at the tightening expression on his face. "It would guarantee me privacy."

For a moment he stared at her, his eyes a steely blue that left no doubt about his feelings. "Most married couples don't have a locked door between them."

She set her
glass of champagne down on the tray and stood. "But our marriage is different."

He sat his glass down on the tray and turned to face her, his eyes lingering on her lips.

The time to get him out of her room was now. "I think it's time to say good night"

Connor stood and took two steps toward Alexandra. He lifted a curl that lay nestled against her cheek. "You have the most exquisite hair. The color reminds me of burnished copper, with the softness of finest silk. I want to wrap my fingers in your curls and never let go."

Alexandra reached up to remove his hand. "Mr. Manning—"

"Connor," he said.

She pushed his hand to his side. "Connor, I'm really quite exhausted from the wedding."

He smoothed a curl away from her face, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. "Just one kiss, and then I'll go."

The feel of his hand was exquisite against her skin. She wanted him to continue, but that frightened her. Alexandra raised her eyebrows. "I think not. A kiss is what started all our troubles."

He reached out and pulled her hard against his chest. She squirmed in his arms, and had to tilt her head back to look up as he put his finger under her chin, raising it to the level of his lips. "Do not deny me this one small pleasure on our wedding night"

In fascination and terror, she watched as his mouth lowered onto hers. The taste of champagne lingered on his lips as he covered her mouth, mingling with the spicy scent of his cologne. A sweet languor filled her limbs, leaving her weak,
. She sagged against Connor, and he tightened his embrace. Moving his hands down her back to her buttocks, he pulled her against his lower body. His arousal was strong against her belly, and she moaned deep in her throat.

How easy it would be to let him satisfy this void that suddenly seemed to need filling. How easy to let him have his way on their wedding night. How easy to let him break her heart.

Connor's hand moved up and began to push aside her silken cover, searching for her breast. She put both hands between them and staggered away, trying to regain control of her traitorous body.

She must get him out of her room—now!

Reaching down, she picked up the tray and shoved it into his hands. Then quickly walking to the door, she pulled it open and stood waiting, her breathing ragged, her face flushed, her lips swollen from his kiss.

"Good night Connor," she exclaimed as he walked slowly through the door, a stunned look on his face.


His wedding night.
Damn and double damn, but he was spending it alone in his bedroom with a
bottle of champagne. At the ceremony, she had been pleasant. The ride home had been congenial, and somehow he had let his expectations rise, along with another part of his body, into thinking she had changed her mind about their sleeping arrangements. Obviously, that was not the case.

Connor knew she was attracted to him. She responded to his kisses, she trembled at his touch. So what held her back?

For a woman who had been accused of adultery, she appeared very careful about becoming enamored. Oh, they had kissed before, but both times, she had been reluctant at first. Not at all like the seductive temptress
he had
been led to believe she was. Yet, he was glad she had proven to be a puzzle. He was glad she was a challenge.

They had spoken of many things, but suddenly Connor realized he knew very little about her previous marriage. His friend, William, had relayed all Connor knew.
Nothing from Alexandra.
Could something from her first marriage be holding her back from giving herself to him?

Connor poured himself another glass of champagne. The bubbly sweet alcohol had given him a slight buzz, but he was still sober enough to know he wanted his wife. He wanted her in his bed filling his needs, his desires. Part of him even wanted to win her heart, as long as he retained control of his own.

He drained his champagne. Connor was going to become the most attentive husband Charleston had ever seen. He was going to investigate Gordon Thurston. Find out just what kind of husband Gordon Thurston had been to Alexandra. What had he done to her to make her so reluctant to give her heart?



Chapter Six


The cock was crowing, the house beginning to stir, when Connor made his way up the stairs with a tray laden with pancakes, eggs, hot chocolate, and a single pink rose from the garden. If their wedding had been a formal affair, they would be entertaining their families with a wedding breakfast. But instead of a passel of people sitting around a table, it would be the two of them, alone. And somehow he liked the image that thought induced.

It was the perfect start for their marriage. For the next two days, he had arranged to spend every minute he could with Alexandra. All duties had been passed onto his overseer.

For the next
hours he would scheme to court, and hopefully seduce, his lovely new wife.

Reaching the top of the stairs, he strolled into the sitting area adjoining their rooms, up to the door of her bedroom. His hand reached out to knock, but the image of kissing a sleepy Alexandra awake halted his fist. What did she look like with her hair splayed across the pillow, the shadow of sleep beneath her eyes? Would she snuggle beneath the covers, or shriek at him to leave the room?

However she awoke, he was anxious to see the woman who had filled his dreams last night. With the tray balancing in one hand, he pushed open the portal and stepped through into the bedroom. The sight of Alexandra awake and dressed, sitting in front of the opened windows, watching the dawn, pen and paper in hand, sent the tray wobbling precariously.

At the sound of his entrance she glanced up, a look of irritation on her beautiful face. She raised her brows as she gazed at him. "Do you often enter rooms unannounced?"

Connor closed his mouth and recovered from his shock. "Good morning, dear. No, but I wanted to surprise you this morning."

"I don't like surprises. That's one of the reasons I want a key to the lock on my door."

"I don't like being locked out," he announced cheerfully.

He set the tray down on the table and poured the chocolate into cups. Looking up, he noticed her shuffling papers,
what she'd written beneath a stack of loose documents. She glanced up, her gaze meeting his.

"You are up rather early this morning. I thought you would sleep in," Alexandra said as she rose and walked toward him. Her blue riding skirt swayed enticingly with the rhythm of her hips.

His eyes moved slowly up the length of her body, halting at the sight of her lips.
Strawberry pink, ripe and full, ready for the picking.
And he planned on tasting those lips this very day."This is a working plantation and I'm the boss. It's my job to get up early every morning."

As he handed her the cup and saucer, his fingers brushed against her velvety soft skin. The smell of chocolate was rich and sweet, but nothing compared to the scent of lilacs that emanated from Alexandra.

She lifted the cup to her lips and sipped her chocolate.

"Another example of how little we know each other. I've risen early most of my life."

"I'll keep that in mind," Connor said as he glanced around the room, noticing how she seemed to have settled in after he'd left last night. His eyes lingered on the stack of papers.

"I thought you would be a
person, an early afternoon riser," she said.

"I take my job very seriously since this is how I make our living. I don't have time to lollygag in bed. Though with the right woman ..."

A blush tinted her cheeks, making them rosy. "Connor Manning, I'll ask you to please watch your tongue."

He laughed.

"You think very highly of yourself and your charms, Mr. Manning."

"You play the blushing bride very well, my dear." He knew she had been married before and innocent she was not. Yet it did seem strange there was such a difference between her reputation and her perception of the world. She acted like an innocent who knew more than she should.

"I've had experience with the state of marriage before, Mr. Manning."

"I know, Alexandra. But you're married to me now. I'm your husband. So as I asked last night, call me Connor."

She fidgeted in one of the Louis XV chairs upholstered in purple and gold
and nodded. "I'm trying."

"Don't give up," he said, handing her a plate. He proceeded to spoon the eggs onto her dish.

She took a deep breath, the bodice of her riding gown, swelling.
"Smells wonderful.
I'm so glad we didn't have to sit through a formal occasion."

"Did you have one with your last wedding?" he questioned, his eyes fixed on the pancakes he was dishing out. He wanted to look at her, but was afraid she could see his curiosity about her first marriage. There was so much he wanted to know, but was afraid to ask.

"Yes. And it was quite a bore. The whole wedding was frightfully stiff, overdone, and very expensive. I much preferred our small quiet ceremony."

Connor relaxed, relieved that she had been pleased with the arrangements. He and Aunt Clara had taken care of everything from the judge to the flowers. Alexandra had refused to participate in any of the planning. And though her father had wanted something more elaborate, Aunt Clara had convinced James that Connor was right. A quick, simple ceremony with a limited number of guests would kill gossip with due haste.

He grinned. "I liked our wedding also. It was simple, cozy, and quite literally, the most requested invitation in town this year."

the sound uplifting and light. "I'm sure you're correct."

She poured syrup over the pancakes, picked up her fork, and took a bite. A dribble of the sweet liquid beaded on her bottom lip, and Connor watched as she ran her tongue across.
The thought of pouring syrup all over her body, then slowly licking the maple off sent his mind exploring the possibilities of pleasure.
The sticky images were both exciting and forbidden, leaving him shifting uncomfortably to cover his reaction.

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