A Rose for the Crown (75 page)

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Authors: Anne Easter Smith

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Biographical, #Romance, #General

BOOK: A Rose for the Crown
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The rain was steady all day, and the children soon became bored with their confinement indoors. Despite her ill humor, Kate agreed to sing for them all.
“Ring a-ring a-rosies,
A pocketful of posies,
Atishoo, Atishoo, we all fall down!”
Anne, Molly and the children all held hands in a circle and helped Kate with the words. They all collapsed onto the floor at the signal and were getting up to begin again when there was a knock on the door.
“Come!” Anne called, laughing and straightening her headdress.
“Geoff!” exclaimed Kate, putting aside her harp and running to embrace her brother, who stood on the threshold with wet hair and muddy boots. “Oh, Geoff, I am right glad to see you again!”
“And I you, sister. ’Tis your special day, is it not? I was determined to be here for it when I knew you were at Ightham.” Geoff grinned down at her. He had grown tall but was still thin. Physical prowess would never be Geoff’s strength, she thought. Richard was also slim, but his muscles had been hardened by the martial skills he had trained in since his youth.
“Indeed it is her birthday, Geoff. How clever of you,” Anne said. “Perhaps you will bring the sunshine and make the farmers happy.”
Geoff smiled and lifted Anne’s hand to his lips, behaving just as gracefully as any courtier at Westminster. “Well met, cousin. Aye, the weather to the west is clearing. All may not be lost yet.” He turned his attention to the children. “Are these my niece and nephew? This child is the image of you, Kate, I cannot be wrong.”
Katherine and John were fascinated by the newcomer. Geoff’s likeness to their mother gave him instant familiarity. Katherine stared from one to the other, her head tilted to one side. John, taking an immediate liking to Geoff, toddled over and gripped his leg. Geoff bent down and kissed the boy. Katherine hid behind her mother’s skirt.
Kate laughed. “Well, ’tis odd! It is usually Katherine who is bold and John who seeks my protection.” She picked up Katherine and kissed her. “Sweeting, you must greet your uncle. He is no stranger.”
Katherine instantly forgot her shyness. “Uncle Geoff? You mean the one who hides in the beech tree and who ran away, Mam?”
Geoff was astonished. “You told her about Oldbury Hill, Kate? What ideas you put in her head. I was young and very foolish then, Katherine.” He took her hand and kissed it as he had kissed Anne’s.
Katherine dimpled and pulled her hand away, not taking her eyes off him. “And I know where you hide birds’ nests, too,” she declared. “Set me down, Mother, please. Come, Uncle Geoff, let me show you.”
Before Kate could gainsay her, the child had reached up for Geoff’s hand and pulled him out of the room. He turned back to Kate and Anne, shrugged his shoulders and followed Katherine obediently. John began to toddle after them, but Molly gently led him back to play with the other children.
Kate suddenly put her hand to her cheek and groaned. Anne looked at her anxiously. “’Tis naught but a toothache, Anne. I have some oil of clove here, but Cock’s bones, ’tis painful!”
Anne was shocked, but after checking to see her children had not heard the blasphemy, she went to her friend and asked to see the offending area.
“’Tis a marvel you have not experienced pain before now, Kate. The tooth is black and the gum all swollen. I think it needs to come out. You
poor thing.” She had lost two teeth the year before and still remembered the extractions vividly. “Ralph has a tool that can do it. He is very gentle,” she lied.
Kate eyed her with suspicion. “Aye, Anne. I see you have had need of his services. Did you swoon before or during the process, pray?”
“I . . . during, I believe, Kate,” Anne admitted, not wanting to perjure herself again. “I shall go and find Ralph.”
And so Kate’s birthday ended on a sour note as she subjected herself to Ralph’s fumblings in her mouth with a tool that felt as large as the one they used to help mares to foal. Geoff and John held on to Kate as Ralph, bracing a foot on her chair, gripped the tooth in the forceps and wrenched with all his might. The tears streamed down her face and blood down her throat until she fainted away and the tooth could resist no longer.
of my plan, Geoff? Will Johnny let me stay at the farm until the baby is birthed? I know not what I shall do afterward, but I shall think of something.” Kate and Geoff strolled arm in arm through the woods, the leafy bower shading them from the sun. Her face was still bruised from her ordeal, but, she admitted, the relief was worth it.
“Joanna will take your side, if Johnny is none too happy. Did you know he has taken a wife?”
“How could I know? I only have news of them from you, and you do not write to me but once in a rainless April.”
Geoff grinned at her. “I write as often as you, Kate. I am sorry, but since I have been studying at Oxford, I have time only for my tutors.”
“Tell me of our new sister-in-law. Do you know her? Is she comely?”
“In truth, I have not met her. But I know her name is Margery, and she is from Maidstone. When will you go there? Perhaps I can escort you. I shall not return to Oxford until September.”
“The baby will come in a month. I confess I had hoped to go to By-wood soon. I can no longer compromise Anne and John, and I fear Cousin Richard’s return. I have no doubt he has heard about my liaison with the duke of Gloucester at court, and if he sees me with child, he will know who is the father. I do not want this to get back to Richard at Middleham. He must never know.”
“I think you are being a goose over this, Kate. Why should he not know? ’Tis his responsibility every bit as much as yours.”
“I know,” Kate said flatly. “Richard would do what is right, but as much as I sigh over his marriage, ’twill not bring him back. And soon enough, he’ll have Katherine and John. I want to keep this child for myself. I do not want Anne Neville to have it.”
Geoff chuckled. “Very well. I shall send a message to Johnny at once, and we can be on our way in a few days.”
as Farmer Bywood. He now sent his apples to London, and with the profits he had leased another field and was growing wheat to complement the oats and barley. He had saved Kate’s gifts of money since she married Thomas and just this spring had added a wing to the farmhouse. Kate and Geoff hardly recognized their home when their horses plodded up the lane and into the farmyard. A new dog bounced around their patient mounts, and two boys ran from the house to greet them.
“Tom, Ben! Be not so ill-mannered.” Joanna’s voice followed them out of the door. “Help your sister from her saddle. Kate, Geoff, I be taking bread from the oven. I’ll be there in a trice.”
The party from Ightham dismounted under the hot August sun. Wat lifted Kate’s cumbersome figure from the saddle. She leaned heavily on Geoff, her free hand supporting the small of her back. She smiled down on the two boys, both brown as chestnuts. They in turn gaped at their imposing half sister and brother. Compared with their plain homespun tunics, stockings tied below the knees, and wooden clogs, Kate and Geoff, even in their traveling clothes, were grander than any people the boys had ever seen. Kate laughed and nudged Geoff.
“Remember how we stared at Cousin Richard and Elinor when they came visiting, Geoff? ’Tis no wonder these tykes are tongue-tied. Tom, Ben, I give you good day. Will you not give your sister a kiss then?” She bent forward as best she could.
Tom made a creditable bow and solemnly kissed the proferred cheek. Ben laughed at him, which made Tom turn round and push his brother to the ground. By the time Joanna appeared, her face and hands still covered with flour, a full-blown fight was taking place.
“Boys!” she cried, and her voice might have been heard in the next county. “Stop that at once!”
Geoff pulled them apart, but he had to laugh, much to Joanna’s chagrin.
“It be hard enough to get them to mind me without you laughing, Geoff. Now, you two, run to your brother in the big field and tell them who be here.”
To escape a beating, the boys took off at a run, best friends once more.
“Kate, I am right glad to see you again. Saints, you must lie down. Come inside, sweetheart. Ah, these must be your babes. Bonny, both of them. What be their names? ’Tis so long since we had news of you. Geoff, find yourself some ale. I will take care of your sister.” As she carried on her monologue, Joanna attempted to clasp Kate to her bosom. It was hard to tell where it left off and the roll around her waist began. Both laughed as her girth and Kate’s belly prevented them from getting close enough for more than a peck. “Come inside and meet Margery.”
Molly took the children straight to the well to wash their travel-stained faces. It was her first time at the farm, and she looked around with interest at her mistress’s humble beginnings. She had no doubt that Kate’s family would not believe the luxury of a Crosby Place or a Baynard’s Castle. Kate greeted Margery warmly, and the shy girl bobbed a curtsy. Taking her hand, Kate led her to a bench. “Come, sister. Tell me about your family and how you came to wed my brother. Is he good to you? If he is not, he shall know my displeasure, I promise.”
Margery was not exactly plain, for she had large, blue eyes and a pleasant smile, but her shyness gave an impression of a field mouse. She was just about to say something when Johnny came back from the fields on the run, his straw hat hanging on his back and his hair matted with sweat. Margery jumped up, her face alight with excitement at the sight of him. He kissed her affectionately and turned his attention on his siblings. Geoff was on his feet and grasping Johnny’s arm in salute. Johnny cuffed him playfully on the chin and then they were hugging. Kate’s eyes stung with tears. It had been so long, she thought. And then she was in Johnny’s arms, laughing and crying at the same time. He put her from him and looked her up and down, grinning.
“Quite the lady, Kate. Geoff told me you were expecting, but I did not know how soon.” Kate let out a sigh of relief: He did not care. “And have you met my Margery? Is she not the prettiest thing you have ever seen?” He reached out and drew the girl to him. “I saw her at the market in Maidstone one day, and I knew I must have her.”
“And you did!” Joanna retorted. “Several people saw you emerge from that hayloft, you naughty boy.”
Margery blushed scarlet and hung her head again. John squeezed her. “’Tis of no consequence, lovey, we be married now. What do you think of my fine sister and brother?”
“Oh, they be fine, Johnny,” was all she managed before relapsing into silence.
Johnny glanced around the room. “Where are your children, Kate?”
“Molly took them for a walk,” Geoff replied. “They needed to run after half a day in the saddle. Come, let us celebrate. I have brought a flask of Cousin Richard’s best mead. Would you care to try some, Joanna?”
of rabbit pie, roasted quails and Joanna’s good bread, Kate opened her saddlebag and produced some sweetmeats for the boys. Their eyes as big as bucklers, they each took one and savored the treat with smacking lips and murmured moans of delight. Katherine was fascinated by her new surroundings, and it was not long before she had won over Johnny and was sitting on his lap. Little John insisted on climbing onto the bench between the boys and banged his fist on the table when he wanted more food.
“My father’s hair is long like yours,” Katherine announced, touching Johnny’s shoulder-length locks. “But his is dark an’ red an’ gold.”
The room went quiet. Kate laughed and tried to change the subject, but Johnny put up his hand and stopped her. “I understood from Geoff that George was yellow-haired, Kate.”
“He was. Molly, please take the children and put them to bed. Do not forget to say their prayers with them.”
“Aye, mistress.” Molly had gasped at Katherine’s innocent remark, a sound that had not gone unnoticed by Johnny. She bustled about, herding
the children upstairs to Kate’s old chamber. Good nights and kisses were exchanged, and Kate hoped the distraction would help put the unfortunate slip out of Johnny’s mind.
It did not.
Joanna shooed her boys upstairs a few minutes later, and when the adults were alone, Johnny raised the subject again. “Whose children be they, Kate?”
Geoff chuckled and leaned back against the wall. “Better tell him, sister. You know Johnny, as determined as a dog with a bone.”
With resignation, Kate agreed. “I suppose I owe it to you, Johnny, as you are kind enough to let me birth this next one here.”
Joanna was also eager for an explanation. Margery hung her head; this was all too complicated for her.
“Nothing of what I tell you must pass your lips outside this room. Swear to me!”
“Aye,” they said eagerly in unison and crossed their hearts.
And so Kate revealed to the astonished listeners how she and Richard, duke of Gloucester, brother to the king, had fallen in love and produced two—and soon to be three—children. Geoff watched in amusement as the expression on the three other faces went from interest to incredulity. When she finished, there was total silence. A floorboard creaked under Molly’s foot upstairs, and the three statues downstairs jumped at the sound. Kate looked at each face anxiously.

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