A Restored Man (6 page)

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Authors: Jaime Reese

Tags: #Gay, #m/m, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: A Restored Man
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Ty arrived at the shop and spotted Stacie.

"Hi, Stacie," he said, walking over to her.

"Good morning, Mr. Calloway," she said with her usual smile and vibrant personality.

"Did Cole show up today?" he asked. He knew his brother well enough to know he had probably threatened Cole at some point. Maybe the guy decided it wasn't worth the trouble.

She neared him to whisper, "He arrived early."

"That's good," he said.

"He looks as if he's a boxer," she said absently, making a note on one of the pages on her clipboard.

Ty had noticed Cole had a compact physique. Standing up, the top of Cole's head was about eye-level with Ty, but he was much broader and his arms were thickly muscled.

"It looked like the bruises were pretty new," she said, skimming the pages. "Here, I need you to sign this." She turned the clipboard around and pointed to the block requiring his signature. "It's the authorization for Thompson's Ford GT."

Ty scribbled his signature. "Bruises?"

Stacie nodded, took the clipboard, and re-sorted the sheets of paper.

Ty scowled.
. "Did you give him the tour?"

Stacie smiled. "Yes, sir. I gave him the tour of both sides and I showed him his car as you requested. He's all set and is probably by the lockers still trying on coveralls. I already gave Jeff notice that he would be working with him today on the engine rebuild he's doing."

Ty thought it best to pair Cole up with his shop's senior tech. Jeff had worked under Ty's father and seemed to have the patience of a saint. "Still trying on coveralls?"

Stacie hid a smile. She looked around and neared Ty. "They don't fit but he's a stubborn one," she whispered.

For some reason, he imagined Cole pitching a fit because the coveralls were too long. A hint of a smile tugged at the edges of his mouth. "Too big?"

Stacie snickered. "I know it's wrong to laugh but he looked adorable with the rolled up sleeves and legs."

He'd read enough in Cole's file to get a handle on his smart mouth and sense of humor. He imagined Cole was probably cursing up a storm trying to find something that fit. "It'll probably be more comfortable to just go with the slacks and shirt for him. He's not as tall as the other guys but he's broader."

"Exactly what I suggested. He's too stocky for the coveralls."

"Thank you, Stacie. What would I ever do without you?"

She patted his arm and leaned in. "How about we never find out," she said with a smile.

He seriously would not have survived these past few months without Stacie's enduring positive spirit and relentless level of energy. "I agree. Thank you." He turned and headed toward the lockers. He quickly scanned over his workers' area as he passed the mechanic bays to ensure all was progressing without issue.

He arrived to the employee locker room, poked his head in the door, and spotted Cole with his back turned.

"So Stacie gave you the speed tour?"

Cole jumped, backed into the lockers, flattening one hand against the metal door, the other across his chest. "Give a guy a heart attack, why don't you," he said, gasping for air.

Ty couldn't contain the chuckle that bubbled to the surface. "Sorry, I thought you heard me walk in."

Cole looked as though he was trying to level his breathing. "Shit, you've got stealth moves just like your brother," he said, with his hand still on his chest.

Ty's smile faded when he saw the large bruise that had bloomed on the side of Cole's face and the red that colored part of the white of his eye. He leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms then did a chin up gesture toward Cole. "Did my brother do that to you?"

Cole nodded. "Added yet another color to my eyes. As if two wasn't enough."

Ty felt the edge of his mouth twitch upward again. Cole's mismatched eyes were actually quite striking. One iris was brown and the other a bright hazel leaning more toward the green tones. "I like your heterochromia."

"I'm not hetero anything," Cole responded, trying to do the button on his shirt.

Ty chuckled.
Duly noted
. "Heterochromia, it's an eye color anomaly. It means you have two different color irises or one iris that has two distinct colors."

Cole stopped fidgeting with the buttons and looked up. "I just figured I came defective from factory. I didn't realize it had an actual name to it."

"You're not defective. You're different. That makes you special."

Cole stood still and blinked without saying a word. "Do I call you Mr. Calloway?"

"That was my father's name. I prefer Ty."

"Your assistant refers to you as Mr. Calloway," Cole said with a smirk.

"She refuses to call me Ty. She helps me run a tight ship here so she can call me whatever she wants."

"She's very…um…happy," Cole said and looked at him with a cautious expression.

"She's a great employee. I like happy."

Cole chuckled and resumed buttoning his shirt.

Ty uncrossed his arms and shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. "What's so funny?"

Cole looked up and had a devilish grin on his face. "Then you'll love me. I'm told I'm a fucking riot."

Ty ducked his head and smiled. He sensed Cole was going to be a handful. He looked up and made eye contact again. "I have the completed paperwork for Matt. Come to my office for a minute, please."

Cole closed his locker and followed silently.

Ty glanced over as they walked to his office and saw Cole worrying his lip. The sudden shifts in mood were jarring. "You okay?"

Cole flattened his hands on his new work pants. He tugged on his beanie then crossed his arms, as if he didn't know what to do with his hands.

They finally arrived at Ty's office, and Cole still had not said a word in response.

Cole shifted his weight from one foot to the next and kept biting his lip. "I'm sorry," he finally said, and reached up to scratch his head through the knit cap. "For what I said last night. I didn't mean to hurt or offend you."

"You didn't offend me."

"I know I upset you."

"You didn't upset me," Ty said. For some reason, he needed to reassure Cole that he hadn't offended him.
Damn you, Aidan
. Who knew what the hell his brother had said to Cole to unsettle him this much. He didn't know Cole well, but he had seen enough to know this cautiousness was not the norm.

"I saw it in your face. For a split second, but I saw it. You don't have to lie to me. I know I fucked up last night. My mouth gets me in trouble sometimes," Cole said in a flood of words. He glanced at Ty and his mouth flattened into a thin line as if he was biting his lips shut.

"I know. It was in your file."

That seemed to catch Cole off guard. "What was?"

Ty smiled, hoping to lighten the mood. "Matt left a sticky note about your mouth."

Cole scowled. "You're kidding?" he asked and stared at Ty.

Ty reached into the file on his desk and held up the sticky note for Cole to read.

Cole leaned forward toward the tiny square note. "Oh, shit. You weren't kidding." He slumped in the seat opposite Ty's desk and buried his head in his hands. "I don't do it on purpose," he mumbled into his hands, barely audible.

"I know, it says that too."

Cole looked up. Ty turned the note around with Matt's additional messaged scribbled with a happy face.

Cole groaned.

Ty's mouth twitched.
Yeah, he's going to be handful.
"Do you have any questions for me?"

"I'm still recovering from the speed tour, so can I save the questions for later?"

Ty nodded.

"Your shop's really nice and your showroom…it's like church. Definitely a place of worship."

Ty looked at Cole appraisingly. "Thank you."

Cole turned away and tugged at his beanie. "Thanks for not broadcasting I just got out. Stacie mentioned you told her I was working on a special project or something."

"I didn't want you walking in and being judged on your past. I want my guys to focus on your abilities here."

Cole snorted and looked down as he fidgeted with his hands in his lap. "Well, I've already got a few of your guys wondering what I did to get my ass kicked."

"I'm sorry about that. Aidan was out of line."

"Not really. I—"

"He was out of line. And as far as my guys, don't worry about them. I've got you paired up with Jeff Williams. He's one of my senior techs and has worked here for years. As far as he's concerned, your specialty is vehicle and parts procurement."

Cole barked a laugh. "Well, technically, that's accurate. Just a nice name for car thief."

"It works since we often do restorations. All my guys care about are your talents with cars."

"Just so you know, I've got some mad skills," Cole said, finally looking up with a half smile.

Ty chuckled. "And you're incredibly modest."

"I know I might not be able to pass all those fancy tests they've taken, but I know I'm really good with cars. I won't disappoint you."

Ty smiled.

Cole rubbed his hands in his lap as his legs bounced repeatedly. It seemed as if he had this endless fountain of energy flowing through his body forcing him to constantly move. "Um, do you have any questions for me? Probably not since it looks like Matt went note crazy in my file," Cole said, his eyes partially squinted as if he expected another blow.

"Do you always wear that beanie knit cap thing?"

Cole nodded. "Please don't make me take it off."

"May I ask why?"

"Can I ask
a question?" Cole asked, gripping the chair's armrest.

Cole was…quirky. He had his moments where he was cocky and other times he seemed hesitant to speak.
Fucking Aidan probably put the fear of Calloway in him

"I asked you first," Ty said playfully, clasping his hands on his desk and leaning forward.

"It keeps my hair under control and out of the way. I can't shave it because it itches like hell when it grows back. Can I ask you a question now?"

Ty was about to answer when a knock at the door interrupted him. "Come in." He withdrew the signed forms from Cole's file and handed them over to his new hire.

Jeff, the senior shop mechanic, poked his head in the door. "Sorry to interrupt, but I'm ready for you," he said, directing his attention to Cole. "I'll be in the service bay when you're finished here." The older man then exited the office, closing the door again.

Cole immediately stood, took the sheets Ty offered, and excused himself before walking toward the door.

"You want to know why I stutter," Ty said, stopping Cole mid-step before exiting his office.

Cole turned to face him and nodded, folding the papers and stuffing them into his back pocket. He worried his lip again. "You don't have to tell me if it upsets you."

Ty grabbed a random pen and spun it on the desk, trying to think of what exactly he wanted to say. "It hadn't happened in a while. There's no medical reason why and I don't know what triggers it. And that's what bothers me the most."

"So maybe I caused it?" Cole asked. After a few seconds, his expression changed from worried to downright wicked.

Ty raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I want to know what thought just crossed your mind."

Cole smiled with undeniable mischief lingering in his eyes. "Maybe I'll tell you someday," he said before walking out and closing the door behind him.

Ty chuckled and looked at the door where Cole had stood just a moment ago. He picked up the phone and dialed a number, stabbing each button with his finger a little harder than necessary.

"Detective Calloway," his brother answered.

"How would you feel if you started a new job and had a huge black eye to make that critical first impression?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" Aidan said in a flat tone.

Ty sighed into the receiver. "Why did you hit him?"

"He deserved it."

"I can stand up for myself, Aidan."

"He got off easy. I should have shot him. Put everyone out of their misery."

Ty blew out a frustrated breath. "You're impossible sometimes. I want you to apologize."

"What? Hell no."

"You need to apologize," Ty said patiently.

"What the hell for?"

"Please, it's important."

"No. He's a cocky son of a bitch and someone needs to keep him in check."

Ty exhaled heavily. "He needs to be focused on his job. I can deal with cocky if he can back it up with skills. I can't have someone nervous on the job with the equipment we have here. I can't risk him getting hurt."

Aidan's sigh echoed through the line.

Ty knew Aidan was ready to cave. "Apologize. Sooner rather than later."

The silence was immediately followed by a muffled curse. He knew Aidan would do anything for his little brother, he just never took advantage of it.

"That little shit is going to give me an ulcer," he mumbled, followed by another muffled curse.

"Thank you," Ty said before disconnecting the call.

He thumbed through Cole's file again for the hundredth time. He caught himself smiling as he read the paperwork. There was something about Cole that was genuine, no-holds-barred. Ty missed that about people. Around him, every word was measured and every glance cautious. He hated that. He closed the file and rubbed his eyes. Dealing with the recovery, the therapy, and all the other bullshit was just…exhausting. He wanted people around him who didn't overthink each word and action, to just let their guard down and go back to how things were two years ago. Treat him like a regular human being again.

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