A Restored Man (39 page)

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Authors: Jaime Reese

Tags: #Gay, #m/m, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: A Restored Man
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Ty's chest tightened with emotion. A few simple words from Cole and Ty felt as if he had climbed Mount Everest. Leaving the shirt behind wasn't easy for him but he knew it was a personal struggle most people wouldn't understand. But Cole seemed to have a Calloway dictionary tucked away somewhere that defined every action, reaction, and thought Ty seemed to have. He just 'got' him like no one else ever had. Cole knew not to push the point but somehow always seemed to let Ty know that each tiny step toward recovery was a huge accomplishment.

Cole opened the refrigerator and poured two glasses of juice. "Can we stay in today or did you want to do something?"

"We can stay in. That way, we don't tire ourselves out for your family visit tonight," Ty said, taking a sip of his juice.

Cole raised an eyebrow and smirked. "And you think that by staying in, I won't tire you out?"

Ty started coughing madly, choking on his juice. He should have known better than to not anticipate Cole's response. He coughed a few more times to clear his throat while Cole chuckled. "You're bad."

"And you love that," Cole said, shoving another forkful of food into his mouth.

You have no idea

Ty took a small bite of his breakfast and swallowed before Cole had a chance to respond to his next question. "We can swing by for a quick stop at your mom's for a visit then come back here. What time are Carmen and Gus coming over tonight?"

"Six. My sister needs to drop off my niece at my mom's first. Gus is bringing dinner half cooked and finishing it off here. I'm totally spying on him to pick up a few tricks." Cole chewed his breakfast and gave Ty one of his strips of bacon.

Ty smiled and immediately took a bite. Cole was right, this was far better than a candy bar for sustenance to start the morning.

"I would like to stay in, though. I owe you a massage and a rub, but I promise not to wear you out," Cole said with a devilish grin.

Ty leaned in for a quick peck. "You don't need to do the massage or rub. We can just chill out a bit, watch a movie or something."

Cole shrugged and pushed the breakfast around his plate with his fork. "I like taking care of you. Besides, no one else helps you with that stuff and you can't do it yourself the same way." He shrugged again, taking the last bite of his breakfast. He pushed the plate away and crossed his arms on the countertop, resting his chin on them then staring ahead at the stove. "No one's ever needed me. It's nice."

Ty stood and took both plates to the sink, rinsing them out then placing them in the dishwasher. He turned and crossed his arms, leaning against the counter. "I do need you." He half smiled when Cole looked up with a hopeful expression. "It's selfish, but you make me feel good about myself again. Even when you drive me crazy and push me."

Cole sat up and lowered his brow. "You bet your ass I'm going to be right there driving you nuts until you focus on making your mark in this world again." He leaned over the counter, a fire of determination suddenly burning in his eyes. "I won't push you for some things but I
push you when it comes to that. There's a slot out there for you to frame your fabulousness with Ty written all over it again. I've seen every single picture and award on the wall in the shop. I've seen what you can do with your hands and the designs you've created. I know what you're capable of. I'm not going to let you sit on your ass while it passes you by. So if I need to paste horrible selfies in every corner of your place, I will. If I need to hide all your T-shirts and put mirrors in every corner and on the ceiling, I will. You deserve that and a hell of a lot more."

"I love you."

Cole stared at him and blinked, gaping like a fish out of water.

Ty walked around the counter and sat on the seat next to Cole and watched him, gauging his reaction. He didn't need to think about what he had said, the words had flowed as naturally as the air he breathed. The unwavering support Cole gave breathed life back into his soul. "I've rendered you speechless."

Cole closed his mouth and swallowed heavily. He looked away and tugged on his beanie again.

Ty reached out and pulled on the edge of the hat. "I thought you weren't going to wear this when you were here. Me without the shirt, you without the beanie."

Cole pulled off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair, loosening the waves and curls to frame his face. He finally chanced a look at Ty and quickly turned away, wringing the knit fabric in his hands.

Ty grabbed his chin and turned his face to make eye contact. "I didn't say it to freak you out."

"I know."

Ty brushed his thumb along Cole's chin. "C'mon. Let's find a movie we can watch so we can break in the couch when it gets delivered. It's supposed to be here by ten." He stood and grabbed the knit cap before Cole had a chance to put it back on his head.

Cole stood and worried his lip, fidgeting as he usually did when he was nervous about something. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Ty's waist and rested his head against Ty's shoulder, squeezing Ty tightly and pressing a kiss to the side of his neck.

Ty wrapped his arms around Cole's broad shoulders. "I was worried I'd scared you away," he commented hesitantly.

Cole shook his head and buried his face at the crook of Ty's neck. "Never."

They held each other for a few minutes, neither one saying another word.



* * * * *



"Cole, how the hell did you manage to hook up with a guy this hot?" Carmen asked, taking a bite of her dinner.

Cole rolled his eyes dramatically and watched a huge grin spread across Ty's face. "The man likes to fish. You're feeding right into his ego."

"Oh c'mon, look at him," Carmen teased.

Ty looked down at his dinner to hide the flood of color to his cheeks. Cole reached under the table and squeezed Ty's knee. He could tease Ty to the end of days, but knew Ty was still uncomfortable being the center of intense scrutiny. "He's mine. Focus on your dinner."

Carmen squinted as if trying to decipher Cole's words. Out of all the Renzos, she knew people the best. She could argue and banter for endless hours, but she always seemed to sense when she was pushing the boundaries a bit more than could be tolerated. She turned her focus to their brother Gus. "What did you put in this? It's different."

"Better different?" Gus asked.

Carmen smacked Gus's arm. "If it wasn't better, then I wouldn't be eating like a starved prisoner on a deserted island." They argued back and forth, playfully, each having quick comebacks to fight off the other.

Ty leaned over to whisper in Cole's ear, "Are they always like this?"

Cole nodded. "We grew up in a big family. We all fought for attention and this is usually how we got it." This was just a hint of what it was like to be circled by the Renzo mob. It was why he thought it best to ease Ty into the family introductions. He shifted his focus to his siblings. "Guys, chill out. Don't overdo it. We don't want to ban you from future visits."

Both Gus and Carmen stopped and targeted their laser focus on him. His sister's eyes widened. "Wait a minute. Are we the first ones invited here?" Carmen asked.

Both Cole and Ty nodded.

Carmen laughed. "Oh, I'm his favorite."

Gus shoved his sister. "No, I am. I have the food and he loves to eat."

His sister turned and crossed her arms. "I've got two things in my name he loves. Cars and men. It's a given. Besides, I've got
and she trumps your food."

Gus scowled and picked at his dinner. "No fair," he grumbled. "You can't pull the
card. Everyone loves her."

Cole looked over to Ty and almost burst into laughter at his shocked expression. Considering his only brother was Aidan, it shouldn't have surprised Cole that Ty would have a semi-surreal experience with his family. The Renzos were loud, brutally honest, fiercely independent, but a loving bunch.

"All of you are my favorites," Cole said.

Both Gus and Carmen rolled their eyes. "That's
answer," his brother responded.

They laughed and joked for the rest of the evening and enjoyed embarrassing Cole with childhood stories. Ty finally eased into conversation with them, but that was due to Carmen working her magic. She could make a grown man cry with her wicked words, but she also had hands as soft as silk when she needed to comfort someone.

And that was exactly why he had chosen her as Ty's introduction to his family. Gus, well, he always came bearing gifts and seemed to be attached at the hip to their sister.

Cole lingered on the couch, acting as if he was watching the movie on the television screen. Instead, his gaze wandered over to Ty and Gus, chatting by the collection of bullets on display that Aidan had left behind in the move. For some odd reason, Ty found them fascinating.

Carmen leaned over and bumped Cole's shoulder. "He's great."

"He's amazing."

She smiled. "Make sure you let him know you think so."

"I do," Cole said, tugging on the edge of his jeans. He couldn't help but think of that morning's exchange and how he hadn't said those three simple words. But he knew he showed Ty just how he felt every chance he had. He looked over to Ty again and sighed. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thanks for going easy on him."

Carmen huffed a laugh and shoved him. "I saw him getting a little freaked out so I didn't want to scare him off completely. Have you spoken to Rio yet?"

Cole exhaled heavily and shook his head.

She leaned over and rested her head on Cole's shoulder. "It's hard for him because he's so different from us. He's a natural born complainer." She looked up and pulled his beanie down over his eyes. "You were an easy target at the time. You know he didn't mean it."

Cole pulled the edge of his hat up, uncovering a scowl directed at his sister. "It was bad enough I thought it was my fault, I didn't have to hear it from him. I need to work through this. I'm just not at the point yet where I'm comfortable enough to pick up the phone to call him, but I'm getting there."

Carmen wrapped her arms around Cole. "You're just as stubborn sometimes."

"I'm a Renzo, comes with the territory."

She tugged on his knit cap and bumped his shoulder. "When are you taking that shit off your head?"

"When you get rid of that sailor mouth of yours. Besides,
knits some of these for me. You go tell her not to make them anymore and see what she says to you."

Carmen raised her hands, surrendering. "Um, no. She's like a fricken spider weaving her web. She loves that shit. Better you get knit beanies than me getting another sweater to wear in this godforsaken Miami weather. Why don't you cut your hair like a normal person?"

"I do."

Carmen blew out an exasperated breath. "I don't mean you cutting it yourself when it gets too long to tuck under this thing."

They continued to argue then finally eased into a comfortable silence. After a movie and a few more embarrassing stories, Gus and Carmen finally said their goodnights and left.

Ty wrapped his arms around Cole from behind. "That was…interesting."

Cole chuckled, leaned back, and turned his head to look at Ty. "Is that a nice way of saying my family is a bit off?"

Ty placed a gentle kiss on Cole's waiting lips. "I understand you more now. I can't imagine how tough it was to grow up surrounded by such a large family with such strong personalities. They're loud, blunt, but they obviously love you."

Cole smiled. "They do."

Ty rested his chin on Cole's shoulder. "Your sister's very affectionate."

"Among other things." Cole snorted a laugh.

Ty's low rumble-laugh sent a chill through Cole's body. "I noticed she was constantly touching you, hugging you, bumping you. Stuff like that."

Cole turned in the embrace and cocked his head. "What's wrong with that?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I'm just not used to having that," Ty mumbled. "Like this stuff," he said, tightening his hold around Cole's waist. "It's not something I was used to before you muscled your way into my life."

Cole reached up and placed his hand on the side of Ty's face, smiling when Ty closed his eyes and leaned into the caress. "But you're okay with it?" He already knew the answer. His pulse sped, remembering their first night alone together and how Ty clung to his body.

Ty opened his eyes and stared at Cole, the undeniable love screaming from his whiskey brown eyes. "I like having your hands on me."

Cole reached up behind Ty's neck and pulled him into a kiss then slid his other hand down the back of Ty's jeans, kneading his ass and tugging him closer. His heart pounded against his chest when a strangled whimper escaped Ty. Damn, he loved that sound, craved it like a thirsty man begging for a drink. He moaned when Ty yanked the shirt out of his jeans and ran his hands roughly up Cole's back. He stepped back, trying to lure Ty to the bedroom, but Ty took a step in the opposite direction. Cole broke the kiss and looked over his shoulder, smiling when he spotted the new couch only one more step behind. He glanced back at Ty and saw the hint of mischief that had begun to surface more often during their banter.

Ty yanked the beanie off Cole's head and dug his fingers through his hair with a grip tight enough to pull Cole's head back. "You wanted to break in our half of the couch."

Cole bit his lip and smiled. He loved it when Ty gave back just as much. "How about we show that poor couch what this dynamic duo can do?"

Ty's low rumble-laugh shot straight to Cole's already hard shaft. "I thought you'd never ask."



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