A Restored Man (27 page)

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Authors: Jaime Reese

Tags: #Gay, #m/m, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: A Restored Man
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Ty hesitated for a moment. He knew they were worried. Hell,
was worried. He wasn't an idiot and knew he wasn't made of rubber. He felt fine but wasn't stupid enough to risk it so he nodded.

"Thanks," Aidan and Cole said in unison. They looked at each other and scowled.

Ty chuckled. He went to stand and both Cole and Aidan stood with him. "Seriously, guys? I'm not made out of glass."

"No, but you've probably still got a hard-on which I don't really want to share with your brother," Cole said.

Aidan's eyes rounded. "I'll wait outside," he said, exiting the office.

Ty and Cole quietly laughed. "I think you've scarred my brother," Ty said. "He's trying to play it off but I think he'll have nightmares about your angry hard-on attacking him."

"Serves him right for screwing this up for us today," Cole said, pulling Ty in for a kiss.

Ty wrapped his arms around Cole and pulled him closer, the throw dropping to his feet.

Cole stepped back, his gaze slowly tracing every inch of Ty's body. He ran a finger from the base of Ty's neck slowly down his torso, past his abs, and along his fully erect hard-on. Ty inhaled sharply when Cole cupped his arousal, his fingers slowly kneading the delicate skin underneath. "Yeah, you still got them."

"I told you, I don't need the Dr. Renzo checkup," Ty said, his pulse racing.

Cole chuckled. "I'll give you a break and wait outside while you get some dry clothes on."

Ty smiled. "Thanks. I'm having a hard time concentrating when you're looking at me like that."

Cole shrugged dramatically and raised his hands, palms up. "I can't help it. You're hot."

Ty bit his lower lip. "You think I'm—"

Cole pointed his finger at Ty. "Big fucking ugly boots. Huge ones. I'm talking clown-size here," he said, leaving the office.

Ty took a deep breath, thankful Cole was stubborn and hadn't given up on him. He walked into the connecting room he now used to store old boxes and his dresser. He grabbed fresh, dry clothes and changed. He thought about his argument with Cole earlier and everything he had said as he packed a few things in an overnight bag. He surveyed the space he once used to sketch out his projects. The room, once vibrant with various sketches and an assortment of drawing supplies was now dimly lit with storage boxes in every corner and the drawing table folded against the wall. He
been shutting everyone out. Aidan had told him that ages ago, so had Jeff, and his therapist, and now Cole.

He couldn't lose Cole. The void he felt when Cole had walked out of that door earlier cut through him and pierced his soul. He had obviously lost his ability for rational thought. It was the only reason he could think of as to why he had done something so stupid with the sign. To prove to himself that Cole was wrong? That
had not somehow caused Cole to walk out? That
hadn't been the one to break that tie he had come to rely on so heavily each day?

It had been his fault.

He dug his fingers into the edge of the doorframe in a white-knuckle grip. His doing—or lack of doing—by shutting Cole out. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

had pushed Cole away, just as he had done with everyone else.

And he had almost lost him.

He heard Cole's booted steps enter the room. "What's taking so long? You okay?" he asked, a hint of worry still lingering in his voice.

Ty reached out and grabbed onto Cole. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I shut you out. I didn't mean to—"

"Stop it," Cole said, cupping Ty's face. "It's been a long day and you need to get some rest. We'll talk about it tomorrow and work together on a solution. Okay?"

Ty nodded quickly and pulled Cole close, needing the warmth of his embrace. He screwed his eyes shut and tightened his hold. There was no way he was going to risk losing this sense of peace he felt around Cole. He needed his laughter and the rays of brightness he shined into Ty's life. Any doubt of how he felt for Cole left the moment Cole had walked out of that door and driven away.

He dipped his head and placed a kiss on Cole's cheek.

There was no way in hell he was going to screw this up and risk losing the man he had fallen in love with.



Cole looked over his shoulder again, hoping to see Aidan's SUV drive up to the shop.
What the hell is taking them so long
? He had spent the last hour with the other techs, sweeping out the little water that had seeped in through the bay doors and returning the shop to its usual condition. He was on the ladder removing the sign Ty had tried to take down the day before. The wind had ripped away at enough of the sign to where it had to be replaced. He didn't want Ty seeing it and having any reminders of what had happened. No need to start the day off in a crap mood.

"It helps if you look at what you're doing," Jeff said, holding the other end of the sign.

No kidding. No need for a replay of what happened. "Sorry," he said, focusing on removing the last of the vinyl rope straps. He was coming down the ladder as Aidan's SUV turned the corner.

Jeff folded up the sign. "I'll see you inside," he said with a smile before leaving.

Aidan pulled into the parking spot and rolled down the window. He turned to Cole. "Come here a second."

Cole looked over and saw Ty get out of the truck. "I'll see you in my office," Ty said with a scowl at Cole, leaving him with Aidan.

Cole frowned and crossed his arms. "What did I do now?"

Aidan chuckled. "You didn't do anything, knucklehead. Apparently,
the asshole because I took him to the emergency room last night just to be sure everything was fine and he only got about three hours of sleep. Just a heads up, he's not a morning person."

Cole arched an eyebrow. He knew better than to let his guard down. "Uh, okay. Good to know."

Aidan reached into the backseat and withdrew a bag. "Here, I brought you something."

Cole took the bag and stared at Aidan suspiciously.

"Just open the damn thing."

Cole opened the bag and peeked inside. He glanced up with a half smile.

Aidan tried to hide a grin. "I don't want you guys getting pregnant."

Cole chuckled. "Yes, Dad."

"I picked that up last night while he was getting checked out. So you didn't get it from me. I don't know. Make up some shit."

"Why are you being nice to me?" Cole asked.

Aidan blew out a heavy breath and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "Ty's happier than I've seen him in a long time, even from before the accident." He quieted and looked at the entrance of the shop, as if gathering his thoughts. He shifted his focus back to Cole a few moments later. "He's talking to me again. I don't know if it'll ever be the same, but it's a start. You gave me my brother back. So you've earned your spot off my shitlist."

Cole fidgeted, certain that if he opened his mouth he was going to screw something up.

"I invited him to come over to my house to hang out for a while like we used to. He hasn't given me an answer yet." Aidan rubbed the back of his neck and looked away before returning his focus to Cole. "Can you nudge him? He seems to listen to you."

Cole nodded. "Okay." He rolled down the top of the bag, crossed then uncrossed his arms. He finally put both hands behind his back, swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Tell me about the accident."

Aidan lowered his brow. "He hasn't told you?"

Cole shook his head. "I know about the burn scars and the scar on his back. He's told me he's got metal rods in a few places and about his spine and leg. I know about the doctor's appointments, the physical therapy—"

"You know all that and he hasn't told you about the accident?" Aidan asked, obvious disbelief coloring his expression.

Cole shrugged. "He doesn't want to talk about it. He went all dark when I found out about the scars so I didn't want to push."

Aidan leaned his head back in the seat and sighed. "If he hasn't told you, I'm guessing he still blames himself. Shit."

Cole took a step forward and rested his hand on the edge of the open window. "Just tell me."

Aidan closed his eyes, his head still leaning back against the headrest. "He had a show that day. He was unveiling a custom job…press was there, tons of potential clients. After all the interviews and press shit, it was late. Our parents were there, watching it all." He smiled distantly, his eyes still closed. "I remember my dad calling me, bitching at me for working late on a case because I was missing it all. He was so proud of him."

Cole gripped the windowsill trim, the tips of his fingers pressing against the SUV's interior door panel. He had asked, he needed to know. But now, he wasn't sure he wanted to know what had happened.

"They wanted to stay. I told them it was getting late and the rain would pick up, but they refused to leave. They said Ty looked too tired to drive and they didn't want him taking a cab. Deep down though," Aidan said, turning to face Cole, "I know it was because Dad was so proud he didn't want to miss a single second of it all."

Cole withdrew his hand from the car's windowsill. He rolled the bag to busy himself, not sure he wanted to hear what followed.

Aidan swiveled his head again to face forward and closed his eyes. "I got a call in the middle of the night from the hospital. They were able to recover one of the cell phones from the site so they redialed the last number in the call log. I guess I'm thankful that was me. Anyways, seems my father was driving. The rain was really bad that night. The car spun and flipped a few times finally stopping against a tree. As soon as my parents' car hit the tree, it caught on fire. Another car was on the road and saw it all. They pulled over and tried to save them but it was hard getting them out of the crushed car. It was too late for my parents but they managed to pull Ty out and put out the fire on his clothes. I have a feeling the only reason they were able to save him was because the rain slowed down the fire enough to allow them to get him out."

"So that's how he got the burn scars," Cole mumbled.

Aidan nodded. "Aside from the burns, he's got rods, a few screws, and a plate. After seeing what was left of the car, I guess you can say he was lucky. I don't even know how they managed to get him out of there."

Cole's chest tightened. "He didn't tell me all that."

Aidan sighed. "He doesn't talk about it. Ever."

Cole closed his eyes. Dammit. He knew exactly how Ty must have felt that night and why he refused to talk about it. The pain of loss was bad, but guilt was devastating. Cole still felt guilty about his brother's death. He imagined Ty felt the same about the death of his parents. "He said the doctors thought he wouldn't walk again."

Aidan blew out a deep breath. "He was in a coma for six months. A lot of internal damage. His leg was crushed and his spine fucked up. They said a lot of things about his future or lack thereof." Aidan smiled. "He proved those bastards wrong."

"Thanks for telling me," Cole said quietly.

Aidan looked over to him. "I don't know what you did or how you got through to him, but thank you. He's stubborn."

"It's a Calloway thing," Cole said, raising an eyebrow.

Aidan scowled. "You annoy me."

"Tell me something I don't know."

Aidan turned his body in the seat to face Cole. "I think you enjoy aggravating the crap out of me."

"I think you're right."

Aidan extended his hand, palm up. "Give me the bag back."

Cole stepped away from the SUV, hiding the bag behind his back. "Not on your life," he said with a laugh.

Aidan put the truck in gear. "I'm out of here. Remember, he's extra pissy this morning."

"Got it," Cole said with a salute.

Aidan slung his arm over the passenger seat and backed out of the parking spot, then drove away with a wave good-bye.

Cole entered the bay and headed immediately to the locker room to stash the bag of goodies then quickly made his way to Ty's office. They were due a discussion about Mr. Asshole's visit yesterday and he was not letting Ty off the hook, regardless of his mood.

He knocked on the door and waited for Ty's response.

"Come in," Ty grumbled.

Cole held back a smile and entered the office, carefully locking the door behind him.

Ty sat on the edge of his desk with the same scowl as a few moments before, staring at a file. "You were out there for a while with Aidan," he said, not looking up from the pages in the folder. "You guys conspiring?"

Cole chuckled. "Is that what you think we were doing?"

Ty remained focused on the folder, flipping to the next page. "What else would it be? Seems you two were hell bent on getting me to a doctor and you both got your wish. Six fucking hours in the emergency room. I hope you're happy."

Cole bit his lip to hide the laugh that wanted to escape. Oh, his Ty had a temper.

"I wasn't conspiring. I was hitting on Aidan," Cole teased.

Ty immediately looked up, his scowl now focused on Cole.

Cole leaned back against the door. "I'm kidding. He's not the Calloway I want. I just wanted you to focus on me and not that piece of paper."

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