A Reason To Breathe (26 page)

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Authors: C.P. Smith

BOOK: A Reason To Breathe
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I heard the crunch of rocks made by his tires and then Bailey said, “Oh shit,” I tried to push back, but he had my arms wrapped up. Mark heard the truck door slam, and was pulling away from me when he was yanked back, and then shoved into the side of my cabin.

“You got two seconds to explain why you had your lips on my woman,” Jack seethed.

“Jack, he was saying goodbye, and he wasn’t thinking, he’s leaving, let him go.” I begged. Jack looked at me with fire in his eyes.

“Who is he to you?”

“This is Mark, the man who got stabbed by Gerry.”

“Why do I get the feeling you left something out about what happened in the bar?” Before I could answer, Mark jumped in.

“I apologize, I didn’t mean to step on any toes, I’m leaving in a couple of days and just wanted to say goodbye, honestly.” Mark wheezed out.

Jack’s forearm was pressed into his neck; then he moved it to Mark’s shirt and spun him from the side of the house to the steps, and then gave him a shove. Mark spun around as he walked to his car and apologized again.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer, I meant no harm, just had to know if there was anything there.”

“Just go, Mark, I’m glad you're fine, take care.” 
He moved to his car, and Jack watched him the whole way. I didn’t know what to do, so I stood there and waited. When Mark pulled out, Jack turned to me and looked down. I held my breath waiting for him to bellow at me, but he just studied me for a moment, then his hand came up and cupped my face, his thumb moving across my lips like he was trying to smear the kiss off them. I didn’t know what else to do so I bit his thumb. His eyes narrowed and went dark, then he sucked in a breath and laid down the law for the millionth time since I’d met him.

“No one touches these lips but me, you hear me?”


“I don’t want to see that guy within ten feet of you again.”


“I find out he’s been around when I’m not here, I’ll find him and beat the shit out of him.”

“Ok.” He looked at me again for a moment, studying me, then continued. 

“And from now on you do as I say, no arguments.”

“O…hey, nice try, but I’m not that—” Jack swooped in and kissed me; hands in my hair, then running down my back pulling me closer. He deepened the kiss, his tongue staking his claim and 
 kiss took away any lingering memories of another man’s lips. Jack pulled back and scanned me head to toe, while my head spun and then he tilted his head amused.

“Knew you were trouble the first day I laid eyes on you.”

“I knew you were bossy the minute you opened your mouth.” I responded.

“Babe, answer me one thing.”


“What the hell are you wearing?”






Chapter Twenty-six





Three days later….




        “You’re moving in with me.”

“I’m what?”

“Woke three days in a row without you in my bed, after having you there a week. I’m too old to play games, so you’re moving in with me.” Jack ordered over the phone.

Jack and I had been spending what time we could with each other, between his job and my job. Lunch here, dinner there, hot after dinner sex, before he had to leave since he was on call for the evening. He’d had a fire at the Mine, an elderly man who walked away from an Alzheimer’s ward to find, and he was still dealing with the aftermath of the bank robbery. After seeing each other daily, it was an adjustment for me, and clearly it was an adjustment for him, ‘cause now he was ordering me to move in with him.

“Jack, be reasonable, we’ve only known each other three weeks. We don’t need to rush this.”

“Jenn, I don’t need another day to know I wanna build something with you, and I’m not doing it living separate lives. You’re moving in. Call Ben and tell him you’ll be out within a week so he can start looking for another tenant.” Before I could even respond he hung up. I’m learning with Jack when he wants something, he says what’s gonna happen, and if you don’t agree, he walks right over you, and this is gonna be one of those times. Since I kinda loved his bossy, and I was sure I kinda loved him, I picked up the phone and called Ben.

“Hiya, Jenny, what’s up?”

“I’m moving in with Jack, he told me to tell you I’d be out in a week.”

“Took him long enough, I didn’t think he’d let you leave once you were discharged.”

See! Men totally stick together!!!

“Do you boss Lorraine around like this?”

“Hell no, she wears the pants and I’m fine with that.” I could totally see that.

“Glad it works for you Ben, thanks for understanding, talk to you later, OK?”

“Call me if you need help moving.”

“Will do thanks.”

I hung up and looked around my cabin in the mountains and was sad to think about moving. Realizing I had to pack everything for the second time in five months, I groaned.  Bailey walked in from outside, and I blurted out, “I’m moving in with Jack.” She looked confused by my outburst, then it hit her; she smiled, and then

“I knew that costume would work.” Smiling at her excitement, I laughed when I thought about Jack’s reaction when he’d asked me what I was wearing. When I’d told him I’d been trying on the Halloween costume Bailey bought me, he quickly turned to her, and I kid you not, said, “You’re grounded.”

Needless to say, he expressed his extreme displeasure with my costume. He said he was working the event and under no circumstances was I to show up in that, and if I did, he’d tan my hide. To which I laughed thinking he was funny for trying to tell me, yet again, what to do. So I’d nodded, and mmhmm’d him while he carried on about how, “He’d have to shoot anyone who looked at me, and did I really want to risk the lives of every man in the county.” 

The discussion ended with Bailey saying she’d return the costume for something else, but Jack didn’t catch the gleam in her eye, so when she returned the next day with a new costume, it was worse than the first. I was now going as a Sheriff; Bailey thought that was appropriate, but I didn’t think this was standard issue. The black shorts covered less butt cheek than before and the top only covered half my boobs…., (And that wasn’t good ‘cause they weren’t itty-bitty cups). Spiked black boots and a ball cap with aviator glasses rounded out the stripper gear, and I just knew Jack was gonna explode….(insert evil laugh).

See why I miss my daughter? She rocks. She is my best friend, and I wouldn’t change a thing about her. She pulled me out of my head when she said, “Daddy would have liked Jack.”

“They’re nothing alike, why do you think he would have liked Jack?”

“’Cause he would have enjoyed watching Jack try to boss you around, knowing it wouldn’t work. Dad always said to try and stop you was a waste of energy ‘cause you couldn’t be harnessed, said you were like a wild mustang.”

God that made me sad thinking about Doug, and how much he was missing out on Bailey’s life, and how much Bailey was gonna miss her dad in the future, then she rocked me again.

“You’d lost that after he died, you were cautious, like you forgot you could do anything you put your mind to. Jack brings out your fighter instincts. He’s good for you; you’re 
 around him.”

A knot formed in my throat; my eyes got wet, but I was determined not to cry because my daughter thought I could do anything. So I tucked that memory away for another time. “Who wouldn’t fight with that man? Seriously, you’ve seen him order me around, he’s a throwback to the cavemen days.” We both laughed, then Bailey gave me a hug. “I’m happy for you Mom, you deserve forever with a man you love and who loves you.” Like I said, she rocks.



*                            *                            *



        Two hours later, I was at my office, starting my article on the upcoming Halloween Festival, when I heard Bob call my name. Looking over my computer screen at my editor, he raised his hand to indicate he wanted me to come to him. Grabbing my notebook and pencil, I headed to his office wondering what crafts fair or bake sale had called in for coverage. I entered, and he pointed to a chair in front of his desk. Sitting, I waited for him to take a seat, and when he did, he floored me. “Lorraine and I have been discussing her cutting back at the paper. She wants to spend more time with Ben, while they’re still young,” he laughed and then continued. “So she’s asked to take over your position in events.”


“I’m moving Lorraine to events and moving you to editorial.”


“Lorraine will finish up the Halloween festival piece, and I want you to concentrate on the new casino that’s attempting to move in. We need a human-interest piece on this, and why it will change the area for good or bad. Research any states whose economy is dependent on tourism, see if the areas have had a rise in crime, also if the funds dumped into their economies were worth what they had to give up.”

Still in shock, I grabbed my notebook and started scribbling furiously while he spoke. Half listening and half wanting to do back flips with a half pike, I kept my cool. When Bob finished, I looked up and with a serious reporter face said, “I’ll get right on it, and thanks for the opportunity, Bob.”

“Thank Lorraine, she told me I’d be an idiot to keep you on events, said something about you having the Sheriff’s department wrapped around your pinky, and if you could do that, you could sweet talk anyone for information.” I made a note to hug Lorraine and buy her a gift, but only nodded once and replied, “Yes, sir,” then turned exiting his office, headed to my desk, grabbed my phone and dialed Jack.



*                            *                            *



        I walked into Mike’s burgers scanning, looking for Jack. He’d had time for a quick bite when I told him the good news. “We’re celebrating, meet me at Mike’s,” was his bossy reply, so here I was looking for Jack, who hadn’t arrived yet. Deciding to grab a table, I told Shirley at the counter to give Jack the heads up when he arrived.

Looking for privacy, I spotted a booth in the corner and headed over, passing tables and booths filled with locals. I waved hi, and went to sit down, when I heard giggling from one booth over. Turning my head, I found three sets of women’s eyes on me. I’d never met these women, so I wasn’t sure who they were, and what was so funny? I looked at my jeans, then my boots to see if I was trailing toilet paper, found nothing hilarious, so I ignored them and sat down.

“You’re that reporter aren’t you?” A buxom blonde inquired. Something about the way she said that reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t put my finger on it, so I stood and walked over to her table, and put out my hand.

“Jennifer Stewart, nice to meet you.”

“We’ve met, or I should say we’ve spoken on the phone, you called to warn me I might be a killer’s next victim.” Since Jack had called me, and put a stop to my phone calls, I’d only gotten in touch with one woman that day, Amber Welsh, the only one Jack said hated him.
Dammit, today had been a great day so far.
 I smiled as genuine a smile as I could, and replied to her.

“Amber, right? Nice to meet you.”

“Have you taken my advice and dumped Jack before he dumps you?” Why had I introduced myself? I should have known just looking at her she was trouble.

“No, I’m still seeing Jack.”

“You mark my words, you’ll be history in a month.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I answered as diplomatically as I could. She actually rolled her eyes at my answer, and that pissed me off. I decided an escape was the best course of action for now, so begged off with, “Nice to meet you, but I’m on a short lunch hour so I think I’ll just go order from takeout,” then turned to the front when Jack walked in.

Jack saw me, smiled big, and headed my way.
 I didn’t know whether to move to him, stay still or go sit down, so I went with greet him. As I reached Jack and before I could say anything, Jack shouted behind him, “Shirley, two specials and two pieces of your chocolate cake, we’re celebrating.” Damn, escape was fading fast. I looked for another table on the other side of the room, and found one, so I grabbed Jack’s hand, and tried to head towards it, but Jack pulled me back, then smiling asked, “You forget something?”


“Haven’t seen you today, and you’re movin’ in, so give me a kiss, Baby.” I melted when he said that, who wouldn’t, and without even caring who saw, rose up on my toes, and kissed him. Jack wrapped me in his arms, and then deepened the kiss; it was hot, so hot; I forgot where we were. When he pulled back and smiled at me, he whispered “Hi.”

 moving in with him?” I closed my eyes when I heard Amber’s accusatory remark. Apparently leaving out that tidbit during our conversation pissed her off. Dammit, this was supposed to be a celebration lunch, not a bitch fight. I could feel my temper rising, so I counted to ten.

“Amber.” Jack answered her question with a warning.

 moving in with him?” She repeated in a tone that screamed disbelief. That anger I’d been holding off by counting came back, and I reacted.

“You heard him, I’m moving in, and I won’t be moving out.”

Jack wrapped his arm around my chest, and pulled me back as I leaned forward. Amber narrowed her eyes, and then gave me a once over like she was trying to figure out what I had that she didn’t. “Brains,” I wanted to shout at her, but bit my lip. Jack barked out “Move on, Amber; we’re here for lunch don’t cause a scene.”    

“Don’t cause a scene? You mean like the one you just caused, sticking your tongue down her throat, rubbing it in my face?”

“Fuck, woman, I didn’t even see you, and if I had, I wouldn’t have given a shit, you don’t ping on my radar, haven’t in over two years.”

Amber sucked in a breath, hell, I sucked in a breath, but she was getting what she deserved. Her eyes got wet, and I heard Jack mumble, “Fuck.” Deciding it was time to end this, I opened my mouth to apologize for any discomfort she might have endured seeing us together.
 Why, I don’t know; it’s that damn golden rule my mother ingrained in me, “do unto others,” that made me feel guilty when her eyes teared up, but before I could say sorry, Jack must have felt it coming and whispered, “Don’t,” in my ear. I understood why when Amber opened her mouth again, and let it rip.

“Shannon wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t good enough, Naomi and Shannon both got killed because of this slut, and now you’re moving
 into your house? Is that what I’m hearing? All the women you’ve had in your bed and
,” she waved her hand up and down indicating all of me, “Is what you finally fall for? Really?”

“I didn’t just hear you call her a slut?” Jack growled.

“Believe it,” she hissed.

I was too busy wondering what
 “this,” meant, to retaliate. I was shorter than all of them by 3-4 inches; I didn’t have big hair, my boobs weren’t 
 huge, and my IQ notwithstanding, they weren’t
different from me. In fact, since I was smarter and not a bimbo, I figured that gave me one-up on them, so that being the case, I was pissed right the hell off. Figuring everyone else let it all hang out; I decided it was my turn.

“Didn’t you get the memo? Jack decided he prefers
booty.” I heard Jack chuckle, but I kept going. “So move on, get over it, and check the attitude, then maybe you won’t scare off the next guy…. and in case you’re not clear on what I just said, I’ll dumb it down for you…fuck off.”

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