A Rare Ruby (12 page)

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Authors: Dee Williams

Tags: #Saga, #Fiction

BOOK: A Rare Ruby
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Elsie nodded.
‘I really enjoyed meself last time.’
‘Well then, come on, we can talk about it.’ Elsie tucked her arm through Ruby’s and almost marched her down the road.
As they sat drinking tea Ruby’s thoughts were miles away. The very idea of going to see moving pictures again was filling her mind.
‘Ruby,’ said Elsie. ‘I was saying I can come to the laundry next Friday if you like, then I can tell you all about me new job and we can sort out about going to the picture house on Saturday.’
‘Yes, yes. Friday will be fine. Will you have any money? Don’t you have to work a week in hand?’
‘Yes, but me dad’ll see me all right. If any week I can’t come out with you, why don’t you ask that Beth to go with you? She should have more than enough money if she does the odd night in the pub as well as the cleaning.’
‘It wouldn’t be the same as going with you.’
‘I know. But we all have to move on.’
Ruby fiddled with the spoon in the saucer. ‘I suppose I could ask her if you couldn’t make it. Me mum don’t mind looking after Danny. He’s sitting up now. He’s certainly made a difference to me dad; he sits and talks to him. Danny’s such a happy little soul.’
‘Well then, that’s settled.’
But although Ruby liked Beth, it was Elsie who was her best friend. Things wouldn’t be the same.
Ruby spent the whole of the following week looking forward to Friday when hopefully they would be planning to go out together. Ruby rushed through the arch and grinned when she saw Elsie waiting for her.
Ruby listened to Elsie excitedly telling her how much she liked the women she worked with. What with the extra money she would be getting, it was a lot better all round. ‘And there’s some good-looking blokes there as well.’
Ruby had to try hard to conceal her disappointment as she listened to Elsie telling her they wouldn’t be going to the pictures the next day.
‘Now don’t get angry, but me sister wants us all to go tomorrow as it’s me dad’s birthday. We can go another time.’
As they walked along Elsie took Ruby’s arm. Somehow Ruby felt this was a sign she wouldn’t be seeing so much of Elsie now.
On Saturday, despite her disappointment about Elsie, she was almost pleased to be out with Tom.
‘I saw that Alfie Anderson the other day.’
‘You didn’t say. Did he hurt you?’
‘What happened?’
‘Was he on his own?’
‘No. I was very frightened when I saw him and his mates hanging about at the bottom of the stairs in the buildings.’
‘Was Beth with you?’
‘No, I was on me own. I really thought they was going to beat me up.’
‘So what happened?’
‘He just stood to one side and told his mates to step back. I tell you, Ruby, I was up those stairs like a shot and I was terrified to come down, but they just stood and looked at me.’
‘I wonder if any of Mrs Bell’s men friends have warned them off?’
‘I dunno, but it was very strange.’
Ruby ruffled his hair. ‘How d’you fancy coming to the picture house one of these Saturdays?’
‘What? Go with you? D’you really mean it?’ Tom’s eyes were filled with amazement.
‘Why not?’
‘I’d really like that.’
‘That’s settled. Tell you what, it could be your birthday treat.’
‘Can we go next Saturday, on me birthday?’
‘Maybe, or perhaps the week after.’
‘Ruby Jenkins, I want a word with you.’
Ruby’s heart missed a beat when she heard that voice. She turned.
‘I reckon you owe me. I got you that job at Stone’s.’
‘Did you now?’
‘I had a word with that Mrs Watson.’
‘Why? After what you told her?’
He hung his head. ‘D’you think you could walk on, son,’ he said to Tom. ‘I want to talk to your sister.’
‘Go on, Tom. I’ll catch up with you.’
Tom turned his mouth down. ‘Don’t be long.’
‘I won’t. So you reckon you got me this job?’
‘No, but I had to say something. I’m sorry about telling Mrs Watson that, but I was jealous of you getting a job and me still trying.’
‘You’ve tried to get a job at Stone’s?’
‘Yer. Taking the van out. I’m good with horses, but they didn’t want to know. They only take on girls. That’s why I butter up Mrs Watson when I can. You never know, one day there might be a job for me.’
Ruby’s heart went out to him.
He ground his cigarette into the ground with the heel of his scruffy boot. ‘After, I was sorry for what I said. I realised we’re all hard up and need all the money we can get.’
‘In that case, thank you.’ She went to move on but he put his hand out to stop her.
‘Look, I know you don’t like me and I don’t blame you.’
Ruby could have died. How could she tell him she almost worshipped him? ‘You’re all right, I suppose,’ she said nonchalantly.
‘In that case, if you can stand being with me, I’d like us to be friends. You know I can’t afford to take you out, but I was wondering now the better weather’s here if we could perhaps go for a walk somewhere. I could meet you in the park.’
‘I like you, Ruby.’
‘You’ve got a funny way of showing it.’
When he grinned at her and his blue eyes sparkled, she found she was having trouble keeping her feelings under control.
‘I think I’m beginning to grow up,’ said Ernie.
‘Come on, Ruby,’ shouted Tom.
‘I’d better be off.’
‘Can I see you at the park gates tomorrow evening about eight?’
‘I’ll be there. Bye!’
As Ruby ran to catch Tom up she was so happy, she had a wide grin on her face to prove it.
‘Ruby, would you go over to the dairy and get a couple of rashers of streaky for Mr Cox’s breakfast,’ said her mother when they walked in.
‘Hello, Ruby love,’ said Milly. ‘Don’t see a lot of you these days.’
‘No, I know. Mum wants a couple of rashers for Mr C’s breakfast.’
‘How are things?’
‘Not too bad now. Even Dad’s beginning to look better. He’s even talking about going out.’
‘That’s wonderful news. Still enjoying being out at work?’
‘It’s OK. I was hoping I’d be moved into a better job when me mate left, but that’s not to be.’
‘That that Elsie you’re always talking about?’
‘Yes, she’s gone to work in the tea factory. I’ve asked her to try and get me a job there. Anything’s got to be better than standing about all day lifting heavy washing from the boilers and being up to your ankles in water.’
‘You wonner be careful you don’t finish up with rheumatics. I see that Mrs Moss has got the plaster off her arm - I reckon that Beth Norton will be looking for another job soon.’
Ruby looked up in alarm. ‘How will she pay me mum?’
‘She must get some sort of allotment from the Navy.’
‘Don’t know.’
‘Let’s hope she’s put a bit by for a rainy day,’ said Milly.
‘I hope so,’ said Ruby again.
As Ruby crossed the road her good mood had evaporated. Although she sometimes got upset with Beth, her money was more than useful. If she left then Ruby would have to give her mother all of her money. What about Tom? It was his tenth birthday on Saturday and although she had promised to take him to the new picture house sometime, spending all that money on bus fares and the pictures would be an expensive luxury. Should she think of something else to make him happy as the good times might not last for ever? He would be very disappointed. Despite the upset over Mr Cox, she wanted Beth to stay. Perhaps she could find another cleaning job?
From the shop window Milly watched Ruby slowly cross the road, the spring quite gone from her step. Ruby had grown into such a lovely girl. She was so willing to work to help the family. She deserved so much more.
The following evening Ruby set off to meet Ernie. She couldn’t believe that he wanted to take her out. She walked slowly round the park. Would he be here?
‘You came then.’ Suddenly he appeared behind her.
‘Yes.’ As he fell into step beside her, she was tongue-tied. For the first time they weren’t hurling insults at one another.
‘So, how is it at Stone’s?’
‘All right.’
‘I told you I wanted a job there as a driver. That’s when I first saw Mrs Watson. I was fondling the horse. I’m good with horses, but she told me that his sons do all the collecting and delivering.’
‘I’ve only seen the one horse and cart.’
‘He’s got two sons, they take it in turns. When they’re not out they spend time in the office, or out trying to drum up extra clients.’
‘You know a lot about them.’
‘Made it me business.’ He stopped and looked at her. ‘Ruby, I’m sorry I was in a hurry that night.’
‘When? The night you was rushing to the pub?’
‘Yes. You see I had to get me sister a drop of brandy, she’s got this terrible cough and that’s all Mum could think of to settle it and help her sleep. She’s tried everything: mustard poultices, steaming her over a bowl of boiling water. The poor little thing’s exhausted through not getting any sleep, and it ain’t doing me mum a lot of good either.’
‘I’m sorry. What sister’s that?’
‘Little Eve.’ A smile lit up his eyes. ‘She’s a funny little thing.’
‘How old is she?’
‘Four, going on forty.’
‘Is she better now?’
‘For the time being.’
‘Has your mum taken her to see a doctor?’
‘No, can’t afford it.’ He kicked a stone. ‘I wish I could get a proper job.’
Ruby was amazed, and full of sympathy. He’d always been so sure of himself, yet now he was letting his guard down, standing here confiding his innermost secrets. ‘Why are you telling me all this, Ernie?’
‘I need someone to talk to. Me sisters are all right, but I need a friend. Ruby, will you be my friend?’
She couldn’t believe this. ‘What about your mates?’
‘Ain’t really got any. Trouble is I’ve always been a bit of a show off. But things are different now.’ He looked at his feet. ‘I’ve always liked you, you’re sensible.’
Oh, how very lonely he must be. But he wanted to be her friend. She didn’t want to be thought of as sensible, she wanted to be a laugh and make him happy, but being his friend was the next best thing that could happen to her. She swallowed hard. ‘I’d love to be your friend.’
He smiled. ‘I can’t afford to take you out, but it would be nice if some evenings when I’m not busy, and you can make it, we can go for a stroll.’
‘I’d like that very much.’ Ruby was suddenly walking on air.
He smiled at her. ‘That’s good.’
‘They found a bench, sat down and talked. Ruby was no longer tongue-tied now she knew he really liked her. He told her how devastated he’d been when his dad got killed.
‘I thought the world of me dad. We was more like mates. Me mum was in a terrible state. Suddenly she had me and three girls to bring up on her own. His parents live up north, Scotland somewhere, but they didn’t want to know about me mum looking after us lot. She did get a note from his brother once. Dad talked about him sometimes.’
Ruby wanted to hold him, he looked so sad, but knew that wouldn’t be right. What a wicked war it had been.
‘Things should get a bit better when our Daisy starts work next year. She ain’t old enough yet - just thirteen. Mum’s hoping to get her into service.’
‘Will she like that?’
He was staring at the ducks playing on the pond. ‘She ain’t got a lot of choice. At least she’ll get some decent clobber and food. And it’ll be a mouth less for Mum to feed.’
‘Ernie, I’m really sorry things are so hard for you.’
He sat up. ‘Sorry. I didn’t ask you out to hear all about my problems. I shouldn’t be going on about me and mine. You ain’t exactly had things going your way, have you?’
‘No. But with a bit of luck everything will turn out fine one of these days for all of us.’
‘I hope so. I’ve got to be going. It’s been really nice talking to you.’ He stood up. ‘P’r’aps we can do this again. See you around.’
‘Yes.’ She watched him walk away, disappointed. There were so many things she wanted to ask him, like the washing he delivered to the laundry: where did he get it from? Did his mother work? But Ruby knew she had to take one step at a time; she had to gain his confidence. She went in the opposite direction to Ernie, but she had a smile on her face. Like the weather, she had a spring in her step once more. She didn’t notice that Ernie had stopped and was looking after her with a grin on his face. When he set off again, he too had a spring in his step. He liked Ruby very much and hoped this would lead to something more.
Chapter 10
Beth smiled at Mr Thompson when he walked into the bar.
‘You make a good job of that floor, Beth.’
‘Thank you.’ She sat back on her haunches. ‘I’m very grateful for you letting me work those few nights behind the bar.’
‘You’re a very bright young lady, and the customers liked you.’
‘I have to start looking after the pennies now. I was very worried that Mrs Jenkins might throw me out after that rumpus I caused with Mr Cox.’
‘Heard about that. From what I know of the old goat he deserves taking down a peg or two - always boasting about that house he owns.’
Beth wrung out the floor cloth. ‘I didn’t know that. Does he own many houses?’
‘Na. Right old skinflint. Always moaning that I don’t give him a full pint, says there’s too much froth on it.’
‘I’m surprised we don’t see any relations hanging about waiting to pounce when he croaks it.’
‘Don’t think it’s worth much.’
‘He must be getting on.’
‘All of sixty.’
‘And he’s never married?’

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