A Question of Impropriety (23 page)

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Authors: Michelle Styles

BOOK: A Question of Impropriety
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Diana looked towards the house. For so long she had thought it a place of refuge, but, if she allowed it to be, it would become her prison. She looked to where Brett stood, the breeze slightly ruffling his travelling coat. Freedom and life. It was far more important than security. She knew that now. ‘Brett, take me with you.'

‘What are you asking?'

She held out her hands. Tears streamed down her face. ‘Take me with you as your mistress.'

Behind her, she heard Simon's curse and ignored it. She had reached the point in her life at which she had to stop
running. Her breath caught in her throat as she waited for his answer.


She stared at him in stunned disbelief. ‘No?' She swallowed hard. The word had come from Brett. ‘What do you mean?'

Brett's lips turned up in a thin smile. ‘No.'

Diana felt her world turn upside down. Had he truly meant to end it? Here and now? She had lost every thing. She stood there stunned. Unable to take it in.

‘Even your lover has more sense than you, Diana.' Simon's scornful words floated on the breeze.

‘Please, Brett,' she whispered as her heart broke into a thousand shards. ‘Tell me why. Surely I am owed that.'

‘Is it me you want, or the idea of me?' he asked in a harsh rasp. His grey eyes had become silver arrows piercing into her soul. ‘What exactly is it you want? Love comes at a cost.'

The idea of him? She stared at Brett, confused. She wanted him. Then her mind cleared. She knew what he was asking. She had spent years thinking about him as the prince of rakes, a man around whom scandal and gossip swirled, but that wasn't Brett Farnham at all. Brett was something more—a loyal friend, someone she could depend on, a man who kept his promises. Her idea of him was very different than society's and she knew that she had discerned the true man.

‘You,' she said without hesitation. ‘I want you. I want my life full of passion and emotion.'

Brett nodded and she knew she had said the right words. He would take her with him. They could go on together, for as long as things lasted. And then when it ended, she'd face the future. She held out her hands. ‘I promise to be a good and faithful mistress for as long as it lasts.'

‘You cannot have me that way.' His face darkened like thunder and she took an involuntary step back wards. ‘I refuse.'

‘Why not?' She tilted her head to one side. Her whole being trembled. He could not be planning on repudiating her here, in front of Simon. ‘It is what you want. Why are you not agreeing?'

‘Because I love you, Diana. I have loved you from the moment you drove away from the mud pool, leaving me standing there with a book in my hand. And then the feeling was re in forced when I met you again, wearing that ridiculous cap and struggling so hard to deny yourself all pleasure. I tried to say that it was simply to spite your brother, but I was fooling myself. I wanted to spend time with you.'

‘But if you love me…'

Brett strode three steps to her, caught her hands and went down on one knee. ‘I want to marry you and have you by my side for the rest of my life. Please say that you will be my wife.'

‘You want to marry me? Out of duty?'

‘Duty has nothing to do with it. I don't want you to marry me because your brother insists, or because you think society demands it. I want you to marry me because it is what you desire above every thing else. I love you Diana.'

‘You love me?' She tugged at his hand and he stood. Her fingers curled around his.

‘I have been trying to show you, and now I am telling you. I love you, Diana Clare, with all my heart and all my soul. And I want to marry you for the right reason, the only reason—I need you in my life for all time. Please.'

‘Brett, I will. I love you with all my heart and soul and to
be parted now would be more than I could bear.' She threw her arms around him and gave herself up to his kiss.

‘You will have to bear it for a little while, sweet heart.' His eyes crinkled and he gave a heart stopping smile. ‘No midnight gallop to Gretna Green for us. We marry in the parish church with the banns properly read and your brother giving you away. I will have no one speak out about this marriage, Diana.'

‘If it must be done that way, then so be it. But let it be a simple wedding.'

‘Whatever your heart desires, my very dearest lady.' He lowered his mouth and Diana forgot about every thing for a long while.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7623-3


Copyright © 2008 by Michelle Styles

First North American Publication 2010

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