A Protector's Second Chance (Unit Matched #2) (9 page)

BOOK: A Protector's Second Chance (Unit Matched #2)
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Chapter 24

Day 56 of 90


I was curled up in a fleece blanket watching some reality TV show, hoping that Oliver would be coming home soon. I missed him.

I had a nightmare last night and didn’t sleep well. My eyes were growing heavier as I stared at the TV. I finally gave in and succumbed to sleep.

I dreamed of Oliver’s strong arms around me. I inhaled deeply. I could smell the cold outside and the snow in the air. Coolness was on my cheeks.

My eyes fluttered open. My focus was blurry, but a pair of green stared back at me.

“Hi.” Oliver’s soft voice makes me smile.

“Hi,” I moaned. It took me a second to realize what was happening. I sat straight up. “Oh my God, hi.” I threw my arms around his neck. His cheek was cold against mine, and he still had his jacket on.

“Did you miss me?” Oliver chuckled against my neck.

“Yes,” I breathed, holder him tighter.

“I never thought I’d hear you say that,” he whispered, pulling back a little bit to kiss my cheek.

“Did you just get back?”

He nodded. “I did. I’m starving, too. So, I brought dinner home.”

“Okay.” I released him, threw the blanket off, and headed to the kitchen to set the table.

Oliver had a white plastic bag sitting on the table. I knew from the smell that it was from The Diner. He hung his jacket up and began to unload the Styrofoam containers from the bag.

“I figured that since I was gone longer than I’d hoped, I would bring your favorite,” Oliver smiled.

“Thanks.” I bite down on my lip, trying not to show my enthusiasm.

Oliver took his seat at the head of the table, and I placed a bottle of water in front of him. I sat next to him, resisting the urge to climb into his lap.

We started eating. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I bit down into the burger. I hadn’t really eaten since Oliver had left. I liked to cook, but when it was only one person it seemed like a waste of time. No wonder frozen meals were so popular with single people.

It was something else that I would need to remember after my banishment.

“How’s Unit?” I’d been dying to ask the question.

Oliver continued to eat and didn’t say anything right away. “Fine.”


“Yep,” he didn’t say anything else. “How’s everything here? Did you finish
Star Trek

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, so much has happened since you left. I did laundry. I worked out. You won’t believe what I did last night. Want to guess?” I waited for him to look up at me.

”What?” he smirked.

“I swept and mopped the floors. It was the best night ever,” I sarcastically lied.

“That sounds like a blast. Wish I had been here, it sounds like quite a party.” He picked up his empty containers and began to clean up his mess.

I watched Oliver move around the kitchen. He was avoiding talking to me about Unit, I knew that much.

“I’m tired, but I’m going to take a quick shower, and then we can hang out. Okay?”

I smiled. “Sure. I’ll finish up here.”

He gave me a quick kiss and headed upstairs. I picked up my stuff and began to clean up the kitchen. I started to wipe down the counters, and I noticed that Oliver’s phone was laying there.

Just lying there.

I looked over at the stairs. I knew that he wouldn’t be long. I stared at the phone. I could do this. I could just peek.

I shook my head.


Oliver hadn’t betrayed my trust by looking at my journals; I couldn’t look at his phone. Even though it was killing me not knowing what was happening in Unit. I knew that this would answer my questions.

I closed my eyes, touching the cool phone sitting on the counter. My conscience and I were fighting each other to look and not to look.



I couldn’t do it. I stepped away from the phone. I walked into in the living room and put
Star Trek
into the Blu-Ray. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind. I would wait for Oliver to tell me. I didn’t want to lose the trust that we’d built. I gazed at my journals. I knew that he hadn’t touched them. I was sure that he’d been tempted. I could be as strong as he was. I was the Protector of the Royal Bloodline and Unit. I was strong.

I watched the main menu on TV screen motionless waiting for the Oliver to come back down. Not even Chris Pine or Spock’s ears could keep my mind off Unit. Deep down, I knew something was happening, and it wasn’t good.

“I knew that you had a thing for Spock,” Oliver laughed, taking a seat next to me. He was in a gray T-shirt and black sweatpants.

I giggled, curling up against his side, and I was glad that I hadn’t looked at his phone.

“I’m glad that you missed me.”

My smile faltered. I had missed him and maybe I could figure out a way to get the information out of him.

“Did you see Rebecca?”


“Is she still okay?” My heart was pounding.

“She’s better now.”

I sat up and looked at him. “What does that mean?”

The color faded from Oliver’s face. His mouth clamped shut.

“Oliver, what does that mean?”

He shook his head. “I can’t tell you.”

“You better.” I growled at him. “Tell me right now.” I raised my voice.


“Yes, Oliver Thomas.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “I don’t feel like watching TV. I’m going to bed.” He stood up and headed to the stairs.

“Stop.” I go over to him. “You’ve been gone several days and I can feel something is going on. I’m very anxious. It’s in my blood. I’m feeling,” I paused. I needed to tell him. “I’m feeling helpless and worthless here. I thought I was strong, but,” I shake my head.

My true feelings were revealed. I hadn’t said it before I had felt this way for a while.

“Enough, Amaya.” Oliver grasped my face in his hands. “You’re not worthless. Stop saying that. Right now! You’re the top Protector in Unit. You’re strong, beautiful, and would give your life to protect others. None of that makes you worthless.”

Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. “Please, tell me.”

“I would if I could. This is one thing that I swore I wouldn’t tell. I can’t tell you, Amaya.”

I stepped back. “It’s bad isn’t it?”

“It depends on whose side you’re on.”

I gasped. “Side? Unit is taking sides?”

Oliver stared at me. “I’m going to bed. Good night, Amaya.” He raced up the stairs two at a time.

What was happening in Unit?

Chapter 25

Day 58 of 90


I hadn’t spoken to Oliver for two days. We had come so far together, but now I couldn’t look at him. He refused to tell me anything about Unit and I did the mature thing; I pouted in my room.

My imagination was running wild with what could be happening in Unit. Was everyone okay? Was there a war going on? What if there was a riot? It could be anything.

I tossed and turned in the bed. I couldn’t sleep when Oliver was away, and I couldn’t when he was here if we were at odds with each other. I finally found a comfortable spot, and my heavy eyes fell.

“Amaya,” Oliver whispered “Come on.”

“What?” I snapped at him.

“We have to go to Unit. Right now.”

My eyes popped open. “We’re going to Unit.”

“Yes. Hurry.”

I sprang out of bed. “I’ll be ready in one minute.” I quickly ran into the bathroom and changed into jeans, a sweatshirt, and slipped on tennis shoes.

Oliver and I ran like the wind to the Escalade. He drove like race car driver toward Unit. I was biting my nails because my nerves were on edge.

We made it to the gate of Unit, and Oliver punched in his code and the gates opened. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath. I released as he drove into Unit.

I was home.

“Why are we here, Oliver?”

“Xaviera, Gia, and Rebecca all died last night.”

My heart stopped and my stomach dropped. “How?” the tears fell, and I was sobbing.

“It was because of you and all your Rule breaking. Mother Nature created a huge thunderstorm, and they died.”

“No.” I couldn’t believe it. Mother Nature wasn’t that cruel. I knew it in my soul.

“The King isn’t going banish you. He’s going to give you the ultimate punishment.”

My stopped heart was now racing. “What is that?”

“Death. The King has sentenced you to death.”

I started to scream, and I tried to get out of the vehicle, but I couldn’t release my seatbelt.

“Oliver, help me.”

“No, you deserve death, Amaya. You’re such a worthless person. A worthless Matched. A worthless Protector. Death is the only way out of your worthlessness.”

“No. Oliver. No.” I was crying harder, tugging at my belt.

“You. Are. Worthless,” Oliver growled, his green eyes cold.



My eyes popped open, and I was back in the cabin. I was panting and my face was wet with tears.

I was in the cabin.

I wasn’t sentenced to death.

I was still here.

It was a nightmare.

I wiped all the tears away and headed into the bathroom, trying to calm down. I washed my face, but my throat was dry. The sun was just beginning to peek over the trees, and I was hoping that Oliver was still asleep.

I tiptoed down the stairs, and I heard the clicking. Oliver was up and working. I studied the back of his head as he stared at his computer screens. He didn’t know that I was there. I watched him clicking and typing, creating a website in front of my eyes.

Oliver wasn’t a bad person. He was hard working, loyal, and he cared about Unit. What more could a girl want in a Matched? I could have done a lot worse.

He was in a black T-shirt and sweatpants. He was still clicking as I stepped up beside him. He stopped suddenly. Oliver didn’t look at me as I sat down next to him.

“I want to tell you,” his voice was husky. “But, this time, I can’t. I gave my word, Amaya. I know you want me to be rebellious, but that isn’t me. You have to trust me. Rebecca is safe, that much I can tell you. I wouldn’t lie to you about that.”

I knew that he wouldn’t lie to me about that.

“Amaya,” he sounded as if he was in pain. “Do you not understand how great our last couple weeks have been? Do you even know how much I care for you?” He turned to me, and his green eyes were sad.

“I was nineteen.”

I looked at him, confused as to where this was going.

“You were at The Diner, with the Princess and Gia. I was sitting there with Mom and Dad when you started laughing. Your face was bright and glowing. I had never seen someone so beautiful. You had never given me the time of day or even looked my way, and I knew that I wasn’t your type. Although I never thought Thaddeus was either, but I digress.

“I would stare at you every chance I got, when you were out with the girls, or if you came to the house for your parents. It was always your eyes that captivated me. I saw the sadness in them, but I never knew why.

“When you told me about your parents, I could barely control myself. I have never felt so helpless or angry at anyone. I wanted to go to Unit and beat the shit out of your parents. You are not worthless. You are kind, caring, loving, beautiful, and I could go on and on.”

He stopped, and he was thinking hard about something.

“I asked my parents why they Matched us.”

I gasped. Did I want to know this?

“They told me the story. Mom said that she knew that you were meant for me because I was always trying to be close to you, be around you, and even ask about you.”

He took my hand.

“You’re the only person who has ever made me feel the way that I do when I am around you. Sometimes I’m mad, sometimes I yell, but above all, I’m happy with you there. When I leave, I feel like a part of me is missing until I return. I hate leaving you. I hate that I can’t talk to you about what’s going on. I want you to know. I want us to trust each other. I want to protect you.”

I remained quiet, letting his words sink in. He had confessed so much in a few short sentences. Oliver had pretty much laid everything out on the table.

I didn’t know what to say.

“We have a little over a month here and then we’ll be back in Unit. I want us to spend the time here together, working on our relationship. That way, when we go back to Unit, we can start our life, together.” Oliver’s face was serious.

He wanted a life with me. He truly liked and cared for me. I’ve never had that. No one’s ever cared about me. I’ve taken care of myself all my life.

I had no words to say to Oliver. I couldn’t get a grip on all the emotions running through me. I held my breath as I stood up and went back upstairs.

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