A Prince's Ransom: Kidnapped by the Billionaire (13 page)

BOOK: A Prince's Ransom: Kidnapped by the Billionaire
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“That was really mean,” she whispered, swallowing hard.

“My apologies, ma chérie,” he answered, looking back at her, a hint of breathlessness in his own voice. “But I was determined to prove to you that I would not
. Not in this. You are perfectly safe even after having ridden a horse at a full gallop. I think you might have even enjoyed it, hm?”

Her cheeks colored slightly as she answered. “It wasn’t quite as awful as I expected it to be, maybe.”

Eric chuckled, and then reached to dislodge her fingers from where they were twisted like cat-claws in his blazer. He swung his leg over the horse and dismounted. Her heart hiccupped into her throat slightly at being left alone, but then he reached up and took her by the waist. Gratefully, she rested her hands on his shoulders as he lowered her to the ground again. One hand cupped her cheek softly.

“I am glad you enjoyed yourself, Katherine,” he murmured to her with a soft smile, and she glanced away from him.

“Don’t do something like that again,” she told him quietly. “Please. That was… you almost gave me a damn heart attack, you know? I definitely couldn’t take that again.”

“I promise.” He tilted her chin up and kissed her lightly before drawing back with a smirk. “Now, I did say that I would only make you ride a horse for two minutes, and thus I have accomplished my mission. You should have just enough time to no longer smell like a horse, if you hurry and get dressed for the ball…in four hours.”

She scowled at him. “Shut up, I’ve never worn a fancy dress like this before, I don’t even know if it’s going to fit right or if I’m going to be able to walk in it. And if you want me to look nice in front of all your guests, then you want me to be able to walk in it without falling down.”

“I have seen the shoes you prefer wearing, I have no doubt at all that you will be able to walk in it, Kat.”

“Could you be quiet? I’m already nervous enough! Élise!” Katherine turned away, wrinkling her nose as she caught the young princess’s attention and headed back inside. She would definitely need help if she was going to be ready for a ball in a few hours.


Chapter Nine

“Seriously, I look like a freaking dress up doll in this! Élise, I can’t wear this in front of people, I can’t wear this in front of anyone!”

“You look
, Katherine, truly. You mustn’t be so nervous, from what you’ve told me, you have been in dresses just as extravagant as this one,” the princess replied firmly as she admired her handiwork.

“Yeah, but that was always in dresses that revealed
, not dresses that belong on red carpets and in movies, and not on some nobody who’s going to tip over in this thing.”

“You are not going to tip over, because if nothing else you have obviously proven your mastery of walking around in heels. I promise, everyone will be absolutely stunned when you walk into the room,” Élise assured her, resting her hands on Katherine’s shoulders. In the heels she was wearing, they were almost the same height, but she could only wrinkle her nose in displeasure and look away from the mirror. “I promise that
will be absolutely stunned when you walk into the room downstairs.”

Katherine jerked, turning quickly to look at the younger girl. “And what makes you think I care how Eric will react to this fiasco?” she demanded, her brow furrowing.

Élise tilted her head and lifted a deadpan brow at the older girl. “
I have seen the way you look at my brother,” the princess replied without hesitation. Katherine’s cheeks colored slightly. Those blue eyes softened slightly. “And I have seen the way he looks at you, as much as he would try to hide it. You will amaze him in this, you will amaze any of them there. You are as lovely as any girl who is used to such events, except you are new to all of it. You will attract even more attention this evening.”

“As lovely as Brigitte?” she asked faintly, wrapping her arms around herself and looking away from Élise.

“Is that what you’re worried about? Lady Brigitte is very pretty, it is true, but so are
, Kat. Have faith in that. And smile, you must go downstairs with a smile.” The girl laughed a little bit, taking Katherine’s wrist and pulling her toward the door to her bedroom.

“Yes, because smiling will fix everything,” she muttered and shook her head. “Are you sure you can’t come down with me? I would feel a lot better if I knew someone there besides your brother and…
Lady Brigitte

Élise shook her head. “I cannot, I am sorry. I am too young to attend such events as these without my parents present, and Eric will have his hands too full with all the rest to watch over me as well. Besides, it would take me too long to get ready now.” She grinned.

“I can certainly believe that,” Katherine murmured. It had taken the better part of two hours for Élise to be satisfied with her look for the ball. “Why is this ball being held anyway, with your parents out of the country? Wouldn’t it usually be held at their desire or something?”

“Eric will be crowned within the next few years,” she explained, shrugging a little bit. “It helps him learn the role he will someday have as king—and he all but insisted on being given leave to host it while they were gone so that he could experience it properly. If you ask me, though, it’s just an excuse.”

“An excuse for what?”

Élise stopped, then shook her head. “It’s nothing, never mind. You’re going to be late! I showed you where the ballroom and grand hall were yesterday, you should be able to find your way there. You will be absolutely fine. You’re lovely, you look perfect in that dress, and everyone will be perfectly impressed with you. I promise.” The princess pushed her away down the hall, and Katherine sighed and shook her head before hurrying quickly away. She definitely didn’t want to be late after all the preparation that had gone into this.

That didn’t mean that her heart wasn’t pounding wildly in her chest, or that she didn’t feel like she was either going to start crying or start hysterically laughing. Both were appropriate, in this situation. Who on the entire goddamn planet could have ever pegged her to attend a royal ball? Certainly no one who actually knew her. And Eric didn’t count, considering the particulars of her situation with him. But she was nervous and frightened, and everything about this would be a lot easier if it didn’t involve meeting people she had no business knowing in the first place.

Katherine did know the way to the ballroom, though. She had insisted on being shown to the ballroom when she had been told that she would enter by herself, because for once in her life she didn’t think there was such a thing as “fashionably late.” So her hands twisted into the dark, plum purple taffeta skirt that wrapped around her, her fingers brushing across the clusters of gemstones that pulled sections of the fabric into elegant little puckered sections.

The dress ultimately wasn’t as “fluffy” as she had thought it would be, and it was thankfully sleeveless so she didn’t feel ridiculous. And she had to admit that the color was very beautiful, and gemstones sewn in elegant, swirling designs across the top of the corset glittered in the lights of the halls. Élise had somehow managed to work a few thin braids into the short length of her hair, and brought it up to twirl in a smooth coil atop her head. It was a trick she had learned from her lady’s maids, she had said, meant to make everyone envision a rightful crown perched there.

Some part of Katherine had to admit that the entire look was beautiful. She could almost pass herself off as one of the women who knew how to behave and how to wear dresses like these. She had never been so careful applying makeup before in her life, and the effect was worth it. Still, she was convinced she was going to stick out like a sore thumb once she actually went inside with everyone else.

She started to descend a staircase, knowing that the ballroom was just around a corner—only to stop, her breath catching in her throat when she caught an unmistakable glimpse of Brigitte. The hair gave the lady away instantly, and her heart pounded harshly as she finished going down the stairs and followed after her. Right now, she definitely didn’t want to be noticed, even as she looked over the absolutely exquisite burgundy gown that Brigitte was wearing. It was just purple enough not to clash with her hair while still being that sort of rich red tone that looked absolutely amazing. Of course, considering the fact that her red hair was actually long enough to be styled properly, it was done in glorious ringlets and pulled high atop her head.

The other young woman was being escorted by someone, though, nonchalantly making their way toward the ballroom entrance so they could be announced. Katherine’s eyes narrowed slightly as she examined what she could see of the man with Brigitte—and realized that it was probably the British gentleman she had met the day before, Jacob Lowery. That explained why they weren’t speaking in French when she overhead the man say, “What about that American girl who was with the prince yesterday? Is she supposed to be here?”

“Ah, yes, I do believe Eric invited her. It ought to be interesting, seeing what a girl like her can manage. She was charming enough, I suppose, but certainly unused to the sort of things which will be expected of her at a ball. Still, it could be an amusement. These balls are always so dull.”

Brigitte frowned a little and shook her head. “Maybe, but does it not seem cruel to invite her to something like this? No matter how charming or how lovely, everyone will know she doesn’t belong.” For a moment, the redhead trailed off, and then chuckled and shook her head. “Come to think of it, perhaps that is not so surprising. Eric was never one known for his kindness toward others.” Katherine’s throat tightened.

“No, he certainly isn’t,” Jacob agreed, amused. “He’s simply far too good at hiding it for a girl like that to have the slightest idea what spider’s web she’s gotten herself into! You remember that bit a few years ago, he had that Italian girl on his arm? Didn’t step in for a moment when she publicly humiliated herself by drinking too much at one of these things. What a sight she was by the time she was finally removed from the hall.” The laughter in his voice was palpable, and Katherine felt her heart beating more fiercely.

“Eric always did have a taste for damaged goods, as you would say. Girls who ought never to be amongst formal society and yet he draws them in anyway. Katherine seemed like a fun, sweet girl, and being at his mercy is entirely unfair to her,” Brigitte sighed. “But I supposed there is little I can do about it for now. In a few months, when we have been publicly announced as engaged, I will make sure he no longer takes advantage of such girls simply because he is prince and someday king.”

“You expect him to be unfaithful then, Brigitte?”

“I expect him to despise the idea of marriage to me until the very moment we are no longer married, be it by death or something less permanent. He is too fond of his independence and too certain that he does not need anyone to be a capable ruler. Perhaps he is right, but his parents certainly do not think so. I have known him for too long to believe that he will be better once we are wed and so, yes, I do believe he will be unfaithful to me. But I will not let it be with these girls who do not know better and ought not to be encouraged by the passing fancy of a man incapable of pleasing anyone but himself.”

Katherine drew back, her breath quick. At least she was still breathing, even as she stumbled a little and caught herself against the wall. Brigitte and Jacob’s conversation tapered off and she could hear someone announcing them to the rest of the guests who had already arrived. Kat put a hand on her ribs, expecting them to burst out of the corset-like top of her dress at any moment. Was that true? Was any of it true? Was
of it true? Was everything she feared about Eric accurate, and he would just discard her without a second thought?

Was that the situation she had gotten herself into?

Angrily, she blinked at the tears that rolled down her cheeks. There was a part of her that wanted to run away and hide in her room and demand to be returned to the hotel and her class and…
a reality that wouldn’t be nearly as damn painful as whatever this stupid prince wanted!

But if she did that, then he would still win wouldn’t he? He would still have publicly humiliated her with the proof that she was nothing more than some ignorable floozy who only filled his need for someone he could control. And, goddamn it, he had found that in her, hadn’t he? No, she couldn’t just walk away, she couldn’t just hide like a frightened child. Élise had worked too hard to get her looking presentable and the princess was right. Tonight, Katherine
beautiful. And she would prove it to Eric, make him actually want her for the first time, and then leave. He couldn’t keep her here this way, no matter who he was. He couldn’t do this.

She would not end up like that Italian girl, whoever she was. She was probably to this day utterly humiliated by what had happened.

Carefully, Katherine pressed a finger to the corner of her eyes to help staunch the flow of tears, then took a deep breath and moved toward the entrance to the hall. She could hear the low murmuring rumble of everyone waiting in the ballroom, on ceremony not to actually do anything until Eric arrived. After all,
could be fashionably late, she guessed. She hastily smoothed the ruffles of her skirt and made sure her hair was still in place before forcing a smile on her lips and striding confidently forward into the grand hall. Eyes turned to her, likely hoping for the prince, but curiosity shone in the room. A man in a formal uniform waited just inside the door, and she moved towards him like Élise had told her to.

“Katherine Saunders—no title,” she informed him quietly, before turning back to the gathered crowd. Many of them were trying to identify her, but without success. Brigitte was inspecting her with a touch of surprise, while Jacob’s eyebrow lifted in mild amusement.

“Miss Katherine Saunders!” the servant boomed, and she shifted into a light curtsy before moving to join them herself. Shoulders back, spine erect, head held high… Eric would not get the better of her. He didn’t deserve to get the better of her and trap her in a marriage where she would never even have the possibility of happiness.

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