A Pretty Pill (38 page)

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Authors: Criss Copp

Tags: #General Fiction, #New Adult

BOOK: A Pretty Pill
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“I can understand.” Jade grumbles.  She’s seven
and a half months pregnant and she’s always complaining about her little fighter kicking her from the inside, making her desperate to use the toilet at inconvenient times.

“I told you to buy the adult pads.” I chuckle at her.

“Fuck off arsehole... I don’t need to wear nappies, I just need junior to stop kicking me in the bladder.” She argues.

“Sorry guys.” Shae says, coming up behind us and easing into her seat.  “The line up there is ridiculous.” She explains.

“That’s cool.” I say, leaning down to give her a kiss, just as the announcements begin.




Ben’s grappling on the floor with this huge motherfucker... I can see the blood streaming down his face, and Jade has stopped watching.  For a nurse, she’s not very good at watching Ben and I get cut, scraped and bruised. 

“Fucking come on!” I shout out.  “Twist left Ben... fucking get out of that bullshit!” I scream.  He can’t hear me... I know that, but I can’t help shouting out advice from back here.

He’s in a half sitting position, and Sachdeva, his opponent is on top of him.  Ben’s got his legs wrapped around his hips, and his arms wrapped around his torso, which has managed to trap up Sachdeva’s right arm... but they’re not getting anywhere.

Ben finally twists left and manages to punch an upper cut into Sachdeva’s ribs, which are open to him at the moment.  It gives him an advantage.  The jab was precise and sharp.  I think it’s possible he cracked a rib for him... shit... yep... Sachdeva’s tapping out and his crew are racing
in to the octagon to where he lies on the mat.

gets out of the way and stands back; breathing heavily and waiting for Sachdeva’s crew to let the ref and judges know what’s going on.  He’s pacing, and Hanson is talking to him, taking the opportunity to wipe the blood off his face.

Sachdeva’s crew announce he’s injured and can’t continue the fight
, so Ben’s announced the winner.  Jade’s clapping, cheering and whistling through her fingers.

“You didn’t even get to see the clincher!” I say, leaning in to goad her.

“Shut up... I saw him getting out of the hold.” She states.

“Yeah, how?” I ask, testing her.

“He punched him in the ribs.” She mocks me.

“There’s more to it than that
... but yeah, you’re right.  I reckon he busted them for him.  They’ll smart for a couple of weeks.” I shout over the din.

She smiles and is nodding.  Pain on anyone else is completely acceptable to her.  Just not on someone she loves.




“Well done old guy.” I say to Ben as I meet up with him out the back.  Jade and Shae aren’t encouraged to go into the locker rooms, since there are other guys gearing up or cooling down for their own fights.  Jade has to go to the toilet anyway, so they’ll be ages, since Shae went with her, and the line up will be really long.

“Did she actually watch this time?” he asks, Hanson is taping his cut above his eye.

“Yes and no.” I chuckle.  “She saw you punch him in the ribs, and I think she actually caught the first two rounds.  The third round was
a bit of a peek-a-boo situation.” I explain, laughing.

He’s chuckling.

“She’s at the toilet now, isn’t she?” He asks.

“Yep.  She’s complaining to everyone that’ll listen that your son is kicking her senseless.” I laugh.

“Blame Dad... she’s good at that.” He groans.

“So no concussions or anything, I suppose you’ll be driving
the 3 hours all the way through instead of staying with us tonight.” I reason.

“Yeah... I always prefer to wake up in my own bed if I can
, as you know.” He says; nodding thanks to Hanson.

“Okay, well... I’ll wait for you and walk you out, yeah?” I ask.

“Yeah.” He agrees.  “I won’t be long.” He says.


I wait for Ben and watch a couple of the other guys preparing for their fights; this is what I signed up for.  I absolutely love it.  Ben’s house here in Studio City, LA is lush, and it’s mine and Shae’s for the foreseeable future, since Jade convinced Ben to move north out of town to live in San Luis Obispo.  Between them they’ve managed to buy a really incredible bungalow... Shae likes it.  She loves going for a ride up there and spending time with Jade; it’s certainly pretty up there.

Shae’s sauntering up to me, dragging a tired Jade behind her.

“Isn’t he finished yet?” Jade asks miserably.

“Don’t come along next time please.  You’re more and more miserable to hang around with as time goes on.  Pregnancy and you... not so good together.” I

“I have no argument with that statement whatsoever... Shae... never have a baby!” she says
, “Pregnancy sucks both arse and balls!  I hate it.”  She doesn’t know about Shae... but Shae’s good grace doesn’t point out the sting in that sentence.

“We’re adopting anyway; aren’t we Silas.” Shae says.

I pull her into me for a hug.  She’s beginning to come around; she’s starting to see my point and how we are definitely a permanent match.

“Abso-fucking-lutely!” I curse and answer.

Where we are standing, there are a lot of people; and Ben may be a little bit longer, so I suggest to the women that we move long to avoid Jade getting bumped around and me having to get in a fight because of it.

We move to the edge of the jostling.  There are some cameras
, an interviewer and a couple of chicks hanging around.  Some of them are Octagon Girls; and one of them is Aimee, a girl that tends to show Ben a lot of interest.  I do not want Jade anywhere near her.  Aimee’s not like the other girls who are for the most part, really nice; Aimee is a bit of a bitch.

I’m focussed on the door where Ben will come out, and I’m shielding Shae and Jade, who are busy talking about some stupid handbag sale
going on at
Michael Kors
The Grove
.  I’m so unconcerned about that bullshit, it registers in zero figures.  What I am interested in is Ben walking through the doors and out into the busy semi-circus of people, only to be accosted by Aimee.  She’s walking alongside him; her arm draped behind him, in a way that I can only imagine makes them look like a couple from the paparazzi point of view.

I groan.  He’s kind of ignoring her, but he’s not shoving her off him either.  Jade’s going to see it, and she’s so stupid about dumb shit like that, that she’ll probably make a scene, instead of letting it go and realising that Ben is 100% into her, and her only.

And like I said... Aimee is a bitch; a real, honest to goodness dumb bitch that shouldn’t have a job here, because I know most of the other girls can’t stand her.

But she’s hot... hotness sells!

I turn to look at the two girls, and I see instantaneously I’m too late.  Jade’s spotted her.

Jade’s a head taller than this chick... and she’s got hormones swarming through her.


Jade does the whole head jerk... WTF look.

Her mouth is hanging open and now Ben is beside me, and Aimee is beside him.

“Hi Silas... good to see you!  Great fight last week!” Aimee states.  But she’s leaning into Ben, and Jade’s face is beginning to look like she got too close to the sun... her grimace looks like she has a truly unsavoury taste in her mouth

“Do you mind stepping away from Ben please... you’re rubbing your tits up against him and causing me to feel like vomiting all over you.” Jade explains, roughly.

“Oh... you’re the girlfriend... sorry.” Aimee says, not so sorry, but she steps away a little.

Jade points to her obviously pregnant stomach and says, “Umm... sorry!  I’m a bit more than just that.” She states.

“Okay...” Aimee says sarcastically and rolls her eyes.  “Though, I can’t see the ring honey.” She says, before going to turn away.

Jade whips her hand out and grabs Aimee’s arm.

“A fucking ring probably wouldn’t stop you anyway, just fucking leave him alone or I’ll shove a baseball bat up your arse.” She warns.

“Excuse me?” Aimee recoils.  “Your girlfriend just threatened me Ben.” She gripes.

I’ve noticed we’re getting a bit of attention... a couple of cameras are facing us.

“Fuck me!” Ben laments
, rolling his eyes.

“Um, Ben.” I warn, giving him a pointed look and jerking my head toward the cameras.

Ben gives them a quick glance.  Then he’s grappling with his hand in his bag, and giving Aimee a frustrated look.

“Aimee, I’m not interested.  Jade, stop being all hormonal.” He demands,
continuing to rifle through his bag, intent on locating something.

, I’m out of here.  Enjoy your psycho girlfriend Ben.” Aimee says, storming off.

“She was all over you Ben
, if a guy was all over me like that, you’d go nuts!” Jade reasons.

“He wouldn’t be over you for long...” Ben grumbles; finally finding whatever he was looking for and dropping his bag.

“Like I said, you’d go nuts.” Jade grumbles, and crosses her arms across her chest.

It’s like watching an episode of That 70s Show... I’m waiting for the bit where there’s a colourful backdrop and people jumping or doing a funny dance, before we bleed into the next scene, with everyone either having hilarious drama or sarcastic monologues... it’s a good show... I like it... the girl’s are seriously hot in it too.

Ben drops to one knee on the floor and all the cameras are on him in an instant.

I’m trying my very best to merge with the wall, and Shae’s just gasping with a huge open mouth at Ben, who is holding a ring in front of him, that he just pulled out of a small pouch.

“No freaking out and no running Red.... Just say yes and make me the happiest man on the planet; you promised you would.” He demands softly.

Jade is just nodding in a stupor.

“I want to hear you say it Jade... say the word and be mine... completely.” Ben pleads softly, still kneeling.

“Yes.” Jade says
, simple and sweet.

Ben stands and places a ring on her finger, and
then he leans in and gives her a sweet kiss on the lips. There are cameras everywhere, flashes going off and people pushing to get a view.

I can’t help it
, I’m actually really pleased.

“It’s about fucking time!” I shout out, pulling them both in to me for a quick hug. 
“Now get the fuck out of here; I’ll meet you in the parking lot.” I say.

Then I’m turning around and facing the burden of voyeurs.

“Back the fuck up guys or I’ll go toe to toe with you... and believe me, it’ll get a little rough!” I growl; smiling.


~To be continued…

Fake (A pretty Pill, #2)

Due for publication mid 2013

This is the second book of the "A Pretty Pill" series.


New Adult (mature content).
Recommended for readers 18+ due to sexual content, harsh language and adult themes.

Silas Tayte
, aged 19
and a Mixed Martial Arts fighter; life itself has been the biggest battle of all.
An orphan at 12; then raised by his sister Jade, after recovering from life threatening injuries; he continued to struggle further through his teenage years with mental illness, until he was properly diagnosed as bipolar and treated effectively.
However, his illness is only stable when his medication is properly managed, and it’s hard to care about that when life is happening all around him.
When his girlfriend Shae walks away, his world implodes.
Isobelle Mulligan
, aged 25,
was raised in a life of privilege that she was desperate to escape. Drawn to a military life, she participates in two tours of duty in Afghanistan as an Army medic... before it’s all cut short by an IED.
She keeps to the fringes of society, trapped in the confines of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Cleaning at a transitional age youth division of a private mental health facility; Isobelle’s withdrawn nature is challenged by Silas... and because of her employment; their growing friendship must remain a secret.
Despite pain, heartache and interference, the two eventually fall in love.
However, life is rarely that helpful, and the two are consistently tested to prove that they deserve their chance at happiness.

"I’m perched over the top of her, and I’m breathing hard, and I have this confusing moment where I almost move in to push her shirt up and begin kissing her under it, but I stop myself; and I mean, I literally just stop myself and look at her giggling underneath me.
My brain is analyzing this moment in extreme detail.
I’m aroused; seriously and unquestionably aroused.
I want to bury myself in this woman.
I want to tell her what she’s doing to me, but I don’t want to ruin the friendship we’ve started.
I’m finding her laughter intoxicating like a siren’s song.
I think she’s not only beautiful, but seriously hot.
I find her scent intoxicating.
I have yet to discover any serious flaws in her.
I’m not sure how I feel about Shae anymore… it’s just pain. I can’t even feel regret for not trying harder.
I’m scared."

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