A Pretext for War (54 page)

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Authors: James Bamford

Tags: #History, #Military, #United States

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Calio, Nicholas E.

Cannistraro, Vincent

Card, Andrew H.; WHIG

Carney, Christopher

Chalabi, Ahmed

Chan, Mabl

Cheney, Dick: Bush contact with, 9/11; Bush Iraqi policy and; CIA pressured b; Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs; Iraqi imminent threat as pretext; Iraqi-Niger uranium and; shadow government and; shoot down order and; whereabouts, 9/11; Wurmser and

CIA: Afghanistan and; area divisions; attack on WTC, learning of; bin Laden pursuit and Alec Station; budget cuts and lack of funding; Bush, George H. W., and; Bush, George W., and; Clandestine Service (under Directorate of Operations); Clinton and; Counterterrorism Center (CTC); criticism, Bush administration; culture of; directors, former; division chiefs; embassies and spying; evacuation at Langley, 9/11; expansion and budget increases, post-9/11; The Farm; FBI and turf wars; language experts, shortage; morale problems; NHB; NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) on Iraq and WMD; NOC program; Office of External Development (OED); official in charge of warning government (NIO/W); PDB; PDB, July 10, 2001; PDB, August 6, 2001 (text of); “The Point”; scandals, internal; secret NY station, 7 World Trade Center; September 11 clue, NSA intercept of phone call in Yemen; spy satellites (NIMA and NRO); Technology Management Group; Tenet directorship; UN weapons inspectors, withholding of sites.
See also
Tenet, George

Clark, Brian

Clarke, Richard; July 5, 2001 meeting on terrorist threats; Sept. 11, 2001 relay of Presidential decisions to Pentagon; Sept. 12, 2001 meeting and 9/11 as pretext for war

Clarke, Torie

Clinton, Bill: budget cuts, NSA; CIA directors and; ends shadow government; Iraq missile strike; “Memorandum of Notification” lethal force against bin Laden; PDBs and; Presidential Decision Directive 39, “U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism”; retaliation for embassy bombings; Small Group and CIA reporting


COG (secret government); doomsday locations for

Cox, Richard


Dahler, Don

Darling, Frank

Daschle, Tom

Delfin, Robert

Derring, Maj. Brad

Deskins, Dawne

Deutch, John

DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency); DEFSMAC; Iraqi defector and; payments to Chalabi’s INC

DiFrancesco, Ronald

Donovan, Lt. Col. John

“Doomsday plane”

Downing, Jack G.

Draper, Eric

Duffy, Lt. Col. Timothy


Eckert, Beverly

Eckert, Ellen

Eckmann, Maj. Dean

Eidarous, Ibrahim

Eisenhower, Dwight; doomsday site

El Baradei, Mohamed

Ensor, L. Kemp


FAA; battle stations alert and; Clarke’s 7/5/2001, meeting; full groundstop ordered; grounding of all planes; hijacked planes, search for; hijacking warning, summer, 2001; notifies NORAD of hijackings

al Fawwaz, Khalid

FBI: CIA and turf wars; Clarke’s 7/5/2001 meeting; undercover agents

Feith, Douglas; Office of Special Plans (OSP)

Fisk, Robert

al Fizazi, Mohammed

Fleischer, Ari

Franks, Gen. Tommy R.

Freeh, Louis


Garrett, Brad

Gates, Robert M.

Ghadafi, Muammar

Al-Ghazali, Wali

Gissin, Ranaan

Goodman, Melvin A.

Goss, Porter J.

Graham, Bob


Hadley, Stephen J.

Al-Haideri, Adnan

Hamburg, Germany

Hamza, Abu

Hanjour, Hani

Hannah, John

Hastert, Dennis

Hayden, Lt. Gen. Michael

Hayes, Timothy

Helgerson, John L.


Hijackers: airport security and; as “clean operatives; flying lessons; in Hamburg, Germany; identities; Internet chat rooms; in Laurel, MD (Valencia Motel); phone calls; plane takeovers, methods and weapons; plotting attacks; in San Diego, CA

Horowitz, Rick

Hughes, Karen

Hunter, Brig. Gen. Jim

Hussein, Saddam; attempts to kill or capture; Doug Feith’s urgings to depose; Rumsfeld’s desire to remove; ties to 9/11 terrorists unfounded; weapons inspectors and


Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); hijackers and

Iraq: anti-Saddam group (Iraqi National Congress, INC) ff., biological labs; CIA backed Iraqi National Accord; Clinton missile strike, 1993; drone (UAV) threat; Niger uranium sale; 9/11 attacks as pretext for war; Operation Southern Watch; preemptive war strategy by U.S.; “smoking gun”; UN weapons inspections; war promoted on basis of imminent threat of WMD and bio-weapons; WMD in

Isamuddin, Riduan

Islamic fundamentalist terrorists: Abu Sayyaf; bombing of Khobar Towers; cell in Hamburg, Germany; flying lessons by; future attacks by, threats; as “Liberation Army”; 1999 Millennium terrorism attempt; Philippine plot to kill John Paul II and blow up jets (code name Bojinka); planes as missiles; plotting 9/11 attacks; shoe bomber; WTC bombing, 1993.
See also

Islamic Jihad

Israel: American support for as terrorist’s motivation; American supporters and policy makers; anti-Israeli accusations; anti-Saddam propaganda; Feith’s OSP and; intelligence services; Iraq attacks by; Lebanon bombing; Qana refugee camp shootings

Italy, SISMI and Niger uranium


Jackson, Henry “Scoop”

Jarrah, Ziad

Johnson, Larry


Kamel, Hussein

Kasi, Mir Amal

Kay, David

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

Khalid Shaikh Zahed

Khalil, Ziyad

Khalis, Yunis



Lake, Anthony

Langley AFB, scrambling of

Leahy, Patrick

Levin, Carl

Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter”

Lin, Carol

Lindh, John Walker


Main Enemy, The
(Bearden & Risen)

Malaysia: Hambali terrorists; Kuala Lumpur, terrorist meeting; terrorists and CIA notification

Malmstrom Air Base, Montana

Maloof, F. Michael

Mamadou, Tandja

Marr, Col. Robert

Martin, Christian

Massoud, Ahmed Shah

McGraw, Stephen

McIntyre, Claire

McIntyre, Steve

McNamara, Barbara

McNamara, Robert S.

Media: Knight-Ridder investigation of WMD allegations; Knight-Ridder poll on Iraq-terrorist link; 9/11 attack coverage (
see also
CNN); pro-war manipulation

Meissner, Doris

Meyer, Renee

Miller, Dan

Miller, Judith

Millerwise, Jennifer

Mineta, Norman

Miscik, Jamie

Moran, Paul

Moscowitz, Irving

Mount Pony

Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center

Moussaoui, Zacarias

Murad, Abdul Hakim

Murray, Patty

Murray, Ray

Murtagh, Sean

Musharraf, Pervez

Myers, Gen. Richard


Nance, John

Nash, Maj. Daniel

National Security Agency (NSA); bin Laden’s phone intercepts; budget and funding; CIA neglect to request run of al Qaeda members’ names; code-breaking problems; Humint; intelligence failures; language specialists lacking; messages intercepted from 9/10/01; Middle Eastern intercept, 9/11; physical plant, Laurel, MD; NSOC; as potential target; September 11 attacks, warnings detected; Sigint; Special Collection Service (SCS); summer, 2001, terrorist hunt; technology problems; UKUSA agreement; WMD in Iraq and; WTC attacks and; Yemen al Qaeda safehouse listening

Naude, Jules and Gedeon

Nelson, Bill

Netanyahu, Benjamin

Neumann, Tom

Newark Airport Air Traffic Control; UAL 93 hijacked

New York Control: UAL 175 and; WTC, impact on Tower One and

Nielsen, Aksel

Niger; Iraqi uranium sale

NORAD: Air Warning Center; AWACS diversion; battle stations alert called by; Cheyenne Mountain, CO; inability to catch UAL 175; inability to track AAL 11; intelligence failure; scrambling of Langley; scrambling of Otis

North, Lt. Col. Oliver

Nosair, El Sayyid


O’Brien, Danielle

O’Connell, Jeff

Odom, William

Offutt AFB, Nebraska

Ogonowski, Capt. John

Olender, Christine

Omar, Mullah Mohammed

O’Neill, John P.

O’Neill, Paul

Otis Air Base


Pakistan: base for Afghan war recruits and terrorists; bin Laden in; CIA and; HUM terrorists; ISI (intelligence agency)

Pavitt, James

Pentagon: attack on; battle stations alert and; special forces and; War Room

Perle, Richard; backing of Chalabi

Peters, Charles A.

Pew Research Center survey

Philippine Airlines Flight 434

Philippines; terrorist 9/11 information given to FBI

Powell, Colin: Bush Middle East policy and; Iraq war and “cooked” intelligence; Niger-Iraqi uranium and; UN presentation


Al Qaeda; computer found in Afghanistan; intelligence failure of CIA and; merger with Egyptian Islamic Jihad; PDB, August 6, 2001, and; penetration by Americans; plotting 9/11 and; recruitment; videotape of training; Yemen safe house


Reagan, Ronald: CIA and; emergency presidents under; Perle and Feith in administration; shadow government, plans for

Reid, Richard Colvi

Rendon Group

Rendon, John W.

Ressam, Ahmed

Rice, Condoleezza: Bush contact on 9/11; Bush meeting, Aug. 26, 2001; Bush Middle East policy and Iraq; Bush shoot down order; Iraq as threat; location, 9/11; Powell’s UN speech and; unaware of battle stations alert; UN weapons inspectors and; WHIG meetings

Riegel, Capt. Rob

Ritter, Scott

Rooney, Sean

Rove, Karl

Rumsfeld, Donald; Chalabi support; creation of Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence; Iraq as imminent threat; 9/11 attacks as pretext for Iraq War; ouster of Saddam and; spy agencies, control of; Tenet relays info on intercept from Afghanistan; U.S. Special Operations

Russell, Richard L.

Russert, Tim


Salameh, Mohammed

Sample, Tim

Saracini, Capt. Victor

Sarid, Yossi

Sasseville, Lt. Col. Marc H.

Saudi Arabia: bin Laden and; bombing of Khobar Towers; 9/11 terrorists from

Savas, Tony

Sawyer, Diane

Sayyaf, Abdul Rasool

Schroen, Gary

Secret Service: Air Force One, security; AWACS diversion; call to Andrews AFB, to scramble; code words; evacuation of White House

Selfridge Air National Guard Base, MI

September 11, 2001: NSA intercept of Yemen phone call and; PDB, August 6, 2001, “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in U.S.” and; planes in air, over Northeast; planes in air, total; plotting of attacks; warning, June 21, 2001, by bin Laden; warning, 1998; warnings, summer; weather

Sethna, Zaab

Shahak, Israel

Shaikh, Abdussatter

Sharif, Nawaz

Sharon, Ariel

Al-Shehhi, Marwan

Shelby, Richard

Shelton, Christina

Shelton, Gen. Henry

Short, Claire

Shulsky, Abram N.

Site R

Sleigh, George

Sliney, Ben

Snider, Jerre

Studeman, William O.


Sufaat, Yazid

Sweeney, Amy


Tenet, George: admission, “no imminent threat”; background and career rise; Bush and; as CIA director; Clinton and; Graham letter for NIE; intelligence failures and; Iraq and; mentor, Boren; misled Congress on weapons sites; NSA contacts; PDBs and; Powell’s UN presentation and; Rumsfeld told of phone intercept; unaware of terrorist attack on WTC; war on bin Laden

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