A Place for Cliff (14 page)

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Authors: Talon p.s.

Tags: #leukimia, #gay families, #gay, #MM, #Contemporary, #gay-erotica, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #eritica, #D/S

BOOK: A Place for Cliff
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“Climb into the back seat and remove all your clothes. I want you completely naked when we reach the boat house.”

Cliff eyes darted up at him in shock.

“Do it now.”

Not wanting him madder then he already was, Cliff quickly unbuttoned his trench coat and shrugged it off. He twisted up in the seat and climbed over into the back and began to do as he had been told. He glanced up at the man watching him in the rearview mirror while his heart was pounding like a heard of a thousand horses and his body twitched in a nervous wave. He couldn’t help but feel aroused by the eyes shadowed in the car staring— watching him intently, barely breaking away to watch the road. Fuck that was hot.


Pyotr pulled around into the parking lot of the boat house and stopped in one of the spaces just under the light pole. He would have preferred the dark corner, but he knew the cops in the area and they knew him. As long as his car wasn’t in an out of habit spot they would leave them alone. He glanced back at the man now completely naked as he’d instructed him to be, waiting. He sucked in a deep breath, feeling every bit of his emotions surging inside him. Opening the bag from the mart he pulled out the tube of lube then got out and into the back seat.

Once in, he unsnapped his slacks and pushed them down over around his thighs. “Come here.” He growled. Cliff had no sooner moved to obey him that Pyotr’s arms were already snaking around his waist and pulling him over. Positioning his knees straddled over his lap and then folded Cliff over to ravish his mouth with a deep probing of his tongue.

Seeing Cliff getting corralled by a thug of street bullies was more then he could bear. Had anything happened to his
he would likely have beaten all five of the boys into a pulp. As it were it had taken only one knockout to get the message across. But now his body seethed to have his prize. The instinctively carnal behavior of ancient man demanded that once battled for his mate, he had to claim him, and that was exactly what he intended to do.

His fingers fisted into Cliff’s hair tugging him down in a tight hold while their kiss continued, deepened, licking in and over his mouth. His hips tensed up sliding his cock under Cliff’s sack. This was his.

He quickly released Cliff allowing him some moment to breath but the assault didn’t stop there he pulled his prize’s hips up and immediately swallowed the young man’s still partially soft cock into his mouth. He mouthed and tongued over it, groaning as the flesh hardened against his tongue just as his lust demanded. He released it and watched it bounce to get back where it had been. “Yes-s-s that’s it make it dance for me.”  Pyotr growled then sucked it back into his mouth. A hand let go and moved for the tube and flicked the cap loose and squeezed a healthy dosage out onto his fingers. Tossing it he came up and quickly slicked the gel over Cliff’s sphincter and without hesitation slipped two fingers in.


Cliff’s head fell back pitched in an awkward tilt against the roof of the car, but damned if he was going to complain about that right now.

“Ah fuck—” he gasped as Pyotr’s fingers slid into his hole and twisted inside him. “Fuck.” his nether muscles bit down on his lover’s fingers and he began to pump into the hot wet mouth swallowing him up at the same time, like the fingers inside his ass. Pumping in and out, faster and harder.

Damn he was gonna cum soon if Pyotr kept this up and just like that, as if his lover had heard his thoughts it all came to a stop.

“No! Fuck, please don’t stop.” Cliff snapped up not afraid to beg at this point for what he wanted.

“Shhh—I know what you need. And right now you need me to fuck you.”

Pyotr was quickly repositioning Cliff’s legs pulling him up off knees, so he was squatted over him on his feet. He pulled Cliff’s arms around his neck to hang onto the head rest behind Pyotr’s head then guided his ass down til the hot shaft already seeping with precum pressed his hole, nudged at it a few time then slid in. The mind rocking sensation of being stretched and filled was like no feeling Cliff had ever had with anyone else. He loved it. He loved being impaled by this man and he couldn’t imagine there being another in the world that could make him feel this way and he had no desires of searching either. Pyotr’s hands cradled each ass cheek, lowering him down over the hard shaft of flesh spreading his crack wider so he would take in every exquisite inch.

“That’s it
. Take all of it in—just like that.” he hissed at him watching as his dick disappeared inside his young lover’s body.

Cliff’s ass settled in Pyotr’s lap. Every inch of his cock sunk deep inside his bowels and it was euphoric. Pyotr’s arms wrapped around him now holding him and his hips curled up finding just that last sweet extra nudge and then the claiming began his arms tightening just under his arm pits lifting him then slamming him back down several times. He traded his arms out for hands and the ride widened and quickened.

Cliff added in the rhythm, bouncing up and down on Pyotr’s cock. God damn he couldn’t believe how deep his shaft sank inside his body. Stroking the inside walls, sending out waves of frenzied pleasure that tormented his sanity.

Pyotr rode him harder and faster. No longer just a man but beast—brutal and driven. Pyotr was growling with every pounding into his gut. His breathes panting heavily. God it was sexy.

“That’s it
show me how your hole belongs to me.” His eyes locked on Cliff’s cock, hard and red flapping up and down between them. He was so hard it hurt and Cliff pitched his weight to one arm so he could grab his cock with the other. Pyotr was quickly slapping it away.

Pyotr rode him for what seemed like hours, interchanging from hard and pounding— to slow and agonizingly easy. They changed positions and were at it again until they switched to another position. Changing out several times and not
conducive to being tried inside the backseat of a car. Cliff had already cum twice; the first still coated their bellies with the sticky mess. The second Pyotr had swallowed up and those were just the ones that made him ejaculate and he was well on his way toward a third.

The windows were completely fogged over and the leather seats slick with the sweat from their bodies. They were both panting and grunting, but Pyotr’s relentless hunger showed no signs of letting up. Cliff felt completely melted into and on his lover and he was fine with surrendering to it, not wanting to ever be set free from him. Utterly drunk and addicted to this man. His

Pyotr’s cock dug into him in one last desperate thrust reaching to the farthest reaches of his nethers. His body locking up in a tense sculpture of muscle and then he felt the hot fluids fill his channel. The drenching warmth was all his body needed to fire off again and soon his own orgasm and cries echoed off his lover’s anguished grunts. Cliff bucked against him controlled only by the strong arms wrapped around him. Then they both dropped to the seat with Pyotr’s face smashing against the back of his head, kissing him with an exhausted effort.

Too soon his dominant lover pulled out and rolled the mess he was, over to be cuddled inside his arms and kissed, though he himself didn’t have the strength to kiss back. He wasn’t even sure if he had tried. He heard the tired chuckle that said he hadn’t and he realized he was even too tired to care enough to blush over it. Pyotr’s hand swiped up his chest playing in the bath of sweat and spunk.  

“I apologize if I have hurt you. Seeing those boys wanting to hurt you—” his confession drifted a moment, “I warned you I was an insatiably possessive lover. I couldn’t stop the drive to reinstate my claim on you.”

Cliff struggled to keep his eyes open as he listened. His heart swelling with every wondrous emotion and some he’d never thought could exist for him. Claimed. Possessive. Pyotr’s. He loved them all and he loved this man. If only he had the strength to tell him. The last thing he heard was a promise from the man to take him to the club whenever he needed.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Cliff woke up in the small bunk room of the boat house and rolled over finding the crumpled space of sheets empty. Not that it was any surprise—well except the part about getting from the car to here. He kinda didn’t remember that part, but he at least knew where Pyotr would be. He spotted his pants folded over a chair and decided to get dressed and go down to the dock to see if they were within view. Snatching his trench coat he pulled it on as he headed out.

The chill morning air swept up against his skin greeting him like the New York early winter always did and he pulled his coat tighter as he walked out—just in time to see the team coming back from around the bend.

The morning sun cast the water with a blanket of gold sparkles so bright that it hurt his eyes. He squinted watching as the three boat teams rowed in sync with each other, two eight man teams and 1 four man shell like water bugs gliding across the surface. Odd because that meant two people were missing. Usually there were two single runners and they had a regions master’s race coming up at the end of the month—

The Masters were being held up in Boston this year and he really wanted to go, but he had long since agreed to cover Sasha’s shifts at work, just so
could have the weekend off to be in the race. 


Pyotr stepped out and held the shell steady while the rest of the men offloaded. He glanced over his shoulder spotting his lover up on the bridge watching and waved him down. He always held back as if waiting for permission to approach and it was the last thing he wanted Cliff to think he needed permission for.

Perhaps that would all disappear once they moved in. Watching his frumpy lover bound down the stairs for him he couldn’t wait for this week to be done with and he could have his little man with him all the time.

“Good morning
.” He smiled pulling Cliff into his arms and wrapping around him tightly. He lowered his lips to Cliff’s ear and whispered, “How does that sweet ass feel this morning?” he laughed feeling the heat rush to his lover’s cheeks that quickly.


Cliff pitched in helping the guys wash and rack the gear, but as the men began to strip down and make their way into the showers he lagged behind. Pyotr held at the door looking at him as if expecting him to keep pace—but the open raciness and touching that had already been put on display between all the men had Cliff glued to the floor. And he watched with a pain of regret as Pyotr turned and went into the showers without his lustful smile.


“What’s the matter Pyotr? Your boy too shy to come play in the water with you?” one of his teammates razzed openly.

Pyotr tried to make the deep hit of rejection roll off him, even absconded himself for his selfish wanton with his lover. Cliff had every right to maintain some privacy rather than being a show for the others.

He closed his eyes and ducked under the spray of water, letting the sound of the shower drown out some of the roost he was getting from his team mates over the withdrawal of his lover. It was more than banter this time, they were scolding him for having one so young and one still closeted by their terms that he couldn’t keep up and keep the great Pyotr Laszkovi satisfied.

Cliff satisfied him quiet well, he was just being selfish to want to take even more and to do so in front of everyone. In truth he figured some part of him wanted selfishly to show off his lover and how Cliff moaned and whimpered under his touch.

The touch startled him and his hand snapped out to snare the one who dared touch him without his consent, only to find Cliff standing before him. The young man’s eyes flaring with a defiant rage he’d seen there on more than one occasion or two.


“Make them stop talking about you like that.” Cliffs face scowled, but his hands took Pyotr’s and drew them to his naked body were they belonged. One on front and one behind granting himself up to be his lover’s toy.

Pyotr took a deeper look into his young lover’s eyes, had there been even the most remote sign of nervousness there he would turn Cliff’s approach down and spared him the open display, but Pyotr found none. Just his bratty lover angry that his teammates would dare accost them for being mismatched and he was determined to display otherwise.

Pyotr had loved fucking this man from the beginning. It seemed he could never get enough of him, each time they were together only spurred him to want more and at Cliff’s offering, Pyotr’s lust was damn near brandishing and he could not refute that he wanted to plunder into it.

With one hand Pyotr took hold of his lover’s cock finding it already swelling for him, but his other arm abandoned the firm ass offering to come up and wrap up behind Cliff’s head and crushed the young lad’s mouth to his own.

“Put your arms around my neck and keep them there.” Pyotr instructed him as he moved along the young man’s jaw chewing at the bony edge then along his neck. One hand still stroking over Cliff's cock while the other moved down to take up the rest of his body that had been given over to him.


Cliff felt the first digit circling around his still sensitive ring, then the length of Pyotr’s finger over it, tapping it then drawing over it like a bow over strands of nerve endings that instantly sent out notes of explicit heat and electricity bolting out through his body. His knees quivered under him and his hips battled in jerks from one hand’s touch to the others. He tightened his hold around the man who controlled his body at that moment, grateful someone thought about his ability to stand. It didn’t occur to him, it never did, though it should. Pyotr’s touch swept him off his feet and yanked thoughts from his mind every time his lover touched him.

“When you are mine there is no one else.” Pyotr told him at just the moment before Cliff felt Pyotr’s finger push past the ring of muscle and instantly sought out the tender prostate gland. Cliff’s entire body lit up from the contact and he shivered when it withdrew. “And nothing else exists but what I want you to feel.” He whispered against the shell of his ear. The deep groan in Pyotr’s voice was like a dulcet command played against a back ground of white noise made by the running water.

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