A Pirate's Revenge (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix) (26 page)

BOOK: A Pirate's Revenge (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix)
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Ronan used the tip of his sword to lift Mariah’s gown off the floor. Blood stained the woven blanket where Mariah had lain, evidence of her lost maidenhood. He knelt next to the blanket and dipped his finger into the blood. “My God, Mariah, where are you?” Ronan clutched her gown. “Are you hurt?” 

William sucked in his breath and hung his head. He was a cad. Taking the lass’s innocence to satisfy his own lust.

“I can hear ye breathin’, O’Brien,” Ronan said. He dropped the gown and rose to his feet, both hands gripping his sword. “What have ye done with the lass? I’ll kill you, dragon, if you hurt her.”

“Mariah is ours”.

Drakon hissed in William’s ear. His fists clenched, William growled.

Ronan whipped his head around. “Show yourself, damn it.”

“Kill him.”

William’s heart pounded harder and harder. The dragon’s power threatened to unleash. He struggled to gain control, to stay human, but his flesh tingled, and muscles rippled beneath his skin. He was losing control.

Mariah clasped his arms, her naked body pressed against his. “No,” she whispered. “Be calm,

“Mariah?” Ronan turned around in a circle.

William fought to keep from changing into the dragon and ripping Ronan apart. He closed his eyes and inhaled, trying to push back his anger, but power surged through him. Drakon demanded blood.

Mariah rubbed his back, her nails gently drawing on his flesh. She kissed his back, and he groaned, muscles unwound. Lust flowed through his veins, anger forgotten. Drakon relaxed.

“O’Brien,” Ronan demanded. “Where are ye, ye bastard?”

William knew if he showed himself, Ronan would attack. Ronan only wanted the chance to protect the woman of his dreams.  William ran his hand through his hair. He had betrayed his friend.

“No, she was never his. She was always our destiny.”

William ignored Drakon. Ronan deserved better than to have his dreams shattered, but he refused to lose Mariah. Dragon’s essence or not, she was his.

Mariah’s sweet breath rushed over his back. He had to get her out of the cabin without hurting Ronan. He frowned. What other gifts did Drakon possess? He closed his eyes.

“Answer, me, O’Brien,” Ronan said. “Is this some kind of dragon black magic? Did ye defile the poor lass?”

William chewed on his cheek.

Mariah leaned her head on his back, her curvy body driving him mad.


He inhaled again and ignored Mariah and Ronan. Energy followed through him, and the blue-green scaled dragon appeared, his eyes burning gold, black smoke swirling out of his nostrils.

“Kill him,” Drakon demanded.


“He wants what’s ours.”

“He’s my friend, and I will not kill him.”

“You’ll be sorry.”

“You must have other powers rather than invisibility. Or do you only possess this one ability?”

“Don’t be a fool,” Drakon snarled.

“I’ll skin your worthless hide, O’Brien,” Ronan said.

Drakon lifted his tail, and it crashed onto the ground. “If you don’t want me to kill your rude friend, do as I say.”




“Either exhale, or I’ll kill him.”  

Not wanting Ronan to be ripped to pieces, William did as Drakon bade. He inhaled deeply and exhaled. Power tingled inside his chest.

“What the hell is this?” Ronan demanded.  

Mariah gasped and stopped rubbing his back. Drakon sighed.

Ronan demanded, “Mariah? Is that you?” 

William opened his eyes and exhaled again. A black fog swirled out of his mouth and jetted toward Ronan, circling and blanketing him.

“What the hell is this? I canna see,” Ronan said as he rushed around the cabin, slicing the shifting black smoke with his sword.

William edged backward, reached behind him, and grabbed Mariah’s hand. He pulled her in front of him and wrapped his arm around her waist, ready to dart her out of harm’s way if Ronan blindly ran into him. 

Through the smoke, Ronan yelled, “Mariah? Stay where you are. I’ll find you.”

The smoke only covered Ronan, who ran around Mariah’s cabin. He tumbled into Mariah’s hammock, and the hammock spun around. Ronan swore. Smoke fell to the floor, followed by a loud thump.  

“He’s not hurt,”
Drakon said.
“Get Mariah out of here now. Before he slices her with his damn sword.”

William moved his hand down Mariah’s front and backside to get his bearings on her petite body then lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face against his shoulder. He snatched their clothes off the floor and as soon as he touched them, they disappeared. He almost dropped them and caught them before they slipped onto the floor. Cursing silently, he lay the clothing across his shoulder and carried Mariah out of the room.

“Get this off me,” Ronan yelled. “Where the hell are ye, coward?”  

William rushed out of the crew’s quarters with Ronan swearing behind him. He decided to head for Kane’s cabin and prayed ’twas unoccupied. He didn’t know how long the fog would last. Ronan would hunt them, and William would have to pay the devil.

Men strolled down the corridor. He bumped into a burly pirate who stumbled into the man next to him.  “
,” the man said. “Watch what you’re doing fool.”

The crewman pulled out his dagger. “Somethun bumped into me.”

“Are you daft, man? We’re the only ones in the bloody corridor.”

“’Tis black magic. The witch.”

William growled.

Both men’s eyes widened.


William listened to the dragon and ran down the corridor to Kane’s cabin, holding Mariah tight against his chest. He put Mariah down and prayed neither Kane nor Hannah were inside. He dragged Mariah into the cabin and quietly shut the door. Luck was with them.

“Say visible.”

“Visible,” William repeated.

Cool mist exhaled from his mouth and swirled around the cabin. His heart nearly stopped as the mist outlined Mariah’s naked form. He flicked his gaze over her as she materialized. She was beautiful, more beautiful than he’d imagined. Long black hair cascaded down her back. Her skin was chaffed where he had kissed her. He groaned at her full breasts, small waist, and dark feminine curls. He wanted her all over again.

He sucked in his breath at the red stains on her thighs and lowered his gaze. She was no longer a virgin. Thanks to him.

“William.” She cupped his face. “I have no regrets.”

“Are you sure?”

” She wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled him, her breasts pressing against his chest. 

He held her close, inhaling her heavenly scent. He ached to take her again, but Kane or Hannah could walk into the cabin and of course, there was Ronan, determined to skin the scales off his body. “Mariah.” He gritted his teeth. “We’ve got to get dressed.”

“I know.” She kissed him. “William.” She released him. “I need to clean up.”

Her words hammered home what he had done. He was a scoundrel. “There’s a pitcher and water on the table.” He opened a dresser drawer and found one of Kane’s scarves. “Here, use this.”

She stared at it as if it were a snake. “’Tis
le capitaine’s

He threw it back into the drawer and searched another until he found a cloth. “Use this. Aye, I know ’tis Kane’s, but I’ll not have you walk around a mess.”

She lowered her gaze and took the cloth. He regretted what he said. She had nothing to be embarrassed about, but
did. His honor shamed him.

Mariah turned around and bent over to wipe her thighs clean. He admired her slender backside. He wanted to bury his cock deep inside her.

Afraid he’d lose control, he whispered, “Invisible.” The mist whisked over him.

Mariah spun around, holding the red-stained cloth. “William? Where are you?”

He clutched his clothes and slid out the door. In the corridor, he quickly donned his breeches and shirt.

Kane’s door cracked open, and Mariah whispered, “William, Where are you?”

Hurt filtered in those words, but William refused to answer. He had taken her, satisfying his own need. He pledged that next time he’d treat her differently. She’d be worshiped in a bed like he’d had with Sharon. He groaned. William had insisted they do the honorable thing and wait to be together until they had wed. God, he’d broken his own vow with Mariah. Damn it. If ’twasn’t for the dragon’s essence, would he have had more control? Would she?


His mouth clamped shut. Guilt weighing down on his shoulders, he headed down the corridor to fetch his sword and pistol from the crew’s quarters. Kane had left them against his trunk before he had been tossed into the brig. Ronan would be hunting him, and he needed to be armed. Anger drained from him, William gathered up his sword. “Visible,” he said. “Macmillan, I’m here.”

“O’Brien.” Ronan charged, swinging his sword high over his head.

The crew’s quarters and the corridor were too small, and William needed distance. Drakon released a deep guttural grumble. William turned, raced out of the crew’s quarters, then bolted up the stairs with Ronan pursuing him.

Out on deck, he whirled around and gripped his sword. Ronan was one step behind him and lunged, the point of his sword slashing William’s thigh. William was forced to guard and block during every step of the angry assault. Metal clanged.

“What the devil?” Kane yelled. “William, how did you get out of the brig?”

Men rushed toward them.

“You bastard,” Ronan gritted his teeth. “What did you do to the poor lass?”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” William warned. He defended Ronan’s strikes and thrusts, but Ronan was determined. He was fighting for his woman, his honor. He lunged again and again, repeatedly parrying and riposting.

“I order you to stop this nonsense, or I’ll throw both of you
into the brig.”

Amadi and three of the crew drew their pistols. William lowered his sword. Ronan raised his.

“Ronan,” Kane warned.

“He hurt the lass,” Ronan said.

“William?” Kane asked.

“I didn’t hurt her. I…” William hung his head and could not bring himself to say how he had dishonored her.

“Damn it Ronan, lower your sword,” Kane ordered.

Ronan glared. He had a cut on his left arm, but William had received the worst of it. A slit grazed his thigh, and blood dripped from his wrist and the slashed knuckles on his right hand.

Kane edged between them. “Drop your weapons now.”

William gripped his tighter but kept it close to side.

“I said drop it, Ronan,” Kane demanded.

Ronan moved closer, and Amadi and another crewmen grabbed his arms. He struggled and twisted. “Release me! The bastard dishonored the lass.”

Kane raised his eyebrow.

Heat flared over William’s cheeks.

“Ronan.” Kane nodded at William. “He lowered his weapon. I suggest you lower yours.”

Anger glittered in Ronan’s eyes, and he panted like a wild stallion. “Tell them to release me, and I’ll do it.”

“Release him.”

Amadi and the other man released Ronan but stayed at his side.

Ronan slowly slid his sword back into its sheath.

Kane rested his hand on his pistol. “I want to—”

“They were fighting over me,
.” Mariah marched toward them.

The wind blew her black hair around her face, and she met William’s unwavering stare. Hurt reflected into those violet eyes, and he swallowed hard. He wanted to apologize, but how could he give back her maidenhood? Her blue gown hid her womanly curves, her silky skin, and even now he wanted her.

“Bloody hell,” Kane grumbled. He pointed his finger at both William and Ronan. “You two
need to get your lust under control, or I’ll throw you off the ship to cool you off. Savvy?”

“But Capt’n,” Ronan argued. “He—”

“He what, Ronan?” Mariah stomped over to him, and with each word, jammed her finger into his chest. “He did not do anything that I foolishly did not allow.”

William turned his head and stared out to the blue sea, wishing he could turn back time.

“I was just trying to protect you,” Ronan murmured.

“Do not,” she said. “Trust me, I will not give myself to him again.”

Mariah pushed her way through the gaping men and ran down the deck. William’s heart drowned in a pool of guilt. Words of denial swelled in his throat. He wanted to lie and shield her honor. 

Ronan glared. “You’re a bastard, William.” He turned and headed in Mariah’s direction.

BOOK: A Pirate's Revenge (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix)
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