Read A Pirate Princess Online

Authors: Brittany Jo James

A Pirate Princess (21 page)

BOOK: A Pirate Princess
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“No, just let us go!” Falco demanded.

“We have your crew in our custody, let me order their release and we will let you go,” he suggested, hoping to sound honest.

“Hurry up,” Falco grumbled, shaking Cori roughly in his arms.

Burke turned to Davet and Karoly in a gruff whisper, “How did he get a gun?”

Karoly shook his head in confusion, “Someone left the gun-trunk open.
He must have known it because he rushed straight for it when he slipped out of my grasp. Someone must have left it open for him.”

’s impossible. No one has been in contact with him but you and me. Oh well, we shall worry about that later. When I grab Cori, you grab Falco. Just go along with me,” Burke decided.

No one but Burke was sure of the plan, but it had to work!
Burke hoped he sounded honest, “Alright, we will let you go. We don’t want to be outnumbered for our own safety, so we shall let you pass with Cori. When you get on the boat we’ll release Sharlene, Klaas, and Zeeman.”

Falco pointed the gun at him as he walked slowly toward them, then in a dead sprint he ran between the three men. Ignoring the gun, Burke grabbed Cori’s arm and jerked her toward him. Falco spun on his heels, trying to
regain his balance and tighten his hold on Cori. It was too late; Karoly grabbed him by the back and tackled the man into the water. The brawl was fierce but Acel and Davet jumped in and helped Karoly fight Falco back onto the dock. Burke hugged Cori tightly, glad she was safe. “YOU ARE STUPID!” Falco screamed at Burke. “You don’t realize what has happened right under your nose, you fool! But you will soon, don’t worry. I shall be free, Corisanda will be mine, and you will be miserable. This part of my plan may not have gone perfectly but the rest of my wrath is still to come. It won’t fail! Believe me! You’re doomed, and so are you
. You can be sure of that!”

Acel looked at Burke questioningly, and Burke swallowed hard, hoping that Falco was lying. He seemed assured, and that was terrifying. “Change of plans,” Burke whispered to Acel as Karoly tied Falco’s a
rms behind his back again. “I shall take Cori home. You take the prisoners to Versailles and I will meet you there tomorrow.”

Acel quickly nodded, knowing that Burke needed to protect Cori from whatever plan Falco had devised. The couple ran through the streets, not allowing Cori to dawdle. She stared at the houses as they ran, soaking in the beauty of each one. Finally, they reached a long, country lane. Assuming they were taking a side route to
get away, Cori followed closely. The long lane was flowing, turning back and forth, back and forth, until finally reaching an enormous black gate. To Cori’s surprise, Burke swung it open. “Where are we?” She asked.

Burke whispered two words, explaining everything. “Welcome home.”

The land was more beautiful than anything Cori had ever seen in her life. The grass was bright green and hundreds of flowers decorated the enormous yard. A colossal mansion sat on a hill, past the brightly colored flowers and green grass. It was a beautiful home, covered in rock. She had never seen anything like the house before. Out of the beautiful townhouses she saw on the way, this home was larger than most of them put together. In the distance Cori could hear waves crashing, and quickly realized how close it sat to the water.

Going down
hill from the front, where Cori and Burke stood in at the gate was the arrangement of colorful flora but going downhill to the back was nothing but large beautiful rocks descending steeply and ending on the beach. The ocean waves crashed behind the home, close enough to hear, smell, and nearly taste. “Oh, Burke.” Cori whispered, unable to voice her opinion.

“I told you that you would like my home,” he chuckled.

“It’s amazing. How do you afford this? You must be one heck of a pirate,” she babbled.

Burke threw his
head back in a loud laugh, “I shall explain later. Let’s go in.” He fumbled with the lock on the elegant, mahogany door until it slid open. “Usually,” he clarified, “I have a large staff of servants living here who take care of the manner. However, since I didn’t know how long we would be gone, I dismissed them all. I have a few who come a couple times a week and keep it clean but the rest will return now that I’m home.”

Although it was late, Burke gave Cori a tour
of his elegant house. He led her to the library, showing her more books than she had ever seen in her life. The dining room, study, and the bedroom chambers impressed her just as much. Finally, Burke showed her the Master Chambers, his own personal bedroom. “You shall sleep here,” he said, giving her the best room in the home. “I want you to enjoy it and decide to stay here permanently. I plan to stay awake tonight anyway, getting things ready for my short trip to Versailles. Rest well, Mademoiselle.”

Burke’s giant, four post bed was enormous. The canopy top was elegant and for the first time in Cori’s life,
she felt like a princess. She giggled to herself and thought
I really am a Pirate Princess now.
Minutes later, she was curled comfortably in the soft bed. She was still in such a state of shock that her thoughts flew around her as she tried to fall asleep. Falco’s terrifying threat, Burke’s gorgeous home, Marin’s easy escape, Odelia’s cruel warning, and her own future entangled her mind.
Something does not add up,
Cori worried as she finally fell asleep.

When she awoke in the morning a brilliant ray of sunlight flooded through the
room. She noticed that there were two large windows on either side of the bed. Walking to one window and peering out Cori saw the side of the bright green lawn and yellow, orange, red and pink flowers. Moving to the other window, she looked out at the coast and the warm ocean water splashing onto it. Dressing quickly she rushed downstairs to find Burke. “Burke?” She called with a smile. “Are you still here?”

“You didn’
t think I would leave without telling you goodbye, did you?” Burke chuckled, meeting her at the bottom of a massive mahogany staircase.

“No,” she blu
shed. “Your home is amazing. It’s even lovelier than
The Heart of Calais

Burke laughed, “I’m glad you think so because I designed them both

Cori marveled at the man she loved. The
home was wonderful but it didn’t make Cori love him any differently. She wanted to be by his side either way. “Burke, I need to talk to you about something important,” she whispered excitedly.

“Come then, let
’s set out on the front porch.” He suggested, wondering what she wanted to say.

When they walked through the front door and sat in the big, wicker chairs
aligning the porch, Cori began. “Do you remember when I told you that I never want anything else to do with pirates?”

“Yes, of course.” Burke replied in anguish.

“Well, I have made up my mind. And I want you to know it has nothing to do with your home, or anything else. I’m amazed by
, Burke. I could never live without you, nor do I want to. I don’t care what your job is. I don’t care if we sail the seas or stay here on land. Wherever you go, I will follow. If you truly want to be with me, then I am yours,” she consented. “As long as you get out of marrying Odelia.”

Burke bounded out of his chair a
nd lifted Cori out of hers. He swung her around in circles with his heart racing in his chest as he held her tightly in his arms. Not able to wait any longer, Burke looked into Cori’s deep brown eyes and kissed her lips for the first time since she kissed him almost two months before on
The Beloved Loss,
coaxing him away from the fight with Falco. Cori kissed him back, also remembering their first kiss and how much more at ease and enjoyable the second one was. Both hearts raced and there was nothing that could tear them apart. He was hers, and she was his.

He lowered himself to the ground, holding Cori on his lap. They smiled at each other in complete bliss, and Burke opened his mouth to speak. Shushing him, Cori put one of her fingers over his lips.
Moving her hand, she softly rubbed the handsome little scar on his cheek. “I have one more thing to say,” she whispered in his ear. “I love you, Burke Landis Belcourt.”

Burke felt that nothing in the world could ever have been more amazing than that minute in time. “I love you too, Corisanda Aleene St. Aubin.”

A loud rattling noise interrupted the beautiful moment as a carriage flew down the twisting lane. Angry that the moment was ending, Burke rose to his feet, holding Cori’s hand in his own. “Who’s coming?” She asked.

’m not sure,” he grumbled. “I must meet Acel and Karoly in Versailles. They should be there by now. Quain should not be back from Le Havre yet, unless he raced through the night! I don’t know who else it might be…”

He had to wonder no longer, a carriage came into sight. Despite the odds, it was Quain. He raced toward the house, jumped off the carriage and ran to Burke’s side. “Burke,” he began, out of breath.

“What’s going on, Quain? You shouldn’t be back until this evening? Where’s Odelia? Did you not take her home?” He asked.

I did. That’s why I am here. I was there long enough for her father to see her. I don’t know what you did or why you did it, but Odelia told her father that the marriage had to happen immediately. Because, because…” he stuttered.

“Because why?” Burke demanded.

“She says you made her pregnant, Burke.”

Cori’s knees buckled and Burke’s own weak legs barely held her up. He eased her to the ground and stiffened his und
er him. “I DID NO SUCH THING!” He yelled when he finally found his voice.

Cori’s world was crashing around her, “Why would she say that then?” Burke had no answer and they both looked toward Quain.

“I’m not sure, but she swore to her father that you made her pregnant. I told her that it was impossible; you stayed on
The Beloved Loss
most of the way home. She said that the night you spent on
The Heart of Calais
when Karoly fixed a problem in the steering, right after we left Argentina, that you came into her room that night,” Quain explained.

“I did no
t! She came into mine, but…” Burke began.

Cori dropped her head to her hands before he could finish. That was enough of a confession for her. She ran into Burke’s home alone and locked herself into
Burke’s grand bedchambers upstairs. A few minutes later, Burke knocked deliberately on the door. “Please let me explain,” he begged.

Cori just cried in sile
nce. Burke finally gave up, “I’m leaving, Cori. I have to get to Versailles and put an end to this rumor. I have to tell the King that it’s not true. She cannot be pregnant, Cori. I never touched her. I shall be back in a couple days, just wait for me. I love you.”

Burke left immediately, as he said he would, to set the story straight between him and Odelia Vadebo
ncour, “Quain, I love Cori. I shall marry her and only her, one way or another. I never touched Odelia. You know I’m a man of my word and I’m honorable. If I got Odelia with child I would do the right thing by her and the baby, but I didn’t. She cannot truly be pregnant. She’s lying, Quain.”

“I believe you, Burke.” Quain paused for a moment, not wanting to continue but knowing he should warn his friend, “Odelia
is playing her story up and you shall have a hard time convincing Lord Orson, because he’s not happy about this at all.”

They reached Versailles
by early evening, meeting Acel and Karoly there. The two men were waiting expectantly on Burke’s arrival and rushed to him the moment the carriage arrived. “Odelia is already here,” Acel informed.

“UGH!” Burke grunted. T
he world just seemed to be against him. “I never touched her,” he sighed to Acel.

“We know, Burke. We know. And we will all testify for you, you know that!” Karoly consoled.

“Let’s just get this over with,” Burke replied in confusion. “Did you have any trouble with the prisoners?”

“No, thankfully.
At least they all cooperated. Falco and Sharlene were suspiciously easy to deal with,” Acel answered in relief.

Burke only nodded his approval and the four crewmen of
The Heart of Calais
entered King Louis XIV’s enormous Versailles Palace. Ten minutes later they were ushered to the King’s side in a large dining room. Odelia sat a few chairs down from the King, beside her father. Burke strolled passed them, purposely darting his eyes away. “Burke!” King Louis greeted with a smile on his face. “Thank goodness you’ve returned! You did an amazing job! I knew I could count on you when I wanted a job done right.”

“Thank you
. Louis, I want no payment. I forfeit the reward for bringing in the criminals; I forfeit the money you would have paid me for the job. All I want is my freedom. And what I mean by that is freedom from Odelia. I never touched the girl, you know I wouldn’t have done that,” Burke began.

King Louis took a deep breath, feeling his friend’s pain. He knew that Burke hated Odelia an
d that he was not the one who took the girl’s innocence from her. “I must tell you the same way I told Odelia and Lord Orson earlier today. You deserve your freedom and there is absolutely no proof that you defiled Lady Odelia’s virtue. I planned on releasing you from the union when you returned from this trip. However, if Lady Odelia truly is pregnant then someone must marry her! She’s a Lady, Burke. That shame would haunt her and her family for centuries! Can you imagine her trying to raise a fatherless child? It would ruin her.”

BOOK: A Pirate Princess
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